Human Design Centers: The Heart/Will (2024)

The heart center (also known as the will or ego) in Human Design is a motor center that gives us the willpower to survive through the material plane. It has cyclical energy, moving through the power for work and rest.

Human Design Centers: The Heart/Will (1)

Heart/Will Center Themes:

  • willpower

  • making/keeping promises

  • material resources, money

  • work

  • self-worth

Physiologically connected to (issues in these areas might point towards this energy being utilized incorrectly):

There are four gates entering the heart:

  • Gate 26 | The gate of the salesman who has the ability to selectively express the past in order to sell the dream of the community and close the deal. Connected to the spleen, the sale is driven by the communities need to remain viable.

  • Gate 51 | The gate of shock triggers competition with the desire to be first out of the gate. It’s the power to shock people out of complacency, to move them towards the love of life and self as it connects to the G center (identity).

  • Gate 21 | The gate of control has the power of managing physical resources. The drive behind this desire for control is ultimately the desire to ensure the community's survival (and therefore serve the self).

  • Gate 40 | The gate of aloneness moves us towards independence within the community. Through their love of work, it says “here, I have this skill to offer to you all” – on the basis of fair exchange. And then they retreat to be alone - there may be a struggle with loneliness here.

The heart center fuels survival on the materal plane. It is also a powerful place to become wise about worth and value – and many of us (~60%) are on that journey with our undefined hearts. Before we dive into that lesson, let’s explore the defined heart:

The Defined Heart

If your heart center is red, it’s defined! This means that you have consistent access to this energy and you project it outwards into the world. You have the power to persevere through the tough times and you have a strong ego and sense of worth.

As the heart energy cycles between work and rest, one of the most important things for you is to ensure you are honouring when you need rest. Yes, you could probably push through, but what if this time you took a break? Went on vacation? The defined heart has a plethora of willpower so it’s good at working and enduring through the difficult times, but it still needs rest.

Keep your integrity: make promises through your strategy and authority so that you have the energy to keep them & follow through.

With a defined heart, you project willpower into the world and those in your aura will feel like they can do anything. You truly empower those around you...until they're not around you anymore. Be mindful of what you expect of others – not everyone has sustainable willpower like you!

The Undefined Heart

If your heart center is white, it’s undefined. This means that you have inconsistent access to willpower, but you will receive and amplify the willpower of the defined hearts around you (and the transits). With an undefined heart, you're here to become wise about worth, value, and willpower.

Human Design Centers: The Heart/Will (3)

Undefined Heart

Have you ever said yes to someone in the moment, then greatly regretted it later when you got home?

Undefined hearts face the challenge of wanting to prove their worth. The not-self question of the undefined heart is “am I trying to prove something to someone?”. If you reflect back on situations that you regretted committing to and ask that question, what do you notice?

Your value is in your being, not your doing.

In order to honour the health of your heart, it's imperative that you learn to make decisions with your strategy and authority so that you commit only to the things that you have energy for. You're not here to do things to prove yourself to others, and you're not here to do things through sheer will ("just do it" should appear on none of your motivational t-shirts!!). Your defined energy gives you clear guidance on what is right for you, follow it.

The lessons within the undefined heart are many – but first and foremost: your value is in your being, not your doing.

Human Design Centers: The Heart/Will (4)

Open Heart

If you have a completely open heart (ie: no gates activated around it), you will relate to the undefined heart, but you might feel a strong pull when it comes to worth. The open heart is vulnerable to big waves of either exaggerated self-worth or no self-worth – depending on the transits and the people they are around.

In both the undefined and open heart, you are here to become wise about worth. You don’t need to prove yourself, you don’t need to make promises, you don’t need to be competitive. You are inherently worthy and of value as you are. Notice when you feel unworthy, notice when you devalue yourself, notice when you feel the need to commit to something for the sake of approval. And then return to your strategy and authority.

How do we get wise about undefined hearts?

Return to your Human Design

As with any not-self themes, if you find you are falling into your undefined heart: notice it and return to self. Check in with your sacral, wait out your emotional wave, talk it out with a friend...return to what you know: your strategy and authority.

In hypnosis, we make use of pattern interrupts. Little methods of throwing up barricades in the brain to halt autopilot thoughts/sensations/actions. It forces the mind to pick a new path and change the way we behave. This might look like pausing before committing in order to return to your strategy and authority, or asking for more time before deciding.

The undefined heart might pause before committing to ask: am I trying to prove my worth?

The defined heart might pause to ask themselves: do I have the energy for this? Is it time to rest?

Next time you find yourself making a promise, committing to something, or dealing with material exchanges (money) – throw up that roadblock, pause, and return to your strategy and authority. Is it still correct for you?

If you have entered into that exchange correctly, according to your design, you’ll find yourself aligned and feeling fine!


Human Design Centers: The Heart/Will (2024)


Human Design Centers: The Heart/Will? ›

The heart center (also known as the will or ego) in Human Design is a motor center that gives us the willpower to survive through the material plane. It has cyclical energy, moving through the power for work and rest.

What is the will center in Human Design? ›

The Heart Center, also known as the Ego or Will Center, holds a fascinating position in the Human Design system. As one of the nine energy centers, the Heart Center represents willpower, value, worth, and ego in the context of our life experience.

What does heart center mean? ›

The energy of the heart center is an electromagnetic or vibrational field of the heart, and the heart center is the underlying field of the actual physical heart. The two influence each other the same way the energy body influences the entire physical body.

What does it mean to have defined centers in Human Design? ›

It is extremely rare for a person to have all centers defined in Human Design. When all centers are defined, it means that a person has a defined energy field and has a consistent way of expressing themselves in the world.

How to have an open heart center? ›

Letting Go
  1. Allow the area around your heart to relax. Allow your shoulders to relax. ...
  2. Let go of wanting things to be any different than they are. Don't try to make unpleasant emotions go away. ...
  3. Remember that you are not your thoughts or emotions, you are the one who notices them.

What does an undefined heart center mean? ›

The Undefined Heart Centre:

Having an undefined heart centre in Human Design means that your willpower and sense of self-worth are not consistently accessible internally. This doesn't imply an inability to commit but suggests a need for mindfulness in your commitments.

What are the 8 centers defined in Human Design? ›

These include the Root, Solar Plexus, Sacral, Splenic, Ego / Heart, G, Throat, Ajna, and Head / Crown. Each one is correlated to different themes in our human experience, with the Gates in each Center connecting to the overarching theme in that Center.

What is the heart the center of? ›

Your heart is in the center of your chest, near your lungs. It has four hollow chambers surrounded by muscle and other heart tissue. The chambers are separated by heart valves, which make sure that the blood keeps flowing in the right direction.

What chakra is the heart? ›

The fourth chakra, called anahata, is located at the heart. If it becomes gummed up or blocked, you may find it hard to develop and keep healthy relationships.

What are heart centered emotions? ›

When they feel gratitude, abundance, freedom, or love, all of those emotions welcome corresponding thoughts. Those heart-centered emotions open the door to the subconscious mind so that you can program your autonomic nervous system equal to the thoughts of your new future.

What is the difference between open and defined centers in Human Design? ›

Centers are one aspect of the human design chart. There are three different configurations of centers in the human design chart defined, undefined, and open centers. Defined centers provide a consistent source of strength and energy, while undefined and open centers receive and amplify energy from others.

What are undefined centers in Human Design? ›

An Undefined or Open Center does not have consistent and reliable energy output. Instead, it is where you take energy in from others, and that often feels like amplified energy in your body.

How many people have a defined G center Human Design? ›

Approximately 46% of the population has a defined G Center.

What does an open heart feel like? ›

Emotionally - such as empathy, compassion, and an even keel. Mentally - like keeping things in perspective, and wishing others well. Feel the strength being openhearted, wholehearted. Be not afraid, and be of good heart.

What does opening your heart mean? ›

idiom. 1. : to talk in a very open and honest way about one's feelings. He opened his heart (to her) and told her how he really felt.

What are the three types of projectors in Human Design? ›

There are three different types of projectors which all express differently:
  • Mental Projectors.
  • Classic Projectors.
  • Energy Projectors.
Jan 18, 2022

What does it mean to have an open Solar Plexus in Human Design? ›

So what happens when you have an open or undefined Solar Plexus Emotional center? You don't have a fixed and consistent way of dealing with and experiencing your emotions. Instead, your emotions often depend on who you're surrounded with. You take in other people's emotions and you amplify them.

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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.