The Heart or Ego Center in Human Design • Human Archetypes (2024)

The greatest distortion of the planet

The Heart or Ego Center in Human Design • Human Archetypes (1)

Ego and willpower • Self-esteem and self-worth • The center of the material world

Biological correlation: Heart, stomach, gallbladder, thymus gland
Type of center: Motor. It produces energy.

The Ego is deeply materialistic. It is the heart of the family, tribal community, and any company and larger business - "I scratch your back, you scratch mine." It is a powerful motor to get things done, it is the will to provide resources, education, bonds, and everything else needed for the community's well being.

If you come from a spiritual perspective, it might be confusing why the Ego and the heart share the same energy center, given their seeming contrast in mainstream spirituality. Conventional and convictional spirituality can be misleading and blaming the wrong suspects. To clarify, neither is the Ego inherently bad, nor is the heart inherently good. Both hold the potential to be healthy or unhealthy, and they are what they are.

In new age spiritual terms, "Ego" is sometimes misinterpreted as a false identity of self or as unhealthy patterns that would be good to overcome. In the context of your natal chart, these unhealthy aspects can be found in the shadow aspects of your openness (what you are not, colored in white) and in the shadow aspects of your definition (what you are, colored in turquoise and purple).
The true meaning of Ego is a sense of "I" in the body and in this incarnation. A healthy Ego is physically oriented and recognizes the value of physical and material matters. Its mechanism centers around ensuring that we have everything we need while we are incarnated in the body, such as food, warm clothing, and a place to sleep. A healthy Ego center, whether open or defined, acknowledges that we have a body with physical needs and it values those needs. It values the things that help to cover the most basic needs of human beings. It values the physical realm of life. A healthy Ego and Heart does not let children starve. A healthy Ego and Heart is interested in finding ways to feed them and provide for their needs. The defined Ego center is motivated by working for others.

In spirituality, there are a lot of misconceptions about the Ego, but also around the Heart.
The emotions of the solar plexus center are not at all the same as the Heart. While Solar Plexus emotions are changing and unreliable in the moment, the Heart is reliable.
The recommendation to "follow your heart" in new age spiritual terms can be compared to following your inner authority, which is not the heart center for most people. Only one-third of humanity has a defined Heart they can trust in, at all, and only 1% is supposed to follow their Heart exclusively. These people have an Ego authority built into them.

The perception of the "I" and the Ego is created by the mechanics of your body through your G center, which is your Self and your connection to totality. The "I" and the Ego are nothing to overcome. Having a perception of "I" does not exclude having a perception of oneness and connectedness. They do not mutually exclude each other. We all belong to the same vast organism, like cells and microbes in a human body belong to the body. Simultaneously, we are individual parts of the world with a unique path through life, similar to cells and microbes in a human body, each with its task and role to play. If all cells and microbes abandoned their individual roles and tasks in the body and wanted to merge as one entity with the whole body, the body would cease to function.
The Ego or the "I" is not inherently bad, and neither is materialism. It depends on how we handle them, with grace or disgrace toward others. A stable material situation forms the foundation for being able to invest energy and resources into becoming more aware. If your butt is freezing it's hard to become enlightened.

Mechanically, every large group of people operates through the Ego, even countercultural movements like the hippies at Woodstock. It is what rules the world at the most fundamental mechanical level. There is no way around the demands of the physical form. When the Ego or "I" is initiated and brought in touch with the nature of the Self (the G center), the Self can be expressed through the Ego. The higher plan can be expressed through the material plane, leading to an evolution of tribal structures and laws. In that process, humanity changes.

The Ego center can be either defined or open and then amplifies the defined Egos in the environment. Most people have an open Ego, leading to significant distortion when other people's Ego energy is amplified and lived out without awareness.

The Heart or Ego Center in Human Design • Human Archetypes (2)

Finding a healthy balance

When your heart center is defined, it means that it is an active life force within you. It is a life force that actively impacts other people on an energetic level.

35% of humanity has a defined ego center.
When the ego center is turquoise, purple, or both, it is defined.

Someone with a defined Ego in their natal chart has consistent access to willpower. They have the power to carry through what they promise. Their defined Ego helps them to tackle things that need to be tackled, and at the same time, it needs a lot of rest. If you have a defined Ego you can tackle those undertakings that rely on willpower really hard. You can work like a berserk for a short while, even if it's an unpleasant task, but then you need to take time off to let your Ego regenerate. Rest is important, otherwise, you burn yourself out. Receiving some kind of reward and motivator for your contributions is also important, that's the bargain and prerequisite that stems from knowing the worth of your own work and energy.

Defined Egos often end up being the ones that are doing the unpleasant work because no one else bothers to do it and is able to pull through with it. If you have a defined Ego, it's vital for you to distinguish or learn to distinguish what is of real importance for you in your life and to not let others use you to do the dirty work. Do not let others enslave you.
If you have people with defined Egos close to you, it's going to be helpful to recognize that need for reward and for rest in them, and to let them have it. Also, it’s going to be helpful to meet them according to their type and their inner authority, so that they enter into promises and tasks correctly. It’s going to be helpful for everyone involved if they enter their commitments correctly and authentically. Otherwise they might burn out and the relationship might not last and not be sustainable for them.

Defined Egos don't consider themself to be too good for working for what they receive, and they are conscious of the need for an equal exchange and benefit. Often, defined Egos are expected to show and to demonstrate that what they offer is of worth. This kind of proving is natural for a defined Ego, although not always necessary. A defined Ego can have a good natural sense for when it is worth it and valuable to prove something and when it is a waste of energy to try proving something because it is the wrong battle. There can be a reliable recognition for when such proof is needed and valuable, or when attempts to prove oneself would be nonsensical, futile, or simply unnecessary.

Shadows of the defined Ego

People with a defined Ego in its shadow state don't know how to invest their energy and they make mental decisions. Because they have the willpower to carry through those decisions, they can heavily wear themselves out. They just keep going and going, maybe because they promised something to someone, but if neither their Heart nor their inner authority is in it, it will burn them out.

They put others under pressure and they expect them to have the same willpower and energy to pull things off. They make others feel worthless. They make everything about themself. They are overly prideful instead of seeing the higher dynamics at play and instead of recognizing that they are not responsible for being given willpower. They might even think of others as lesser than them because they have this will to accomplish that many people do not have.

There is no reason to be boastful, every person fits into the big picture, and so do you. It is not you personally who is responsible for being born with the willpower of a defined Ego and all the other gifts that were given to you in this incarnation. With great power comes great responsibility. The power that you have been given is willpower. Please use it wisely.

Often people with a defined Ego have grown up under a lot of pressure, especially pressure coming from people with an open Ego who amplified the defined Ego's energy without any awareness. They might have grown up with power struggles, over-competitiveness, manipulation, and being expected to deliver more than is healthy for them. This might have led to a feeling that something is wrong with them or with the world. It's time to end that vicious cycle. Awareness changes everything. If you come from a place of having been suppressed and neglected, if your trauma has given you a distaste for people and led you to deflate or inflate your Ego, then it is now time to find your healthy Ego, to find the value in your existence, and to balance the extremes. You deserve to love yourself and to be loved. Many people struggle with recognizing what is of value and what is not of value. If people could not recognize your value, it does not mean that you are not valuable. Not at all. When you start to have a healthy "I" and a healthy sense of yourself, your defined Ego will broadcast this and empower others to find their own healthy sense of "I". Not only will you find your own worth, but you will also have an impact in showing other people their worth. You will become less involved in willpower-struggles. Life will flow more smoothly.

Especially if your Ego is defined unconsciously (turquoise), if it is part of a split definition, or if there is a gate 10 or other specific components in your chart, then you might struggle with similar issues as an open Ego. It might benefit everyone without exception to take a look at the section on the shadows of the open Ego, further down in this article.

Potential of the defined Ego

You know your worth and you do not let yourself be talked into underselling yourself. You don't give a damn what other people think about you. At the same time, you treat them with respect and you don't put yourself above others. You know exactly your place. You know that the "I", the "Ego" and your accomplishments are nothing that you are personally responsible for, but that the divine expresses itself through you, such as through everyone else.
You know what's worth putting your willpower into and being determined about. When sh*t hits the fan or when it's worth it, you can be determined and strong-willed. You have the willpower to carry things through and you don't mind doing the unpleasant work as long as it is what you need to do, what your inner authority tells you to do, and what simply feels right. You enjoy getting things done and delivering. At the same time, you know when to rest and you allow yourself to take that rest. Half of the enjoyment of getting things done with Ego energy probably comes from being able to get back to rest and ticking things off the list after successful deliverance and finishing the task. Working from Ego energy has a lot to do with working efficiently because the energy is limited.
In comparison to the energy of the sacral center, Ego energy is quite the opposite. Sacral energy is highly sustainable but is only available for things that feel satisfying in the process of doing them. Sacral energy is not available for unpleasant tasks. When there is something urgent and unpleasant to be done, for example, the tax report, then the Ego can power that task - but afterward, it needs its rest.

With a healthy defined Ego, you only promise things that you can keep and that are correct for you. This establishes a feeling of trust in others.
At the same time, you do not pressure others. You can be firm and sturdy but you are aware that you can very easily pressure people to keep up with your force of will - and not everyone can, nor is it right in every situation. Regardless of unique skills, gifts, and your personal preferences, at the base level, you value fellow human beings as much as you value yourself as a human being. You appreciate the value of other people's contributions. You can really lift people up and help them find their worth.

The Heart or Ego Center in Human Design • Human Archetypes (3)

!! You have nothing to prove !!

When your heart center is open, it means that it is not a reliably active life force in you, and it is not always running. You amplify other people's energy in this area. Others can impact you deeply on an energetic level, and you are energetically receptive to both their good energy and their detrimental energetic distortions.

65% of humanity has an open ego center.
An open ego center is illustrated as white.

If you have an open ego center in your natal chart, you have no consistent access to willpower and self-worth. You will likely have the feeling that you need to work on this and on other "issues" that you have, and people around you might have told you so - but you don't need to forcefully work on yourself. You are good as you are, there is nothing wrong with you, no change to be enforced in order for you to be better.
Rather explore yourself without pressure and see where it leads you. Problematic themes that hold you back from living your full potential will change on their own, through reflection and exploration. All that is needed is awareness and patience with yourself. Pressuring yourself to be better is counterproductive. Through observing again and again how you pressure yourself, you can slowly let that pressure go. You are good as you are, and the change that is supposed to happen will happen without you trying to prove that you can be or can become better. Life will simply bring you opportunities to grow, such as it brings those opportunities to everyone. One of your biggest lessons in life is to let go of the need to prove your worth and to make peace with who you are. Also, you are here to learn to not give in to external pressure to prove yourself or to make commitments and promises that are being asked of you. If you let yourself be pressured into making a promise, you most likely will not have the willpower to carry it through anyway. Because your willpower fluctuates, it might not be there when you think that you need it to keep a promise. This can protect you from doing what is not right for you. You are not here to be reliable with willpower and to make promises. The more you make them, the more you break them – people will not appreciate broken promises, and you might end up with a relationship mess. It is best to be honest to yourself and to others. The people who are meant for you will appreciate you as you are, without you needing to promise anything to them.

When it comes to deciding what to do, you can rely on your inner authority to decide. It's wise not to make promises for the future. But if you do, go with the flow and don't beat yourself up if at some point there is no energy to do what you initially wanted to do. Do not beat yourself up over it, this is your protection in life to not succumb to the wrong tasks and promises. Most things that the average human being encounters in their lives are not exactly right for them. You have a kind of natural protection from that. If you are trying to judge yourself by the standards of society (false standards) it might look as if you are a failure, but you are not. When we judge ourselves by those standards, we are lost - because people who are living their true nature simply don't fit into those standards. We live in a society that signals us to become better, richer, prettier, more knowledgeable, etc. With an open Ego, you get easily trapped in a vicious cycle of overachieving. You try to fulfill these expectations and it does not work. You feel like a failure, so you try even harder. The harder you try, the harder you will fail, the more you will feel like a failure. But remember that you are not. You are good as you are. No one is here to live according to other people's expectations, we are all here to live our uniqueness.

You can see your open Ego as a blessing: you do not have the willpower to carry through what is not meant to be for you, so don't get caught up in judging yourself over it. Instead, focus on what it is that is REALLY meant for you and what gets you all excited. Be honest with people - do not make promises to them when you can not. Honest communication is the key. At the same time, do not buy into the blame that might be directed towards you when you disappoint people's expectations. You are not supposed to live for others. It's your life, your body, your way. You are worthy of being loved just as you are and you do not need to prove it. The most important thing is that you are true to yourself. It makes life so much easier and enjoyable. Yet, you don't need to prove that you are true to yourself. You have absolutely nothing to prove.

With an open Ego, dealing with bargains and the material plane is not your task. You do not have a natural feeling for the value and worth of things, this is a learning theme and you can become extremely wise in it over the course of your life.
You are not here to prove things like the defined Ego does. Just enjoy the ride.
If you have skipped the part on the defined Ego, it will benefit you to read that as well, because this is the energy that you are amplifying in your open Ego, for the good or the bad. Whether you know it or not, you will amplify the energy of the defined Ego.

Shadows of the open Ego

In a shadow state, you are trapped in low self-esteem and self-worth. You are not letting in the good things because you feel like you are not good enough and you don't deserve them. You accept less than you are worth, less money or emotional reward for your work, less love, worse treatment, worse conditions. You might love to buy things and throw your money down the drain because you don't tune within before you spend it. No object on earth can make you feel rewarded and in equilibrium if you commit to all the wrong things out of a need to prove your worth.
In the shadow state, you are giving in to the pressure to prove yourself, to prove that you are worthy and valuable. It is the pressure to prove that you are good enough, to prove that you are loyal and that you can keep your promises, to prove that you are willful enough, to prove that you are in control, to prove that you are pretty enough, to prove that you are knowledgeable and right (especially in combination with an open Ajna), to prove that you are a good lover, to prove that you are spiritual and enlightened, and so on. Giving in to that pressure and trying to prove yourself can make you look like a fool. Also, people will perceive you as not trustworthy if you pressure yourself into promising things that you then ultimately don't fulfill. Or you might just lie - either in order to hide your perceived inadequacies or to tell an exaggerated story that proves how great you are.

In a shadow state, there is always a feeling that there is work to do and that you are not yet good as you are, and you believe that feeling. But remember, you are good as you are and you are exactly as you are meant to be.

In the shadow state, if you do not have a repressive nature but a reactive one, you might inflate your self-confidence when being in the company of a defined Ego. You might easily get pumped up to a level where you seem like a dragon to others. You might get into ego fights, competition, and power struggles easily. Let it go. You have nothing to prove. You don't need to push them down in order to aggrandize yourself.

With an open Ego, it can easily happen to you that you talk to someone with a defined Ego who gives you access to willpower and a feeling of determination, which leaves you under the false impression that it is yours. During your conversation, you might come to the conclusion that you need to stop smoking and that you will stop smoking today. You feel truly determined. When you get home, the energy of the defined Ego person slowly leaves your system and unwinds. The determination vanishes and you are left as you were before. Maybe it is correct for you to quit smoking and maybe you will even manage to do so – congratulations! But, more likely, you felt so pumped up and powerful next to the defined Ego that you totally forgot how you normally feel, that you forgot that you wanted to take it slow, without stressing yourself and without forcing anything. While being in the Ego person's company, you might have forgotten all of that, and temporarily truly believed in the superhero story you were motivated to believe. And then you beat yourself up over not having the power to follow through. This is what can happen to open Ego people who go to Alcoholics Anonymous, self-help groups, and especially motivational workshops. The spiritual industry milks good money out of the open Egos on this planet by keeping them caught in the illusion that there is something to do. What might happen to you in our example is that you do not follow through on quitting smoking today because it was not your own energetic impulse to begin with. You think it's time to try the next thing, maybe there is someone else who can help you, another method, another system, another person. But in the first place, you feel like a failure because you did not make it. Stop blaming yourself for that! If you put additional stress upon yourself now, you will only sabotage yourself and even hamper productive progress. Progressive change is encouraged and empowered by a solid foundation that feels good and rewarding because the good things and achievements are celebrated, but there is no pressure for more and things are allowed to unfold naturally. Progress is not empowered by punishment and by beating ourselves up over a "lack" of achievement or our weaknesses. Progress is empowered by positive reinforcement. Focus on the things that you do well and that work, and build upon your strengths. Take it easy, go with the flow, and analyze where you are pressuring yourself too much. Analyze where you are falling into the trap of certain self-degrading thought patterns. When you observe this pressure and these inner dynamics over and over again, they will slowly start to lose their grip on you. Do not pressure yourself. You need no willpower to get out of stressful things that you don't like. Observation, patience, and acceptance are enough. If you accept yourself and the current situation as it is, things will slowly start to change automatically because you take the stress out of the situation and make room for something new. Things might move slowly and the change might be almost invisible, but that slow shift in awareness carries a way bigger and more sustainable positive impact than everything you could ever do by the force of willpower. Awareness is the key.

Questions for your open Ego to become aware of its shadow aspects:
- Do you feel you need to prove your worth?
- Do you sometimes do foolish things in order to show that you are brave or worthy?
- Do you make promises?
- Do you value yourself?
- Do you value yourself enough to say no?
- Do you manipulate or even lie in order to craft your own artificial story of self-worth and to get positive feedback on how great you are?
- Do you act loyal and reliable in order to be valued?
- Do you feel as if you are not good enough at having things under control?
- Do you feel a need to control life?
- Are you competitive to the point of recklessness?

Potential of the open Ego

Because you take in other people's Ego and amplify the frequency, you can feel who has a healthy sense of self-worth and "I" - and who has not. You can see who is able to keep their promises, and who is just talking empty phrases. You can see who puts unhealthy expectations and demands on others. You can become very wise about survival in the material world and about who can be trusted.
You don't try to control other people and the flow of life. You don't give in to the pressure to prove yourself and to compete with anyone. The only person you compare yourself to is your more inexperienced younger self, and in doing so you recognize and acknowledge all the things that you learned, the wisdom that you gained, and the challenges that you mastered. You do not allow others to convince you to do things that are not right for you. You understand that you are ok as you are. You have nothing to prove to anyone, not even to yourself. You are able to work with people without making promises. You involve yourself in work, family, and your community through trusting and following your inner authority.

The Heart or Ego Center in Human Design • Human Archetypes (2024)
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