Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (2024)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll
Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (1)
Semper Paratus; Semper Fidelis, Ever on the WatchEver Ready, Ever Faithful,Ever on the Watch Service with Hope of Honor as Reward-
Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (2)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll

Timeline of Career and Achievements

1987-17 Jun 1987 - Sworn into the Baltimore Police Department
1987- 20 Jun 1987 - Graduated Baltimore County Auxillary Police Course
1987-11 Dec 1987 - Graduated the Academy (Assigned to Central District Patrol)
1989- Baltimore County Police Awarded Ken with a Commendation Ribbon
1989- The City matched the County Ribbon for Ken's working to help the county while off-duty
1990-Bronze Star - 1st
1990 - Mason Alley - Line of Duty Shooting (Revolver .38 cal. S&W - Model 64)
1991-Officer of the Year - 1st
1992-Became an FTO (Field Training Officer)
1992-LSI - SCAN Course First Time
1992- North Ave - Line of Duty Shooting (Semi Auto 9mm Glock -Model 17)
1992-Bronze Star - 2nd
1992-Citation of Valor - 1st
1992-Commendation Ribbon - 2nd
1992-Five-year safe driving
1992-August 1992 -Central DistrictOfficer of the Month
1992-Injured - Broken/Separated Right Shoulder/Clavicle
1993-Officer of the Year Award - 2nd
1993-Bronze Star - 3rd
1994- SCAN technique used for the 1st time (It was used to clear a carjack suspect)
1994-Transferred from Patrol to Major Crimes Investigative Unit
1994-LSI - SCAN Course Second Time
1995-Mayor's Citation
1995-Unit Citation (Critical Incident Team) 1st
1995-Motion Picture Association - Certificate of Achievement
1996-Officer of the Year Award - 3rd
1996-Unit Citation (Central MCU-DDU) 2nd
1996-LSI - SCAN Advanced Course
1996-Officer of the Year Award - 4th
1996-Gold Record - RIAA - 1st
1997-Ten-year safe driving
1998-Officer of the Year Award - 5th
1998-Officer of the Year Award - 6th
1999-Secret Service - Certificate of Achievement
2000-Gold Record - RIAA- 2nd
2000-Unit Citation (Central MCU-DDU) 3rd
2000-Commissioners SpecialCommendation
2001-Injured - Fracturedvertebra, and Femoral neck, leading to paralysis
2001-Citation of Valor - 2nd
2002-Fifteen Year Safe Driving
2003-Purple Heart /Legend of Merit- Police Officers Hall of Fame
2003-Lifetime Member of the Police Officer's Hall of Fame
2003- 29 May 2003 - Retired Line of Duty - Due to Line of Duty Injury /Paralysis
2003-More than 100 letters of commendation from citizens and supervisors between 1987 to2003
2003-During his nearly 16 years of dedicated service, he was instrumental in over 2500 arrests and conducted more than 4000 interviews and interrogations. His exceptional style of eliciting confessions was evident in his 98% success rate. Ken had a unique approach that encouraged people to confide in him and share their stories.
2007-Awarded PSOB Benefits for 2001 Injuries first BPD Officer to receive these benefits for a LODI
2012-Rebuilt the Baltimore Police History Website
2014-Elected President of Baltimore Police Historical Society
2015-Wrote contract and holds lease to the Lobby of the Headquarters (Gallery/Museum)
2016 - 27 April 2016 - Ken became an ordained minister so that he could marry our oldest daughter. In 2017 he also married our youngest.
2016-Officer of the Year - 7th
2017-Assisted in the re-opening of the Baltimore Police Museum
2018- Ken's Detective Badge Number 550, was retired in his Name/Honor
2018-Governor's Citation
2018-Distinguished Service Award -Police Officer's Hall of Fame

Ken said that any police officer who has patrolled the streets of Baltimore City and has been fortunate enough to have someone keep track of their accomplishments would have a list similar to his. He has requested the following be included in anything I write about him: Through his research, he has found that the Baltimore Police Department is renowned for their great achievements, quick response to all help-wanted or help-needed calls, and adherence to the promises made in the oaths to serve and protect taken by all Baltimore police officers. Ken has emphasized that we would all sound great if we only recounted our positive triumphs. For that reason, he enjoys recounting some of the absurd mistakes he has made and that I’ve seen or heard him make over the years. I have kept track of his amazing and sometimes less than amazing exploits on a personal page for when the time comes that I think it would be right to put them into print, writing a book so that his stories can be shared with those interested in the kinds of work he and his fellow officers did. These are those notes.Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (3)

Many of these stories reflect on the impact of a breakthrough introduced to the Baltimore Police circa 1993 by then, Police Officer Kenny Driscoll. In it, we'll recall how he had always believed in the potential of linguistic analysis as a tool for law enforcement but faced skepticism from his agency and colleagues. The success of one case in particular finally validated his ideas and opened doors for further exploration. We'll talk about that case later in these writings. But from that case, as news spread within the department, other officers became intrigued by the possibilities offered by this new technique. The linguistic polygraph, as Ken called it, not only provided valuable insights into suspects' statements but also helped uncover hidden motives and inconsistencies that came from victims and witnesses. Its effectiveness was undeniable, leading to a surge in its adoption across various districts, units, jurisdictions, and agencies. Driscoll couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for being part of this transformative change in this investigative method. As we look back on his career, it is obvious that he was grateful for the opportunity to witness such progress and hoped it would continue to revolutionize law enforcement practices in the years to come. Ken became a detective and was transferred to the major crimes unit, where he quickly made a name for himself as a skilled investigator interview/interrogation. His keen eye for detail and ability to connect seemingly unrelated pieces of evidence earned him the respect of his colleagues and the admiration of his superiors. Ken's dedication to justice was unwavering, and he tirelessly worked long hours to solve even the most complex cases. Ken had his cases on his mind so much that he once woke up from a dream with the answers that helped solve the case. He jokes that he told his sergeant he solved the case in a dream and asked if he could put in an overtime slip; his sergeant said, sure, the same way you solved the case, "in your dreams!" His reputation grew, and soon he found himself leading high-profile investigative task forces that captured the attention of both the media and the public. Ken's success was not without its challenges, but his determination never wavered, and he always managed to stay one step ahead. Throughout his career, Ken witnessed firsthand how technology transformed the field of criminal investigation. From advanced forensic techniques to sophisticated data analysis tools, these innovations, mixed with old school boots-on-the ground police work, revolutionized the way cases were solved. Ken embraced these advancements wholeheartedly, recognizing their potential to bring justice to more victims and ensure that no criminal could escape a reasonable and justified punishment.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (4)Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (5)P/O Kenny Driscoll
Rookie Photo
17 June 1987

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (6)

Detective Kenny Driscoll
Retirement Photo
29 May 2003

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (7)

1987 - 2003
Hired Picture and Retired Picture Combined

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (8)Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll
Retired my Badge
6 May 2018

Digital BPD Art

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (9)

Historical Society First Coin

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (10)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (11)

History and Collection

Baltimore Police Espantoon History
Click above picture for History

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (13)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (14) Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (15)


Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (16)

The Following is the Speech Written and Read by Mike May
Pictured above, is Jamie Jackson, Ken and Zachariah Jackson
our daughter and grandson

The Baltimore Retired Police Benevolence Association

"Semper Paratus; Semper Fidelis - Ever - Ready / Ever - Faithful.
Ever on the Watch

Service with Hope of Honor as Reward

2015 - The December 2015 BPD news article about Ken concluded by saying he tries to live up to that motto. He doesn't merely try; he does.

After an extraordinary career, ended all too soon by excruciating and debilitating injuries, Ken, along with his wife, Patty, to this day, keeps the faith by maintaining a chronicle of the routine heroism and sacrifice that are part of the lives of all police. He keeps the faith by financially and emotionally supporting those police who have fallen on hard times. He keeps the faith by helping police, injured years before, receive well-deserved recognition for their valor. He keeps the faith through his service to all of us--and through the example,he sets by the way he lives his life.

Our identification card says "Served with Honor." Ken surely embodies not only that but more as well. He serves with honor too. For that we recognize him.

A superb investigator and interrogator, he spent his own money to learn the SCAN technique, analyzing speech patterns, manners of expression and inconsistencies

Not immediately apparent to ferret out the truth while building a rapport with criminal suspects. He taught it to fellow police. He improved all of them.

During his lifetime and a sterling career, he received no less than 7 officer of the year awards, in addition to 3 Unit Citations, over 100 letters of commendation, 3 Bronze Stars, 2 Commendation Ribbons, a Police Commissioner's Special Service Ribbon, 3 Safe Driving awards (a significant achievement to someone who tried to set a demolition derby like record) and 2 Citations of Valor. He also amassed 2 Gold Records from the Recording Industry Association of America for success in counterfeiting/bootleg/pirate recording investigations, a Special Certificate fromthe Secret Service, Awards from the Motion Picture Industry, a Mayor's Citation, Governor's Citation, the Purple Heart and the Legion of Merit from the Police Officer's Hall of Fame or which he is a member.And I've probably forgotten some.

Most important, he earnedand continues to earn, the undying respect and gratitude, he along with Patty, for what he now does. When his career ended at the beginning of the millennium, his injuries, agonizingly painful, left him with severe physical limitations, without the ability to walk or to fully use his left arm/hand. At the end of the day, his body failed. His Spirit and Loyalty to all of us did not. It got stronger.

When Bill Hackley immigrated to Heaven, Ken took over the Baltimore Police History website. It's become a labor of love. At a time when police endure the most vitriolic and demeaning of attacks, when police face criminal indictments and prison for merely doing their jobs -- Jobs they took a sacred oath to do, Ken Driscoll, sometimes a voice calling out in the wilderness, undaunted and unafraid, every day brings public attention to the courage and compassion that are the hallmark of the law enforcement profession, every day.

Unsatisfied with all that, he went to Facebook. He began "This day in police history." he reverently remembers our dead, those who made the ultimate sacrifice because he memorializes them, and us, for what they were and we are, not, as some would denigrate us, badge wearing hooligans, but as what we really are, heroes, although all of us, especially Ken, would eschew that description.

Ken, along with Patty, is among our most heroic. Despite a broken back and partial paralysis, confined to his wheelchair, he inaugurated the retroactive Citation of Valor program. Not satisfied with that, the website, Facebook and the Museum, he also helpsseriously injured law enforcement officers deserving of the benefits file for and obtain PSOB Benefits.

The IACP Police Officer's Oath says, "On My Honor, I will never betray my badge, my integrity, my character or the public trust. I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions." Ken Driscoll, throughout his life and continuing career, lives and embodies that oath.

Tonight (15 June 2016) we honor an individual who, merely by being among us, honors all of us. Please rise for a true hero of the Baltimore Police, Detective Kenny Driscoll."


Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (17)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (18)

Artwork Courtesy Cameron Jackson
Our grandson drew this picture of his grandfather Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll and Turk

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (19)12 Aug 1992 BPD Newsletter
Officer of the Month

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (20)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (21) Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll

The Golden Rule --
Ken abides by the golden rule, which is a life philosophy that maintains individuals should be treated equally and with respect. In essence, people are humane because they want to be treated well in return. Treating people as you would like to be treated has helped Ken and me live better lives. With this in mind, Ken treated those with whom he came into contact as he would like to be treated. He had many uncles—two on his mother's side and, I believe, six or seven on his father's. Of all his uncles, all but two, or possibly three, served jail time. Even Ken's father served time at the Maryland Correctional Institution in Hagerstown. Of his relatives who did not serve jail time, two went on to become Baltimore Police officers. This is significant because it taught Ken not to hold criminals in lower regard than himself. When he had family get-togethers as a kid, he had them with both the police and those who had gone to jail, and to him, they were all family. He frequently said that he could recognize one of his uncles in the mannerisms, gestures, etc. of the people he spoke with who had been arrested or were being investigated for a crime. He was therefore more easily able to establish a connection and get needed information or a confession from those he interviewed. People used to request talking to Ken when they were arrested, and after Ken was hurt, they requested to have him come in to do their interview. When they were informed that Ken had been hurt, some asked the officer to call Ken so they could personally wish him a speedy recovery. Others wrote brief notes, which were passed on to Ken. Some of the people Ken has detained or questioned over the years have tried to friend him on Facebook. They all understood why that wouldn't work, so instead they just sent him a message on Messenger or the old PM system to thank him for treating them with respect when so many others had been less than cordial. We’ve seen how Ken was treated when we were out in public and ran across someone he had detained, questioned, or interrogated during the course of his years as a Baltimore police officer. Only twice has it appeared negative. One time, we were out, and a man kept walking by us in a store while looking over at Ken, perhaps trying to recall where he knew Ken from. Finally, he approached and inquired as to whether Ken was Detective Kennedy. Ken was frequently referred to as Kennedy; he never corrected people who mispronounced his name. On this particular day, he told the man that, despite spending his entire life in a wheelchair, he often gets inquiries from individuals who even say that Ken sounds like Detective Kennedy. The last time, a man who appeared agitated followed us from isle to isle, would disappear, then resurface, and appeared to be pondering what to say. While we were shopping, this went on for at least 20 minutes before Ken cautioned me that we should probably leave the store discreetly so the man wouldn't realize for sure where he knew Ken from because he seemed to be growing more irritated as he kept looking for and at Ken, and he was previously one of the more violent offenders.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (22)

2018 - On this day, 6 May 2018, Detective Badge number 550, which was once issued to Retired Detective Kenneth Driscoll has, by an announcement of Baltimore Police Commissioner, Darryl DeSousa now and forever been RETIRED! Click any of the pictures from this presentation to watch video

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (23)Commissioner, Darryl DeSousa Telling Ken his badge was about to be retired

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (24)

Commissioner, Darryl DeSousa reading prepared speech

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (25)Command Staff with Ken

Baltimore Police announced that they have permanently retired Detective Kenneth Driscoll’s former Detective Badge, number 550, in his honor. Baltimore Police Commissioner Darryl DeSousa made the announcement on 6 May, 2018. The retirement of the detective’s badge is a tribute to his outstanding service and dedication to the department. Commissioner DeSousa stated that this gesture is rare but is a fitting recognition reserved for the kind of dedication not often seen—the kind of dedication that came from and continues to come from Driscoll’s contributions to recording the history of the department and its legacy. Detective Driscoll’s commitment to upholding justice and protecting the community while active was evident by the number of awards he had received while active; it also demonstrated his dedication to the department. Once he was retired, Detective Driscoll focused his work on the preservation of our agency’s history. This badge retirement is the result of a combination of his work while active and his continued work after retirement. Both active and retired, he wanted nothing more than to show as much positive information as he could about the department and the men and women who served.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (26)Retired Badge Speech Audio File CLICK HERE

The following speech was written by Mike May and used in Ken's 2016 Officer of the Year Award, but with some modification. It was enlarged so when printed it took as many as 5.5 to 6 pages, the Commissioner skimmed over it pulling parts he had highlighted and read. Someone handed the speech to one of our kids and I had it added to the site for you to read it in its entirety, as well as just the parts the Commissioner read. Ken spoke with Mike May at the event, and Mike told him he re-wrote it for the commissioner.

After an outstanding career was ended all too soon by an excruciating and debilitating injury, Ken, along with his wife, Patty, to this day, keeps the faith by maintaining a record of the routine heroism and sacrifice that are part of the lives of all Baltimore police. He keeps the faith by financially and emotionally supporting those police who have fallen on hard times. He also keeps the faith of our injured by helping police, who have been injured years before, receives well-deserved recognition for their valor. He keeps the faith through his service to all of us - and through the example, he sets by the way he lives his life he has become an inspiration to many.

As retired police, Ken and others careers are often described as having "Served with honor." Ken surely embodies that but more, as he continues to serve with honor. For that, we are recognizing him.

A superb investigator and interrogator, Ken spent his own money to learn theSCAN technique, analyzing speech patterns, manners of expression and inconsistencies. When he brought this technique to the agency on his first night back to full duty from a shoulder surgery that had him either off duty, or on light duty for nearly 3 months. Ken was asked to interview a suspect of a carjacking that was found behind the wheel of the stolen car; matching the description of the suspect down to his clothing, and shoes. Ken had him write a statement that when analyzed Ken felt a need to talk to the reporting person. He called the victim of the robbery in and had him write a statement; within minutes of reading that statement, he had confronted the writer and gained a full confession which freed the man previously arrested for the carjacking. When the Major from Central District learned of Ken’s clearing a suspect arrested for carjacking, Ken was transferred from patrol to the Major Crimes Unit so he could continue his introduction of this new technique to the department. Ken remained in the Major Crime Unit for the last ten years of his career successfully clearing many suspects and convicting others.

Not immediately apparent to ferret out the truth while building a rapport with criminal suspects. Ken taught this technique to his fellow police. Improving them all.

During his lifetime and sterling career, he received no less than 7 Officer of the Year awards, in addition to 3 Unit Citations, 3 Bronze Stars, 2 Commendation Ribbons, a Police Commissioner's Special Service Ribbon, 15 years of Safe Driving awards (an achievement that brings a smile to his wife Patricia's face, as she has been with him since she was 15 and he was 16 and just learning to drive) Ken also has 2 Citations of Valor an over 100 letters of commendation. His awards from outside the department include 2 Gold Records from the Recording Industry for success in counterfeit/pirate music investigations, a Special Certificate from the Secret Service, Awards from the Motion Picture Industry, a Mayor's Citation, a Purple Heart and the Legion of Merit from the Police Officer’s Hall of Fame of which he was inducted as a lifetime member. I am sure we have forgotten some other awards here and there.

But what is most important to both Ken, Patty and his family is the undying respect and gratitude he has earned and continues to earn for what he does now. When his career ended at the beginning of this century his injuries, agonizingly painful, left him with severe physical limitations, without the ability to walk or to use his left arm and by the end of this year, they suspect he will lose the use of his right leg also. Still at the end of the day, while his body might fail; His Spirit and Loyalty to all of us did not. It has gotten stronger.

When Bill Hackley left us to go to the police department in the sky, He left his most prized Baltimore Police History website in the hands of Ken. It has become a labor of love. At a time when police endure some of the most hurtful and demeaning of attacks, for jobs they took a sacred oath to do, Kenny Driscoll, becomes a voice calling out in the wilderness, undaunted and unafraid, every day brings public attention to the courage and compassion that are the hallmarks of the law enforcement profession.

Unsatisfied with all that, he went to Facebook. Where he began "This day in police history." A place where he respectfully remembers our fallen, those who made the ultimate sacrifice because he memorializes them, and retired police,for what they were and are; not, as some would denigrate them, as badge wearing hooligans, but as what they really are, heroes, although all of them, especially Ken, would avoid that description.It is a place much like the history website that we all rely on and visit every day.

Ken, along with Patty, are among our most heroic. Despite a broken back and paralysis, confined to his wheelchair, he and Patty inaugurated the retroactive Citation of Valor program. Not satisfied with that, the website, Facebook, Twitter and the Museum, he also helps seriously injured law enforcement officers deserving of the benefits file for and obtain PSOB benefits.

The IACP Police Officer's Oath says, "On My Honor, I will never betray my badge, my integrity, my character or the public's trust. I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions." Ken Driscoll, throughout his life and continuing career, lives and embodies that oath.

Tonight we honor an individual who has become an inspiration to so many because just as he did when he was active in the Baltimore Police department he puts everyone ahead of himself.For that, we are retiring his badge Detective Badge number 550 so that no one will ever wear it again.

Congratulations Detective Kenny Driscoll.

To Hear This Speech CLICK HERE

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (27)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (28)

Ret. Det. Kenny Driscoll

Ret. Detective Ken Driscoll joined the department in June of 1987. He was assigned Badge number 3232 - After the Academy he was assigned to the Central District, where he quickly learned to police Sector 3 (Whitelock and Brookfield – 136 car) He worked in Sector 3 from 1987 until 1994, while on patrol he was trained in real-world police work by veteran officers like Joe Stevens, Kenny Byers, Jon Pease, Eddie co*ker, Freddy Fitch, Bobby Ackiss, Terry Caudell, and several others who I am sure he'll never forget, but for me I only remember those he spoke of most often. Between then and 1994, Det. Driscoll would partner up with several other good police that made an impression on him and the way he would police his sector and post, like Delmar "Sonny" Dickson, Chuck Megibow, George Trainer, John Calpin,Johnny Brandt, and Gary Lapchak, they all would become lifelong friends.

In 1993 after learning the new SCAN (Scientific Content Analysis) technique, (I don't know what the N in SCAN is for) but, while still in patrol Ken used it to clear a couple of serious cases; The first was a subject accused of committing an armed carjacking. After reading the suspect's statement, Ken wasn't convinced the suspect was guilty of anything. He called the reporting person into the station and obtained a statement from him, Ken said, before he could turn the written statement the 180 degrees it was written in by the subject sitting across the table from him, he had already seen one red flag, within 15 minutes of reading it in it's entirety, he has gained a confession, that it was not true, and the subject had not been carjacked. Ken let the subject that had been arrested for the incident go without charges, clearing him from what could have been many months in lock-up waiting for trial. The next case, an armed A&R in which the victim was shot. Ken read his statement and found it to be deceptive, the guy had a bullet in his backside, and Ken was calling him deceptive. Ken said, the subject had prior knowledge of the suspect's gun, and he was lying about the number of suspects that had robbed him. Ken said, the guy was claiming to have been approached by two guys, but it had to be at least three, maybe more as in his wording he said, "A guy asked for a cigarette, when I went to get it, one of the guys with him, pulled out the gun!" when confronted, the victim admitted, he was not robbed at the ATM, but he did take $200 out of that ATM earlier for his babies mother. So when he tried to rip of a drug dealer and was shot, he decided he could claim it was at the ATM, and not have to tel his current girl that he was with his x-wife. Ken was able to get to the bottom of both cases and show that the shooting was a drug deal in the Eastern District, not an ATM robbery in the Central. The carjacking was a car rental in exchange for money to be used for drugs. When the car wasn't brought back fast enough, and the car-owner came down from his high enough to realize he just loaned his car to a stranger. He made up the story of having been carjacked. Central’s Major at the time was Major Leonard Hamm, he was said to have been so impressed with the results of Ken’s interview skills, and this new Statement Analysis Technique that not only lead to the clearance of a shooting, but also, cleared an innocent man. That had Ken transferred into Central District's Major Crime Unit. A lot of credit is to be given to then Major Leonard Hamm (later Commissioner Hamm) for this, as at the time Statement Analysis was new and as such it was not something everyone welcomed. Then Major Hamm, went out on a limb because he trusted Ken, he knew Ken since the academy where Major Hamm was Ken’s Sergeant and at the time Sergeant Hamm helped convert Ken from a 23 year old welder into a Baltimore police officer and later Detective. Major Hamm knew Ken wasn't out to sell, “junk science” to the department. Without Majors like Leonard Hamm, and Steve McMahon (both of which retired at ranks much higher than Major) both also willing to trust officers like Ken to introduce some out of the box techniques in law enforcement. With out them and others like them we may never have seen some of the tools that were looked on as strange back then but are commonly used today. Ken will tell anyone that asks, he didn't do any of the things he was able to do without help, supervisors trusting in him, and side partners willing go out and do the things that at the time were considered off the wall.

As far as statement analysis goes, at the time the S.C.A.N. technique was so new, the police department refused to pay for the course. (more than $1400) Ken paid for his training out of his pocket. He started off buying all the books, videos, and audio cassettes they had. Then a year later when they were training in Virginia he also paid to attend the live 5 day course.

When briefly explained, it just didn't sound possible that using just a subject’swords could help close a case. Pronouns, verb tense, and other parts of speech; in Baltimore it was argued that due to the lower education of many of the subjects he would come into contact with, any such technique would be useless; if it had any real use at all. The concerns about being under-educated, or concerns about those with poor grammar were quickly put to rest. Ken understood the technique would have him comparing the words in a statement, to other words in the same statement. So basically, he was looking for changes in language in the suspect's own language. It has been used with illiterate suspects, scholars, and doctors yielding equal results.

Over the next 11 to 12 years Ken would go on to show it was a valuable tool, and like the polygraph, it was based on changes in thesubject's norm. Polygraph, using heart rate, breathing, blood pressure etc. Statement Analysis using the subject’s language. In both cases after working to establish a norm, that norm is then used compare with the rest of his/her statement. Education doesn't matter when you compare a statement against itself. Ken used to hand the subject a pad of paper and say, “Write down what happened, spelling and grammar don't count; just tell us what happened from start to finish.” He was the first in the department to be fully trained, and actively using the process. In 1996 Det. Driscoll received his third of six “Officer of the Year Awards”, this award came as a result of the success of the technique, he was consistently closing cases with the S.C.A.N. technique (now in its fourth year of use by Ken in both patrol and the Major Crime Unit) By 2003 when Ken retired, he had been using it to assist other units, detectives, and officers throughout the department, as well as the State's Attorney's office, and several other jurisdictions, if they had statements but were stumped. Some of those agencies, where the Maryland State Police, the FBI, Secret Service and surrounding local Police Departments, Baltimore County, AA county etc. Just before leaving the department Kenny wrote a training course, and trained two Homicide, in-service classes, then left for surgery and never came back, in his absence Det. Danny Grubb completed teaching Ken’s in-service course to the remaining Homicide classes.

While in Central District’s Major Crime Unit, a DDU (District Detective Unit) Ken worked with Sgt. Randy Dull, Officer Danny Mitchell, Jim Schuler, Janice Peters, Ed Chaney, Dennis Gunther, John Emminizer, Pam Storto, Jim Eigner, Kerry Council, and tons of other good police. They were also in constant contact with CID Detectives, like Detective Paul Oros, Henri Burris, BudComegna, Lt. JoAnn Voelker, Victor Gearhart, Major Richard Faltheit and tons of others. Lt Larry Leison recognized Driscoll's talents and how strong a tool it was in Statement Analysis that Ken had brought to the BPD that he was trying to recruit Ken to CID. Sgt.Dull also enjoyed the new S.C.A.N. Technique, having a lot of faith in Ken, often going to bat for him when some of the old school brass didn't get it or refused to buy into it, knowing of Lt. Leison's recruit attempts, he tried to keep Ken away from the Lieutenant. The funny part was Ken wouldn't have gone, he respected those that saw something in him early, and wasn't about to leave those that gave him his start. Sgt. Dull used Ken's stats to shut the doubters up. Ken respected that and those he worked with and for that, he wasn’t about to leave Centrals MCU/DDU.

Ken was trained by Avinoam Sapir, who after Ken uncovered several linguistic traits that held serious meaning (became great clues) and helped solve cases called Ken a “Guru” on the subject. Sgt Dull, said, the student was becoming the teacher. Ken studied the technique all the time, while at work on a slow day, while at home, on vacation, every chance he got to study, or practice he did. He used to say a statement has to be handled like a crime scene, preventing anyone from contaminating their statement/crime scene was interesting, he and others trained could point out where the subject was told what to say or was using words he/she picked up from an investigator. Those that use the technique can also tell if it was the first time they gave the statement, or if it had been given to the police before. Often it was scary how accurate they could be, at first, I only saw Ken doing it, but then over the years I saw him train others and they shared statement to practice all coming up with the same observations.I enjoyed seeing Ken work cases off the news and give other agencies his finding, some taking them and using them, others not so graciously sending him away, but later learning how accurate the technique was.

His unit from Central went from a District MCU to a DDU/MCU in late 1999 early 2000, and all of the members of the unit at the time received the new titles of Detective. Ken went from Police Officer badge number 3232 to Detective badge number 550– They didn’t officially hold the title detective for the first 8 years they worked together, but they held some of the best closure ratings in the city as did their plain clothes investigations. The reason behind it was a rotation policy, detectives were rotated to patrol after 3 years. District Majors realized their detectives were learning and getting better, after 3 years they were either very good at what they did, or they were not, but to bounce them from investigations should have been based on ability, not longevity. Investigators came and went, but the best of best was held on to, bot rotated back to patrol. Don’t get me wrong, patrol is not beneath an investigator, Ken loved it and would have done either with pride. But like anything, some people are better at one thing than another, some guys loved patrol and hated investigations letting officers do what they do best was the best way to run an agency, but we had a commissioner come in that felt rotation was the best policy. It cost us some of the best detectives in the country as these men and women left the agency to work for departments with better sense.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (29)Novelty Badges with Ken's Detective Badge Number 550Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (30)

Irish Detective Badge Number 550

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (31)

Pink Breast Cancer AwarenessDetective Badge Number 550

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (32)Black Subdued Detective Badge Number 550

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (33)Detective Driscoll 550 Badge

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (34)"Badges? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Badges"

Click HERE

This is a widely quoted paraphrase of a line of dialogue from the 1948 film The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.
The line was derived from dialogue in the 1927 novel, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, which was the basis for the film.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (35)

9-11 20th Anniversary 550 Detective Badge

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (36)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (37)

This is an X-ray of Ken's Lumbar SpineTaken in October of 2020
It shows 6 screws & 3 rods. T
he tiny dots are from the4 cages
2 on each levelThe Dark Sideways Mushroom LookingShadows
Abovethe Top Screws, Show the Damage Caused from Years of
Stressto that area and Explain why He has so much Pain

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (38)

Turk and Ken at the Museum

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (39)Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (40)

- In the News -

Stolen Items Recovered in'Cyber Sting'

1 December 1999

Internet: Baltimore Police Officer enters Winning bid after a theft victim finds his belongings for sale at anOnline auction house.

| By Peter Hermann | Peter Hermann, SUN STAFF

Morris Sochaccewski had given up ever seeing the prayer shawl and other religious items stolen from his car in October. He had even talked to his insurance agent about filing a claim.

But two weeks ago, a friend from New York called and suggested that he check on the Internet. Sochaccewski found his belongings up for sale on eBay -- the online auction house that lets people worldwide bid on almost anything. The 49-year-old lawyer recognized his property immediately. To entice potential bidders, the seller had posted a picture showing blue velvet pouches emblazoned with Sochaccewski's name in gold Hebrew lettering. Sochaccewski called Baltimore City police, and Officer Ken Driscoll logged onto a computer and started to bid. He jumped in at $158 and stayed with the bidding until he had topped 36 others with a $395 offer. His bid locked in, Driscoll simply had to wait for the seller to email him to arrange the exchange. She did, and he arrived at her home in Pikesville yesterday with a search warrant.

Police found some of the items Sochaccewski had reported stolen: his Tallit Prayer Shawl, worth about $100; and his Tefillin, another religious item, valued at $800. "I didn't think I was going to get them back," Sochaccewski said. It turned out Sochaccewski's belongings had been close to home. He lives on Shelburne Road in Northwest Baltimore. The woman who auctioned his property lives eight blocks away on Light-foot Drive in Baltimore County. Police did not arrest the woman because they want her help in finding the person who sold her the items, taken Oct. 26 from Sochaccewski's Chevrolet station wagon on Conway Street near the downtown Sheraton Hotel. The woman, who police did not identify, told Driscoll that she bought the religious items for $10 at a flea market on North Point Boulevard in eastern Baltimore County. She also told detectives that she might recognize the man who sold them.

Driscoll said the woman had set the opening bid at $20. "Beautiful Hebrew Prayer Set in 2 blue velvet pouches," says the description of Sochaccewski's personal effects, categorized as Item 201722947. "The first is a fine wool tallis in excellent condition All of these high-quality items have been stored in a plastic zippered case, which has preserved their cleanliness." Kevin Pursglove, a spokesman for eBay in San Jose, Calif., said 400,000 new items are offered for sale on the site every day and only a tiny fraction of them are believed to have been stolen or fraudulent. "Perhaps the dumbest place to try to fence stolen materials is on eBay," Pursglove said. "You've got millions of eyeballs turned into the site every day, and most of your transactions can be traced." In March, eBay abruptly halted bidding that had reached $5.7 million for a human kidney, saying the seller had violated company rules, and possibly federal law, by offering body parts for sale.

Pursglove said it is a rare stroke of luck to stumble upon a recognizable item among the site's 3.4 million offerings. The company employs several former prosecutors who monitor the site and will "fully cooperate" with local police. Pursglove said Baltimore police could have contacted the company, whose representative would have conducted a "cyber sting" to find the person selling Sochaccewski's property. But Driscoll took matters into his own hands. To avoid tipping off the seller with a police e-mail address, Driscoll signed onto eBay from his home computer and bid with his own money.

Driscoll started the bidding Nov. 22 and finished the next day -- entering the winning bid at 9: 40 a.m. "It was fun," said Driscoll, who knows his way around the computer. Once a sale agreement is made, the seller must contact the buyer and discuss how the exchange will be made. The woman e-mailed Driscoll that day and gave him her home address. Yesterday morning, Driscoll and other officers from the Central District Major Crimes Unit moved in and seized Sochaccewski's belongings. Now they are trying to find the thief who threw a rock through his car window. As for Sochaccewski, he doesn't have Internet access at home. After his friend called from New York, he had to go to a neighbor's house to get online. Driscoll called the successful endeavor fate: "They belonged to him, and they made their way back to him."

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (41)

Bootleg Music Crackdowns Earn Awards for Authorities

The Baltimore Police Department and the city state's attorney's office were honored yesterday by the record industry for investigations that have resulted in theseizureof more than $1 million in bootleg albums and tapes since 1996. Sgt. David R. Dull and Officer Kenneth Driscoll of the Central District Major Crime Unit and Assistant State's Attorney Patricia Deros each received a Gold Record award for their work. Police routinely have raided downtown shops and confiscated pirated recordings. "The illegal duplication of audio devices results in economic losses for the city of Baltimore," said Frank D. Waters, director of investigations for the Recording Industry Association.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (42)

We'll post more pics and award info as time permits, Kenny does most of the work on this site and as such, it is hard for me to find the info on all of his awards, or to add them, or have them added to the site. I do have several books full of info on Ken's career including the entire file on his 2nd shooting the one that took place on North Ave in 1992, just 3 days before our youngest daughter was born. So I will be adding info as time permits. I share Ken's Interest and pride, for the work that he and his brothers and sisters of the Baltimore Police Department have done.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (43)

War Story, Retired, One Leg, One Arrest
Mars Take down
Weis Knockdown and
Walmart talking them down

Like most Baltimore Police, Ken takes pride in having been able to have served with the Baltimore Police Department. He saw a ton of LODD's and LODI's during his career. Even injured a City Officer will still do all they can to help those that need their help. Around November 2014, Ken's mom called, she was upset and crying; Ken asked what was wrong and she described a breaking and entering (Home Invasion) at her home, the suspect was carrying an empty duffel bag, and an extension cord. When Ken's mom asked who it was and what he wanted he made up a story about being there to help Lola move, Ken's mom told the intruder that no one by that name lived there, all the while the suspect was walking around the house looking at things, Ken's mom finally introduced Ken's dad, and still the guy continued his shopping spree, refusing to leave. Ken's mom tried to reason, but he wasn't listening, he just kept talking when she tried to talk, mentioned Lola and was looking around at their things the way one might in a thrift or antique store, it wasn't until Ken's mom told Ken's dad to "just get the gun, Russ, just get your gun out!" at that the suspect realized he wasn't going to get away with robbing these two old folks and resorted to pretending to be drunk, acting as if he was in the wrong home by accident. Ken asked his mom where the guy was during the phone call and she told him he went out the front door, Ken quickly told her he would call back, he hung up the phone, grabbed his crutches, the keys to our truck and out the front door he went. While getting into our H3 Hummer Ken's dad was in the front yard, (I should mention they live next door to us) Ken asked his dad which way the guy went and what he was wearing, his dad pointed up the street and gave a brief description. Ken's father asked Ken: "What are you going to do?" Ken said, "I'm going to go find him!" and his dad, knowing Ken can't walk, said, "then what!" Ken said, "I'm going to lock him up!" and off he went. He drove up the street, a 1/4 mile and came back, (we live on a peninsula, so there is only one way in, and one way out) As Ken looking for him, unbeknownst to Ken, he was trying to break into the rear of a house three or four doors up. A neighbor saw him and asked what he was doing, he went into a drunk act and pretended to be lost; he was quickly sent packing. Which put him back out on the street, and into Ken's view. Ken pulled our truck up in the middle of Dundalk Ave, Ken facing West, the suspect having just crossed over from the North to the South side of the street and heading East. Ken called out to him, "Excuse me, can I talk to you for a minute!" as he called him over to our truck. With this, the suspect said, "I'm not breaking into houses, why would I do that, it's broad daylight!" Ken said, "I didn’t say a thing about going into anyone's house, can you come over here!" as the guy got closer he saw Ken's jacket, Ken has a Retired Baltimore Police Patch on the sleeve, the suspect said, "You're city police?" Ken said, "Retired, but you know what they say, once a city police officer, always a city police officer!" The suspect then said, "City Police will f*ck you up!" Ken said, "I'll make a deal, you don't make me get out of the truck and I won't f*ck you up!" The suspect stood by, Ken realized he didn't have a cellphone, so he said, while we wait, give me your ID and we can run it NCIC. The suspect started looking through his wallet Ken saw a Maryland Id card and then it was covered by a different card, Ken asked him to check again and as he was running through and as he got closer, Ken reached out and snatched the ID card before the guy could cover it again. Now if the guy decided to run it wouldn't matter Ken had his ID. But before long a neighbor drove by, Ken flagged her down and sent her down to tell me to call the police. Ken told her to tell them he had the suspect at his truck. It would take about 20 minutes for police to show up, and that was when the suspect learned Ken was paralyzed. The suspect started feigning drunk and the police wanted to let him go. Ken told them he wants him arrested, it was his mom and dad's house that was broken into, his mom and dad that was threatened. He told them the suspect was a burglar and the officer said his rap sheet doesn't reflect that, Ken said did you run him through the city, the officer said no, he didn't have access, Ken said well he is a city criminal and will be a career criminal with a burglary background. Sure enough, he was a known burglar. 30 days later he was taken to court and received a 90-day sentence on a guilty conviction.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (44)

This wall shows three of the seven officer of the year awards along with both Gold Records Ken received

War Story - While waiting outside of Mars Supermarket on Holabird Ave. Ken saw two guys walking eastbound across the parking lot As they reached the cart area they separated, one went in and two minutes later the second went in. within 5 minutes one was exiting the store with a security guard on his heels. Ken wanted to get out and warn security of the second suspect. but before he could get his crutches, the suspect and security were fighting. Ken jumped out and used our truck for balance as he hopped on one leg around to help the security guard, he said, "I am retired Baltimore Police and I am going to help!" He then grabbed the two and tripped everyone to the ground where within seconds he had assisted in cuffing the suspect, Ken told security to watch his back, the guy was not alone, he described the second suspect and by now a second security came out and was sent back in for the other suspect. They helped Ken up and reached in the truck to get him his crutches. Ken said he would go to court if need be, but to be honest he could only testify to the resisting, not to the theft. The security guard said he would leave it up to the state's attorney. We never heard another word about it.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (45)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (46)

Faked Inmate ID

Ken had an inmate ID card made with his picture and a different name, he carried it in a rubber band with some cash, a bus pass, old lottery tickets, and a gift card that looked like credit card (but had no name) Whenever he had an opportunity, or needed cash, to pay for something in front of a suspect, or at a store being investigated, he took out that stack, without saying he had done jail time the suspect saw it and thought Ken had done jail time. So, they never suspected him as being police, and the inmate card kept anyone from asking, or him from having to say it, it was a subtilty that worked well. Funny thing, he didn't look like police, long hair, beard and mustache always dressed in jeans and t-shirts. He was in the Central Booking Intake Facility (CBIF) once and an arrestee in for drug dealing took one look at Ken and said, "You're police! damn! I would have served you! hell, I would still serve you!" They both had a laugh, Ken didn't make a lot of drug buys, but ever so often, if someone asked him to make a controlled buy for them, he would. His buys were not always for drugs, and when it was, it wasn't always on a corner, a few times he bought from businesses, or even the flea market that were dirty. Ken did buy other things that were being sold illegally, cloned phones, stolen property etc. He also sold items to business' in order to get them for buying stolen goods. Businesses were times when this set up worked best for him. Secondhand, and pawn shops were required to take ID, so, Ken used that, and kind of hinted he was selling stolen goods. Then went back a few days later with no ID, since the shop owner figured he was buying stolen goods, and getting them cheap, (the dealer already knew Ken was a criminal that did time in a Maryland prison, so, under the table deals were no problem.) Dealers often made the buys, which was a violation. This was often done for a bigger case, one in particular involved a burglary where a house was cleaned out of all it's antiques, that case was over $100K. A business on Antique Row bought the stuff, and sold one piece at an auction out of town, another Baltimore Antique Dealer that worked with ken a lot, saw the item being sold, took a picture and brought it to Ken. Ken was able to show it to the victim of the burglary and identify it as theirs. Ken also found the dealer didn't record the purchase to the police department's pawn shop unit, So, Ken knew he couldn't just go in and get the records, he needed instead to prove the dealer was dirty. He took property in and sold it using his inmate ID card as his Identification. He went back the next day with a Tiffany clock worth around $1200 at the time, said he came across it last night, indicating he stole it from a house in Bolton Hill that he had gone into, and said he needed $75. Ken patted his pockets as if feeling for his ID, then said, he must have left his ID home. At first the guy said he needed the ID, but Ken said, he would take the owl with him and try to come back tomorrow, the guy bit on this. His idea was to loan Ken a couple bucks and hold the owl. Ken knew the rules, and wouldn't agree. So, he went to leave, which is all good, all the guy had to do was let him leave, in fact that is what he should have done. The antique shop that loan the clock to Ken told him, if it was them they would have made an offer that would have guaranteed Ken came back, like when Ken asked for $75 they would have said, "we'll give to $350," if they thought he wouldn't come back they would have upped it to $550. But, this dealer wanted a $1200 item for $75, and would rather break the law, than pay fair market. So, he bought it without ID. As soon as he gave ken the $75, ken said, wait a minute, I just found my ID, and pulled out his badge... identifying himself as a police detective and told him, he didn't care about an ID violation, he was there for bigger things, the guy said you are here for the stuff taken in the burglary, then claimed he didn't know it was a burglary, eh thought it was a family dispute over property. It would still have to be reported to Pawn Shop, and he knew it was up to the homeowner, not a distant relative. So Ken said, work with me here, and I'll work with you, Ken offered to do the entire case by charging the dealer on a criminal summons, rather than arresting him. The guy gave back nearly everything he bought in the burglary, (The one item sold at auction was never recovered) The dealer testified against the suspect that sold him the stolen items, and plead guilty for receiving stolen goods, and that pawnshop violation. After that, he helped Ken with other theft cases in the area. Ken worked with quite a few antique dealers, and pawn shops, most were legit honest businesses. He made a lot of clone cases, and worked with them later too, one cloned three pagers to all received the same info, so, when his informant got messages, or page, Ken, and another investigator, got the same info.

For the inmate ID, Ken didn't know the CODES and DOC# were, but they did over at the jail, or they made something up (no one ever got that good a look at it, so it wasn't that big a deal). The way Ken got it came about after Ken helped a guard out who had gotten a raw deal, and the guard became a friend, later giving Ken an inmate card. This is not the actual card, Ken was out on medical when he broke his back and a few things he had in his desk were lost. But this is real close everything but the picture.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (47)

From - "Your BPD News"
and Baltimore Police Newsletter
The Department's Newsletters

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (48)

12 Aug 1992

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (49)

May/June 1993
Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (50)

ClickHERE for Audio File of above Newsletter

Click the Above Pic to See Full Newsletter

See Page 2

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (51)

ClickHERE for Audio File of above Newsletter

Click the Above Pic to See Full Newsletter

See Pages 9 and 10

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (52)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (53)

1990-Bronze Star

It would be years before Ken would ever hear of Isaiah 6:8. Still, before each shift Ken would pray to Jesus asking that he would put Ken where he could be most helpful, where he could help those needing his help, and where he could arrest those committing the most serious crimes with hopes of making things better for the community he had taken an oath to serve and protect. Ken was a patrolman at the time in Baltimore Police Department's Central District. In a sense, before hearing the verse “The Lord asked, who he should send, and who will go for us?” Ken was calling out to his Lord, to say, "Here I am, Send me!" When I heard Ken prayed to be where he could do the most to help, I thought of Isaiah 6:8 and how proud I was of Ken for wanting to help so much. I told him and he said that it wasn't unique to him, sure he hadn't heard of anyone praying to be there, but toprotect and serve, is what all police strive to do. It is what it means to be a Baltimore Police officer, and most of the police that wore the badge in Baltimore, would always run into danger, hoping to be the one that would provide a way out of danger for those that needed an officer’s help. To me it was cool, he wanted to be the one to provide that help; to him, it was a way of getting help from the man above, so, he would be as good as the police he worked alongside. Either way, judging by the career he had, it worked, his prayers were answered, he was always in the middle of things, and the following are just a few of the stories, pictures, and clippings from his years as a police officer and detective, in the city of Baltimore.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (54)

Push Ups or Handcuffs

Ken's partner John Calpin and he used to get out and walk their posts, they had a program they called push-ups or handcuffs, where a loiterer could do push-ups and leave, or go to jail for loitering. It started as a joke, but before long people would offer to show off their abilities, clapping between push-ups, bare-knuckle push-ups. As you can see here these guys are all laughing and having a good time. Ken had compassion for everyone and built a rapport with those he served to a point that when he was injured, he received well wishes from those he had arrested over the years. Speaking of which he was in his office and one of his former arrestees was brought in on something and the two talked like old friends, as he was leaving he told Ken to be careful out there, which another officer took as a threat, Ken was quick to take up for him telling the young officer that we are not on sides, and that it was OK to make friends with those we arrest. Not that we will go out bowling, or to cook-outs, but if we see each other while out we will greet them as we would any friend. I know of maybe a half dozen times when we were out and stopped by someone that acted as if they were an old friend of Ken's and sometimes after we parted I would ask Ken who it was, and he said, I arrested him, or on other occasions where the person came out and said to our kids or me, "Your father/husband arrested me." or "Detective Ken interrogated me, he was professional didn't make a bunch of crazy threats like other police, he was respectful and treated me fair." Often times they shake hands or embrace. I always found it amazing because when you see police on TV, they do a lot of yelling and threatening people in an interview room. Ken said he learned to interview through LSI, but he learned to talk to people from Det Danny Mitchell

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (55)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (56)Ken's 1st Officer of the Year

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (57)

His 2nd Officer of the Year

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (58)

3rd Officer of the Year

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (59)

4th Officer of the Year

This was interesting as every officer in the room received an "Officer of the Year" trophy like this and two of the officers in the group were called forward and received a larger version with a check. Ken asked the coordinator do they still keep these, or were they trash now? He was told, every officer in the room was the "Officer of the Year" for their particular agency, district, unit etc. and the two called forward were "Outstanding Officer of the Year" This was something that every officer in the room could hold their head up taking pride in having been selected as the Sun papers Officer of the Year for their district, unit, etc. She told us that they receive hundreds of applications, and narrow those down to those that were invited to the dinner.

Ken's 5th Officer of the Year

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (60)

1998 Sun Paper Award

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (61)6th Officer of the Year

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (62)

7th Officer of the Year

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (63)

6 May 2018
Retired Detective Badge #550
Ken's badge while he was working CD/MCU/DDU
Central District - Major Crime Unit - District Detective Unit
This is the Badge Ken was carrying when he was paralyzed.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (64)

This was in the quartermaster's unit since 20 May 2003
I offered to polish it for Ken, but he said, "it is what it is," and to polish it could ruin it
So we'll leave it alone, Ken has two other #550 Detective badges, the Mini Badge and a Duplicate Issue Badge
As well, I bought him the 4th issue badges with his numbers #3232 Officer and #550 Detective.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (65)

Baltimore County Commendation

Ken was doing some investigations in the city that bled over into the county, he gave the info to a friend that was a new county officer. His friend was passing the info in as if he found it on his own. He did this until he was called into his Captain's Office and asked questions that he couldn't answer. Then he came clean and told them he had gotten the info from Ken, Ken's friend called the house and aske if ken could meet him at precinct 12 where he met with the Captain and shared all his info, later some Detectives came to the house and with Ken's info they were able to make several arrests. A year later in 1989, Ken received this award with a commendation ribbon, his Lieutenant gave ken the award during roll call in his district. There was a little trouble, Ken was young, and before he was able to get back to his seat, the same Lieutenant gigged Ken over a joke he had played on a fellow officer. This didn't sit well with the older veteran officers, and they made it clear, They told the lieutenant, when rewarding and officer's good work, give him time to feel good about it before busting their ass over some BS. A few weeks later the same Lieutenant called Ken up in roll call, and presented him a City ribbon for the work he had done to make the department look good by working with the county police while he was off duty.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (66)

1995 - CISD Training. Ken joined this team because when he had his second shooting, a member of the same team came out to talk to him and told Ken Ken would have nightmares, feeling terrible for having shot and nearly killed a ma. Butt Ken felt great, so Ken went to see the doctor, why does he feel great when he should feel bad. The Doctor asked Ken why he feels good about the shooting and Ken said, because he kept the guy from shooting his partner, the hostage was injured, and the suspect lived. The Doctor told Ken that is perfectly healthy as long as it is for the reasons mentioned and not because you are keeping score, like the smell of blood, sound of a man crying or any one of a million other odd reasons one could reacting to a shooting. But Ken's was normal, it is OK to be proud of saving a friend, Ken felt so strongly about the misinformation and the damage it could have done, that he joined the team, I remember him coming home from the interview, they asked a question that at first he had gotten wrong, but when he explained his answer, they re-evaluated the possible answers and Ken was excepted into the group. The questions, If you are debriefing an officer that had just been involved in a shooting, and he opens up to you, as the officer talks more he starts bringing up emotions within you, what do you do? Ken said he would finish the interview, then seek another member of the group to talk o about the feeling he might be having. The correct answer was, he should excuse himself, and send in another member of the team. Ken said, personally, he would like to finish the session, and seek help if he needs it, because, he would hate to be in the middle of talking to someone, someone that just shot someone, someone that is terrified they might lose their job, they don't know if they were right or wrong, and they are second-guessing themselves, they start to talk to the guy that came to listen and to help, all the while wondering if they will be OK, then out of the blue, the officer that came to help, is sickened by what he or she is hearing, Ken said he refused to walk out on a fellow officer that needs his help, He would help then, and be there for them no matter how often they need him, and when he feels it is getting to be too much, he will seek counseling on his own for his problems.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (67)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (68)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (69)

1986 - Ken was hired by Baltimore County Police in 1986 but he and one other were cut before the class began making them 1st and 2nd alternates. One of the reasons they were hired last was lack of military time or experience. They both joined the Auxiliary as suggested by their recruiter. Before completing the course Ken was hired by Baltimore City, Ken explained to the City Recruiter he didn't like quitting things he started and if it was OK he would like to complete the Auxiliary training. He was allowed and even went out to help them on a few cases, like the Amtrak train crash, and a few buy-bust. If you look at the dates, you'll see Ken's EOD was 17 June 1987 and this was 25 June 1987 he finished his training on the 20th. Funny thing they took his Auxiliary ID when he was hired by the City and had him using his City ID card to go to training and on the several cases he attended.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (70)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (71)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (72)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (73)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (74)

Mayor Citation 1995

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (75)

Maryland Police Training Commission

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (76)

1st Gold Record

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (77)

2nd Gold Record
This one was awarded in 2000 and has his actual 1997 bicentennial badge in it

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (78)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (79)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (80)

Certificate From Secret Service

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (81)

1992 - Certificate LSI - This course was first taken in 1992 via Fax Machines and Phone Calls. It took until 1994 to get his certificate, by this time Ken had taken the course for Robbery, Theft, Murder, Assault, Sexual Assault, Arson, an Audio on Cassette Course that covered most of the same topics, As well as the VIEW Questionnaire course. Add to this the classroom course two more times, as a guest of Avinoam Sapar. It was first used by Ken when he was in Patrol on the midnight shifts, he had just returned from a surgery to his shoulder that almost ended his career. Ken was told he would get a settlement for his injuries, so Ken used that money for this training. In 1993 when Ken returned to work from a line of duty injury, he arraigned to take an in-service class twice the first time he was briefly introduced to SCAN by Mike Ryan a former Police Officer and one time president of our union. The second time, Ken was hoping for more of Mike's training, but they had a different guy with a different course. Still with Mike's short introduction, Ken was hooked, and convinced it was what he was looking for. At the time when Mike gave his lesson along with many other techniques, Ken really enjoyed what he had heard of the SCAN Technique, and it seemed to breath new life into his career. There is a saying, "It is just as important to exonerate the innocent, as it is to convict the guilty!" This is interesting because Ken studied this technique for the time he was out for surgery, and recovery to a shoulder surgery that had a large portion of his clavicle removed, and a rotator cuff surgery. So when he returned to work light duty, he boasted to his friends this new technique he had learned, and most felt it was a hoax, some of his later Major Crime Unit members would call it witchcraft, chicken bones, or a SCAM, a take on the techniques correct name SCAN an acronym for Scientific Content ANalysis. Still, it was no luck, or no scam that on the first time Ken went to use the technique after more than a year of study and testing, Ken couldn't find deception in the suspect of a carjacking written statement. The victim called in the report, and within 45 minutes, the suspect was found driving the car. Ken was stumped and ready to call his instructor. It was 3 am, just as he was about to dial the last number, he realized, in all of his training they never studied from a truthful statement. Ken picked up the phone and called the reporting person in to give a written statement. As Ken tells it while sitting across the table from the reporting person, the guy furnished writing, and before Ken could turn that paper 180 degrees for him to read it, he had found more than a few red flags. Once Ken was able to read it in its entirety, he knew he had a false report and needed to get the suspect that had been arrested out of lock-up and on his way. This was on a Tuesday or Wednesday night, and by that Friday he was told not to come in on the weekend as he was scheduled to do, but that instead, he was to report to Major Crimes the following Monday as he had been transferred to the districts investigative unit.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (82)

Certificate RIAA

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (83)

Certificate Motion Picture Association

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (84)

American Police Hall of Fame

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (85)

2018 Gov Hogan
Governor's Citation

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (86)

Detective Kenneth Driscoll

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (87)

A Small Sample of Commendatory Letters Ken Received

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (88)1990 - I met this man, after writing this letter directly to the Commissioner Ken was awarded a Bronze Star, and Mr. Jackson came to pin it on Ken's blouse. After saving Mr. Jackson's life, and escorting him to the hospital, Ken went back to the area of the carjacking and was writing the report when a call came out for a hit and run accident, involving a pedestrian. Ken took the call and on arrival immediately recognized that the victim of the hit and run, looked an awful lot like the description given as the carjacking suspect. Ken took that victim, to the same ER he took the carjack victim, and when taken in the back and passing the carjack victim, the victim shouted out, "That's the 'N-word' that robbed me!" with that Ken arrested the suspect closing the case. Search incident to arrest, the victim's necklace was found in the suspect's pocket. He received 10 years for the Robbery.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (89)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (90)1991 - This man was driving up the Jones Falls, Ken was behind him when all of a sudden he drove from lane 3 to lane 1 and back to 3 again using the shoulders on both sides and running his car up unto the barriers, at one point even up and over the barrier, luckily he landed on this side and stalled his car. Ken went up thinking it was a heart attack, gave CPR - Chest Compressions. The Doctors told the victim of this accident, it was not a heart attack but that Ken did save his life, with that he wrote this letter to Ken's Sergeant.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (91)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (92) 1994 S.C.A.N. Letter

1996 - This letter is one of many, but one that has meaning to Ken, he admired these two detectives (Det Mike Wilhelm and Det Gordon Carew) for giving credit where credit was due. He was also asked many times to leave Central District’s Major Crimes to go to CIB Robbery, and other CIB units, but Ken felt he belonged where he was, and appreciated, their giving him a chance not just with the new SCAN Technique, that when Ken first introduced it, was not well received. There was a Sergeant, either Sgt. Winter, or Sgt. Summer, Ken would know, but that Sergeant did not like the idea of someone being able to find deception without some kind of machine, and for that he did not like Ken. Thanks to an ASA by the name of Sarr, Peter Sarr if I am not mistaken, he knew enough about SCAN to know was not some kind of hoax and that in the right hands, it worked. ASA Sarr also knew enough about Ken to know if Ken said he was trained, he was, and Ken would use the technique in an honorable, and consistent manner. Ken did, he used it to both clear the innocent, and to gain confessions and convictions from the bad guys. In fact, the first time the technique was officially used in the Baltimore Police department, it was a Carjacking in which the suspect was arrested within 45 minutes of the report. The suspect, was dressed as reported by the victim, used the same name provided by the victim, and in the area the victim reported over hearing him saying he was headed. Ken was called in to use his new interview technique, Ken told the officers in advance that he didn't want to know anything about the crime, not their opinions, not their evidence, anything witness said etc. Ken said if it isn't in the statement, it doesn't matter. All Ken wanted was to be pointed in the direction of the room the suspect is waiting in. Ken used to have the suspect write their statement using a simple open question, "What happened?" I have seen Ken do this, he used to say, “Write everything that happened..., spelling and grammar don’t count, just sound it out as best you can, other than that, don’t worry too much about it! Just write what happened on this pad of paper.” By this time Ken had been using the technique for roughly four years, and it was still considered new to the department because Ken was restricted to Area 1. After a few big cases, Ken was being called on by all three areas, various districts, Assistant State Attorneys and by the time he retired he was doing statements for all 9 districts, and some County and State Police Agencies. Ken had even assisted Canadian Police with a case, and instructed a few of them online using a approved Introductory Course. When Ken started using SCAN, it had only recently been a course that was available to local police. Prior to that it was Military, and Federal Police Only. That went on for several years until about 1988 when it became something Police Department were learning about. Ken ended up paying for the classes out-of-pocket. He bought all the books, videos, etc. and one live class. I think it was around $1300 for the books/videos, then $600 for the live classroom instruction. The department did give him the time to go to the classes, s he didn't have to use vacation. But Ken was seriously injuries, and the department was looking to retire him for a serious shoulder injury. Ken talked to the Doctor Frank Something, and was told if he can learn a new skill, something to make him an asset, he'll consider allowing Ken to go back with minimal restrictions. Ken looked a few Interview/interrogation techniques, Ken had a way with suspects, and figured he might be able to do something new, and introduce a new technique, he never knew it would be as strong as it was. When Ken took a letter to Avinoam, claiming he knew the writer and recipient were the same person, because instead of, "Just remember, I am always out here!" the letter said "Just remember I'm always out there!" to say "Out THERE!" means the writer was "In the office" when it was written. When Ken presented this t Avinoam, he needed time to consult his English expert, as he had not run across that in his findings, within a week he called Ken back told him he was correct, said, Ken was a Guru on the subject and asked Ken to teach his introductory class. Ken had been invited several times over to re-take the Basics and advanced classes with Avinoam as trainer. Ken was also LSI’s first ACE student. Going by the copyright dates on Avinoam’ s books, videos, etc. all dated 1988 - Ken started his education in the technique in late 1992, early 1993. He was on light duty at the end of 1992, spring of 1993. Ken contacted LSI in 1992 and was told they wouldn't have a class in the area for nearly two years. So, Ken bought every Book, Videotape, Audiotape, and a Computer Program they had to offer. Ken also spent a ton of time on the phone and this was back when long-distance wasn't done VoIP, so it wasn't cheap, but it seemed important, and it seemed Ken was really learning something different. I know it worked around here too, our youngest son was accused of hitting the kid down the street, he denied it, Ken said, "No problem, here's a pad of paper, write what happened. Our son stopped, looked at Ken and said, “OK, I hit him!” It seemed our son knew he would be caught, so he just confessed. The kids were young, or just born around the time Ken was learning, so they all know this as well as Ken. In the end, Ken wrote his own SCAN computer macro/program a program he used while active, and still uses to this day. It is called his FAST Macro, he had a group of students, in his group called TheirWords F.A.S.T. stands for Forensic Analysis Software for TheirWords. uses that to mark-up statements. Looking for red flags that would either show honesty, or deception in one's words. Ken's Macro works in Microsoft WORD, and selects certain keys words, highlighting them (Some have little descriptions – Ken almost always adds comments, even to the automatic comments generated by the macro) With this, the analyst can go through apply finishing touches to the marked-up document, this lets us know every word was looked, and analyzed, to make sure it either shows, honesty, or deception. If a word is only marked, via the macro it would be obvious because Ken has to select various words, make them BOLD, UNDERLINED, ENCASED in a BOX with various COLOR fonts, waiting to be HIGHLIGHTED with the Microsoft WORD. Different colors are used for different words. For instance, we select all Pronouns, make the font BOLD, colored RED, encased in a black box, with a yellow HIGHLIGHTER added. So, during review, the analyst can pinpoint Pronouns, missing Pronouns, or clumps or Pronouns versus bare spots where no Pronouns are being used. I could be meaningful if a writer/speaker uses, say, “I” over and over they write, I did this, I did that, then all of a sudden there is no I things are still being done, but the writer is writing in a passive voice, it is worth looking into. The markings require the analyst look over each, and every word, marking them as they go along, as this assures us in the end that nothing was missed, and everything was analyzed. If it had not been looked at or investigated, it would only have the initial markings from the macro, and no additional markings/notes added by the analyst. It also points out words that might mean nothing, but until we look at each of these words to determine their validity, we will not know if the writer/speaker was honest or deceptive.

LSI stands for Laboratory of Scientific Investigation.
S.C.A.N. stands for Statement Content ANalysis
The F.A.S.T. macro stands for Forensic Analysis Software for Theirwords

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (93)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (94) 1995 - A Professor Stole a Student's Credit Card, Ken handled the Case, Knowing if the Media caught hold, it would cause a stink, that would take away from the school, and the case, Ken handled the case in a discreet manner charging the Professor, getting the Student's Credit Card Charges Straightened out with any fees Waived or Dropped. It was an Interesting Case, from what I remember the Professor was a kleptomaniac, that was not concerned one way or the other, she said her husband will take care of everything. She resigned her position from the school, and I would bet has gone on to steal from other schools just as she has In Baltimore and other schools she had been employed by in the past.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (95)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (96)1995 - Ken put a Fake Rolex Watch in a Safe in the Baltimore City Morgue. - It was listed as property belonging to a John Doe, and John Doe's body had gone to the students at the Medical School. A camera borrowed from Maryland State Police was hung over the safe that held Ken's watch, after two weeks, the suspect was caught on camera stealing the watch. The best part was Ken had him as the main suspect based on a SCAN Questionnaire. A year or so later when another theft occurred, Ken dropped off the same SCAN Questionnaires. Most of the employees remembered the Questionnaire resulting in one of the employees quitting, saying he refused to fill out the Questionnaire. Oddly enough, he was their main suspect. Ken was lucky to have worked with the squad he did because he often came up with some off the wall stuff and they always backed him on it. This was just one of those times. The TV Show Homicide Life on the Streets, picked up on this and did a similar story in which case a crime took place in the Baltimore City Morgue.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (97)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (98) 1996 - In Ken's unit, the did mostly investigative work, but from time to time they could play dress up, I remember often their dressing as delivery men, everything from pizza to a messenger service Ken had several uniforms, and he and his various partners enjoyed playing dress-ups. In this case Ken was with one of his favorite undercover police partners, Ret Det Ed Chaney, the two dressed as BG&E delivery men; one was a trainee, which gave them reason for three men on the truck. In short BG&E trusted the partners with uniforms, but they weren’t as trusting with allowing either officer to drive their truck. They delivered a range and range grill. The recipient lived on the edge of Bolton Hill around the 1400-1500 Blk of Mt Royal Terr. She was a cleaning lady, that was stealing people's identity, from papers she found in trashcans where she worked nights. She was then placing orders through BG&E for various items using the names she stole from her cleaning job. Now she had people in her family, neighborhood, church groups, etc, all giving her orders for everything from living room sets, to refrigerators, dishwashers, and microwave ovens, The lady would place orders in names she stole, so it cost her nothing, then she would sell it for three quarters to half its listed cost. After she signed Ken’s clipboard using the false name, and Ken double-checked that signature to make sure she signed in the false name, and not her own name, or something that could be claimed as her actual signature. Ken said he was concerned she would sign the way he does, so it wouldn’t be clear if it was her alias or her actual name. Once he saw it was the name on the order, and couldn’t be confused for anything but that name, not to mention he called her by her name, first when she answered the door, then again after she signed, when he called over to her, she responded to the alias, and Ken asked where they were to put the range, Just to be clear, she lived on the 3rd or 4th floor, and they did carry a range hood up, but the range was only unloaded from the truck, and taken out of view from the upstairs windows. Ken having the necessary probable cause needed to place her under arrest, announced that they were police and that they were placing her under arrest. With her secure, and her apartment secure, Ken and Ed went to write and get a Search and Seizure Warrant signed. Their squad stayed with the suspect at the apartment while they went after the search warrant. There was a store Ken, did a search warrant on, it was years before this apartment while doing the search an employee of the store said something that gave Ken and his unit probable cause to search the company’s other store. So, Ken went from one store to their other store with no warrant, he secured the store, basically, locked everything down. No one could come in, or leave, and when the warrant was signed Ken radioed the officers at the store to let them know they could start the search. No search was conducted until they knew the warrant was signed. Ken says Ed Chaney, said one of the funniest things he had ever heard Ed say, basically when the two returned to the apartment from getting the warrant signed, Ed went in and started moving things out of the way to close the door, as he began telling everyone to stay back, he said, “Kenny got a no-knock warrant, and we’re kicking this door off its hinges!" It had everyone laughing, including the lady they had arrested. This reminds me of something else I remember about the stories and the times I was in the office during a case. They along with the suspects they interviewed, interrogated, arrested, etc. were not enemies, in fact more often than not they had built a rapport, laughed, and joked together about the things they had been through. I think they both understood they are all human, and doing what they do to get by in life, nothing had to be personal, between this group of detectives, and some of Baltimore’s career criminals. I am sure they would never go out to dinner, or to play a game of baseball, or bowling. But for the times they had to be together, they are civil, actually more than civil they are friendly and provided each other with much-needed help. The detectives with closing their cases and the suspects by only charging with four or five of the crimes they admit to the rest are cleared by exception. This is mainly due to the cost of trial, and more than 4 or 5 cases, the defendant will have everything consolidated, and they will only end up doing a certain amount of time anyway, so they charged with four or five or the crimes they admit to, and clear the rest. Often it is nothing more than going through books and having the suspect point out which cases are theirs, but there were also times when they would go for a ride and the suspect would point out the locations they broke into or committed a robbery at. . and it wasn't. I don't know how many times we would be out shopping, or out eating and someone would come up to talk to Ken, always after a pleasant conversation, either the person would tell me, or Ken would tell me, Ken, arrested him, interrogated him, etc, and always the person would tell me that Ken and the guys in Ken's officer are friendly professional police.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (99)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (100) 1996 - Bell Atlantic Cloned Phone Case - I don't know much more about these Clone Phone cases than it seemed Ken enjoyed working with them. He had a lot of interesting equipment, boxes that would allow him to more easily find cloned phones. They used a SWAMP box, to find the cell phone number and serial numbers, with that he and his squad could determine a stolen phone was in the area, if it was an older phone they could actually listen to parts of the call, and see who in the area was using their phone, and if their talking seemed to match what they were hearing. It was also used during a Search and seizure to quickly read the serial numbers and phone number on phone's seized. They did a lot of confidential informant use with the cell phones, so they needed a way to make sure their CI was trustworthy, Ken says there are no such things as a trustworthy snitch. So they went to stores they had hit in the past, and asked for things like cloned pagers, they paid the bills, and had three pagers all responded to the same settings, so when they gave the informant a pager, they also got all his pages, and with that they could run the numbers to see who was calling. Eventually they would get some cool tools from the secret service. A cell phone that was also a WIRE, The informant was given the phone and asked to carry it in and ask if the seller could get any of these, showing off the phone which at the time was top of the line. What neither the informant or the seller knew was we could hear everything they were saying. If the informant got a call or made a call we got to hear all that too, which was important, because we needed to know he was asking for permission to store his phones there, and then taking us back to bust the place, essentially getting his stash at every raid, then paying him for the info. So they loan him their phone to go into the store, so he won't look out of touch, also since it was their phone they didn't need a warrant to tap the phone. The best part was they were able to clear their informant and prove, if to no one else that he was not salting the raids so to speak. The cloned Phone work was fun for most of the guys working it, it was something new that they had not worked in the past.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (101)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (102)1999 - 2.75 Million Dollar Cloned Phone Case - This is more of the Cloned phone cases, Ken started doing these because he had always been told the stolen cellphones were no good. If a phone was stolen and taken to a phone company they would not provide service. So with a rash of phones being stolen in “theft from auto reports,” and robberies, Ken wanted to know more, Ken's Sergeant at the time Sgt. Randy Dull, told him to figure it out. So Ken called the carriers and was put into contact with loss prevention with both bell Atlantic, and Cellular-One. both explaining the cloned phone industry I guess. It wasn't long after this that Ken devised some ways of striking back at the cloning outfits, giving breaks to larceny from auto suspect's if they would take him to their fences. A few of these guys would give their fences up for a reduced sentence. With a few of these cloning outfits identified, Ken would send his snitch in to make a controlled buy, I think Ken said it was around $100 or $125 to get one phone. After a half dozen stores he realized most of the stores that sold cloned phones, also sold mix-tapes, and the mix-tapes were only $5 for cassettes, $10 for CDs. For the same $100 to $125 it cost for a single cell phone, they could buy 12 bootlegged mix CDs. So he contacted the RIAA and started making buys for bootleg CDs and Cassette tapes. It wasn’t long before they were conducting mass raids, of 9 and 10, in one case 13 search and seizure warrants all conducted at the same time. Another interesting thing about the supervisors Ken had, they let him think outside the box, so manpower being an issue in conducting so many raids all at the same time, Ken had members of the RIAA, Motion Picture, and several private investigators hired by these companies to investigate cloned phones, pirate music, and bootleg videos. As well he eventually added counterfeit clothing to the list because again, rather than spending $125 on a phone, they could spend $10 on a fake Tommy Hilfiger sweater, or a little more for some counterfeit jeans. Ken used manpower from the PI firms to assist in the searches. It made for some interesting times. In the end Ken was often given all the counterfeit clothing. We used to sit in the storage shed cutting the patches, or other emblems off the various articles of clothing, everything from generic jeans, shirts, caps, etc, to a fake version of high-end clothing lines. With all the identifiers removed, and the clothes essentially as it was before it was altered, the clothes were taken to local homeless shelters. Ken liked one of the sweaters, so I bought a few for him over the years on eBay, he always teases saying it is probably the same companies they used to raid.Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (103)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (104)1999- This was a 2.75 Million Dollar Cloned Phone Case. These Cases started after Ken questioned why anyone would steal a cellphone. Sgt Dull told him to look into it. When he learned of Cloning Phones, Sgt Dull and Maj McMahon Gave Ken the green Light to investigate Cloned Phones. Before long his entire squad was backing him up in his investigations, and search warrants. this led t cases like this and bigger. He once did 13 warrant the same day, loaded a U-Haul with counterfeit goods. He brought that vehicle home backed the backdoor up to our house, and the next morning he and his partner drove it to a storage locker where it was unloaded before they returned the truck

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (105)

Years of Service - 16 years

EOD 17 June 1987 - RFD 29 May 2003

Badge Numbers - Officer #3232 and Detective #550

Awards - 3 Bronze Stars -3 Unit Citations -2 Commendation Ribbons - 2 Citations of Valor -100+ Letters of Commendation -7 Officer of the Year Awards - a Purple Heart & Legion of Merit - aDistinguished Service Award-A MayorCitation& A Governor's Citation - 2 Gold Records RIAA - Certificates from Motion Picture Association, the Recording Industry - and The Secret Service - Member of the Police Hall of Fame - 15yr Safe Driving Award - Retired DetectiveBadge#550

Injuries - Broken Foot - Sprain Right Wrist - Broken Right Wrist - Sprain Left Wrist - 2nd Brake to Right Wrist - Broken/Separated Right Shoulder/Clavicle -Broken Finger -FracturedVertebra Caused Paralysis - Hairline Fracture to his Skull - Puncture Wound to the right side of Stomach area and Stabbed in the Left Arm

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (106)

Opening the Police Museum

2017 - 26 June 2017 - The Baltimore Police Museum re-opened after more than 20 years. It was re-opened through the efforts of The Baltimore Police Historical Society, Det Robert Brown, Patricia Driscoll wife of Ret Det Kenny Driscoll, Ken was also instrumental in the project which was done in cooperation with former Commissioner Kevin Davis. It took 18 months from start to finish but it opened on the 26th of June 2017, complete with a200 plus year history using photos, documents, uniforms, badges, guns, an original 1953 polygraph machine, district cell block, and other memorabilia. Guests can walk into the old cell block, stand in front of a physical lineup, and use their smartphones to hear, read and see more information by scanning our interactive QR codes which we have set up throughout the museum. We think the 360 QR codes will be a real treat as they allow visitors to use their phones to virtually pick up various items and turn them around to view them from 360 degrees. The museum is on the ground floor in the "Gallery" of the Bishop L. Robinson Sr. Police Administration Building 601 E Fayette St. - This pic was taken and the scissors, ribbon and pic were given to Ken for safe keeping.

Ken says the pic has an error, due to the angle of the shot it looks like the commissioner is holding Ken's hand, or visa versa, so Ken gets a good laugh but thought another angel would have been nice.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (107)War Story
He Got'em with the Door

Recently at the same store Ken helped arrest a shoplifter that was resisting arrest and fighting the Baltimore County Officer that was working secondary now a Weis Grocery Store Ken and our son-in-law (Josh) were waiting out front for our daughter, as our daughter was going in, Ken noticed a young man in his late 20's squeeze out through the indoor, and at the same time another young man exiting through the exit in a hurry, within seconds the two clashed. The one that came out after him quickly identified himself as police, a struggle ensued at which time the shoplifter pulled away and ran westboundup the parking lot away from the store; but then for some reason he turned around and ran back up the parking lot in an easterly direction as he was about to pass in front of Ken and our son-in-law (Josh) a second security officer came out of the store identifying herself the suspect turned to run between the cars now heading in a southbound direction away from the store and up the aisle on our son-in-law's side of the truck, but with a row of cars in front of them there was still time for God to answer Ken's prayers and he did the suspect turned between the car in front of them to run east again, and then as he passed that one car he made Ken's day by turning to is right now heading south again, and about to pass Ken's door. Ken said he had a million things running through his head, to put the window down and reach out would potentially damage the car/truck if he were to struggle against the paint, if he were to open the door too soon the guy could buckle the door panel, so he had to wait until the guy was further alongside the truck, so Ken would get him with the back edge of the door, just under the handle and toward the back edge of the door. So Ken waited until he felt it was right, and then quickly opened the door slamming the suspect into his right side knocking him off balance and into the car parked next to them. This also made him drop the items he had stolen and kept him stumbling to regain balance long enough to allow the police officers chasing him time to catch up. He was cuffed and marched back into the store where he was processed before being taken to booking.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (108)

Retired Detective Ken Driscoll's

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (109)War Story
Wheelchair OC

Years ago, but after his injury while in Ocean City we were in a Wall Mart, Ken heard arguing and from a store's power chair made his way to the arguing, two men were in a heated argument, Ken rolled right between them, and told them to both calm down and listen, he pointed out one had been drinking and when the guy started yelling at Ken, Ken said, hold on and just listen I am not calling judgement, I am just trying to say, this is not the place, the police are on their way and when they get here they won't care about your story, they will just take you in. Now both guys listened, Ken said, if I were you, and this is just friendly advice, but if I were you I would separate in different directions and take this up sometime later. You when you have not been drinking. and you when you have had more time to think out your argument. Now let's separate before the police get here and someone ends up in jail. The two guys left Len noticed three guys standing by, all wearing khaki pants and black golf shirts. One came to Ken and asked where he was police, Ken told him Baltimore Police and they acted like they had met a rock star. Baltimore police are highly respected in the police community. BTW Ken was using words to calm the two guys, words that subconsciously partner the men up with him and don't make it seem like he either took sides or it is him against them. words like "WE - Let's - and They" he wanted to make it seem like a partners ship so he used We and US we'll let's which is, "let us" and "they" the police. so now the suspects are seeing Ken as one of them and the police as the They that is not Ken or either of the suspects. He also limited their time to think because "They are on their way" The guys in khakis were security and let Ken run the show because it was working the main security guard said he didn't want to interfere with what was obviously working because it would have just started things over. They thanked Ken for solving a problem. the point is with the right words and the right attitude even heated angry drunks can be calmed down. It is also to say that Baltimore Police areBaltimorePolice for the rest of their lives. They never stop caring, and their training doesn't go away.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (110)War Stories
Winner Winner

When Ken was in Major Crimes they had a few warrants they wanted to serve, borrowing from the old baseball ticket, raffle winner ruse to trick wanted persons into coming to the police, they sent letters out saying during their last arrest money and or property was not picked up, if not picked up at certain date and time the money/property would be forfeited to the police. Some people even knowing they had no money at the time of their arrest couldn't resist a chance to get something, even if they know it was not theirs. So out of 30 letters, 15 wanted persons came in to get their property/monies and were arrested. After that, they just sent letters saying the person was wanted and with that they had about the same response of 50/50 turning themselves in or continuing to run. One actually sent a letter back saying, "F@*# You catch me if you can!" When he was later caught, he told the officers that sent the letter that he didn't write that response, his sister did. These types of schemes were common in these type units. One I remember Ken talking about they had a suspects phone number but didn't have his address and it wasn't in the criss/cross, so Ken called the number and told the person on the other end of the line he was with BG&E and they had a guy on the pole out front of person's house that isn't answering his radio, and that his wife was going into labor, if they would go out front and tell him to call the office, and he does, they would give them half off on their BG&E Bill, the person was excited putting the phone down and going out front, a short time later they came back and said no one is on the police, Ken said are you sure did you see his truck they said they did not, Ken said, this is 602 W Lanvale? the caller said no this 2238 Callow Ave. Ken said well that explains why he is not out front, OK well thank you anyway, and don't worry, we'll make sure you get your discount, is their an apartment number or is it a whole house. They told him it was a whole house and with that they knew where to get their suspect. The tricks they used were sometimes things you would think you would only see in movies, like wearing delivery man uniforms and delivering packages, then arresting the suspect that signed for the package. Dress-ups was a norm for these guys, thinking fast to almost con a suspect into a confession. Speaking Cons, Ken once had a Flim-Flam artist act out his game to pull someone in on a pigeon drop, after doing so he told Ken's sergeant, Ken was good, and the department was lucky he was on their side, because if he was in the game, he would be one of the best, as he just con a con into allowing him to be filmed acting out the game. Something he said he had no idea he would ever do, but Ken made him feel like it was all his choice and that is the main rule in a con, having the stooge think they are n control. I will have to con Ken into telling me more of his stories.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (111)War Story
Tech 9 - 22

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (112)

As a rookie police officer, Ken worked Central District’s Sector 3 in 136 car which was Reservoir Hill at the time (this would have been back in the late 1980’s when Whitelock and Brookfield was still hopping, with drug dealing, gunfights, murder, burglary, theft and you name it, crime was part of daily life. So, one night on a midnight shift Ken got a call for a purse-snatching and on the way to the call he saw a suspect carrying a purse and matching the description given by KGA, Ken stopped the suspect and asked that someone ride past and pick the victim up and drive her past his location where he had the suspect and two or three volunteers standing around his car.As she was driven by she identified the suspect Ken had stopped as the person that had knocked her down and taken her purse. She also described her purse, which not only matched the purse he was carrying, and that was recovered, but her identification was still inside. He was taken to men’s detection which at the time was still in Central Police Station. While filling out the charging papers, Th's was before computers so everything was handwritten, and it took a little bit of time, the suspect had to use the bathroom, this caused Ken to have to take off his gun and put it in the drawer next to the Desk Sergeant. The guy had been drinking and had to relieve himself a few times each time Ken had to secure his gun next to the Desk Sergeant. He also had drugs in his pocket, Ken didn’t bother to charge him with the drugs, but he still had to submit them and by the time he was wrapping things up it was nearing 2:00 am and Ken was on his way through the garage toward men’s detention to take the reports down to his Sergeant.

Officer Dave Robertson stopped a car in the 1600 block of Pennsylvania Ave. No one called to back him up, Ken was walking past his car on Frederick St. at the time, so he hopped in, and took off from the headquarters building, and up the Jones Falls. Prior to 9-11 you could turn right out of headquarters and go to Fayette St where it is fenced off now and has been since 2001. Ken made his way up I-83 and across North Ave. before long he was pulling up on Dave. You would have to know Dave to understand why someone would drive like a nut cutting across one-way streets, hopping curbs etc. Dave fell into more doo-doo (as Ken puts it) than the guy that empties outhouses at a state fair, well that, and Ken had a weird feeling just from the tone in Dave’s voice. Police tend to hear changes in the voice of their squad members and know when something isn’t right. So, Ken pulled past the stopped car and backed up on its front bumper got out and walked passed the car to meet Dave at the back, driver side bumper of the suspect vehicle. On the way by Ken recognized the driver, his last name was Smith, it has been nearly 30 years so neither Ken or I can't remember his first name, but I know Ken arrested him for drug dealing in the past he had a told me how when he was clean he was a sarcastic and just the type you wished you knock on his butt, but Ken respected the job and his family too much to throw it all away over his ego. So, Ken would just wait until the next time. Statistically with this suspect, if he was clean today he would be dirty tomorrow and the rest of the week.Whenever Smith was dirty he was dirty, he lost his whit... one-time Ken asked his name he told him let’s say, William Smith; Ken asked him to spell it, he spelled his first name fine, but when he got to his last name, he said S – M– I – and froze, he got to the “TH” and stopped it was no use he couldn’t sound out the “TH” sound. That time he had a nice little knot of dope and gave Ken a reason to knock him on his bottom. It seemed when he was dirty he lost his train of thought and grew a set of whatever it was that makes someone think it is a promising idea to fight a police officer that weighed about 225 pounds compared to his 155.

BTW Ken never gave a suspect more than was needed to get them into cuffs. So now Ken was standing with Dave at the rear bumper, Dave tells Ken he thought the driver was drinking because he was driving without headlights, Ken asked if Dave searched the car, gave Smith a roadside sobriety test or if he even knew who Smith was? Dave didn’t... didn't and didn't... and to make matters worse, he had lost interest, so he told Ken he was about to just cut them loose and Ken could take the over on the case if he wanted.Ken called the driver (Smith) to the back of the car and asked if he could search his car, Smith gets frantic, started to open the hatchback on the car while saying, “I don’t know what you’re looking for, other than the baby I locked in here earlier, but you can…” and before he could say, “search the car!” Ken closed the hatchback and had Dave hold onto Mr Smith. Ken clarified again, it was OK to look in the car, and Smith agreed that he could. But again, he was talking in a nervous way that from experience Ken knew he was dirty, somehow and it seemed he was trying to send a message to the passengers in that car. Ken opened the back passenger side door and pulled the guy from the back seat out as he did he ran his hand around the guy's waistband and came up with an 8 shot .22 caliber revolver. Ken quickly cuffed him and leaned him in the street, with his knees in the gutter, his feet were crossed and up on the sidewalk, his head leaning on the car and of course his hands were behind his back and in cuffs. Ken had Dave watch of the two prisoners while Ken opened the front passenger door and immediately saw a Tech-9 in plain view sitting on the floor between the suspect's knees. Simultaneously, Ken pulled the passenger and the Tech-9 out of the car. But unlike the guy in the back seat when Ken went to cuff this guy he started to put up a little struggle, he wouldn’t say it was a full-fledged fight, but for a split second it was headed that way and because Ken’s hands were filled with the suspect in one and the suspect’s gun in the other, Ken had little choice other than to put the muzzle of the Tech-9 to the suspect's temple while ordering him to, “stop resisting”. The suspect said, “OK… OK… I am not going to fight!” he stopped struggling and continued, “it has a hair trigger! be careful!” Seconds later with everyone secure, and a wagon on its way, Ken called for EVU (Emergency Vehicle Unit) to come clear the weapon. I mean, after all, Ken said it felt as if the slide was stuck and the suspect just told him it had ahair trigger. The last thing Ken wanted to do after making a pretty good arrest was to let a round off down Pennsylvania Ave at 2:30 - 3 o’clock in the morning.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (113)

With the description of a Tech-9 going out over the air, along with a wagon call for three arrests, the curiosity of their squad was awaken and everyone came to have a look see at what these two had gotten themselves into.The first guy on the scene was Officer Kelvin Vincent; Kelvin said, “Good case Driscoll, two guns, three arrests, a victim reporting he had been robbed by the three a few minutes earlier… good stuff. But I have to ask you; where’s your gun?” Ken looked down on his hip as he reached for an empty holster and sure enough, he was unarmed. So, he calmly told Officer Vincent his gun was down the cell block. That quick Ken remembered, that he was on his way back into get his gun and drop off the reports from the purse-snatching arrest when Dave’s call came out, So Ken left with no gun.

Later that morning, Ken was getting a pat on the back from just about everyone in the station when the Major’s driver came out to tell Ken that the Major wanted Ken to know he felt he did an excellent job, he did some really good police work, first, the purse-snatch, then an armed robbery… Great job, he started to turn to walk away when he stopped turned back toward Ken and said, "Oh yeah, he also said to tell you next time take your freaken gun…” The Major said he has been to enough police funerals of officers doing outstanding work with all their equipment, “Don’t give the bad guys an advantage”, otherwise keep up the good work.

A friend of Ken's made up a rap about himself, and while Ken will be the first to say it, The Wody Rap is much much better than Ken's Rap he still had a funny little rap about the incident, that while the incident was scary for us at home, Ken knew how to make it less scary, and more fun with a rap that went something Like,

"Well I'm Big Ken Driscoll and I made an arrest,
I didn't have my gun but I wore my vest.
I took away an Uzi and a 22,
Dave Robertson didn't know what to do.
So I put them in cuffs, and I took them to jail,
now they got themselves a hundred thousand bail!

For myself and the kids, it did make a difficult situation into something less scary, and something that seemed, as if Ken had more control. Sometimes I think the way he carried himself, and talked to people helped, I remember another time Ken had a broken arm, and not only arrested two people while out to lunch but had to wait for someone to bring him flex cuffs, he was light duty and only going out for lunch. When he got back into the station the suspects asked when he broke his arm, Ken told them weeks ago, and they said you weren't wearing a cast up on Howard St. If you were we wouldn't have just stood there. Ken said this is why I kept you from seeing my arm. From that and the unarmed arrest, I assume he just knew how to carry himself,, and control a situation.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (114)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (115)

Ken Driscoll is in the wheelchair, with John kneeling beside him.
These two were partners on a midnight shift for four or five years
back in the early 1990sand made some great cases.
They took a
lot of guns and drugs off the street, and made a lot of arrests doing it.
Ken misremembered a line from an old movie,
Next of Kin.The
line was,"Yeah, we made a mean pair too."The brothers were
talking about the fightsthey had been in, and one said, "We had
some doozies,"
to which the other brother replied,"Yeah, we
made a mean pair too." However, Ken always thought hesaid,
"Together, we made a mean pair of two," and Calpin and Ken did.
The names Calpin and Driscoll were legendary from those days.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (116)Apparently upset that they "rolled" Ken into the pention trial, during the 2012 testimony of Mayor Blake, Judge Garvis said, "You rolled your disabled Sally, poster child in, we get it, now can we move on?" Ken wouldn't let me say anything at the time, fearing that if the case was lost, it would have been his fault because I yelled at the judge for calling Ken a sally poster child that was rolled in. I have since learned that a sally is amilitary surprise attack. Still wrong, but Ken was right; it was best to remain quiet and let the judge be the only one lacking class that day. We have since obtained the transcripts, and where the judge made these comments, they put inaudible.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (117)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (118)

John Calpin -Kenny Driscoll
Shortly After a Departmental Shooting 400 E.North Ave.

3 May 1992

Shoot Out in the Odell's Crowd

On the night of May 3rd, 1992, Ken was working a graveyard tour. He had a permanent assignment on the midnight shift in the Central District at the time. I was pregnant with our youngest child, due to give birth on May 6th. That night, Ken and his partner, Officer John Calpin, who was my favorite among his partners, were tasked with crowd control at Odell’s nightclub on North Ave.

A call came in regarding an armed suspect heading east on North Ave., near the Board of Education building. Ken and John responded immediately, hopping into John’s car and heading east. When they arrived at the school board's headquarters, no one there matched the description KGA had given. Although they crossed into the Eastern District from Central, they decided to continue east on North Avenue until they could get to a safe place to turn around.

They came across someone who matched the suspect's description a couple of blocks later. He was with a girl who was wearing a long brown leather coat, and he himself was wearing a light blue velour sweatsuit with white tennis shoes. Reports indicated that the suspect was armed with a black semi-automatic pistol, which he waved around before firing a couple of rounds into the air.

Ken and John noticed that a second male had joined the suspect and the girl. The second man was dressed in an all-black velour sweatsuit. The suspect, who was reported to be carrying the 9mm handgun, was standing between the female and the man who had just joined them.

Another police vehicle, driven by an officer I only knew as Brian (possibly Brian Curran), was following Ken and John’s vehicle. Brian stopped his car on the corner, behind the suspects, blocking any potential escape to the west. Ken radioed in to say that they had a suspect who fit the earlier KGA description and that they were going to try to make a stop on the north side of the street in the 400 block of E. North Ave.

To prevent any attempts to flee, Ken and John pulled their car up approximately 25 to 30 feet east of the suspects. Ken got out of the passenger door and ordered the suspects to freeze and stop where they were. At this point, the armed suspect, dressed in light blue, started turning counterclockwise. With his right hand, he drew a semi-automatic pistol from under his shirt and with his left hand he grabbed the black-clad individual as he continued to turn in the same counterclockwise direction.

At the start of the suspect’s turn, he was facing Ken. However, when he came face-to-face with Officer Calpin, he stopped turning and began raising his pistol around the right side of his hostage/human shield. We don't know if he thought he had turned a full 360 degrees and was facing Ken again, or if he just stopped at the first officer he saw. Now hiding behind the hostage and using him as a human shield, he continued to raise his firearm around the hostage, as if he were trying to aim his gun at John.

The woman who was with him fled southward toward the street, out of the line of any potential gunfire. She was aware of the shooter's propensity to fire at police. Now the suspect was hiding behind his human shield, posing a threat to Ken’s partner with a firearm he had reportedly been firing into the air.

Ken said that everything seemed to be moving slowly, but he understood from his training that this was just his adrenaline making him think faster than what was actually happening. All of this transpired quickly, possibly within seconds of the confrontation, certainly in under a minute.

He stated that he was aware that he needed to fire only a single shot, that he was outside of his shooting comfort zone (it was later determined the shot he took was 27 to 30 feet), and that his partner was a wide-open target with nowhere to take cover, standing no more than 8 to possibly 10 feet directly in front of the suspect. He also contended that the suspect was holding someone between himself and John, preventing John from firing a round to defend himself.

Ken inhaled deeply, took aim, and then gently squeezed off a single round after carefully aiming. He was taught to double tap, but he was aware that he could not get a second round off without risking injury to the hostage. Ken told me he fired as far back as he could, splitting his target in half and aiming for the back half, so his round would be as far from the hostage as possible. He said he felt if he hit where he was aiming, it could end the threat; if he grazed his back or missed shooting behind the suspect, he might draw the suspect’s fire, giving John time to take cover and possibly fire on the suspect from his new position.

Meanwhile, Ken felt he had the advantage of distance; he estimated 30 feet, and if need be, he could have taken cover behind the hood and engine block of the patrol car. He had faith in his partner’s ability to bail him out should he miss, but he knew he had to take the shot in order to avoid seeing his partner shot. Ken always said the shot he made was better than his shooting ability; he knew he could shoot well, but this shot was at a subject that was hiding behind a hostage at a great distance, so the target was small. Ken believes the shot was only made because he prayed before his shifts and had God on his side. The bullet entered the suspect’s body through his left side at his chest line and traveled through his body in a downward trajectory, nearly exiting the suspect’s body near his lower right hip around the area some might call the love handle. With just one shot, the threat to Ken and his partners was over.

The two partners advanced on the suspect, while Officer Curran, the third officer, caught the hostage as he was attempting to run away. As Ken approached the suspect, he took control of the suspect’s firearm, first handing it to Calpin before putting the guy in handcuffs. With the suspect secured, John handed the firearm back to Ken. Ken secured the pistol in his dip, then provided first aid for what he referred to as a sucking chest wound. John had already called for a medic and notified communications that a police-involved shooting had just taken place.

Ken stated that the solution for the sucking chest wound was as simple as covering it with a piece of plastic potato chip baggie he had found on the ground, not far from where the suspect was lying. He looked to see where the round had exited and discovered that it was just under the flesh on his right side, as described previously above the right hip. Once the chip bag covered the entry wound on the suspect’s chest, the sucking sound stopped, and the suspect was breathing more comfortably, or at least less labored.

After arriving on the scene, a sergeant took charge of the first aid and ordered Ken to be transported to the back seat of his car until the crowd calmed down. Ken was transported shortly afterward to Homicide to start the inquiry. They transported Ken, John, and Brian in separate vehicles and kept them apart until they obtained their statements.

The second male, initially perceived as a hostage and used as a human shield, was later identified as the suspect’s brother. The woman who had been with the armed suspect throughout the incident was found to have been his mother. She was present when he brandished and discharged his pistol into the air. Interestingly, while she was at the hospital receiving treatment for chest pains, she was overheard telling a family member of Her’s that she had told her son to put the gun away so as not to attract any unwanted police attention. That said, at the time of the incident, the police were unaware of these details. They believed they were confronting an armed subject and ensuring the safety of an innocent hostage.

The defendant survived the shooting and was able to appear at trial thanks to John and Ken’s rapid response in providing first aid and their sergeant taking over that medical treatment until an ambulance arrived to take him to the hospital, where he was taken into surgery and treated for the gunshot wound. He later accepted a plea deal of three years in prison for a handgun infraction, as well as three charges of assault on police for brandishing the gun in the direction of the three officers.

Three days later, our youngest daughter, Patricia Lynn Driscoll, was born. We affectionately called her Tricia, or Tink. She grew up to become a doctor, specializing in the treatment of children with autism.

All three officers, including Ken, received "commendatory ribbons" in recognition of their actions that day. In the same week, Ken received a bronze star for assisting a fireman in rescuing a man from an apartment fire. Interestingly, the man they saved from the fire was a career criminal. This led to some officers questioning why preventing a police officer from being shot earns a commendatory ribbon, but while saving a career criminal from a fire merits a bronze star.

The police commissioner and the meritorious conduct board upgraded Ken's commendatory ribbon to a bronze star after reevaluating his actions. This recognition served as a testament to all three officers' bravery and commitment to their duty.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (119)Retired Badges

There are said to be four retired police badges, we are not 100% sure of the four, but know of a possible fifth badge. From what we do know, and have heard, five badges have been retired, four for our officers, and a six-year-old honorary police officer.

Retired Badges

There are said to be four retired police badges, we are not 100% sure of the four, but know of a possible fifth badge. From what we do know, and have heard, five badges have been retired, four for our officers, and a six-year-old honorary police officer.

Honorary Police Officer 6-Year-Old Vincent Felicebus, Jr- 30 Jan 1957 - P/O Badge #390- Commissioner James Hepbron

1. Retired P/O Edward A. Panowitz Sr,1968 - P/O Badge #23- Commissioner Bishop Robinson
2. Retired P/O John McAndrew- 30 June 2011 - P/O Badge # 1122- Commissioner Frederick Bealefeld III
3. Retired Det. Al Marcus- 5 March 2016- Detective Badge #12-Commissioner Kevin Davis
4. Retired Det. Kenneth Driscoll- 6 May 2018 - Detective Badge #550- Commissioner Darryl DeSousa
5. Retired P/O Gerard Heid -P/O Badge #2407-

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (120)30 Jan 1957

Police badge 390 Retired; Vincent, Aged 6, Buried - Commissioner James M. Hepbron

Baltimore Police badge Number 390 was officially retired today 30 Jan 1957. The shiny symbol of law and order was one of the last proud possessions of 6-year-old Vincent Felicebus, Jr., who wanted more than anything else to be a policeman.It was given to the boy at his home, 2603 Kentucky Ave. by Commissioner James M. Hepbron, who realized Vincent would not live to fulfill his ambition. Vincent was a victim of Leukemia. On Sunday he died. Today he was buried, after angel’s mass at the Shrine of the Little Flower Church.The police Commissioner attended the services, as did City Councilman C. Lyman Schueler. Four policemen served as Vincent’s pallbearers.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (121)

1. Retired P/O Edward A. Panowitz Sr, 1968 - P/O Badge # 23 - Commissioner Bishop Robinson

2. Retired Officer John McAndrew - 30 June 2011- P/O Badge # 1122- CommissionerFrederick H. Bealefeld III

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (122)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (123)5 March 2016

3. Retired Detective Al "Mad-Dog" Marcus -5 March 2016- Det. Badge # 12- Commissioner Kevin Davis

6 May 2018

4. Retired Detective Kenneth Driscoll - 6 May 2018 - Det. Badge # 550 - CommissionerDarrylDeSousa.Issued to Retired Detective Kenneth Driscoll,by an announcement of Baltimore Police Commissioner, Darryl DeSousa on 6 May 2018 said, now and forever Ken's badge and number have been RETIRED! and Detective Badge #550 will never be issued again -Click any of the pics from this presentation to watch/listen to the video

5. Retired P/O Gerard Heid -P/O Badge #2407-

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (124)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (125)

Planned Parenthood Detail

As a father of four, Ken was always pro-life, but his job was to keep the peace. So he had to set his personal feelings aside, and do his job to prevent riots at a planned parenthood office.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (126)

This was their first Gold Record 1996

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (127)

2nd RIAA Gold Record
This was in 2000 and was
Awarded to Sergeant Dull, Assistant States Attorney Patricia Deros SP?

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (128)

This was Ken's first Bronze Star
It has has James and Ken Jr in he pic,
The award was presented by Commissioner Woods

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (129)

This is Ken and Ed Chaney

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (130)

This has George Trainer, John Calpin and Kenny
George called them The Good The Bad and The Ugly

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (131)

Kenny, Karin Sullivan Lipski, and John Calpin

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (132)

These three never worked together, but Ken was partnered up with both of them.
Left to Right, this is John Calpin, Ed Chaney and Ken

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (133)

This is Kenny looking under the car to make sure no-one or nothing is under the car before it is towed.
Ken was told it looks like he is falling out of the car, So they took the pic for the joke. BTW It is
John Calpin that is toward the front of the car, he is acting as if he is directing Ken into the parking place.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (134)

1992 - On May 3rd 1992 a guy pulled a hostage between he and Officers Calpin, Curran and Driscoll With a human shield protecting him, he could have tried to walk or run away, but he wanted to use his gun. So he raised it around his hostage in the direction of Officer Calpin. Ken was 30ft to the suspect's east, and the target was small, but Ken didn't have a lot of time, he knew he had one shot, so the adrenaline took over Ken quickly aimed for the center-mass area furthest from the hostage, squeezed the trigger slowly until the gun went off. the round traveled the 30 feet, quickly striking the target ending the threat. Freeing the hostage.Ken and John advanced toward the suspect, while Officer Curran stopped and held the hostage.

As Ken approached the suspect, he first seized and controlled the suspect's weapon, he then cuffed him up, and started the first-aid that doctors said most likely saved the gunman's life. Before everything was said and done they learned the woman walking with the suspect was his mother, she was quoted in the hospital as having said to her sister, that she told her son [the suspect] "to put his gun away before someone reports him to the police!" Earlier in the year the same suspect saw someone he had been looking for in a car with three others, not wanting to miss his chance, he shot the car with a 9mm semi-automatic pistol, until the gun reached lock-back, and everyone in the car had been shot multiple times. Ken spoke with the mother of one of those shot in that car, and she told him her son was paid $500 not to testify, and that he could use the money, so he and the others would not be testifying against the suspect.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (135)

John Calpin, Ken and Officer Scott Bradshaw

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (136)

This is Ken and Ed Chaney

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (137)

Ken with Agent Greg Tate Secret Service
The Award being presented to Agent Tate was a Central District Parking Permit

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (138)

Ken working at his desk, while Jimmy stands next to him working a case
There was a sticker under this picture that said,
Jim yelling at Kenny again - Kenny ignoring Jim AGAIN!!!
There was an age difference that causedtension between these two.
But nothing stopped either of them from working as hard as they could to solve crime

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (139)

John Brandt with Ken

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (140)

Ken working Sector 3 - 10 Oct 1989
This is the back of the crime scene in the 1500 Blk. of Pennsylvania Ave

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (141)

This pic was the day Ken and John seized a safe containing 2 keys of cocaine. They tripped over it, while chasing a suspect that bailed out of a stolen car and ran into an apartment. Since he was running from the police, when they knocked on the door and a lady answered telling the officers she was alone, and no one should be in the apartment with her. They went in and found him hiding in a closet in a near empty room, The lady obviously living there said she wanted the suspect removed, and she told them to take the safe out too.Long story short, her boyfriend rented the apartment, but only furnished one room for her. The other rooms were for his stash house. So, the suspect that was running in and out, ended up getting a ten year sentence for the drugs.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (142)

During his early years, he arrested these two, one a John, the other a John's paid entertainment
even then he made it known it was nothing personal, had the two rented a room no one would care.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (143)


Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (144)


Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (145)

This was after Ken lost weight

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (146)

Jim Eigner was one of the guys Ken worked with. There is a joke behind this, Jim got a print hit fora burglary, so he wrote a warrant, the court commissioner downgraded it to a criminal summons. later when it was served, it turned out to be one of the midnight officers. He wasn't a burglar, he was one of the first on the scene, and he was both and Officer and a gentleman, as he cleared the glass out so he could help a female officer enterand securethe building. Ken used to bust on Jim for the mistake, and when he saw the chance he closed a cell door and took this picture as part of the joke

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (147)

John Calpin, and Ken
"Together they made a pretty mean pair of two."

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (148)

Sgt. David Dull

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (149)

They had a block sale where an entire block had a yard sale. Ken's partner and he walked the block and stayed close to the area so as to prevent any problems. As they walked the area they saw a 35mm camera that was filled with a roll of film. When they got back to patrol,theyfound this officer, he was doing surveillance earlier, and Ken having the camera, asked him to show them how he watches a drug corner, or other area he wants to watch while in uniform and a marked car without them moving away to do their crimes elsewhere. BTWtheyalways worked areas that had complaints, so as to appease the neighborhood by catching drug dealers, car poppers, stick up guys etc. The Officer in the car claimed to have pretended to read a newspaper, this allows him to keep an eye on a crowd until he has an idea of who the caller was complaining about. Before long he would act as if he was sleeping. It was as if reading the paper in a nice warm, or air conditioned car, took its toll, and the officer fell asleep.

So, Ken had him show them how far he can close his eyes and still see, he was able to tell Ken's partner how many fingers he was holding up as Ken's partner stood in front of the car closer to the driver-side. While the officer was busy showing them his trick, and had his attention diverted to counting Ken's partners fingers, Ken was able to pull the camera up and snap the shot. Then for the last 20+ years tease him about the picture saying, we were the only ones that knew the truth, and that from now on, he may have to pull the trick in the Majors office, or at a Trial Board, where he appears to have been sleeping, and then fill them in on everything he heard them say while he appeared to be sleeping. It was either that or he would buy Ken lunch for the rest of his career... which if Ken was really blackmailing him, his career would have lasted about one meal... LOL

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (150)

Here they are again, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
According the George, The Ugly is in the middle.
George was The Good, John was The Bad, and Ken was The Ugly
I guess it's better than in the old days when he had a shirt that said, Ugly Mean and Nasty...
At least he isn't Mean and Nasty anymore LOL

Ret. Det. Kenny Driscoll with his uncle, and Hero Ret. Det. Leo Smith

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (152)

Artwork Courtesy Cameron Jackson

Ken's grandson drew this picture of his grandfather Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll and his old partner John Calpin.It is from an old picture John was on the left side holding a cup of coffee, Ken is to the right. In the day, Ken never drank coffee, so he partner would tease and say, Kenny only drinks Hot Cocoa... Because Ken's father didn't give him permission to drink coffee. LOL... Great artwork by Cameron Jackson

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (153)

Statement Analysis

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (154)

SCAN was developed and refined by Avinoam Sapir and has become one of the most effective techniques available for obtaining information and detecting deception from statements of victims, witnesses or suspects. SCAN (analysis of statements) is an essential tool for law enforcement personnel, investigators, social service personnel, and anyone else who needs to obtain information from written material. Initially, it is best with a written statement, but once one has enough training, and experience they can just as easily do this with spoken words, which can be used in real time during an interview or interrogation. LSI provides SCAN training throughout the US and Canada, and also in Mexico, the UK, Israel, Australia, and other countries. More information can be found at a link on the bottom of this page

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (155)

SCAN is the original and best technique for analyzing statements.
Don't accept any imitation or unauthorized training!

1992: SCAN (ScientificContentAnalysis) was brought to the Central District's Major Crime Unit. SCAN was a Linguistic Polygraph technique that, at the time, was so new that the department had never heard of it, and as such, they refused to pay for the course. Officer Driscoll was coming back from a line of duty injury and had received a Workers Compensation payout. Ken used a large portion of that to pay for the training. Within a few months ofDriscoll showing, it to different units throughout the department, he was invited to help with various cases, analyzing statements in just about every unit or division within the department, everything from Homicide to Sex offenses to Robbery, Missing persons, and all of the robbery and burglary units in CID and the district's MCU (Major Crime Units) or DDU (District Detective Units). He started out being limited to "Area 1," and before long they added Area 2, but of course if someone came to him from Area 3, he wasn't turning them down. Ken couldn't resist helping out in any and all cases. He also did statements for the State’s Attorney’s Office and various outside agencies like Baltimore County, Ann Arundel County, and Maryland State Police anyone that came to him for help with cases,he took their statement's and trust me, he was loving it. I know he used to come home and tell me and the kids about various cases which taught us how to use the technique. Our youngest daughter was born in 1993, so she grew up learning this technique, while learning to talk, she was learning to detect deception, often while she and her father got to talking, it seemed they both use the technique as if it were second nature to them. I know what it did for Ken's career and am seeing what it is doing for hers. One was a detective, the other a student psychologist. Let's face it, the truth is the truth, and knowing where the truth ends and deceptions begin will help anyone on any career path. Before leaving the department in 2001 for surgery due to a LOD injury, Det. Driscoll was asked to teach his introductory course to Baltimore's Homicide Unit. BTW His course was authorized by Avinoam Sapir from LSI. Avinoam Sapir developed and refined Statement Analysis, and because Det. Driscoll took it so seriously that he found several observations that had not yet been discovered, Avinoam called Ken a Guru on the subject. "Point of Perspective, "Here vs. There" was just one of Kenny's many observations that were eventually included in LSI's training after Ken brought it to Mr. Sapir’s attention.

Ken still uses the technique and practices reading statements, even though he has been retired since 2003. One of the more well-known cases he was involved in was the Laci Peterson case, in which he contacted the Modesto, California, Police and offered his assistance, providing an observation of Scott Peterson's words. These observations came within five days of Laci’s going missing. Based on something Scott said to the media about his wife's disappearance, Kenny knew she was dead and not missing, as Scott was trying to report. To Ken, it came easy: if Scott Peterson knew she was dead when everyone else only suspected her as missing, then he must have killed her. At the time, The Modesto, California, Police said it was too early; they didn’t want to accuse him of anything too soon. But within the year, they asked Ret. Det. Driscoll for a complete write-up of his observations. BTW, I should point out that at first, he wasn't welcomed with open arms; initially they said something to the effect of, "If she is dead, and he knows it, as you said, he isn't the only one, because you also said she is dead, so how do we know you didn't do it?" Ken said, "Well, I am maybe 3000 miles away, give or take, and I am in a wheelchair, so good luck with that theory. When you find out she is dead, I can tell you about when and where she got dead. Feel free to contact me." Kenny was able to tell them what room she was killed in and the approximate time that she was killed, all based on Scott Peterson’s words. Within a year, Laci’s Body was recovered, and Scott Peterson was arrested, tried, and convicted of her murder. Other cases he assisted with included Haleigh Cummings, in which police were told to look more closely at the girlfriend; Ken was told she passed her polygraph. Ken said, "No offense, but the polygraph is only as good as the examiner and the questions asked. I know from the words used; the girlfriend knows more than she is telling." A few years later, it was determined the girl may have been taken from the girlfriend over money she owed for drugs.

The technique is very strong in the right hands and has been used to solve many cases throughout this country and internationally. The first time it was actually used in a case for Baltimore police was about 6 to 8 months after Ken had started using it; he had come back to work after a surgery that nearly ended his career in 1993. He had been telling everyone about the course and how it worked. One night a call came out for a carjacking, and within 45 minutes of the report, some officers in Sector 4 of the Central District found the car with a driver that matched the description given in the BOLO. The officers thought it would be an easy case for Ken, and at the same time, he could get them a quick confession, making the court part easy for everyone. Ken sat down and had the suspect write a statement. Ken began to read and analyze the statement. After the first read over, he found nothing, so he read it again and again, but he couldn't find the deception. Confused for a few minutes, he began to doubt his ability with a technique that during training he never had trouble with; he was 100% in training statements. Then it hit him: during training he never had a truthful statement, so he called the reporting person in, and in order to get what is called a pure original statement, he explained he was just handed the case and knows nothing at all about it, so if he could, would he write down what happened? This was important because if you ask someone to tell you what happened and they tell you, then ask them to write it down, the words in the written statement will be different from the spoken statement, and those changes could be important. So, Ken always had it written before they talked. Not that if they weren't there, there wouldn't be other words to use, but the life of an analyst is much easier if everything is pure. As the victim of this carjacking finished his statement and started to turn it 180 degrees from his seat to Ken's across the table from him, Ken had glanced down and already seen deception on the page. Even more was found when he read the entire statement. After being confronted by Ken and before leaving, the reporting person gave a new statement, one with no deception, that nearly matched word for word with the statement given by the suspect arrested in that car. This was important as it cleared a man of false charges made against him—charges that could have kept him locked up for anywhere from 6 months to a year before a trial may have set him free, and even then, it would have been up to the reporting person to have come clean. Ken letting the carjack suspect go didn't go off without a hitch; the arresting officer and his sergeant wanted Ken's butt. But once they learned, Ken didn't just let a guy go because the guy fooled him or refused to confess; he had the reporting person confess, and better yet, without knowing what the arrested man said, the reporting person gave a similar version of events. So, this started off big, and when the Major learned of this newfound technique, it led to Ken's being transferred to the major crimes unit, where he would work the last 10 years of his career and receive 4 of his 6 Officer of the Year Awards. Now, after being retired for 15 years, Ken received the 7th Officer of the Year Award, which was written more like a lifetime achievement award

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (156)

"It does not take many words to tell the truth."Sitting Bull
This is very true; in fact, "Just as it takes few words to tell the truth, often it takes many words to bury a lie."
Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (157)

In 1993 the following statement was written by a citizen who had earlier in the night reported he was the victim of a carjacking. This statement was not written until after he filed his report with Southern District Patrol and a suspect was arrested within 45 minutes by Central District Officers while he was still in the car. The suspect in that arrest gave a statement, to a Central District Patrolman that had studied and learned a new technique that provided a kind of linguistic polygraph. It is interesting that after a year of trying to get this technique seriously looked at by the department, it took this case to change things.

Using the SCAN technique, the officer found the statement provided by the suspect in this case to have been credible. With this the officer called the reporting person into the district to tell him he had taken over his case, and that he wanted him to write a statement as to what happened, while the officer pulled reports. Within 15 minutes of reading the statement, the officer had a confession from the victim, stating that he had lied, and that he was not carjacked. He gave an account of the night’s events that matched more closely those given by the suspect they had in holding. As promised the guy they had in lock-up was released without charges. Making the first time this technique was used, in our agency, it was used to clear an innocent man from being charged with a very serious crime. The Officer was transferred to the District’s Major Crime Unit where he remained for the next 10 years, clearing the innocent, and gaining confessions from the guilty. He also trained and will still train any Baltimore City Officer interested in learning the technique for FREE.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (158)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (159)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (160)

Voice stress analysis(VSA) andcomputer voice stress analysis(CVSA) are collectively apseudoscientifictechnology that aims to infer deception from stress measured in the voice. The CVSA records the human voice using a microphone, and the technology is based on the tenet that the non-verbal, low-frequency content of the voice conveys information about the physiological and psychological state of the speaker. Typically utilized in investigative settings, the technology aims to differentiate between stressed and non-stressed outputs in response to stimuli (e.g., questions posed), with high stress seen as an indication of deception.

The use of voice stress analysis (VSA) for the detection of deception is controversial. Discussions about the application of VSA have focused on whether this technology can indeed reliably detect stress, and, if so, whether deception can be inferred from this stress.Critics have argued that—even if stress could reliably be measured from the voice—this would be highly similar to measuring stress with the polygraph, for example, and that all critiques centered on polygraph testing apply to VSA as well.A 2002 review of the state of the art conducted for theUnited States Department of Justicefound several technical challenges to the technology, including the same problem of determining deception.When reviewing the literature on the effectiveness of VSA in 2003, the National Research Council concluded, “Overall, this research and the few controlled tests conducted over the past decade offer little or no scientific basis for the use of the computer voice stress analyzer or similar voice measurement instruments”.:168A 2013 paper published inProceedings of Meetings on Acousticsreviewed the "scientific implausibility" of its principles and "ungrounded claims of the aggressive propaganda from sellers of voice stress analysis gadgets".

Confession made following a voice stress examination was allowed to be used as evidence in a case in Wisconsin in 2014.In the case of themurder of 12-year-old Stephanie Croweconfessions were made while three suspects were undergoing VSA which were later found to be false by a judge; the manufacturer of the VSA equipment later settled a lawsuit that alleged that it was liable for the harm the three suspects suffered.In a similar case, Donovan Allen falsely confessed to killing his mother after failing a VSA test. He was acquitted 15 years later based on exonerating DNA evidence.George Zimmermanwas given a VSA after he fatally shot Florida teenagerTrayvon Martinin 2012.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (161)

False Confessions

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (162)

One thing the Major Crime Unit didn't deal with much, were false confessions. One time they had a guy claim he gave Ken a false confession, even provided a polygraph result that said he had passed the test, clearing him of the theft being investigated. This was done in an attempt to clear himself. Ken suggested he do one of two things: either allow the department's polygraph examiner to retest him or have his polygraph examiner retest him using Ken's questions. Ken said a polygraph is only as good as the questions and the examiner. He emphasized that it was crucial to ensure the accuracy of the polygraph results by using standardized and unbiased questioning techniques. Ken also highlighted the importance of having a qualified and experienced polygraph examiner who follows strict protocols to minimize the chances of a false positive or an incorrect negative finding. In this case, the suspect said he would still go to trial and plead guilty, but he just wanted Ken to know and believe that he didn't do it. Ken told him that if he didn't do it, he couldn't take a guilty plea because the courts wouldn't knowingly allow it. Ken stuck to his guns, saying he either needed the questions asked or to have him retake the test using Ken's questions. Ken explained that, not knowing the questions, he could have had someone quiz him on a totally different crime than the one being investigated. In the end, the guy agreed that that was what he had done; he had written out the questions for his polygraph examiner in a way that he could easily answer them as if he didn't commit the crime being committed because he was being questioned over a different theft. He said he knew if he had to answer any questions written out by Ken, they would have been more specific to the crime he had committed, and he wouldn't have been able to fool the system.

It should also be noted that Ken didn't know the questions he was asked. Ken was handed a letter saying he passed the polygraph and was cleared of the theft being investigated. But there were no examples of the questions. For all Ken knew, the questions could have been, "Did you steal the Mona Lisa?" "Did you steal the Hope diamond?" to which the suspect could honestly answer, "No, he didn't!"

When confronted, the suspect went on to say that when he confessed he was being honest, he did rob his company's safe and steal the daily receipts. His girlfriend had broken up with him when she learned he had stolen from his workplace. He tried to claim he had provided a false confession. And he came up with the idea of writing out questions about a different theft than the one being investigated; he found a theft in the newspaper, so it would be current, and he could convince the polygraph examiner to think it was the crime he was being charged with or suspected of. In the end, the polygraph technician cleared him of that crime, but Ken had never suspected him of committing that crime in the first place. Ken said that, to be honest, it might have worked. Ken was busy, overworked, and had more important cases on his desk when the guy came back in. But like most cases, when Ken was heavy into SCAN, a single word or phrase stood out; it just stuck with Ken, and here, the note said it, and the suspect said it, and what Ken said felt like too much emphasis when the suspect said, "I passed the test, proving I didn't commit the theft being investigated!" The way he said, "The theft being investigated!" which was also written on the letter that said he passed the polygraph. It just drew too much attention to the fact thatthere may have been another theft other than the one being investigated, and when it seemed too many words were used or words were uncomforatably strung together, it stood out to Ken, making him question why.

Ken always felt that if you ask the right questions and the suspect confesses and provides information that could only be known by the person that committed the crime, a false confession is less likely and more impossible. He cautioned against giving information during the interview. There was a saying his instructors said, "Be the well, not the fountain." Meaning, gather information, don't give it out, and be careful with your questions, because your questions can teach the interviewee what not to say as he or she learns more about what you know or don't know about the crime being investigated. In the end, he confessed for a second time that he did rob the company safe. All the company wanted was for him to find a new job.

NOTE:Technically, he could have taken an "Alford Plea." Almost 50 years ago, the US Supreme Court recognized that if certain criteria were met, a sentencing judge could accept a plea—in effect, ade factoplea of guilty—from an individual who maintained they were, in fact, innocent. In the case, Alford pleaded guilty tosecond degree murderin order to escape a potential death sentence. Ordinarily, a guilty plea must include a knowing and intelligent waiver of trial and an admission of guilt. In fact, a trial judge must generally conduct a searching inquiry into whether or not there is a factual basis that a crime occurred, that the defendant committed it, and that this is the conduct to which the defendant is admitting. As a detective, Ken used the same standards; he wouldn't take a confession on a crime he didn't think the subject committed. In Alford, the Supreme Court determined that an admission of guilt was not constitutionally required. Ken knew of Alford pleas but wanted a case that was unquestionably a case of not just knowing he had the right guy but also making sure that guy knew he wasn't fooling anyone. Well, may his girlfriend. Ken wasn't their couples counselor, and often when he broke someone for falsely claiming they were abducted, it was reported as a kind of a late note to explain to a wife, husband, mother, etc. why they were not somewhere they should have been. Once broken, Ken used to tell them, "You can lie to your wife, your mother, or your preist, but don't lie to the Baltimore Police!"Ken took pride in his ability to not only uncover the truth but to also instill a sense of accountability in those he interrogated. His stern warning served as a reminder that honesty is crucial when dealing with law enforcement. Ken's dedication to his job earned him the respect of his colleagues and reinforced the importance of trust and integrity within the community.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (163)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (164)

1983 Newspaper article

Ken won a $3850 Scholarship to national technical Institute where he was learning small engine repair, and machine shop work. He ended up being hired as their welding instructor as Ken had already gotten his Welders Certification after training in night school at Airco technical Institute while in the 11th grade. He had perfect attendance all through High School, grades 9 thru 12, and was also on the Honor Roll all four years.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (165)Retirement Speech
Audio of Speech

Retirement Speech
"I can proudly state that during my tenure of service as both a patrolman, and detective within Baltimore City's Police Department that I have always endeavored to discharge my duty, without fear, favor, or partiality, so as to meet with the praise and or approval of Baltimore's law-abiding citizens. As well as the support and respect of the men, women, and supervisors I have served alongside of within this agency. As such I feel a certain degree of pride in knowing that I have, in great measure, been successful in having always kept my posts, and or assignments in order. I used to pray before my shifts that I would be where I could be of the most assistance to those needing our help. From the encounters I have met, I would say, God has always answered my prayers. To me this was more than a job, it was what I was meant to do, and I was lucky enough to have been able to do it while wearing the uniform and badge of the Baltimore City Police Department."

By Kenny Driscoll -Inspired in part by Capt. BenjaminAuld

circa 1898

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (166) Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (167)

LEO Legends Baltimore PD
A Look Behind the Badge
Click HERE or on the book to buy the book

Dick Ellwood, a retired Police Officer/Detective/Sergeant, has written several books since his retirement from the Baltimore City Police Department. As a police officer for over twenty-five years, he brings many stories of LEO (Law Enforcement Officers) Legends to this book. Dick was a police officer that worked in several high-profile units in one of the most dangerous city in the nation, Baltimore. In this book he will share stories of some of the true legends that he knew during his career. The author details the reasons he has chosen these men that he served with as legends. The definition of a legend is a person who stands out above others; a person who by his actions leaves an indelible mark on those he worked with and the community he served.

The author realizes that by singling out law enforcement officers that he has firsthand knowledge of, he may be leaving out many that are legends in the eyes of others. He does not want to offend anyone who feels a certain law enforcement officer should be included in the book. Maybe by writing the book, he will have readers think about their legends when they served in law enforcement.

The author was born and raised in Baltimore City’s 10th ward. Ken's father was also raised in the 10th ward, Ken once had to make an arrest on a street called Albemarle St. it was out of Ken’s district, but just outside the line, somehow the topic came up while Ken was talking to his father, he may have asked for directions, Ken’s dad was a cab driver and knew all the streets. Anyway, during the conversation, Ken’s father told him he grew up on Albemarle and added that it was part of the 10th ward. The neighborhood was made up mostly of Irish descents. Many of the legends he writes about in this book are from that neighborhood. Dick Ellwood served four years in the Marine Corps. He comes from a family which includes four generations who served with the Baltimore City Police Department. He retired from the police department with the rank of detective sergeant. While with the department, he earned a degree in criminal justice. He resides in Baltimore, Maryland with his wife, a retired educator.

The names selected by Detective Sergeant Dick Ellwood Jr. were as follows

1. Dick Ellwood Sr.
2. Jim Cadden **
3. Steve Tabeling **
4. Leon Tomlin
5. Donald “Skippy’ Shanahan
6. Bishop Robinson *
7. Joe Bolesta
8. Furrie Cousins
9. Jules Neveker **
10. Leander “Bunny” Nevin **
11. Donald Pomerleau *
12. Jimmy Cabezas
13. Darrell Duggins *
14. Mike Dunn *
15. Pete Bailey
16. Gene Cassidy *
17. Owen Sweeney **
18. Pete Barnes
19. Kenny Driscoll
20. Ed Boston
21. Bobby Berger
22. Ed Blaney
23. Ed Mattson **
24. Dick Frazier
25. John Ellwood
26. Ed Dunn
27. Steve Ellwood
28. Tom Ellwood
29. Dave Ellwood

I can’t give the reason these names were selected, but highly suggest getting your hands on a copy, it is in paperback available through Amazon and only cost $6.00 aside from names of some true legends in the Baltimore Police Department, you’ll read some great stories as to why these men were selected.

* Are also on the Baltimore Historical Society’s Hall of Fame page.
** These are guys Ken recognized and admired, guys he modeled his policing style on, or who style he later learned of and admired.

Some were both on the Hall of Fame page, and among those Ken admired. I just didn’t know how to put but symbols on those names. I thought of putting * ** but it just didn’t look right. I talked to Ken about this list, he said, it is always an honor to be recognized by your peers, or peers in your field, but he felt the names on the list far outweighed his contributions to police work, and had he compiled the list, it would have had several additional names added, Albert Marcus, Leonard Hamm, Joe Hlafka, Steve McMahon, Jeff Rosen and Danny Mitchell, just to name a few. I am sure there are more, but I kind of put him on the spot and these were names he rattled off the top of his head.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (168)

Other books, Ken can be found in are, Lt. Bob Wilson's Book -The Baltimore Police Department - Those Were the Days foundHERE

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (169)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (170)Major Wesley Wise's Book -A Blue & White Life: Real Life Stories - Policing Baltimore in the '70s and '80s foundHERERetired Detective Kenny Driscoll (171)

A few remarks about thisbook: the events described are mainly true, with only a few minor but significant differences. Ken wrote his stories and sent them to the author, who edited them and changed "police officer" to "cop." Anyone who knows Ken will tell you that he strongly dislikes the word "cop" and only uses it on rare occasions, mostly to describe corrupt or incompetent police. Similarly, Ken dislikesthe word "interrogation." Ken preferred the term "interview." He used to say that interviews were "kinder, gentler interrogations!" Ken was alleged to have phoned to brag or insult the detectives who had apprehended Spiderman at one point in the Spiderman narrative. I am certain that the major misunderstood or misinterpreted this. I am confident of this for two reasons. First, Spiderman was apprehended by Ken's Major and Sergeant, so there would have been no detectives to gloat to, and second, it wasn't in Ken's character to mock or make fun of his ability to break someone that others couldn't; there were people that he couldn't break who were eventuallybroken, and not by him. As I previously said, various components in the stories did not fit together. Ken said he stopped reading when he saw the term "cop" being used and misapplied. I recall all of these situations because I have read and reread Ken's writings, and I remember what Ken wrote to the Major. It's possible Ken was making a joke about the Crimestat Brass and theirrequest that Ken call conduit manufacturers regarding tensile strength so they could calculate out the weight of the suspect, as if knowing the weight was all that was needed to apprehend the guilty guy, girl juvenile or adult; just gather up everyone weighing around 145 pounds. Ken often likened his position to that of a car salesman who had to deal with the sales manager and blamed everything wrong on the sales manager. Ken needed to blame the brass, his sergeant, the state's attorney, and others above his rankin order to distance himself from the system and create a bond that would bring him and the suspect closer together. Major Wise seems to have read and revised Ken's remarks to represent what he believed Ken meant, then amended them to include his misconceptions. The major may have accidentally included the incorrect versions of what he wrote in the book rather than Ken's corrected editions.

When Ken received it for review, he rejected it, amended what the major had written, and returned it. Another crucial issue for Ken was that there were three officers there at the North Avenue shooting, not just two, and Ken has never omitted the third officer (Brian Curran) from his description of that events that took place. I had forgotten Brian's surname, so I guessed at Curran and was correct: I'm going to leave my earlier writings alone. I only wanted to underline that in any of his police war stories, Ken never left anybody out of the events that had occurred. Ken has always maintained that the North Avenue shooting went as well as it did only because the three officers had worked so well together. The Major's book is good; nevertheless, I just regret the inaccuracies in Ken's writings, which make Ken sound arrogant while, in fact, Ken is more humble and quiet until he is backed into a corner. As a result, I'm hoping that these pages may aid in properly explaining the tales. I used my recollections of these occurrences as well as notes provided by Ken to fellow officers as they swapped so-called police war stories, as well as actual police reports. I have a ton of Ken's photographs, reports, and other keepsakes from his time on the job, such as his personnel jacket, medical records, and my personal scrapbooks/boxes, all of which provide information about his many years with this agency. I retold a few of the stories Ken told Wes for his book, but I delivered them more closely to the way they happened. I should also point out this is in no way to say anything negative about Mayor Wise, I honestly believe it was just a mix up, and only retell Ken's stories in this book to help people understand how Kenny really is and to hopefully teach some young officer some of the secrets he used, whether they want to learn from them what to do, or what not to do, I felt an honest representation of the way he worked should be told.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (172)Also, Ken had his own book not about him, in fact, I don't think it has one story about him, this is more a timeline on Baltimore's Police Department

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (173)

Click here to find the bookBaltimore City Police History: A Historical Timeline Compiled by Ken, and edited by Wesley Wise You can find it HERE or by clicking the cover.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (174)

Various Newspaper Articles

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (175)

Court 2012 HERE3 Feb 2012

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (176)

To See Ken's Copyright Artwork Click HERE or on the Logo Below

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (178)

The Dual Mastery of Detective Driscoll: Investigator and Researcher

In the realm of law enforcement, few individuals have demonstrated the unique blend of skills that Detective Driscoll and the partners he worked with had. Known for his exceptional investigative abilities, Driscoll has also proven himself to be a master at researching the history of Baltimore and its police, turning his keen eye for detailed criminal investigations towards the archival and historical research of this city's police.

A Stellar Investigator

Detective Driscoll’s investigative career was marked by numerous accolades, testifying to his exceptional abilities in this field. His keen observational skills, critical thinking, and relentless pursuit of truth have led to the resolution of numerous criminal cases. His ability to piece together contrasting pieces of information to form a coherent picture is truly remarkable, and then to use words to paint that picture is an artform few do as well.

A Passionate Researcher

After a debilitating injury, Driscoll turned his investigative skills towards research, specifically focusing on the history of Baltimore, policing, equipment, and the Baltimore Police Department. His work in this area has been nothing short of extraordinary. His Baltimore Police History website is a testament to his meticulous research, providing a comprehensive, intelligent, and insightful look into the department’s past.

Driscoll’s research is characterized by the same attention to detail that made him a successful detective. He has managed to unearth historical facts and figures that were previously lost, hidden, or forgotten. This information is now shedding new light on the department’s history.

Two Sides of the Same Coin

While investigative work and research may seem like different fields, they share many commonalities. Both require a keen sense of curiosity, an eye for detail, and the ability to sift through and digest what at times might appear to be too much or not enough information. Driscoll’s success in both of these areas demonstrates that these skills are transferable and complementary. His main trick is to only include information that is verifiable; anything that is based on an assumption or conjecture might be listed, but it is never listed as fact; it is only listed to provide readers with everything Ken found and is written in a way that will give the reader all Ken could find and let them make up their own minds on the subject. Something Ken learned early on while learning to analyze statements and interview the subject who wrote it, was to never go into an interview or investigation with a list of, let's just say, ten questions; ask your questions, and think you are done because the subject answered all ten of your questions. Say you have ten questions, and you ask the first, then the second, the third, and so on until you have asked all ten of your questions. What Ken learned is that you have questions—your typical questions—the same as anyone else, but after you ask your first question, you should get an answer, and from that answer, you should have another question, and this could happen a half dozen or more times before you can get to your original second question and will happen again and again with each of the remaining nine questions. So your initial ten questions could end up leading to anywhere from sixty to one hundred and twenty or more questions. The same is true of research: you look for one thing, and that leads you to another, and before long, to truly research a subject, you may be looking into a half dozen or more other things that are connected. Ken found this happened during interviews, during investigations, and during research. Answers are not in a vacuum; they are influenced by the context, the environment, or the circ*mstances surrounding them. In a criminal case, it could be one of the elements surrounding the crime that helped solve the crime. Likewise, while doing research, sometimes it is one of the circ*mstances involved in the subject being researched that helps us make an arrest or complete the story. In a criminal case, if it can’t be proven, it cannot be entered into evidence. Likewise, if Driscoll can’t prove the information he has as fact, it will never be entered on the site as fact.

In conclusion, retired Detective Driscoll’s contributions to both investigative work and research are invaluable. His work serves as a reminder of the power of curiosity, critical thinking, and persistence to follow all the links surrounding his research because nothing happens in a vacuum. So, whether on the streets of Baltimore or in the pages of the Baltimore Police History site, Driscoll’s impact is undeniable.

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (179)

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (180)Ken uses eBay Snipe program EZSniper to try to win auction for the site and museum click the logo above of clickHERE

Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (181)


Copies of: Your Baltimore Police Department Class Photo, Pictures of our Officers, Vehicles, Equipment, Newspaper Articles relating to our department and or officers, Old Departmental Newsletters, Lookouts, Wanted Posters, and or Brochures. Information on Deceased Officers and anything that may help Preserve the History and Proud Traditions of this agency. Please contact Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll.

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How to Dispose of Old Police Items

Please contact Det. Ret. Kenny Driscoll if you have any pictures of you or your family members and wish them remembered here on this tribute site to Honor the fine men and women who have served with Honor and Distinction at the Baltimore Police Department.Anyone with information, photographs, memorabilia, or other "Baltimore City Police" items can contact Ret. Det. Kenny Driscoll atThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. follow us on Twitter@BaltoPoliceHistor like us on Facebook ormail pics to 8138 Dundalk Ave. Baltimore Md. 21222



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Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll (2024)
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Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.