Quizwiz - Ace Your Homework & Exams, Now With ChatGPT AI (2025)

Set in Mississippi, focus is on a traditional old woman who is a recluseafter her death, her husband's corpse is found in a bed in her house; she poisoned himshort story by Faulkner

"A Rose for Emily"

First and only president-for-life for Yugoslavia Died in 1980 after 35 years in office

Josip Tito

The writing of this poem was interrupted by the apocryphal "Person from Porlock." Name this incomplete poem that tells of the city Xanadu; its mere 54 lines were only published in 1816 at the urgingof Lord Byron.

"Kubla Khan"

Which amendment guarantees due process in the states

14th amendment

Robert BurnsPoem that Of Mice and Men is based on

"To a Mouse"


22nd Amendment

Novel narrated by Salim, a Muslim of Indian descentIdentify this novel written by Naipaul in 1979

A Bend in the River

Detective mystery novel by Sir Arthur Conan DoyleIntroduced Sherlock Holmes

A Study in Scarlet

what note is a perfect fifth in a D-Sharp major scale


State that has had nine of the ten largest earthquakes in U.S history1964 earthquake here had a 9.2 on the Richter Scale


Canadian province that resembles the state of Nevada in its shapeIt's capital city is calgary


An exponential term in this equation can feature either the universal gas constant or Boltzmann's constant based on whether one wishes to use the energy per mole or per molecule. Name this equation, which raises e to that aforementioned exponential term, as well as a pre-exponential factor represented as A.


This franchise's national following is a result of their games being broadcast on a basic cable network also owned by the team's owner and namesake of their stadium. Name this NL East franchise that recently announced they would soon be replacing Turner Field as their home stadium.

Atlanta Braves

One of these events began at Clunes and spurred the growth of the city of Ballarat. Name these events that also prompted a major wave of Chinese immigration, setting off the Eureka Rebellion.

Australian gold rushes

Formerly called Hot Springs ReserveHome to Columbia Icefield, the largest in North AmericaLocated in Alberta, CanadaOldest Canadian National Park

Banff National Park

Only country in Central America whose official language is EnglishAlso known as British Honduras


The author of the Pledge of Allegiance was this Christian socialist, created it for schools to celebrate the 400thanniversary of Columbus's voyage.


The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa is by this Italian sculptor. Like Michelangelo and Donatello, he also created a statue of David.


Swiss family that had a significant impact on math and science


Today, this in is called hydrogen carbonateWhat name do older chemist know it by


The Fokker-Planck equations for this phenomenon show probability density over time. For 10 points, diffusion is a basic example of what random motion of particles in a fluid, first discovered in grains of pollen by its namesake botanist Robert Brown?

Brownian Motion

Poetry used by Christopher Marlowe, John Milton, and Shakespeare. poetry that has meter but no rhyme

Blank Verse

The crew of the Bounty mutinied against this captain, who proved the issues on the Bounty were no fluke by being mutinied against at least two other times.


the only other sander that is not an orbit sander

Block sander

This 2009 musical reimagines its title president as a rockstar who advocates for "Populism Yea Yea" includes"The Corrupt Bargain" between John Quincy Adams, John Calhoun and Henry Clay.

Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson


Blue Dog

Along with Indonesia and Malaysia, this tiny wealthy sultanate is on the northern side of Borneo. may shareorigins with the name of the island itself.


A list of twenty of these substances includes a compound derived from glycine and tris and was developed by Norman Good.The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation uses pKa and the concentrations of conjugate acid and base to calculate the pH of these substances, which are often made of a weak acid and its conjugate base. For 10 points, name these substances which resist changes in pH.


Small, hypothetical galaxy that was first discovered in 2003 and is the closest to the earth

Canis Major

convicted venzuelan terrorist and murdered Ilich Ramirez Sanchez1975 raided OPEC in Viennanicknamed from title of Fredrick Forsyth novel

Carlos The Jackal

The Numidian king Massinissa switched allegiances to Rome, which helped the Roman Republic defeat this North African city-state in the Second Punic War.


This author has been described as "Nebraska's foremost citizen" for her works set there. Name this modernist author of Death Comes for the Archbishop and My Ántonia.


Friedman taught for thirty years at this university, which lends its name to his school of thought.


oldest sportsfranchise still in its original city.Despite the predictions of Back to the Future II, this team lost in the 2015Major League Baseball team that plays in Wrigley Field.

Chicago Cubs



In 1957 Hosted "American Bandstand"Allowed African American artists






wrote 1697 tragedy called "The Mourning Bride"English Playwright"heaven has no rage, like love to hatred turned, nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorned"


enormous glass and iron building in London, Englandwas used at the first world fair in 1851 to display and advertise products from around the world

Crystal Palace

-In this Henry James novella, the title character is courted by Winterbourne-who finds her sitting in the center of theColosseum with Giovanelli.

Daisy Miller

recorded the best-selling jazz album of all time composed "Night inTunisia" while in an alleyway after a gig.


Memes and meme theory were introduced in the 1976 book The Selfish Gene by this evolutionary biologist. Thisnoted atheist also published The God Delusion and is notably controversial on Twitter.


The protagonist of this novel has a dream of his soul, in which torch-bearing humans wearing animal skins tumble down a mountainside to worship the "stranger-god." Name this novel in which a devout writer travels to the title location in Italy and falls in love with a Polish boy named Tadzio.

Death in Venice

Packwood and Roth co-named a retirement plan known as the IRA Plus from this state Politicians from this statehave included former Attorney General Beau and Vice President Joe Biden.first state to ratifythe Constitution, with capital at Dover.


Spanish verb "decir" means "to say" State the singular, present tense form


members in this insect order have compound eyes, a single pair of wings, and halteresmosquitoes, house flies, and midges


Seven letter antonym for the adjective "nocturnal"




Name for cash payouts from a company's earnings that are paid out to stockholders


This three-part work was penned in the 14th century by a Florentine poet. Dante Alighieri's most famous poem, which consists of The Inferno, The Purgatorio, and TheParadiso.

Divine Comedy

American Jazz Trumpet player"salt peanuts" and "groovin' high"scat, bent trumpet, and puffy cheeks

Dizzy Gillespie

Tells story of Adrian LeverkuhnLeverkuhn achieved his greatest achievement as a result of a pact he made with the DevilWritten by German author Thomas Mann

Doctor Faustus


Doctor Who

Contains love story between Lara Guishar and a man named YuriSet in Russia and written by Boris Pasternak

Doctor Zhivago

classified in a suborder of cetaceans knows as toothed whalespart of the delphinidae family


first modern census. This "Great Survey" was arecord of the land and livestock holdings of every lord in England.

Domesday Book

Five word command of Captain James Lawrence in the war of 1812

Don't give up the ship!

Penitent Magdalene, Zuccone, Gattamelata. Bronze Statue of David.


comic strip featuring B.D. the veteran and Zonker the hippie.first to win Pulizter Prize in cartooning in 1975by Gary Trudeau


"Puffs" They can experience mutations in which their antennae are replaced by legs. Name these insects that are considered model organisms.


When critics accused this man of being soft on defense issues, he took a photo in an M1 Abrams tank, but the PR stunt was accused of being contrived. Name this former Governor of Massachusetts and Democratic nominee in the 1988 US. Presidential Election.


Poem about this dancer that reads "The wind? I am the wind."20th century creator of Modern Dance


the relative minor to this major scale is C minorWhat major scale has 3 flats?


Disney theme park, represented by Spaceship Earth, that is more than twice the area of the Magic Kingdom


The alley in the background of Nighthawks was incorporated into this other Hopper painting. Unlike Nighthawks, however, this painting is set during the day.

Early Sunday Morning

This Italian author of The Name of the Rose also wrote Foucault's Pendulum and The Island of the Day Before.


This poet of "The Raven" and "Annabel Lee" also wrote the short stories, including the Purloined Letter and The Spectacles.

Edgar Allan Poe

Many times a volcanic explosion can result in a mudflow, especially if the volcano was snow-coveredName for this type of mudlow



Elgin Marbles



In one of this author's poems, the speaker says to "Find me, and turn thy back on Heaven." Name this author who included the line "I am the doubter and the doubt" in his poem "Brahma." He also wrote "The Rhodora" and the essay "The Poet."


This region is home to the balsamic vinegar capital of the world, Modena. Name this region in Northern Italy. Cities in it include Parma, Ferrara, and Bologna.



Enduring Freedom

This other flask has a wide, flat bottom that tapers to a narrow neck in order to stop volatile liquids from evaporating away. This flask is named after a German chemist.


Legislative assembly during the L'Ancien Regimeassembly that was separate from the Great Officers of the Crown of France


This man was Leopold's go-to military commander. His major victories include the battles of Zenta andOudenarde.


In 2012 PetroChina surpassed this company to become the world's largest trader of produced oil


In the chapter "The Lived Experience of the Black," this man recalled being "fixed" as Black by a white manwhile sitting on a train. Name this author of Black Skin, White Masks. He argued for a violent resistance to colonialism in The Wretched of the Earth.



French Indochina

This opera took Beethoven nine years to writeIdentify the only opera he wrote



Fiscal Cliff

"Squeaky" Fromme dressed in a red nun's robe and attempted to shoot this 38th president.


wrote "The Sportswriter"dirty realism1996 wrote "independence day"


This man won at the battle of Monte Malmusi to turn his country's public opinion against Abd-el-Krim. Once in power, this leader's party issued 27 points which he later reduced to 26.For 10 points, name this Generalissimo who led Nationalist forces during the Spanish Civil War who founded the Falange and ruled until 1975.


The "Scarbo" movement of this Ravel suite contains fast double note scales for the right hand and repeated notes in very rapid succession. Its "Ondine" movement is based on a poem about a water-fairy.

Gaspard de la nuit

names a rule for measuringfugacitydevised a new method of drawing molecules, withbonds as lines and electrons as points.American chemist who created a namesake "dotstructure"


State in which the Union lost the June 1884 Battle of Kennesaw Mountain


Artist's death was hastened by a bad fall from a horse"The 1821 Derby at Epson" and "Raft of the Medusa"


This signer of the Declaration of Independence from Massachusetts also served as James Madison's vice president, but is perhaps better known as the namesake of a particular kind of electoral redistricting.


This man composed such tunes as "I've Got Rhythm" and "It Ain't Necessarily So"Porgyand Bess. Name this Jewish-American composer of the aforementioned works as well as Lady Be Good and Of Thee I Sing.


This English-language author of She Stoops to Conquer also wrote the novel The Vicar of Wakefield.


Chernenko preceded this man in his most notable rolelast General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Partyunique birthmarkRonaldReagan instructed him to "tear down this wall."


Scottish chemist who studied diffusion of gassesstated that rate of effusion of two gasses are inversely proportional to the square roots of their molar mass at the same temp and pressure


Gases also undergo effusion which can be modeled mathematically as proportional to the square root of molar mass,as per this man's eponymous equation.



Grand Central Terminal

Belize and this country lie along Mexico's southern borderEconomy with bananas, coffee, and sugar cane its prominent crops


The rising portion of this circulation creates the ring of clouds known as the ITCZ. Name this global circulation that rises at the equator and falls at 30 degrees latitude.

Hadlett Cell Circulation

Although he wasn't a president, this man titles a new Broadway musical that includes the song "My Shot" andcharacters such as King George III and Aaron Burr. Perhaps more famously, this man appears on the $10 bill.


Alumni from this college to win Nobel Prizes include T. S. Eliot and Al Gore.oldest institute of higher learning in the United States, situated in Cambridge, Massachusetts and foundedin 1636.


De Beauvoir also claimed that the man-woman relationship approaches the "master-slave" dialectic, which wasdeveloped by this earlier philosopher. This German Idealist wrote Phenomenology of Spirit.


He served as Governor of the Indiana Territory starting in 1801, leading an attack on Prophetstown at the Tippecanoe River in 1811. Name this Whig president who won his election in 1840 by beating Martin van Buren. He was the first president to die in office, after doing basically nothing.

Henry Harrison

an English king who married six timesThis second Tudor monarch became first in line to the throne after the death of his brother Arthur. He subsequentlymarried Arthur's widow Catherine of Aragon.

Henry the 8th

This goddess who sent two serpents to kill the infant Heracles was frequently associated with peacocks, and was described by Homer as being "cow-eyed." Name this queen of Mount Olympus, the wife of Zeus.




Monet also painted this building in varying seasonal and climate conditions. J.M.W. Turner created two paintings depicting it burning.

House of Parliament

Church and Cole were both members of this "school", named after a New York river.Members of this group oftenpainted romanticized scenes of the Northeastern United States.

Hudson River



Name this man who wrote about Jean Valjean in Les Misérables


This author of Les Misérables also wrote about a deformed hunchback who is ordered by his father to kidnap a beautiful gypsy street dancer named Esmeralda in The Hunchback of Notre-Dame.


One battle in this conflict was fought by the blind John of Bohemia, and that battle saw the first use of volley guns called ribaldis.Battle of Agincourt.the Battles of Crecy and Poitiers. 116 year conflict between the English and French over succession rights to the French throne and the preservation of English holdings on the continent.

Hundred Year War

-Bartók hailed from this European nation with capital Budapest. -Other composers of that same nationality includedGyorgy Ligeti and Franz Liszt.


Art technique in which thick layers or strokes of oil paint are applied to stand out


This symphonic poem by Borodin begins with strings sustaining a high E and features an English horn solo playing the "Eastern" theme. It depicts an Asian caravan traveling with Russian troops in the title location.

In the Steppes of Central Asia

In that novel, a plane explodes over the English Channel, and two characters take on the personas of the devil and the archangel Gabriel; that novel is The Satanic Verses. For 10 points, name this home country of authors Arundhati Roy and Salman Rushdie.


This daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru became India's third Prime Minister, and authorized the creation of India's nuclear program.

Indira Gandhi

Measure of this angle is equal to one half of its intercepted arc on a circleAn angle that had its vertex on a circle and had sides that are chords of the circle


Term for the oceanic area zone that consists of the area exposed to air during low tide

Inter-tidal Zone

organization that describes its mission as working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability and facilitate international trade

International Monetary Fund

OilStraight of Hormuz


Yeats was a major force in the literature of this island nation, which was in the process of gaining independence from the neighboring United Kingdom. Thus, many of his poems include Gaelic themes from this island.


Sea where the Isle of Man located This island is home to the famous Manx cat, a cat that has no tail

Irish Sea

This group had previously engaged in the Beaver Wars.Its leader Joseph BrantName this confederation of six Native American tribes in New York.

Iroquois Confederacy

This man wrote "A Chronicle of the Conquest of Grenada" beforebeing appointed Minister to Spainwriter of the collection "The Sketch Book"includes stories such as "Rip Van Winkle" and "The Legend ofSleepy Hollow".


The "clean hands" campaign in this nation in the 1990s saw the downfall of many leaders of the nation's Socialist and Christian Democrat parties, including Craxi and Moroni.


Richard Lawrence hid behind a pillar on Capitol Hill and attempted to shoot this presidentThe plotfailed, and this president beat Lawrence with a hickory cane.


This man served as Thomas Jefferson's secretary of state from 1801 to 1809. Name this fourth president who faced criticism for the Embargo Act of 1807, an author of the Federalist Papers.

James Madison

One attendee of the Hartford convention, Harrison Gray, was the nephew of this Revolutionary War figure whose catchphrase "taxation without representation is tyranny" went viral in the colonies.

James Otis, J.R

This colony in modern Virginia attempted to discover the fate of the Roanoke colony. Important people fromthis first permanent English settlement in the Americas included John Rolfe and John Smith.


The Temple of the Golden Pavilion takes place on this island nation, known for its traditional practice of ZenBuddhism.


It is based off five primary goals, and was originally called Oak. This language is popular with programmers because they can "write once, run anywhere."


In 2012, this basketball player of Asian descent reconciled with Max Bretos, one of two ESPN employees accused ofusing an ethnic slur.

Jeremy Lin

Epic book-length poem in eight sections written by BenetIt begins just prior to a raid on an arsenal at Harper's Ferry

John Brown's Body

"Ode to Himself", which condemns Shakespeare's Pericles as "moldy and stale", was not by Neruda but rather bythis 17th century playwright of Volpone.


This king of Numidia, Massinissa's grandson, was defeated by Rome and paraded through the city by Marius.Sallust wrote a history titled for his namesake war.


This man imprisoned Gelimer and won the Lazic War, among others. For 10 points each:[10] Name this Byzantine emperor who reconquered part of the Western Roman Empire and built the Hagia Sophia after the Nika riots that occurred in Constantinople.

Justinian I

In one story by this author, a doctor receives a horse from a mysterious groom and is instantly transported to the patient's courtyard.Other stories by this author feature a torture machine that writes a prisoner's sentence on their skin and a man whose professional starving is no longer appreciated by the public. His most famous story ends when its protagonist is killed by an apple which his father lodges in his thorax.


General and President of China overthrown in 1949 by Communist leader MaoFled to Taiwan and established Nationalist China


Updike said that he wrote Rabbit, Run in response to this beat author's memoir On the Road.


Followers of this author of The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money often criticize supply-side economics. He is most famous for advocating deficit spending.


These organs and units are part of the urinary system whose functions include acid-base homeostasis and electrolyte balance. Name these organs that remove the waste products of human metabolism. They are responsible for the reabsorption of water, glucose and amino acids.


man-made waterway formally called the Kaiser Wilhelm Kanalin the Jutland Peninsula that connects Baltic and North Sea

Kiel Canal

One of the five K's is this ceremonial dagger, which is symbolic of the triumph of morality over injustice. The legality of possessing these objects in public spaces has been questioned.


one of the founders of microbiologywon Nobel Prize in 1905 for discovery of bacterium that causes tuberculosis. German physician that established bacteriology as a science


MLB outfielder who played for Cubs in Cardinal1977 broke Ty Cobb's record for stolen bases

Lou Brock

This economist names a group of hypothetical ISLands from a thought experiment that concludes that inflation affects output in the short-run but not the long-run.


claimed that a spontaneous prayer to St. Anne during a storm led him tobecome a monkGerman friar whoinitiated the Protestant Reformationcomposed his 95 Theses in 1515.


Of course, videotapes feature in The Buggles' "Video Killed the Radio Star." That music video was the first one to be shown on this TV channel, which eventually switched from music videos to shows like Jersey Shore.


Depicted by Jaques-Louis David in a painting"Widow Capet"Beheaded in October 1793Wife of King Louis 16 of France

Marie Antoinette

famous Felix de Weldon bronze sculpture base on iconic photo in WWII battle of the pacific

Marine Corps War Memorial (Iwo Jima Memorial)

The chorus of "Heard 'Em Say", a song from Best Rap Album Late Registration, is reused in this band's "NothingLasts Forever". Other songs from their album It Won't Be Soon Before Long include "Makes Me Wonder" and "Wake UpCall".

Maroon 5

This German used Gutenberg's press to distribute his Ninety-Five Theses and attack indulgences, triggering the Protestant Reformation and the Iconoclastic Riots later on.

Martin Luther

Joseph Welch famously asked this man if he had "no sense of decency." For 10 points, name this Wisconsin Senator who accused members of the State Department of being Communists.


Constantinople was finally conquered by this ottoman sultan in 1453

Mehmed II

Name this demon who bargains with God and three archangels over the right to tempt a young man to evil, isgranted free reign, "as long as he on Earth shall live."


Dorothea Lange took a photo of this woman and her two children, who were displaced during the Dustbowl.

Migrant Mother or Thompson

made up of numerous folds called cristae.site of ATP synthesis "powerhouse of the cell".


This Buddhist priest, who lives and trains at a monastery, befriends the club-footed Kashiwagi, who teaches himcorrupted, misunderstood Buddhist teachings.


What chemical quantity is defined as the number of moles of solute that are dissolved in one kilogram of solvent


Heavy, hard, lustrous, silver-white, metallic elementAtomic Number 42Used in alloys to strengthen steelAtomic symbol Mo


Parodied by Salvador Dali, Sapeck, and DuchampSubject is wife of Florentine merchant Francesco del GiocondoNo eyebrows and enigmatic smile

Mona Lisa

On which mountain slope did the temple of Apollo at Delphi reside

Mt. Parnassus

This institution was a centerpiece of the plan outlined in the Beveridge Report. Name this institution that was established by Aneurin Bevan.


chemical formula for baking soda


non profit educational honor society uses the acronym NFLoldest and largest honor society dedicated to developing communication skills in high school

National Forensic League

Uraniam has an atomic number of 92, while plutonium is 94


Forms when massive stars explode as supernovas Protons and electrons in the star's atoms merge to form one type of particle

Neutron Star

The name ISL refers to the Aberdeen Israel Fund, which is traded on this city's stock exchange. It is also hometo the headquarters of the NASDAQ stock exchange.

New York

tributaries include the Baniand the Banue.flows pastTimbuktu, and eventually into the Gulf of Guinea.river of western Africa that is the namesakeof two countries.

Niger River

This other Mesopotamian city was capital of the Neo-Assyrian Empire and its ruins lie on the other side of the Iraqi city of Mosul. Its king Sennecharib (SIN-a-kah-rib) sacked Babylon and destroyed Jerusalem.


In this play, Garcin tells how he was shot 12 times in the chest for leading an anti-war newspaperGarcin, Inez, and Estelle are locked in a room together for eternity"hell is other people".

No Exit

This sea route links the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans through the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Roald Amundsen first navigated this waterway in 1905 and '06

Northwest Passage

Knausgard is an author from this country which also produced crime writer Jo Nesbø and dramatist Henrik Ibsen.


Murakami also penned this novel, where Watanabe develops an uneasy relationship with Naoko after the suicide of Kizuki. After Naoko moves to a sanatorium in the mountains, Watanabe becomes obsessed with Midori.

Norweigan Wood

Long Day's Journey into Night was written by this twentieth-century American playwright, who also wroteDesire Under the Elms and The Iceman Cometh.


Which work based on the Teapot Dome Scandal was written by Upton Sinclair


U.S. Military bases currently occupy 20% of this island in the Ryukyus, the site of the largest amphibiousassault in the Pacific War.


Secretary of State under Grover Cleveland issued his "Corollary" during a border dispute between Britain andVenezuela.


trademark Google process that allows them to search better than other search engines.


This state's largest city has the nickname "City of Roses" due to its abundant rose gardens. For 10 points, name this Pacific state with a capital at Salem.


On Interpretation is one of this set of six works on logic by Aristotle, which also includes Prior Analytics and Categories.


This document claimed a certain island "belongs naturally to that great family of states of which the Union is theProvidential Nursery."Name this document, written in 1854 by American ministers in Europe, which called for the annexation ofCuba by the U.S.

Ostend Manifesto

Originally titled "A World Out of the Sea" in 1860Poem written by Whitman in 1871Poem revolves around a pair of mockingbirds

Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking

Laurasia collided with Gondwana to form this supercontinent, which lasted from the late Paleozoic to mid-Mesozoiceras. name is derived from the Greek for "all Earth"


Hugo himself is buried in this Parisian building. It is also the burial location of Voltaire, Louis Braille, and MarieCurie. A Roman building of the same name inspired its façade.


This organization under Pope Leo X opposed reformers like Zwingli and Luther and remains the main administrative body of the Catholic church today.

Papai Curia

J.S. Bach included a contrapuntal composition of this type in his work The Musical Offering. This type of work is palindromic in nature because it features two musical lines which are the reverse of one another.

crab canon

This 19th century leader and founder of the Irish Parliamentary Party spent most of his career advocating for Home Rule, and served as a member of the House of Commons for decades.


Normal means of reproduction in a few plants, such as dandelions, and some types of fish Development of an egg without any genetic contribution from a male


On the second day of this annual festival, the verbal counting of 50 days known as the Omer begins. The traditional meal that is eaten in celebration of this festival takes 15 steps that are parallel to the 15 Psalms known as the Shir HaMa'alot. The youngest child traditionally asks the Four Questions. name this Jewish holiday commemorating the freedom of the Israelites from Egypt, in which Jews are required not to eat leavened bread and instead traditionally eat matzah.


The Epistle to the Romans was, like most of the other Epistles, written by this Apostle, who was born Saul. The conversion of this man is a high point of the book of Acts.


only scientist to win two unshared Nobel Prizesone in chemsitry one in peace for ending testing of nuclear weaponsFather of molecular biology


treaty that ended 30 years War and 80 years Warsignaled beginning and end of Roman Empire

Peace of Westphalia

A famous 1946 recording of this opera features Jacques Jansen, Irène Joachim, and Roger Désormière. Name this opera featuring the young child Yniold and the King Arkel.

Pelleas and Meliasande

After a dream of Odysseus's return, this wife of Odysseus explains that meaningful dreams pass through gatesof horn, while false dreams pass through gates of ivory.


The feast in this Christian holiday began as a celebration of the giving of the Law on Sinai, and is practiced in Judaism as Shavuot.Name this holiday that commemorates the original descent of the Holy Spirit upon Jesus' disciples, who upon receiving it, began to speak in different languages. Priests wear red garments to symbolize joy.


"O wild West Wind, though breath of Autumn's being"

Percy Shelley

Athenian leader that had the Long Walls built to protect the road from Athens to the seaBy 431 B.C. he had built the navy of Athens into the best


son of Xanthippusa leader during the early years of the Peloponnesian Warstatesman and general of Golden Age era Athens who died in a plague.


Trio of folk singersIn 1962 released "If I Had a Hammer""Puff the Magic Dragon"

Peter, Paul, and Mary

commissioned by Pericles in 447 BCAdorned Athens with his sculpturesSculpted statues at Parthenon and Zeus at Olympia5th Century


For the Inception soundtrack, Zimmer mixed a recording of this French singer's song "Non, je ne regrette rien".


Swiss born developmental psychologist that developed four stages of cognitive development


Melville and Dickens used the same name for characters in their bookswhat name did melville use for a character in Moby Dick that is the same as the protagonist of Great Expectations


A set of Tales From Ovid was written by Ted Hughes before he accepted this royally-appointed official position. Previous holders of this position included William Wordsworth and Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

Poet Laureate

Earliest surviving work about dramatic theoryWork by Aristotle First extant philosophical treatise to focus on literary theory


As General Secretary, Gorbachev served as the head of this body, selected by the Central Committee.It was onceknown as the Presidium.

Political Bureau

Tax that had to be paid in order to vote Used against African Americans after reconstruction

Poll tax

Abandoned paint and easel painting around 1947"Lavender Mist"Nicknamed "Jack the Dripper"


Greek artist who specialized in statues of youthful athletessculpted Doryphoros, and Spear Thrower


A figure from Celtic mythology who had a dangerous one of these body parts covered it with seven cloaks. Name this body part, with which Balor the Fomorian was able to kill whole armies when opened.


Much of our knowledge of Mayan mythology comes from this text describes the Mayan creation myth.

Popol vuh

American composer had two films made about himfilms were "Night and Day" & "De-Lovely"composed the musicals Anything Goes and Kiss Me, Kate


Euclid proved that there are an infinite number of these For 10 points each:[10] Name these numbers, whose only factors are themselves and one. The only even one of these numbers is two.

Prime Numbers

The daughter of Queen Elizabeth the 2nd and Prince Phillip

Princess Anne

The Law of UniversalGravitation was introduced in this work 17th century work that introduced the three Laws of Motionwritten by Sir Isaac Newton

Principia Mathematica

The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic states that any integer can be uniquely represented as a product of thesenumbers.Give this class of positive integers whose only factors are one and themselves.


The two halves of the Transcontinental Railroad were joined at this point in Utah. A gold "Last Spike" was ceremoniously driven here.

Promontory Point

Skin disease that can't be curedCortisone, coal tar, and a drug named "anthralin" relieve the swelling and itching problemsName this disease marked by red patches of dry, scaly skin


One ruler of this name beheaded Pompey, and another erected the Rosetta Stone. Give this regnal name of rulers whose queens were often named Arsinoë or Berenice.


there are four of these large blood vessels in the human body that carry oxygenated bloodname these veins that transport blood from the lungs to the left atrium

Pulmonary veins

Children drown out the name of Haman and participates wear costumes during this holiday celebrated on the 13th of Adar.Name this holiday that celebrates the heroism of Queen Esther and the deliverance of Persian Jews from the royal vizier's plot to murder them.


Told by Ovid in his MetamorphosesUsed by Shakespeare in a comic recapitulation in A Midsummer Night's Dream

Pyramus and Thisbe

Leader of the Confederate guerilla band during the American Civil War who wrote with Frank and Jesse JamesIn 1863 rode into Lawrence, Kansas, and burned it to the grounds


Ibsen straddled many literary movements. The Wild Duck represents his work in both naturalism and thisrelated movement.


Commander of the minesweeper "Caine" Incurred the men's anger in The Caine Mutiny


Acronym refers to federal law a that made it a crime for organized criminal conspiracy to operate legitimate businesses




-Although not showing a ship per se-Théodore Géricault painting shows the aftermath of a shipwreck of the coastof Mauritania.

Raft of Medusa

Female country singerAlbum title "Slipstream"Recorded the song "I can't Make Lou Love Me"


With Morris Travers in 1898, this Scottish chemist discovered neon, krypton, and xenonWon the 1904 Nobel Prize for chemistry


This English gentleman financed the Roanoke Colony, but never visited North America, although he wentlooking for El Dorado in South America. This onetime favorite of Queen Elizabeth popularized tobacco in England


Most work produced during Spanish-American WarBest known for his Bronco Buster statue


Epicureanism became popular among philosophers of this era via Michel de Montaigne's quoting of Lucretius. Thistime of "rebirth" in the 15th and 16th centuries saw philosophy inspired by the works of the Greeks flourish.


Garfield was a member of this party, whose "Stalwart" and "Half-breed" factions feuded during the Gilded Age.Almost every Gilded-Age president was from this party, due to the tactic of "Waving the Bloody Shirt."


Answer some questions about the word "CROATOAN,"The word was found carved into a fence-post after the disappearance of this colony in modern North Carolina.Founded in 1585, it was home to Virginia Dare, the first Christian baby born in England's New World colonies.


Walking Man. Three Shades. The Kiss That work also features a sculpture of a sitting man with his chin resting atop one hand. Name this French sculptor of The Gates of Hell and The Thinker.


Disease also known


Julius Caesar famously said "The die is cast" as he crossed this river to enter Rome, igniting a civil war that wouldculminate with his being appointed Dictator.


1818 treaty negotiated by US and Great Britain that signified improved relationsnamed after secretary of state and british minister to washington

Rush-Bagot Agreement

You're sitting in a café in early twentieth-century Boston. Your leftist friend is drinking his coffee and mourning the execution of these two Italian anarchists, whose trialspanned the 1920s. You aren't so sad, since you think they were shady immigrants who had it coming to them.

Sacco and Vanzetti

This politician's Infitah policy allowed increased foreign investment into Egypt. This leader was the third president of Egypt.


This structure contains columns mounted on the backs of turtles, as well as chameleon-like gargoyles that symbolize change. For 10 points each:[10] Name this building that contains an ornately decorated Nativity façade, which is considerably stylistically distinct from its plain and angular Passion façade. It is slated for completion in 2026.

Sagrada Familia

American tennis player that was the youngest man to win U.S. Open singles championship in 1990Won seven Wimbledon titles in eight years


One story set in this city sees Freddie Drummond create an alter ego named Big Bill Totts. That story, "South of the Slot," is by Jack London. For 10 points, name this Bay Area city, the setting of The Joy Luck Club and the initial destination of Jack Kerouac's On the Road.

San Francisco

"Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it"


One of this author's novels centers on the time leading up to the death of Ricardo ReisPortuguese author of The Stone Raft"The Gospel According to Jesus Christ""Blindess"


Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose was painted by this man who also painted Virginie Gautreau in Portrait of Madame X "The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit"


This man instructs the performer to play a theme 840 times in his composition Vexations. For 10 points each:[10] Name this French avant-garde composer of "furniture music" such as his Gnossiennes and Gymnopédies.


Austrian physicist who won the 1933 Nobel Prize in Physics1926 he produced an explanation of quantum theory and structure of the atomAdvanced the study of wave mechanics by describing the behavior of electrons in atoms


This earlier novelist wrote a series of Tales of My Landlord as part of his Waverley novels, which also includeRob Roy. In his most famous novel, the title character falls in love with Lady Rowena.


Spin is a quantity of this type, meaning that it has separate components in the x, y, and z directions. These quantities are contrasted with scalars.


Seward held this role under both Lincoln and Johnson. Other holders of this office included the first, ThomasJefferson, as well as Henry Clay

Secretary of State

Three looped tubes Form part of labyrinth in inner earContribute to a person's sense of balance

Semicircular canals

Tyler declared a ceasefire to the second one of these wars caused by the Treaty of Payne's Landing, which saw Osceola imprisoned. The second of these guerrilla wars cost 2000 US soldiers' lives and $50 million, and ended in relocation of the namesake peoples.

Seminol Wars

Died in 2012 after making more than one hundred children's booksWrote "Where the Wild Things Are" and "In The Night Kitchen"


"to seperate"Used when judge wants the members of a jury to be kept away from public


Set on the MississippiMusical featuring Cap'n Andy, Gaylord Ravenal, and QueenieOscar Hammerstein composed the songs "Dandies on Parade" and "Ol Man River" for it


Adherents of this religion, who are collectively known as the Khalsa, frequently go on pilgrimages to the Golden Temple in Amritsar. For 10 points each:[10] Name this Punjab-based religion founded by Guru Nanak. Practitioners of this religion wear the Five K's at all times


Author that published "Gimpel the Fool"Jewish-American author that won a 1978 Nobel Prize for literature


In his "The Theory of MoralSentiments", he defended selfishness outlined the effiiciencies of a pin factory and the benevolence of the invisible handScottisheconomist and author of The Wealth of Nations.


Common name for the network of nerves in the back of the stomachA boxer can knock out his enemy with a hard punch to this siteIts scientific name is the celiac plexus

Solar plexus

The music and lyrics of Sweeney Todd were written by this composer of Follies and A Little Night Music. This West Side Story lyricist also won the Tony Award for Best Score for Into the Woods in 1988.


Soft, purplish organ located behind and left of the stomachEnlarged when a person has mononucleosis


saint proclaimed as patron protector of Europe in 1964founder of western monsticism

St Benedict



Many stories of Caligula's escapades come from thishistorian chronicled the lives of Caligula and other Julio-Claudians in "The Twelve Caesars"


Gamal Abdel Nasser was involved in a 1956 crisis named for this locationNapoleon discovered a predecessor of this Egyptian waterway connecting the Mediterranean and Red Seas, which isprotected by the Convention of Constantinople.


. In a sequence named for this object, you reach up, reach down, lunge, and then do a kind of diving pushup. Name this celestial object that is "saluted" in that sequence of moves.


This core promoter sequence of about 25 to 35 base pairs from the start of the transcription start indicates where a genetic sequence can be read or decoded. It is named for its particular nucleotide sequence.

TATA box

Chu's campaign was badly hurt when the Taiwanese K-Pop singer Tzuyu was forced to apologize for showingthis item during a TV show. Due to PRC protests, one cannot show this item during the Olympics.

Taiwanese flag

Smaller-scale gold rushes also affected this island just south of the Australian mainland. Thirty years earlier,British settlers of this island carried out a brutal genocide of Aborigines known as the Black War.


American physicist known as the "Father of the Hydrogen Bomb"His work in nuclear physics helped develop both types of atomic bombs


Fitzgerald's fourth novel is this one telling of the psychoanalyst Dick Diver's affair with Rosemary Hoyt and his wifeNicole's mental illness.

Tender is the Night

One of this man's works features Dolly and Beulah, who gossip about the affair between Lady and the snakeskin-clad musician Val. He created a character who has "always depended on the kindness of strangers," the melodramatic Blanche DuBois

Tennesse Williams

pre-Socratic philosopherThis thinker was considered to be the first philosopher in the Greek tradition by Aristotlehe taught Anaximander,who taught Pythagoras.


Sleeping pill and treatment for morning sickness during pregnancy taken off market in 1962linked to devastating birth defects and deformities


In this painting, smoke emanates from Willy Lott's Cottage, and a brown spotted dog walks along the edge of a body of water. For 10 points each: [10] Name this painting in which an ox-drawn cart attempts to traverse a stream.

The Hay Wain

1943 children's book was not published in its author's home nation until after World War IIby French author Antoine Saint-Exupéry.

The Little Prince


The Princess Bride

A character in this novel calls a group of men "mule drivers" and "mud diggers" The protagonist of this novel is hit on the head by a rifle, causing an injury that leads his peers to believe he was grazed by a bullet during the Battle of Chancellorsville, which he fled. Civil War novel by Stephen Crane in which Henry Fleming wishes to redeem himself by obtaining the title injury.

The Red Badge of Courage


The Sun Also Rises

First published in 1956, Mizoguchi appears in this novel by Yukio Mishima, he is transfixed by the beautyof the titular building, until he burns it down. It is based off of real events.

The Temple of the Golden Pavilion

name of the bronze statue situated next to the Vietnam War Memorial Wall depicting men gazing upon the carved names

The Three Soldiers

American socialite who was aboard the RMS Titanic on April 14, 1912Musical about the heroism of Margaret Brown

The Unsinkable Molly Brown

In this play, a court case involves a dog accusing another dog of stealing a Sicilian cheese. Philocleon is addicted to the court in this play, much to his son Bdelycleon's (Beh-del-yee-clee-on's) chagrin.

The Wasps

Democratic nominee in the 1876 U.S Presidential electionDespite


1811 Battle where William Henry Harrison's forces defeated Tecumseh and the Prophet


Hera once got in an argument with this priest about whether men or women enjoyed intercourse more, as he had previously transformed into a woman after hitting two mating snakes with a stick.


This author finished A Confederacy of Dunces while working in Puerto Rico. He killed himself at the age of 31 aftersuffering from depression and the rejection of his writings.


The aria "Votre toast, je peux vous le rendre" from Carmen has this popularname derived from the profession of its singer, Escamillo.


Emerson's poems and essays were major texts of this nineteenth-century American literary and philosophical movement, an offshoot of German Idealism and English Romanticism.


A line that intersects two or more other lines


treaty in 843 that established three separate kingdoms for the 3 sons of Carolingian King Louis Isets a foundation for modern countries in Western Europe

Treaty of Verdun

Before he "broke with tonality" and "emancipated the dissonance," Schoenberg wrote pieces heavily influenced by this opera. The last section of this opera begins with the words "Mild und Leise" (" milt oont LYE-zuh" )

Tristan and Isolide

This son of Poseidon and Amphitrite serves as the messenger of the sea by blowing on a conch shell horn to make waves. He is typically depicted as a merman with a fish tail and a bearded face.


Standard system used in weighing gold, silver, jewels, platinum, and coins In this system there are twelve ounces in one pound


ENIAC had this designation, which means that given enough time, it can perform any computationThis term isnamed for a British computer scientist who decoded the Enigma.


Carver taught at this university, which was home to the namesake Airmen founded by Booker T.Washington


The Pearl Harbor Memorial lies above this ship, whose ammunition magazines exploded after being directly hit by Japanese planes. Over 1,000 people died when it sank.

U.S.S Arizona

These people originated as a small coalition of Tiele tribes in Northern China and Mongolia and now live primarily in China's Xinjiang region. Name this Turkish ethnic minority group in Eastern and Central Asia.


Former Soviet republic that includes the cities of Sevastopol and YaltaOnce the breadbasket of the Soviet Union


Song lines near this object discourage foreigners from approaching itNames a national parkred, large sandstone formation in the Northern Territory of Australia.

Uluri (Ayers Rock)


Umberto the 2nd

Things Fall Apart is set in this fictional village populated by the Igbo people. Okonkwo is exiled from this village for seven years.


Country that was formerly partitioned at the 17th parallel as a result of the Geneva conference in 1954


This kingdom ultimately broke up into the a group known as the Three Kingdoms, which included Baekje and Goguryeo. This kingdom was ruled by the Gyeongju Kim clan for nearly 1000 years, making it one of the longest-surviving dynasties in history. Its aristocrats were called "sacred bone" or "true bone".

Unified Silla

Surrounded by the Persian Gulf, Saudi Arabia, and OmanSeven small principalitiees form this Middle Eastern country

United Arab Emirates

Bob King succeeded Ron Gettelfinger as this union's president. Headquartered in Detroit.Represents workers in the auto manufacturing industry

United Auto Workers

Before a veto by the US, this body had moved to declare the invasion "a flagrant violation of international law". Thisorganization is headquartered in New York City.

United Nations

One of this author's most famous short stories tells of Sammy toiling at the title grocery store. Name this author of "A&P."


When charged particles are blown by the solar winds toward the earth, they sometimes penetrate the magnetosphere and continually spiral around the magnetic field lines in the two areas

Van Allen Radiation Belts

This variation of the ideal gas law has factors a and b that attempt to compensate for pressure and volume irregularitypresent in gases not at standard temperature and pressure.

Van der Waals



This composer was forced to move the setting of an opera about the assassination of Gustav III to Boston. An opera by this composer of Il Trovatore closes with the Temple of Vulcan being used to bury alive the lover of the title Ethiopian princess. For 10 points, name this Italian composer of Aida




version of Bible that mean "the common speech" Latin version of Bible printed by Johannes Gutenberg


If you are traveling from southeastern Illinois into the state of Indiana, what major river will you cross

Wabash River

Debussy's Pelléas and Mélisande was both heavily influenced by and considered a reaction to the operas of thisinfluential composer. He wrote The Flying Dutchman and Parsifal.


Probably the most famous Transcendentalist text is this book about living simply in the woods. It was writtenby Henry David Thoreau


sold his share ofGrey Matter technology for five thousand dollars.He lived on Negro Arroyo Lane in Albuquerque with his wife Skyler and theirchildren, employed the lawyer Saul Goodman, and formerly taught Jesse Pinkman chemistry.meth cook and the antihero of Breaking Bad.

Walter White

Due to the slow news travel time back in the day, Andrew Jackson's victory at the Battle of New Orleans in this war came after the Treaty of Ghent had already been signed and this war over. Name this war between the US and Great Britain during which Dolley Madison legendarily saved a portrait of George Washington just before the British burned down the White House.

War of 1812

This man's "Factory" studio was a gathering place for his namesake superstars. Name this pop artist, a native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, who created several screen print images of Campbell'sSoup cans.


Like Fragonard, this artist was part of the rococo movement. His painting The Embarkation for Cythera depicts couples leaving the title island under the influence of Venus.


This man argued that the increasing rationalization of Western society created an "iron cage." Name this German author of Economy and Society who classified legitimate authority into rational-legal, traditional, and charismatic types.


Female Mississippi author "The Ponder Heart" and "The Optimist's Daughter


The Origin of the World was a scandalous depiction of Joanna Hiffernan, who had earlier been this Americanpainter's lover. This painter is best-known for Arrangement in Grey and Black No. 1, usually called [His] Mother.


Type of animal that mauled Roy during a Siegfried and Roy performance in 2003 in Las Vegas

White tiger

Television show that was a very popular summer replacement during 1999Hosted by Regis Philbin

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire

In this play, Hedvig Ekdal's failing eyes turn out to be inherited from Haakon Werle. Name this play that centers on the portrait photographer Hjalmar, who is obsessed with a "great invention."

Wild Dunk

"Be yourself, everyone else is already taken."Name the man who gave this advice, who was convicted on charges of gross indecency in 1895 for his affair with Lord Alfred Douglas and wrote The Importance of Being Earnest.


This author of theKruger Telegram lost much of his power after calling the English "mad, mad, mad as March hares"last German Kaiserwho was ousted in thefinal days of World War I.

Wilhelm the 2nd

refers to all regions of the ocean that are below a depth of 4000 meterslocated between the bathyal and hadal zones


This Russian statesman helped write the October Manifesto and oversaw a period of rapid industrialization, epitomized by the construction of the China Eastern Railway in Manchuria.


He also depicted a woman in a red and white woolen cap holding a hen in his Appraisal. This artist of Arnold Comes of Age painted a man pulling back a curtain to reveal a young George Washington chopping down his father's cherry tree in Parson Weems' Fable.


a member of the Abyssinian royalfamily in the Dreadnought HoaxName this author who stated "A woman must have money and a room of one's own to write fiction". One play titleasks Who's Afraid of this author.


Sargent also created the painting Gassed which depicts numerous soldiers in blindfolds and uniform for participationin this war where they had presumably been mustard gassed.

World War 1

This building on the William and Mary campus was completed in 1700. It is the oldest academic building in theUnited States still in use, and is part of the Ancient College.

Wren Building

This man was attacked for introducing the concept of "remanence." Name this man who advocated disendowing the church, since it was in a state of sin. He was supported by Johnof Gaunt


type of poem found in Through the Looking Glasswhere the first letter of each line spells out a significant word


This king of Persia and great-great grandson of Achaemenes is notable for his invasion of Greece, made famousthrough the film 300, where his forces fought the Spartans at Thermopylae

Xerxes 1

The counterpart to and brother of Quetzalcoatl is this god of storms with reversed feet. He has the head of a dog and guides souls to Mictlan, the underworld.


describes brown hare turning white in winter or kidneys of desert animals to concentrate urinedescribes organism's ability to adjust to environment to survive


The narrator of one of this man's works knows that he shall meet his fate "somewhere in the clouds above" asthe title "...Airman forsees his Death"."Sailing to Byzantium".Irish poet of "The Second Coming."


The speaker says "Tread softly because you tread on my dreams" in this poet's "He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven." Name this author of semi-autobiographical poems like "Adam's Curse" and "The Fascination of What'sDifficult." He described the "ancient, glittering...gay" eyes of "two Chinamen" in "Lapis Lazuli."




Dark Magician and Blue-Eyes White Dragon are characters in Duel Monsters, which is the basis of this anime andmanga series. It is also the name of a popular trading card game.


The Dayton Accords established the constitution of a constituent of this country. The last leader of this country died in the Hague after being charged with genocide. Former balkan nation led by Slobodan Milosevic that divided into six republics in the 1990s.


Jarmo is located at the foothills of this mountain rangesouthern boundary ends at the Strait of HormuzForm border between Iraq and Iran

Zagros Mnts

Directed such hit movies as Back to the Future and Forrest GumpUsed the same technique in A Christmas Carol


To keep your culture free of contamination, you'll want to sterilize your Petri dish before using it. You can do that using one of these devices, which immerses the dish in hot, pressurized steam.




Invented by German Nikolous OttoMulti process engine that is composed of intake, compression, power, and exhaust strokes


opposite of hybridizationcrossing of two genetically similar or the same genes


Mendel's theories posited that different alleles for separate traits follow this principle of randomly being assigned togametes.

independment assortment

Another symptom of CF is this condition in men, due to the congenital absence of the vas deferens


The Reidemeister moves allow for moving and twisting components of these. Name these structures studied by Vaughan Jones, who gives his name to a polynomial unique to each ofthese. One of the simplest is the trefoil, and they can be visualized by tying a string.


Name these self-propagating social structures that change as they are passed between individuals, known as thecultural analogue to the gene. Examples include the question of how dogs would wear pants and John Cena.


Elementary school students frequently memorize tables of the results of this operation. Name this arithmetic operation, frequently denoted with an asterisk, dot, or "✕."


Joseph Knecht is brought to Waldzell by this kind of person. The Thomas Mann protagonist Adrian Leverkühnhas this profession.


type of dietary supplement contains live microbes which benefit the person taking them by improving the person's intestinal microbial balance




According to VSEPR theory, this molecular geometry occurs in compounds where the central atom has fourbonds and two lone pairs. Molecules with this geometry include xenon tetrafluoride

square planer

This branch of geology analyzes the formation of rock layers, using excitingly-named postulates like the "law of superposition" and the "principle of original horizontality" to determine their relative ages


mythological figure that had a magic club with one end of which he could kill 9 men but bring them back to life with the otherIrish Celtic figure with a food cauldron

the Dagda

Jesus was crucified beside two men of this profession whose names vary between Gospels. In the Gospel ofNicodemus, they are called Gestas and Dismas.

thief or thieves



Colloquially, Costa Ricans are referred to by this Spanish-language term, which has become one of the nicknames of their national soccer team.


In China, these animals are often forced to perform tricks in safari parks. Three government officials from Qingdao resigned after a baby animal from one of these operations fell eleven stories to its death.


This piece of glassware looks somewhat like a Florence flask, but it has a narrower neck and a graduation marking.Name this type of flask that you would use to make a solution with a precisely-known concentration.

volmetric flask


Generation X

In the same year as the Haymarket Square Riot, Samuel Gompers founded this new labor organization

American Federation of Labor

Claimed he and Picasso were "roped together like mountaineers"One of the founder of cubism"Mandolin" completed in 1914


Ship that sank off the west coast of Italy in 2012

Costa Concordia

Adjective that refers to a speech made without previous thought or preparation






Phenomenon in which water refreezes to ice after it was melted by pressure at a temperature below freezing point


Emilia-Romagna is also a hub for the production of these items, since it is home to the manufacturers Ferrari and Lamborghini.


The position of orbit of a celestial body when it is at its farthest point from the Sun


complete Thomas Paine's The Crisis-"These are the times that ________ _________ __________."

try men's souls

What are the two possible values for the spin quantum number

Positive One Half and Negative One Half

Susano'o and Amaterasu were also siblings of this moon god. When Uke Mochi vomited up a meal of rice and game for a feast, this god killed her out of disgust.




Mathematician that invented the "Difference Engine"


Russian Ballet Dancer 1974Debuted in the ballet "Giselle"Starred in Sex and the City


nerve cell contains thousands of these fibersreceives info via synapses on the end of neurons


The chain rule can be "undone" by using this common integration technique.


The IS-LM model plots this quantity against the interest rate. According to John Maynard Keynes, this quantityis equal to consumption, plus investment, plus government spending


Vitamin also known at vitamin B2 A deficiency of this vitamin can cause a person to have stunted growth





predicate noun

The highest number on a Roulette wheel


Sodium ions are pumped out of neurons, while these other metal cations are pumped in during their action potentials, creating a voltage difference.

potassium ions

Satie mentored this group of French composers whose members included Arthur Honegger, George Auric, and Darius Milhaud.

Les Six

-The HIV-positive Haring suffered from this disease,-subject of later works such as Silence=Death. -a pink triangle is superimposed on black figures that represented the stigma associated with this condition.


Every twenty years, a shrine dedicated to this deity is destroyed and then rebuilt.descendants of this goddess sit on the Chrysanthemum Thronesister of Susano-O the Shinto goddess of the Sun.


This goddess went into hiding in the cave Ama-no-Iwato because a flayed horse was thrown at her. For 10 points each:[10] Name this sun deity in Shinto mythology. The Emperors of Japan are considered to be direct descendents of her.


A 1996 shooting in this nation's city of Port Arthur led to their still-standing assault weapons ban; this nation has nothad a mass shooting since.


After the Battle of Camlann, Arthur was spirited away to this legendary island to recover from his wounds.Arthur's sword Excalibur was also forged on this island.


Eastern Africa word meaning "sir" or "master"Word used in Tarzan referring to Tarzan, or some other military leader


first section of the small intestineacid from stomach mixes with bile and digestive enzymes here


Another major poem of the Golden Age, La Galatea, was the first work of Miguel de Cervantes. Cervantes isbest-known for this novel about an insane knight who, with Sancho Panza, tries to fight some windmills.

Don Quixote

female civil rights activist that was the only woman when MLK delivered his famous speechwas also on stage at Obamas inauguration"godmother of the civil rights movement"

Dorothy Height

Type of bond represented by two lines drawn between atoms

Double Bond

The Free Officers movement launched a 1952 revolution in this nation. Name this African republic whose first president was Muhammad Naguib. Its current capital is Cairo.


Tallest structure in the world until the Chrysler Building was completed in 1930Construction began in 1885 and ended in 1889

Eiffel Tower

Sunspots have been recorded since 1650The numbers of sunspots maximize in cycles of how many years


Identify the following people who conducted physics research in the great state of IllinoisThis Italian-American physicist directed the construction of the Chicago Pile-1 reactor during the ManhattanProject. The Tevatron near Chicago is part of "[His name] Lab."


Shortly after winning the 1938 Nobel Prize, this scientist moved to the United States Italian physicist that has a particle accelerator laboratory near Chicago named after him


nicknamed the "Emperor"German "father of the symphony" "Farewell" and "Surprise".


This man set a new limit for acceptable violence in film with a scene shot from 77 different camera angles. Name this director behind the infamous shower scene in Psycho whose films featured such recurring motifs as birds and "the wrong man."


Aside from China, many diasporic groups of Uighurs also inhabit this nation, the world's largest landlocked country. This country south of Russia and west of Mongolia has its capital at Astana.


author of A Hero of Our Time succeeded Pushkin following the latter's death as a leading Russian poet. he also died as a result of a duel.


Solzhenitsyn is probably best-known for a short novel about a character with this first name, with last name Denisovich. Tolstoy's most famous short story is about the death of a character with this first name.


Union workers who load and unload merchandise from ships at various points in the United States


The second chapter of Christian Bök's Eunoia contains no vowels other than this one. ErnestVincent Wright's Gadsby contains this vowel zero times.


A series of prints known as "Artists for" this man features slogans such as "Progress" and "Nuestra Voz," and a malignant image of this man features him in Joker makeup with the caption "socialism." Name this man who is depicted in red, beige, and blue in an iconic "Hope" poster.


Muscle found in the upper chest of humans

Pectoralis major

This bloody work features a nude bearded man munching on the arm of a decapitated young boy. It is one of its creator's Black Paintings.

Saturn Devouring his Son

His re-election campaign featured the slogan "It's morning again in America", declaring the success of economic policies another candidate called "voodoo economics". Defeated Walter Mondale in 1984 after succeeding Jimmy Carter.


Hitchcock toys with the idea of the audience as voyeur in both Psycho and this 1954 film, in which a Jimmy Stewart-played photographer begins to suspect his neighbor of murder while recuperating from a broken leg.

Rear Window

Trumpets call out in the "Tuba mirum" section of the "Dies Irae" from Verdi's composition. Name this type of sacred work, a "mass for the dead" which includes an unfinished one by Mozart.


This son of King Pellinore accomplished his most famous quest with Sir Galahad. Name this Knight of the Round Table and subject of a namesake epic by Wolfram von Eschenbach. In this epic, he is the father of Lohengrin.

Sir Percival

This experiment named for its two German creators verified the existence of quantum spin by deflecting particles in adirection based on their quantum spin number.


High-quartz-content soils in this biome are called podzol or spodosol. Wet or dry acidic bogland in this biome is called muskeg and houses large peat deposits. name this largest terrestrial biome, found south of the tundra and characterized by coniferous forests.


In one story in this text, Caesar's daughter refutes his claim that God is a thief by arguing that it is better thatAdam's rib was taken in his sleep.A 14-volume codification of this text was composed by Maimonidescommentary on and interpretation of Jewish jurisprudence


In this story, Ts'ui Pen renounces his job as governor of Yunnan to write a vast and intricate novel and to construct an equally magnificent labyrinth, one "in which all men would lose their way."

The Garden of Forking Paths

A type II supernova can also be identified by a shallow peak and long plateau on this kind of plot, whichdisplays the luminous intensity of an astronomical object as a function of time.

light curves

this title character who feuds with the Queen of the Goths, Tamora.By the end ofthe play, Tamora has been devoured by wild beasts but not before she devours the bodies of Demetrius and Chiron in apie.

Titus Androncius

The axiom of choice is involved in this best-known form of axiomatic set theory. Gödel proved the independence of the continuum hypothesis from this axiomatic system.


Spell the verb that means to remove parts of a work of literature that is considered offensive


This type of cell makes up cardiac muscle contains myofibrils and sarcomeres.


The non-trivial zeroes of this function can be used to estimate the distribution of primes. This function is named after a German mathematician and applies to any constant variable sigma plus i t.

Zeta function

spell the word that refers to allergy medicines such as Benadryl


This race was created after Ixion mated with a cloud in the form of Hera. Name this hybrid race, known to be unruly and violent. They have the upper body of a man and the lower body of ahorse.


A supernova is classified as Type II if its absorption spectrum displays the characteristic lines of this element.Intergalactic clouds of this element also produce the Lyman-alpha forest in the spectra of distant quasars


what conic is produced when a plane that is not perpendicular to the axis intersects both nappes of the cone


Name this law derived from a combination of Boyle's and Gay-Lussac's Lawwhich is mathematically expressed asPV=nRT.

ideal gas law

An example of this term occurs when a parent stops nagging their child after the child cleans up their room. Identify this frequently misused term, a type of conditioning which occurs when something unwanted is removed as a consequence of a desired behavior. It is often confused with a type of punishment.

negative reinforcement

The Great Reform Bill got rid of most of these entities. They only had a few constituents, as the membership ofthe House of Commons before the Great Reform Bill did not reflect population changes.

Rotten Borough

After his tenure as captain of the Bounty, Bligh was rewarded by being made governor of New South Wales, where he was overthrown in this rebellion long incorrectly assumed to be result from his crackdown on illegal alcohol sales.

Rum Rebellion

Any grazing mammal that has a highly specialized digestive system and split hooves Group of mammals include cows, sheep, deer, and camels


Painting by Winslow Homer in 1872Depicts a number of boys playing a game

Snap the Whip

Longfellow told the story of an Iroquois Chief who falls in love with Minnehaha in this epic poem. This poem is written in trochaic tetrameter, beginning "By the shores of Gitchee Gumee...."

Song of Hiwatha

Ridge of sand that extends from a beach into a body of waterIf it connects to the other side of a bay, it becomes known as a baymouth bar


What grammar error is present in the following sentence Be sure to thoroughly chew your food before you swallow it

Split infinitive

Tides that are present during both solar and lunar eclipses

Spring tides

Four of the major indexes for stocks are the Dow Jones, NASDAQ, Russell, and the S and P 500What do the letters in the acronym S and P represent

Standard and Poor's

This poem originally featured direct criticism of evangelist and former White Stockings player Billy Sunday, buteditor Alfred Harcourt removed it.Name this Carl Sandburg poem about "The Hog Butcher for the World."


Alex DeLarge has a predilection for "ultraviolence" and frequents the Korova Milk Bar, where he andhis "droogs" drink laced refreshments.

A Clockwork Orange

-Romulus and Remus descended indirectly from this Trojan -who carried his father Anchises on his back while fleeingthe city.


City that has deposits of coal, iron ore, and limestoneLeading center of steel production in the south


Carmen was the last work of this French composer also composed The Pearl Fishers.


Zadie Smith's 2005 novel On Beauty was shortlisted for this major literary prize, which is awarded every year for the best fiction published in the UK. In 2015, Marlon James won this prize for A Brief History of Seven Killings.


forest classified by the term for taigafound in subartic and continental cold climates and has closed canopy needle leaf evergreen trees

Boreal forest

The country of Malaysia is located on the Malaysian Peninsula, along with this island that it shares with Brunei and Indonesia


third largest island in the world, at the western edge of the Pacific Ocean, shared by threecountries.


When he was not working on discovering new chemical reactions, this Russian composer and member of The Five was writing works such as his opera Prince Igor, best known for its Polovtsian Dances.


This toxin is an anaerobic, spore-forming rod that can block nerve function and lead to paralysis


Copland studied under this famous French composition teacher, who taught several generations of majormusicians, including Elliott Carter, Dinu Lipatti, and Quincy Jones.


Deity affiliated with the rajas gunaDaughter is SaravastiOrigin stories include hatching from a cosmic egg and self-birthHindu God that holds Creator role in the Trumurti


This gallery is home to Hokusai's "The Great Wave."Name this London home of the United Kingdom's cultural treasures.

British Museum

this art period can be seen in the architecture of the Hagia Sophiaperiod from 4th century til the fall of Constantinople in the 5th century


In this work, two young girls light lanterns in a garden. For ten points each:Name this painting of the daughters of Frederick Barnard which prominently features the title flowers.

Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose

professor and writer that helped revitalize short stories in 1980s"A Small Good Thing""Errand""Cathedral"


short story tells of the narrator duping his enemy into drinking some winetitle liquor is supposedlyhidden deep inside a cellar, but is actually a ruse to enact a revenge scheme.

Cask of Amontillado

Telomerase lengthens the ends of them, and a third copy of one of them structures can result in Down syndrome. For 10 points, name these paired structures consisting of DNA that can come in X and Y varieties.


Former U.S trade union federation that was proposed by John L. Lewis

Congress of Industrial Organizations

was US Secretary of Navy, three term governor of Texas, and Sec of Treasury under NixonOriginally a Democrat but switched parties in 1973Seriously wounded while riding with JFK during the assassination


It's 1927 and this man is President, having succeeded Warren G. Harding. You toast him while your friend glares at you, since he's still mad at this man for firing Boston police officers during the Police Strike of 1919.


American artist was first one to have his work exhibited overseas"Portrait of Paul Revere" In that painting, Revere is holding a teapot in his hand


Among producers, Kanye West ranks behind only Quincy Jones in the number of Grammys won. Kanye West sampled this French electronic duo in his song "Stronger", which won for Best Rap Solo Performance.This group reentered the mainstream with their 2013 hit single "Get Lucky"

Daft Punk

legendary baseball player #14 for Cubsshortstop who was nicknamed "mr. cub"

Ernie Banks

This character in Les Misérables sells her hair and teeth to support her daughter Cosette, in addition to becoming a prostitute.


SI unit of electrical capacitance


In the beginning of this novel, Mildred overdoses on sleeping pills and watches an interactive television. For 10 points each:[10] Name this novel in which The Hound stalks the book-burning fireman Guy Montag.

Farenheit 451

One of the equations in Maxwell's list is this one States that EMF is equal to change in flux.


Measure equal to six feet that is used especially in the measure of water depth


Young Prussian king who invaded Austria in 1740 and began the War of Austrian Succession Carried a flute with him

Frederick the Second

This anthropologist published two books criticizing Coming of Age in Samoa, including The Fateful Hoaxing ofMargaret Mead.


American sculptor that created "The Minute Man"Also the seated statue of Abraham Lincoln in the Lincoln Memorial


Carbon allotrope along with diamond and graphite Allotrope discovered by Richard Buckminster Fuller


Many artworks feature horrific depictions of people getting eaten. Name some of these works, for 10 points each:[10] In the far right of this painting, a man with outstretched hands is being devoured by a black, rectangular monster with what seems to be a window for an eye. Other surreal elements in this Picasso work include an eye with a light bulb for an iris.


Museum that contains the world's largest collection of paintings by KandinskyIt was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and is located in New York City

Guggenheim Museum

This man's policies concerning circumcision sparked the Bar Kokhba Revolt.Name this "good" Roman emperor who built a namesake wall in Britain.


Radioisotopes with known values for this quantity are often used to determine the age of objects. For 10 points each:[10] Name this term which describes the time it takes for 50% of a sample of radioactive substance to decay. For carbon-14, it is approximately 5700 years.

Half Life

This coauthor of the Federalist papers was embroiled in the Reynolds scandal, and use his influence to tilt the election of 1800 in favor of Jefferson over Aaron Burr after the failure of his proposed candidate, Charles Pinckney.


This eight day holiday commemorates the success of a revolt led by the Maccabees against Antiochus IV and is celebrated by lighting a menorah and eating fried foods, such as sufganiyots and latkes.


This family, which included Joseph I and Charles VI, would have gained control of Spain under Archduke Charles, who was the Holy Roman Emperor at the time. They consistently held the thrones of other subsidiary states, like Spain and Austria.


This principle is the standard baseline assumption in population genetics models. Name this mathematical model, which only applies under idealized conditions.


-"Radiant Baby" -Name this New York City based pop artist and muralist known for his simple, stick-figuresque figures and boldcolors. -He established Pop Shops to display his work.


"The Emperor of Ice Cream" and "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird" appear in this first poetry collection of Wallace Stevens which also includes the poems "Peter Quince at the Clavier" and "Anecdote of the Jar."


Conservative Prime Minister was recently replaced by the Liberal Justin Trudeau in the October 2015 elections.


During the War of 1812, a bunch of Federalists met at this convention in Connecticut and drafted a list of demands to take to Washington, DC. This meeting backfired badly due to the signing of the Treaty of Ghent and greatly hurt the Federalist Party.

Hartford Convention

This wheelchair-bound physicist's most famous book is "A Brief History of Time"British scientist, who names the blackbody radiation emanating from black holes.


Center of Hawaii's orchid growing industry Located close to the Kilauea volcano on the "Big Island"


This English composer of St. Paul's Suite used "Mars, the Bringer of War" as the first movement of his collection The Planets.


composer of The Planets known for teaching at St. Pauls' Music School.


You would use this four-letter abbreviation in the footnotes or endnotes of a research paper when you have two consecutive notes from the same sourceWhat is this abbreviation of a Latin word that means, "In the same place"


Show Me a Hero stars this actor as Mayor Wasicsko. You probably know him best as Poe Dameron from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but he's also appeared in Drive, Ex Machina and Inside Llewyn Davis.


The eight-pointed star is a sacred symbol of this deity, who was hit in the face by a bull's torn-off thigh. An intersex creature is created to revive this deity, who is cursed with sixty diseases. For 10 points, name this Mesopotamian goddess of love and fertility.


Mathematicians have attempted to identify self-replicating fractals in this man's works. Name this American painter known for his distinct style of dripping paint directly on canvas. He studied cave paintings as inspiration for works such as Guardians of the Secret and She Wolf.

Jackson Pollock

A text in this religion is the Kalpa Sutraalso follows ratnatraya or the "three jewels." founded in India whose followers practice ahimsa, or nonviolence


stage and screen actress who was only 19 on Broadway.Appeared in "The Boy Friend" and "My Fair Lady" lasting fame for such roles as a British nanny and a governess of the von Trapp Family

Julie Andrews

His works in the 1790s included Critique of Judgement and Metaphysics of Morals.Name this German philosopher who authored Critique of Pure Reason.


x policy is a source of much debate among economists. For 10 points each: [10] Name this graphical construct that is used in determining the hypothetical tax revenue at given rates. It works under the assumption that at both tax extremes there will be no taxable income.

Laffer curve

This collection opens with a dedication to Theophile Gautier. Name this collection, first published in 1857, that addresses the "hypocrite reader" and contains sections like Spleen and Ideal.

Les Fleur Du Mal

This was the last album recorded by the Beatles before its dissolution its soundtrack to the film bearing its name won the Academy Award for Best Soundtrack. Across the Universe, released on this album, was broadcast throughout thegalaxy in the hopes of contacting aliens.

Let it Be

Translate the following Spanish to EnglishVamos a hablar mas

Let's talk some more

Mean "a little book"The text, or lyrics of an opera


The twins Sam and Eric find the corpse of a parachutist in this novel, in which Ralph, Simon, and Piggy are English schoolboys who resort to savagery after surviving a plane crash on a deserted island. For 10 points, name this novel by William Golding.

Lord of the Flies

This other house intermarried into the Habsburg line after the Pragmatic Sanction in 1713, when Maria Theresa married Francis of this house, and other members governed Parma, Tuscany, and even Mexico under a Maximillian.


19th century laborers who opposed labor saving machinery by smashing machinesrefers today to those who refuse to use technology


His 1927 work Sex and Repression in Savage Society notably challenges Freud's longstanding beliefof the universal Oedipal complexauthored Magic, Science and Religion.Polish anthropologist and author of Argonauts of theWestern Pacific.


58 years before the Bar Kokhba Revolt began, the First Jewish-Roman War ended at what locationwhere theremaining members the Sicarii killed themselves?


-At 20 miles is this distance between Yemen and Djibouti -the Arabian Peninsula is separated from theHorn of Africa by this strait.

Mendeb Strait

Biotite and lepidolite are sheet-silicate mineralsIdentify the family name for these minerals


Played the roles of Little Joe Cartwright on Bonanza, Charles Ingalls on Little House on the Pratie

Michael Landon

First American physicist to receive a Nobel Prize in physics in 1906He measured the speed of light to 2.999 time 10 to the eighth meters per second


This Chicago physicist used an interferometer to measure the diameter of Betelgeuse. You probably know himfor a collaboration with Edward Morley that disproved the theory of the luminiferous ether.


Riots broke out in a state ruled by this leader after a 2002 train fire in the city of Godhra.The leader of the Lok Sabha.Prime Minister of India after Manmohan Singh.


Answer some questions about director Billy Wilder,Wilder is probably most famous for directing this actress in films like Some Like It Hot.


Warhol also created a "diptych" of fifty nearly identical silkscreened images of this actress who appeared in SomeLike It Hot and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.


The ruler of the Aztec Empire at the time of Cortés's 1519 arrival in Mexico was this man. He became prisonerin his own palace and died in that same location under dubious circumstances.


-Patton won the "Race to Messina" against this British general, who often clashed with Patton.-successful atthe Second Battle of El Alamein, a victory which led to his being named a Viscount.


Tourist town in South Carolina Known for its superb golf courses located near the shores of the Atlantic Ocean

Myrtle Beach

Geolical plate that is subducting beneath South America's western coastline Responsible for most of the volcanoes in South America

Nasca Plate

The Selfish Gene more generally discusses altruism in society and its connection to survival, describing how societiesreach what Dawkins calls evolutionarily stable strategies, which are examples of what stable states in game theory whereno individual is incentivized to deviate?

Nash equilibrium

Reilly lives in this city with his mother. This city is known for its French influenced cuisine, which includes gumboand po' boys.

New Orleans

In The Second Sex, de Beauvoir claims that the male gaze turns women into this philosophical construct, asopposed to the Self. The philosophical use of this term was promoted by Emmanuel Lévinas


This poet also heavily utilized the ode form in his odes to "common things", "my socks" and "a large tuna in themarket", among others. authored the collection Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair.

Pablo Neruda

The nickname 'Ruin' was given to the President in power for failing to deal with this event's aftermath.One act which mandated that western lands be paid for by gold or silver, the Specie Circular, may have caused this event. Name this economic panic during Martin Van Buren's presidency.

Panic of 1837

-Her ferocious forms include Durga and Kali. -Name this Hindu goddess of love and fertility, regarded as the supreme Shakti. -She forms a trinity with Lakshmi andSaraswati


17th century french mathematician, scientist, and religous thinkersformed probability theory, invented mechanical caclulator


First row consists of number oneSecond row consists of the numbers one and oneWhat is the name of this important mathematical term?

Pascal's Triangle

high arches of this ballerina led to the development of the modern pointe shoe"If I cant dance, then I'd rather be dead"Russian dancer know for Dying Swan


The Eighty Years' War, like the Thirty Years' War, was ended by a series of treaties collectively known by this term.

Peace of Westphalia

This orchestral suite has 7 movements, each based on an astrological entity movements like Neptune, the Mystic and Mars, Bringer of War.

Planets ( Opus 32)

This author's children's book The It-Doesn't Matter Suit was published posthumously"Daddy".created a semi-autobiographical novelabout Esther Greenwood's time in a mental hospital, The Bell Jar.


Congressional sessions open with a recitation of this statement. Name this statement often recited at school in the morning, to which the phrase "under God" was added in 1954.

Pledge of Allegiance

Secretions from these animals are traditionally used as toxins in the ammunition of the Emberá Chocó peoples. Name this brightly colored group of small frogs native to South America

Poison dart

During one period in this city,A Prussian attack on this city in 1757 led to major damage on the St. Vitus Cathedral during the Seven Years' War. Two Catholic regents were thrown out of a window by the followers of Count von Thurn in 1618, in the Defenestration of this city.


de Milo was once attributed to this ancient Greek sculptor, who created the now-lost original of theAphrodite of Cnidus. He most likely sculpted Hermes and the Infant Dionysus


colonel of the Pepperell Company during Revolutionary Wara key figure in Battle of Bunkerhillsaid "Don't fire til you see the whites of their eyes"


How is the word "driving" being used in the following sentence?We rushed inside to get out of the driving plan.

Present Participle

The lifting of air at the equator creates an area with a low value for this quantity. On weather maps, isobars connect areas with equal values of this pressure and the H and L on those maps indicate this quantity.


After Hector's death, Achillies was shocked when this man appeared at the door of his tentHe offered a ransom for Hector's corpse


These portions of DNA initiate transcription of a particular gene. Transcription factors can act either as an activator or a repressor when binding to these structures.


Answer some questions about anarchy in philosophyThis French "father of anarchism" famously asserted that "property is theft!"


This god was expected to return to civilization while riding on a raft made of serpents, leading the Aztecs to identify Hernán Cortés as this god upon his arrival in the New World. Name this mesoamerican Feathered Serpent deity. According to the Aztecs, he was the creator of mankind.


Bar and Bat Mitzvah ceremonies are led by the teen, the cantor, and this figure; literally meaning "My Master"leads Friday and Saturday services.


A lot of music has been written about videotapes. Answer some questions about those songs, This British rock band ended their self-released album In Rainbows with the song "Videotape." Their earlier work includes the albums Kid A and OK Computer, as well as songs like "Creep" and "Fake Plastic Trees."


Refers to any of over 300 species of birds that eat fleshThese birds of prey rank among the world's most effective huntersExamples include eagles, hawks, falcon, and vultures


Boléro is a piece by this French composer of Daphnis et Chloé. He wrote a piano concerto requiring only the left hand for the amputee pianist Paul Wittgenstein.


Spanish word for the effort to remove Muslims from the Iberian Peninsula


Ferde Grofe wrote the orchestration for this piece.This piece written for solo piano and orchestra was partially inspired by a train ride to Boston and opens with a seventeen note clarinet glissando. Name this chromatically-named composition by George Gershwin.

Rhapsody in Blue

as Adrian Cronauer hebefriended Viet Cong agent Tuan in Good Morning, Vietnam. portrayed Theodore Roosevelt in Night at the MuseumBit the dust in 2014

Robin Williams

-This German general, nicknamed the "Desert Fox"-vanquished by Montgomery at El Alamein and Patton at ElGuettar.


schoolmate of Hamlet laughs when Hamlet says that "man delights not me". In an adaptation, he wins a bet byguessing a coin will always land on "heads".


Another iconic historic photograph is that of the American flag being raised at Iwo Jima during World War 2, takenby this photographer


Many of his mathematical works were refinements on the work of Gottlob FregeHe gave an unfalsifiable argumentthat a piece of china is between Earth and Mars, which is now called his "teapot".Britishpacifist, mathematician, logician, philosopher and author of Principia Mathematica and Why I Am Not a Christian.


engaged by Richard the Lionheart and other Christian warriors in attempt to regain the holy landmuslim leader who conquered Jerusalem and 1187, provoking the 3rd crusade


A story about Sergeant X and his brief friendship with a young girl. For 10 points, name this author of Franny and Zooey and "A Perfect Day for Bananafish," who wrote about the phony-hating Holden Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye.


actor who starred as Homer Smith in "Lillies of the Field"first african american to win Best Actor Oscar

Sidney Poitier

Hungary composer who became British in 1972 and later knightedcomposer that holds the most Grammy awardsdirector of Chicago Symphony Orchestra from 1969-91

Sir Georg Solti

This German organization sought to vilify and stain the reputations of opponents and thus cleanse Germany without using judicial measures via its zersetzung program. It served as the secret police of East Germany.


-East of Eden was described as the "most ambitious novel" written by this 1962 Nobel Prize winner.


This British playwright created that absurdist adaptation that takes place "in the wings" of Hamlet, which includesRosencrantz's counterpart Guildenstern as well.


This disciple of Xuanzang was formerly imprisoned under a mountain for 500 years. He wields a cudgel that can grow and shrink as he pleases and he can achieve 72 transformations.

Sun Wukong

Sondheim won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama for this musical about the French impressionist Georges Seurat. The book and score heavily reflect the artist's trademark pointillism, including a character named Dot.

Sunday in the Park with George

The Laffer curve is often used by proponents of this economic school to justify reduction in taxation as a way to increase state revenue. This school also postulates that the most economically beneficial course of action is to eliminate barriers to producers.ANSWER: supply-side economics

Supply side economics

May period of television broadcasting by the major networks during which each network airs the final batch of series before a summer of reruns


Disagreements over the administration of Thurgau contributed to the Kappel Wars in this country. A series of 19th and 20th century treaties signed in this country established the standards of war under international law.


In this short story of revenge by Edgar Allan Poe, Montresor tricks and traps Fortunato, a wine connoisseur with a cold, deep within his labyrinthine family crypt.

The Cask of Amontillado

Scholars believe that Peter gave his sermon in this room in Jerusalem, which was also the site of the Last Supper. A structure identified as this room on Mount Zion is a popular site for pilgrimage.

The Cenacle

In this play, Varya is in love with Lopahkin, who eventually buys the title estate from Madame Ranevsky in a debt auction. For 10 points, name this Anton Chekhov play that concludes with the sound of axes offstage.

The Cherry Orchard

The publication of this book in which the protagonist can detect smells through the telephone resulted in negative remarks from the press for its negative views on the Catholic Church and the CDU Party.

The Clowen

This work is located in the Cornaro Chapel in Rome's Santa Maria della Vittoria. For 10 points each:[10] Name this sculpture that appears to be illuminated due to strips of gold representing sunrays. The presence of a circular window overhead certainly intensifies this effect

The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa

In this third and final play of the Oresteia, Orestes is judged by Athena and eleven others whether he is guilty of murdering his mother, Clytemnestra. In this play, the Furies torment the main character while Apollo protects him.

The Euminedes

On his quest, Sir Percival meets this figure, who is wounded in his legs. In some accounts Percival fails to complete his quest because he does not ask a question which would heal this figure.

The Fisher King

Brekekekex koax koax! So speak the title creatures in this play's chorus, where they argue with Dionysus. Name this play where Dionysus and his slave Xanthias attempt to bring Euripides back from the underworld.

The Frogs

In this film, the protagonists receive a package containing a fish wrapped in Luca Brasi's bulletproof vest, signifying that he "sleeps with the fishes." For 10 points:[10] Name this Francis Ford Coppola-directed film that chronicles the Corleone crime family.

The Godfather

Novel written by Goethe A young man kills himself with his rival's gun after being rejected by his beloved girlfriend

The Sorrows of Young Werther

Novel written by Camus in 1942Meursault, a French-Algerian kills an Arab, and he speaks his mind

The Stranger

Gunter Grass born in PolandCentral works were Danzig trilogy which included 'Dog 'Years", CAt and Mouse, and this

The Tin Drum

author that spent a night in jail for refusing to pay taxes and wrote an essay titled "Resistance to Civil Government"provided groundwork for modern day environmentalism


This architect designed the Octagon House in Washington, D.C.Name this architect who was chosen to design the United States Capitol


Answer some questions about novelist Naguib Mahfouz, Mahfouz wrote a sequel-companion to this classic short story collection of Arabic literature. This collectionincludes the stories of Scheherazade, Sinbad, and others.

Thousand and One Nights

This 1921 painting was created by the co-inventor of collage, and it also exists in a collage version. Name this painting that features a man in black on the right, a man in an orange-yellow suit in the center, and aman in white and blue on the left. It probably depicts its artist along with Guillaume Apollinaire and Max Jacob.

Three Musicians

African city was an intellectual and spiritual capital of Islam in the 15th centurycity located in Mali whose name is often used to refer to an exotic distant land


Identify the last infinitive in the following sentenceI need to get my baseball glove at home so I can go to the game

To get

What is the perfect infinitive form of the verb in the following sentenceMy team will win the championship this year

To have won

This Woolf novel actually focuses very little on the Ramsays' travel to the title locale in the Isle of Skye, insteaddescribing the completion of Lily Briscoe's portrait of the family.

To the Lighthouse

The battle of Sekigahara secured the first leader of this dynasty his power, and this dynasty was followed by the Meiji Restoration. For 10 points, name this Japanese dynasty, first led by an Ieyasu, whose reign was also known as the Edo Period.


This city's Metropolitan Crest is a monochromatic sun emanating six beams of lighthost of the 1964 and 2020 Summer Olympicsbecame the de facto nationalcapital when Emperor Meiji relocated


These members of Shia Islam believe in a namesake number of divinely ordained successors to the Prophet Muhammad. This group believes that the "hidden Imam," the Mahdi, will rid the world of evil before Judgement Day.


The ports of Civitavecchia, Palermo, and Salerno are located on this sea, which was infested with Saracen pirates before the 1400s, who controlled the Straits of Bonifacio and Missina that connect it to the Mediterranean.

Tyrrhenian Sea


Whistler's Mother

Derived from Australian aboriginesRefers to a cyclonic whirlwind, or hurricane


Identify the South Dakota Park that has a cave sysyem

Wind Cave

Civil War ArtistPainted the North SeaPainted "Sailing the Catboat" and "the Gulf Stream" in New England where he lived

Winslow Homer

British poet wrote "Strange Fits of Passion Have I Known""I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" and "Tintern Abbey"


English Romantic poet who wrote "Ode on Intimations of Immortality from recollections of early childhood"


This poet of "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" and "We Are Seven" composed "Tintern Abbey."


general technique used in statistics to test the hypothesis

analysis of variance

Marcel Breuer designed two of these objects named "Cantilever" and "Wassily." Name these objects. Charles and Ray Eames designed a ubiquitous example.


Italian art term derived from Italian meaning "bright" and "dark"


Hollande was able to appoint fellow socialist Manuel Valls to be Prime Minister, avoiding this type of government in which a President and Prime Minister are from different parties.


Fugues often exemplify this technique of writing multiple musical voices in conjunction with each other. An important principle in this practice is to avoid parallel fifths or octaves.




Can be syconoid or leuconoidThey have pronged structural elements called spiracles.Do not possess any form of symmetry. Name these organisms that inhale and expel water through pores.


-The lever and the inclined plane are examples of these. -Name this group of objects commonly used to increase mechanical efficiency.

simples machines


smooth muscle

this term means a downward fold in a rockopposite of anticline


Co-founded the "New Yorker" and founded the "New York Tribune"Ran for president in 1872


Largest man-made, non-flood control lake in USlake created by Bagnell Dam across the Osage River in Missouri

Lake of the Ozarks

Poison dart frogs display this type of adaptation that utilizes bright colors as an alert to predators of their potentialtoxicity. Monarch butterflies also exhibit this signal in their bright orange wings.




Early pieces using this technique include Schoenberg's second string quartet and his three piano pieces, Opus 11.Give this term for music that is not in any key.


Point Udall found on the Orote Peninsula is on this island in the Pacificwesternmost territory of the US


This member of the Oneida Community became incensed upon not being appointed ambassador to France. Name this man who declared "I am a Stalwart of the Stalwarts!" after assassinating a sitting U.S. president.


King called the "Lion of the North" and the "Father of modern warfare"Killed leading a charge at the Battle of Lutzen in 1633King who founded the Swedish Empire

Gustavus Adolphus

"Naked seeds"Plants seeds that are not enclosed within fruits


This ship never completed its planned breadfruit delivery. For 10 points each:[10] Name this vessel whose crew carried out a 1789 mutiny led by Fletcher Christian. After trying to settle in Tahiti, the mutineers were arrested by the HMS Pandora and locked in "Pandora's Box."

HMS Bounty


carbon offset

A particle with total spin of "h-bar times L" has this many allowed values for its magnetic quantum number, m.Give your answer in terms of the azimuthal quantum number, L.

2L Plus 1

This painting shows a man in a white shirt holding up his hands under a black sky. Name this painting in which a firing squad of soldiers under Napoleon executes a poor laborer on the title day.

3rd of May, 1808

A projectile subject to a constant gravitational field will travel a maximum horizontal distance when launched at this angle above the horizontal.

45 degrees

One poem about a mountain in this range describes its subject as "still, snowy, and serene" and discusses the "everlasting universe of things." The classic children's book character Heidi lives in, for ten points, what mountain range which is home to Mont Blanc and occupies much of Switzerland?

Swiss Alps

Tsipras has served as the leader of this Greek political party since 2009. Also known as the Coalition of the RadicalLeft its members staunchly oppose German-led austerity measures.


A recent election in this country saw both the lowest ever turnout and the highest ever percentage for thePan-Green coalition.Name this country that recently elected its first female president, Tsai Ing-Wen. Tsai defeated Eric Chu, who is the mayor of this country's city of New Taipei.


Osmotic pressure is one of these properties, as it is directly proportional to the number of moles of solute. For 10 points each:[10] Name these properties that are dependent on the concentration of a solute in a solution, rather than the composition of the solute.

colligative properties

Show Me a Hero was co-written by David Simon, who also created The Wire. Like Breaking Bad, The Wire centers around the production and sale of these commodities.


The narrator of this work declares that he will wear "white flannel trousers" that are "rolled".The speakerhears "the mermaids singing each to each", and throughout the poem "the women come and go / talking ofMichelangelo".poem that begins "Let us go then, you and I", a romantic work of T. S. Eliot.

Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

It's not retail, but workers in this sector have protested nationally in hopes of raising the minimum wage to $15.00. An employer in this sector insisted that 90% of its American locations were franchises that could face losses upon paying employees $15.00.

fast food

three myth sisters Aello, Ocypete, and Celaeno who lived in a cave in Cretevicously snatched food and tormented peoplefaces of women but bodies of vultures


A braided candle is extinguished into a cup of wine during this Jewish ceremony, which marks the end ofShabbat.


In a series of works, these pastoral subjects were painted at different times of the day and therefore cast shadows in different directions. Name these objects that are depicted in 25 paintings featuring them during different seasons.


When Quetzalcoatl was tricked by Tezcatlipoca into sleeping with a priestess, he immolated himself in shame, leaving this body part to become the morning star.


Another one of Constable's landscapes is titled for a white one of these animals, which can be seen riding on a boat in that work. In Giorgio de Chirico's The Red Tower, a silhouetted statue of one of these animals can be partially seen.


At several moments, including the last line, the "Song of Despair" repeats that "it is [ this specific moment]".Give the specific phrase Neruda uses for this moment.

hour of departure

AKA sanguine moonFirst full moon following the harvest moon

hunter's moon

-Orbitals of different varieties can combine to form new ones via this process. -The same term also describes atechnique used to determine similarity of DNA.


term for the middle 50% of the data, found in between lower and upper quartile

interquartile range

codenamed Operation Urgent Fury. October 1983 United States-led takedown of a Caribbean island nation's revolutionary government.

invasion of Grenada

The energy needed to perform this action increases up and to the right ionithe periodic table. Name this process that occurs when an atom gains or loses an electron from its neutral state.


Lines on a weather map that connect areas of equal atmospheric pressure


If you want to describe elastic vibrations in solids, you'll need to replace Hooke's law with a more complicatedtensor expressionunless the material has this property, meaning its elastic stiffness is the same in all directions


Boiling and freezing points are also colligative properties. This will occur to the boiling point of a substance if the concentration of solute is increased.

it will increase

Truman Capote and Norman Mailer wrote in the style of creative nonfiction, which was also known as the "New"form of this practiceWilliam Hearstand Joseph Pulitzer published sensational articles in the "yellow" form of this genre.form ofnon-fiction that reports news.


Nozick's Anarchy, State, and Utopia was a response to John Rawls's theory of this concept, which he arguedwas a form of fairness. Usually, this concept involves the distribution of punishments and rewards.


The Tuonen tytti leads Väinämöinen into one of these placesvisitors to a Greek version of this realm must first pass Charon andCerberusplaces exemplified by Hades, and Hell in Christianity.

land of the dead

During the Ordovician period, the tectonic plate under this ancient ocean subducted under Laurentia, creating theAppalachians.

lapetus Ocean

Chopin was famous for his ability to play "singing" lines, which meant using this kind of articulation.This articulation is applied to all notes under a slur.


Theodoric's reign was crucial for later medieval scholars, because under him scholars like Cassiodorus codifiedClassical learning about these subjects. Nowadays, this term is applied to any education that isn't vocational.

liberal arts

two word term for the difference in the angle between true north and magnetic north

magnetic declination

In an iconic scene from Kramer vs. Kramer, Hoffman's character, Ted, struggles to perform this action with his son, Billy. Ted messes up this action by trying to make French toast in a coffee mug

making breakfast

Samples must be ionized before they can be used in this technique, which calculates the m to z ratio of molecular fragments.

mass spectrometry

In particular, the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium only holds if these changes do not occur within the population.These genetic alterations often result from DNA replication errors or exposure to agents like ultraviolet light


Marginal cost can increase with increasing quantity if production is accompanied by one of these side effects.For instance, costs could be driven up if the pollution produced by a factory begins to harm its workers.

negative externality

This creature, a "light-winged Dryad of the trees" is never actually mentioned in the John Keats poem it titles.


These cells, located in the Bundle of His and the sinoatrial node, dictate the rhythm of the heartbeat. They share theirname with a medical device used to regulate that same heartbeat.


Jimmy Carter was a farmer of this vegetable. Legume which three hundred uses for which were invented by George Washington Carver, though he did notinvent its 'butter' form.


greek word meaning fivemath prefix for 1000^5above tera-


Sandburg wrote a poem titled for this plantwhich buries the bodies piled "at Austerlitz and Waterloo", that imploresthe reader to "Let me work".



quid pro quo

Large and exceptionally active cometMarch of 1997 came closet to Earth since 2000 B.C.Discovered in 1995 by two amateur astronomers




In this play, Polonius declares that "brevity is the soul of wit" during a long speech. Shakespeare play wherein Claudius assumes the throne of Denmark after murdering his brothermuch tothe dismay of his nephew who titles the play


Founder is Liu Bang (Gazou)Last ruler overthrown by Wei leader Cao PiBegan Three Kingdoms Period Majority ethnicity of China

Han Dynasty

principle named after 2 scientists who discovered it independently in 1908states the frequency of each allele in a gen pool will remain constant unless acted on by mutation

Hardy-Weinberg Principle

Wrote of party guests searching for fountain of youth in "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment""Twice Told Tales"Pearl is born to Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale in "The Scarlett Letter"


Answer some questions about the instrumental music of George Frideric Handel, An early pirated version of Handel's Opus 1 included four sonatas for this instrument. Two of them play in Bach's Brandenburg Concerto number four and in the aria "Sheep May Safely Graze."


In his fifth voyage, Sinbad is chased by one of these large mythical raptors after stealing its eggs. They are trickedinto mining diamonds in his second voyage.


tree-derived substance, which gave them their name. material was akey component in the ball of the Mesoamerican ballgame.


Robert Guiscard performed this actionon Hildebrand's behalf in 1084Geiseric led the Vandals inthis action in 455,Pope Leo I talked Attila the Hun out of performing what action involving destruction of an empire's capital?

sacking Rome

-Archimedes' variant of this simple machine was designed for transferring water uphill-evidence suggeststhat it was in use in Assyria 350 years before Archimedes' conception of it


Four cups of wine structure this meal in Judaism, during which participants narrate the Exodus story and eat matzah.


The Northwest Ordinance was passed while this document was the supreme law of the U.S. This documentestablished the government that led the U.S. through the Revolution and the first decade of independence.

Articles of Confederation

A July 2012 shooting took place in a movie theater in this Colorado city during a Batman film. The shooter, James E.Holmes, was subsequently apprehended, but pleaded not guilty by insanity.

Aurora, Colorado

The pendulum's period is given by the function 2 times pi times √l ["square root of l"] times gravitationalacceleration to what power?


Common name for a hormone that stimulates the adrenal cortex to create cortisone. Produced in the front part of the pituitary gland


This is the central religious text of Sikhism. It is considered to be the last of eleven gurus, and contains the writings of the previous ten gurus.

Adi Granth

Be careful if you ask for My Struggle at your local bookshop, because others may think you're asking for a similarly titled 1926 memoir by this leader. Unlike Knausgard, he wrote his My Struggle in German.

Adolf Hitler

The Oresteia was written by this tragic Greek playwright. In his earliest surviving play, he explores the Greek theme of hubris with a story based on his experience in the Persian Wars.


This deepest region of the Valley, as well as Africa itself, lies at the intersection of three tectonic plate boundaries. It contains Lake Asal, which is fed by the Awash River.

Afar Depression

Mahfouz's Miramar is set in this Egyptian city, which was the home city of Constantine P. Cavafy. Lawrence Durrell wrote a "Quartet" about this home city of the scholars Ptolemy and Euclid.


A 1967 summit named for this man held in Cleveland was attended by such athletes as Bill Russell and JimBrownparticipated in both The Rumble in the Jungle and The Thrilla in Manila, and hefought George Foreman, Sonny Liston and Joe Frazieronly three-time world heavyweight champion,an American boxer


Family name for elements that form ions that always have a plus two electrical chargeMembers of this family include barium, strontium, and magnesium

Alkaline earth metals

Bradbury also penned this short story in which the sun comes out for the first time in seven years, during which the character Margot gets locked in a closet by her classmates.

All Summer in a Day

Name some things associated with the twelve labors of Heracles,Heracles' ninth labor required him to obtain the girdle of Hippolyta, who was the queen of this group of warrior women.


Operates feeder flights for American Airlines

American Eagle

director know for dead-pan sense of humormovies always features Jason Schwartzman, Owen WIlson, and Bill MurrayDirected Rushmore, The Life Aquatic, and The Royal Tenenbaums


Church painted "the heart" of this mountain range in Western South America, where Cotopaxi is located.Church'spainting is based on his two trips to Ecuador and Columbia, which contain part of this range.




This endorheic lake encompasses parts of Kazakhstan and its southern neighbor, Uzbekistan. Because of Soviet irrigation projects, it has declined to about 10 percent of its original size.

Aral Sea

In Athens, nine archons, or chief magistrates, served at a time. However, all former archons served on this aristocratic council open only to the nobility, named for a small hill northwest of Athens.


Ricardo lived comfortably after making a fortune betting on this 1815 battle.This battle saw a rout by ArthurWellesley in present-day Belgium, marking the end of the Hundred Days.

Battle of Waterloo

The NHS was established under this Labour Prime Minister of Britain, who took over from Winston Churchill at the end of World War II.


This popular game was the basis for a 2012 film that saw Liam Neeson and Rihanna atop the title vessel. However, itis unclear if the missile system was based on the canonical grid.


X-ray diffraction in spherical silicon crystals is a reliable modern method to determine this value.Constant which is the number of particles in a mole, approximately equal to 6.02 times 10 to the 23.

Avogadro's Number

The ETA's logo features a snake, representing politicsaround one of these objects, representing armed struggle.


Asgard is connected to Midgard by this bridgewhich is destroyed by the sons of Muspell during Ragnarök.


Repub from IndianaPassed McKinley Tariff and the Sherman AntiTrust ActDefeated Cleveland in 1888, then lost to him in 1892

Benjamin Harrison (Both Required)

This highest deity in Vodou interacts with Earth primarily through the loa, his underlings, which havebeen compared to angels.


An inflamed, bony overgrowth at the base of the big toe


Complete the title of the following short story by Hawthorne"Roger Malvin's BLANK"


One person with this surname lost a gubernatorial election to the then-incumbent Lawton Chiles, and hedeclined the position of NFL Commissioner while still GovernorPresident won an election alongside Dan Quayle.elder son also served as President, defeating AlGore in 2000 and John Kerry in 2004.


this area got its name from the 16th century spanish explorerssite where NASA launched its Project Mercury and Gemini in the 50s and 60s

Cape Canaveral

Proteins such as scramblases and flippases ensure that portions of these structures remain negatively charged. Water passes through these organelles via aquaporins, and they consist of molecules with polar heads and hydrophobic tails called phospholipids.

Cell Membrane

This pope was also a Medici. During his papacy, Rome was sacked in 1527 and Henry VIII of England created the Anglican church.

Clement VII

The last pharaoh of the Ptolemaic dynasty was this beautiful queen of Egypt, who had affairs with both JuliusCaesar and Marc Antony


This Bruce Norris play written in response to A Raisin in the Sun portrays the white family who sold their house to the Younger family in the titular neighborhood. It won the 2011 Pulitzer Prize for Drama.

Clybourne Park

Vitamin B12 is the only vitamin that contains this element Atomic number of 27


This centaur son of Cronus was depicted as wise and noble; he was the mentor of heroes such as Heracles, Jason, andAchilles.


The organism that causes this disease uses Tcp pili to bind to mammalian cells.An organism of the genus Vibrio causes this disease, which is treated by oral rehydration. Name this disease that may be contracted by drinking contaminated drinking water and whose symptoms include watery diarrhea.


This artist painted several views of the Parthenon and the volcano Cotopaxi.Name this student of Thomas Cole, an American landscape painter.


City lies along the Congaree River, near the junction of the Borad and Saluda rivers Woodrow Wilson's boyhood homeLargest city in the state of South Carolina


Van Gogh's final painting"vast stretches of corn under troubled skies"

Crows Over Cornfield

Two word expression refers to a thick, greenish brown, flammable liquid found underground in permeable rockConsists of a mixture of hydrocarbons and is also known as petroleum

Crude oil

Salome performs this act for Herod after being promised her heart's desire. Its risqué nature caused controversy when it was first performed.

Dance of the Seven Veils

In this city, one young "gallant" is given a stolen gold coin by another. Name this city, in which a young boy fixates on Mangan's sister until a disillusioning trip to Araby market.Gabriel and Gretta Conroy attend a party in this city in the story "The Dead."


Despite it being a Billy Strayhorn composition, "Take the A Train" is one of this bandleader'smost well known pieceswrote "Don't GetAround Much Anymore"jazz pianist who composed "In a Sentimental Mood" and "It Don'tMean a Thing (If It Ain't Got that Swing)".

Duke Ellington

Nicholas' October Manifesto created this legislative body after the 1905 Revolution. Before Russia's Civil War, it was suppressed by the Fundamental Laws, and its modern version is the lower house of the Federal Assembly.


Hooke's Law.Name this class of systems that describes springs and other periodically oscillating systems.

simple harmonic motion

-In this novel, a servant named Lee discusses the meaning of "timshel" -the brothers Charles and Adam live nearCathy Ames. -Name this novel set in California's Salinas valley that centers on several generations of the Trask family's lives.

East of Eden

This Athenian tragedian dramatized that version of Helen and Menelaus's story in the play Helen. Other plays by him include Medea, Alcestis, and Hippolytus.


The European Coal and Steel Community helped pave the way for t his common currency of Europe. This currency replaced the franc, lira, and mark in 2002


Two countries that surround the Gulf of BothniaAlso surround the Baltic Sea

Finland and Sweden

Answer some questions about literary lightning strikes, This character saw a lightning strike completely destroy an oak outside his home when he was fifteen. That briefly led him away from natural philosophy, although he returned to the problem of artificial life at Ingolstadt.


He read one of his own poems, "The Gift Outright" at the inauguration of John F. Kennedy. author of "After Apple-Picking" and "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" also wrote "Nothing Gold CanStay".


This period's most eminent poets were Francisco Quevedo and Luis de Góngora.Name this period of Spanish literature dominated by the plays of Lope de Vega and Pedro Calderón de la Barca.

Golden Age

Solzhenitsyn was influenced by, but opposed to, a "realist" movement named for this political ideology. This was the dominant ideology of his home country, the Soviet Union


After the passage of this bill was delayed, riots broke out in Nottingham and Bristol. Name this 1832 bill that expanded the British franchise to the industrial cities of Manchester and Birmingham.It was proposed by John Russell and passed during the Prime Ministership of Earl Grey.

Great Reform Bill

This struggling European nation was the first to default on an IMF loan. Its Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras stepped down for less than a month in 2015.


This liquid weapon of the Byzantine empire was invented during the reign of Emperor Constantine IV by a Greek-speaking Syrian refugee. It was thrown onto enemy ships and burst into flames on contact

Greek Fire

An escape to avoid danger, or to get away from an unpleasant situationMost famous one occurred in 622 A.D



Hess' Law

Net enthalpy change will be the same no matter the order of the steps taken to describe the change

Hess's Law

Nighthawks was a work by this American painter. His other works centering on people in lonely urban settings include The Automat and Chop Suey.


called the greatest right-handed hitter of all timeNicknamed "The Rajah"Won triple crowns in 1922 and 1925, also spent most of his career in St. Louis


Defined as force times the change in timeAlways equal to the change in momentum


Along with Robert Lewis and Cheryl Crawford, this man is attributed with introducing and popularizingMethod Acting in AmericaFilms directed by this man included East of Eden and On the Waterfrontdirector who brought Marlon Brando to fame with A Streetcar Named Desire.


Author of 2003 novel "The Namesake"Also Interpreter of Maladies


Lake that forms the border between northern New York and VermontFamous battle took place here during the War of 1812

Lake Champlain

English Romantic Poets that consisted of Robert Southey, Samuel Coleridge, and William Wordsworth.School or poetry whose name is derived from NW England district

Lake Poets

Shortly after leaving Egypt, Moses rescued Zipporah from shepherds harassing her at a well. This priest, his soon-to befather-in-law was so grateful, he granted Moses her hand in marriage.


First American ballet company to dance at the White and is the basis for the film, The Company


The Chicago School largely rejected the beliefs of this economist who wrote The General Theory of Employment,Interest and Money and whose theory of deficit spending was used to relieve the Great Depression.


Location of the first Russian settlement in AlaskaIt is the second-largest island in the U.S. and is home to the largest brown bears on earth

Kodiak Island

This American psychologist proposed six stages of moral development based on the work of Jean Piaget. He created the "Heinz dilemma," in which Heinz must decide whether to steal an unaffordable cancer drug to save his wife.


Admiral Yi Sun-shin of this country used turtle ships, featuring covered, spiked decks, to fight off Japaneseinvasions.



La boheme

This son of Lorenzo de Medici became pope in 1513. He excommunicated Martin Luther from the Catholic Church, and reconstructed St. Peter's Basilica.

Leo X

In the year 800, which pope declared Charlemagne to be the Holy Roman Emperor?

Leo the Third

First woman elected West African president in 2005 was Ellen Sirleafcountry was established in 1847 by freed american slaves with a US govt model


James Buchanan was succeeded as president by this man. He declared "A house divided against itself cannot stand" and delivered the Gettysburg Address.


The War Years is part of Sandburg's biography of this man. Sandburg won a Grammy for a performance with theNew York Philharmonic of a Copland piece named for this president.


first basic cable series to win the Emmy Award for Oustanding Drama SeriesTakes place in NYC ad agency and center around creative director, Don Draper

Mad Men

Legends of the founder of this empire are passed down through the Mandinka people through storytellers called griots.Another ruler of this empire single-handedly destabilized the economy of the region by giving out massive amounts of gold on his pilgrimage to Mecca. Name this West African empire once ruled by Mansa Musa.

Mali Empire

This Mediterranean island nation's capital contains a fortified Grand Harbour, and it is southwest of Gozo Island. This island's largest minority is British.


Economist that punctured the Utopianism of his day by cheerfully predicting that population growth would always exceed food production, leading inevitably, to famine, pestilence, and war


"Spear of the Nation," Won a presidential election while representing the African National Congress party.Rivonia Trial 19 years in prison.


Pal were three-masted warships employed by this Indian confederacywhich rose to power under Shivaji and lasteduntil 1818.


List that describes electromagnetic interactions. Name this list, whose curator names a gas distribution along with Boltzmann

Maxell's equations

Inspired by Goya's Third of May, 1808, Édouard Manet painted this Austrian-born monarch of Mexico beingexecuted on June 19 nearly 50 years later.


This 19th Century Scottish physicist collected Gauss's law together with three other equations aboutelectromagnetism to mathematically explain the experiments of his colleague, Michael Faraday.


Prolonged inhalation of asbestos can cause malignant lung cancerWhat is the name of this disease


That emperor also authorized the treasure voyages of Zheng He. For 10 points, name this Chinese dynasty, followed by the Qing, the last to be ruled by ethnic Han Chinese.

Ming Dynasty

This artist who resided at Giverny painted the aforementioned series of haystacks. More famously, he painted a sunrise that gave its name to the Impressionist movement.


edited Mendeleev's periodic tableEnglish scientist that discovered each element had a unique nuclear chargearranged elements in order of increasing atomic number



National Mall

Before purchasing the Panama Canal Zone from France, the United States planned on constructing a canal in thiscountryA Hong Kongese firm has revived plans for a canal here.


College located in South Bend, Indiana

Notre Dame

Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her own bodyguards in the aftermath of this event that led to the 1984 Anti-Sikh Riots. As part of this event all media were taken out of Punjab so they could not report on the army's activity.

Operation Blue Star

Could mean an initiating move toward negotiationsAlso the introduction to an opera or other large musical work


Element had only two allotropesElectron config. Is 1S2 2S2 2P4 Discovered by Scheele and Priestly


Your agar would probably be placed on this kind of small glass dish, normally used by biologists to culturecells.


Pelli was the architect for this building that was completed in 1997It surpassed the Sears Tower as the world's tallest building

Petronas Towers

The Sho Dynasty ruled this kingdom, which contains what is now the westernmost point of Japan.Name this archipelagic kingdom between Japan and Taiwan that lasted from the 15th through 19th centuries.


He was famous for a genre of music that included such works as Death and the MaidenGerman composer of the Trout Quintet"Unfinished Symphony"


Many of the most famous lieder were written by this composer before he went and died at the age of thirty-one.His instrumental pieces include the "Trout" Quintet and the "Unfinished" Symphony


This composer of Winterreise notably wrote music to accompany a poem in which a young boy riding with his father on horseback is killed by The Erlking. For 10 points, name this Austrian composer of the Trout Quintet and an unfinished Eighth Symphony.


This distance is the radius of a sphere from which a mass cannot escape without passing the speed of light.


Fawcett Commison created during this conflictCecil Rhodes had weapon named after him "Long Cecil"Ended by Treaty of VereenigingBritish Empire defeated Orange Free State and Transvaal RepublicDutch immigrants who lived in South Africa

Second Boer War

This artist created the Obama "Hope" poster. During the Occupy movement, he created a version of the poster with a Guy Fawkes mask.

Shepard Fairey

This other sect of Islam believes that Muhammad's successor in the Caliphate is his son-in-law, Ali. Behind Sunni, it is the second-largest denomination in Islam.


It follows the fight over desegregation of Yonkers public housing in the late '80s. Name this HBO mini-series, which follows Mayor Nick Wasicsko, public housing residents and city plannersas they struggle to integrate the city following a court order.

Show Me a Hero

This composer of the Karelia Suite based a tone poem on a mythical bird of the dead, the Swan of Tuonela. a nationalistic hymn that protests against Russian occupation. For 10 points, name this composer of Finlandia.


This other spiral-shaped object is a coil of wire wrapped into a tight helix. When electricity flows through this object, its magnetic field approximates that of a dipole.


Name this long-running Comedy Central show created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, set in the Colorado hometownof Stan, Kyle, Eric and Kenny.

South Park

The spectral theorem states that a real matrix of this kind can always be diagonalized. This type of matrixequals its own transpose.


This city, also known as Lacedaemon after one of itsfounders, was the homeland of the brother of AgamemnonForces from this citystateappeared at the Battle of Thermopylae when its King Leonidas fought valiantly Greek citythat fought the Delian League in the Peloponnesian War


name of the award winning Chicago theatre company founded by Gary Sinisetook its name from the title of a Herman Hesse novel

Steppenwolf Theatre

Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird" is written by this Modernist poet who penned the line "Call the roller of big cigars," the author of "The Emperor of Ice Cream" and "The Idea of Order at Key West."


This Russian composer of The Nutcracker is also known for other works such as the 1812 Overture and his Pathétique Symphony.


This novel by Fitzgerald features swanky parties held by the title character where Nick Carraway meets Jordan Bakerand the Buchanans.

The Great Gatsby

One section of this work asks the reader to "arise to birth with me, my brother" and "speak through my words and through my blood." For 10 points each:[10] Name this set of twelve poems which itself is the second section of the collection Canto General.

The Heights of Macchu Picchu

Jose Luis Borges frequently wrote about sprawling labyrinths. For 10 points each, name some things about some of his works that feature them:[10] This Borges short story features a world with seemingly infinite hexagonal rooms, each containing books with every single permutation of 25 basic characters. In it, the "Purifiers" search for the special "Crimson Hexagon."

The Library of Babel

Poem by T.S. Eliot that includes the following lines"To have squeeze the universe into a ball""I am Lazarus come from the dead""In the room the women come and go, talking of Michelangelo"

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

Frankie Adams is a lonely, sensitive twelve-year-old girl who lives with her widowed fatherName this novel by Carson McCullers

The Member of the Wedding

. In this poem, the title character, sitting on "the pallid bust of Pallas," is proclaimed a "thing of evil." For ten points each:[10] Name this poem in which the narrator, "weak and weary," implores the title character to return to "Night's Plutonian shore."

The Raven

Humorous account of a tenderfoot living in Wyoming.Published in 1902 by Owen Wister

The Virginian

collection of solo keyboard music by Bach comprised of 48 preludes and fuguescomprised of all 24 major and minor keys that help educate students

The Well Tempered Clavier

In 1828, Southern Democrats labeled one of these acts an "Abomination", claiming it injured their economic interests. These acts were the main source of federal revenue until the 16th Amendment, which created a graduated income tax. For 10 points, name these legislative acts which levy taxes on imported or exported goods.


Type of lever that has the effort near the fulcrum of the loaf, with both on the same side ofnthe fulcrumExamples include tweezers and tongs


While computers like ENIAC are equipped with binary logic, some computers can instead have this type of logictruth values can be thought of as -1, 0, and 1

ternary or base three

In one of hispaintings, oranges ripen on the windowsill to represent fertility for the subjects.This mancollaborated with his brother Hubert on that work, sometimes known as the Adoration of the Mystic Lamb.Dutch artist of The Ghent Altarpiece and The Arnolfini Portrait

van Eyck

Le Train de Nulle Part, a novel by Michel Thaler, contains no words of this type. These words include the transitiveand auxiliary varieties.


This animal prefers a diet if bivalve mollusksprominent tusks and whiskers


What does the French word "tomber" meanIn the Spanish, this verb is "caer"

To fall

Series of laws was issued by Britain in 1767Taxes on lead, paper paint, glass, and tea imported

Townsend Acts

-This man's Hannibal Crossing the Alps shows very little of the title figure, instead focusing a looming snowstorm. -British painter who portrayed a rabbit and an oncoming train in "Rain, Steam, and Speed"


Danish noblemen and astronomer of the 16th centurymost of his discoveries were used by his assistant Kepler

Tycho Brahe

on Neumann invited this Polish scientist to join him at the IAS. He shares the name of a bomb design with EdwardTeller.


Word was the title of one of Alfred Hitchcock's greatest filmsAlso an abnormal condition characterized by a feeling that objects are whirling in space


Structures predicted by this model include trigonal planar and seesaw. Name this theory that assigns molecular geometries based on the number of bonds and lone pairs surroundingthe central atom of a simple molecule.


A precursor to this country defeated Champa under Ly Thai Tong. Name this country, precursors to which won several important battles at the Bach Dang River.


In The Inferno, Dante narrates while he is being led through the nine levels by this Roman poet of The Eclogues .


created in 1775 for use by Transylvania Companyfirst opened to wagon and carriage traffic in 1796starts in Virginia, goes through Cumberland Gap, and ends in Kentuckyfirst blazed by Daniel Boone

Wilderness Trail

The Gordon Riots wrecked the reputation of this radical, who led troops against the rioters. He was jailed forsupposedly printing libel in his newspaper The North Briton


Sculpture classified into the Dada Movement of artCreated by Duchamp that was made from a urinal


This large seabird titles a poem from Charles Baudelaire's Les Fleurs du mal.

"The Albatross"

short story - by Stephen Craneabout four men in a dinghy struggling to get to safety off the coast of Florida

"The Open Boat"

poem told by the title character at a wedding, is about a sailor who shoots an albatross. Its titlealludes to a type of frost rather than a poetic style.

"The Rime of The Ancient Mariner"

collection of short stories from 1916 features George Willard and other citizensby Sherwood Anderson

"Winesburg, Ohio"

In this play, George Hastings hilariously mistakes Hardcastle's estate for an inn. Name this play in which Kate pursues Sir Charles Marlow and Tony Lumpkin steals some jewels.

She Stoops to Conquer

"extreme beast" that has an incredible one thousand horsepower engine under its hood

Shelby 1000

Used basic stoichiometry to calculate that the ocean contained a large amount of goldNamesake equation connects reaction rate, activation energy, and temperature.Swedish chemistwho suggested that acids and bases respectively give and receive protons.


Leader of a band of rebels that took a defensive stand against the Mexican Army at the Alamo

General Travis

Vladimir Zworykin was a pioneer in the invention of televisionWhat device was essential to the operation of the first television camera


In the late 19th century, Daniel DeLeon led this group in a failed shift towards socialismreputation was drastically changed byan incident at the McCormick Harvesting Machine Companylabor union that was supplantedby the AFL in the late 1880s after the disastrous Haymarket Riot

Knights of Labor

Silla united and occupied this peninsula between the Sea of Japan and the Yellow Sea.

Korean peninsula

At the beginning of this process, two CO2 molecules are stripped to form an acetaldehydeintermediate "citric acid cycle"name this cycle that follows glycolysis and precedes the electrontransport chain.



Kubla Khan

version of "Tintern Abbey" appears in this collaboration between Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. It also includes "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner."

Lyrical Ballads

Tsai's party, the DPP, is generally in favor of Taiwanese Independence. On the other hand, this traditional party of power in Taiwan still claims that the Republic of China is the legitimate government of the mainland.


one character earns money by playing his violin to a parrot until it dies."Musetta's WaltzGiacomo Puccini opera about the denizens of Latin quarter of Paris.Inspiration for "Rent"

La Boheme

Structure known as the spiritual home of opera Located in Milan, Italy, it has horseshoe shaped tiers of box seats

La Scala

In this novel, the title character has an affair with the playwright Michaelis and later with her gamekeeper, Oliver Mellors. For 10 points each:[10] Name this novel in which Clifford has been paralyzed from the waist down and refuses Constance's request for a divorce.

Lady Chatterley's Lover

This opera ends with the title character realizing it was his daughter who was killed by Sparafucile when he hears thearia "La donna e mobile" reprised. Name this opera about the title hunchbacked jester.


This character wears a dress decorated with green beetle shells in a painting by JohnSinger Sargent.hallucinates that her hands arecovered with blood that she cannot wash outconvinces her husband to murder Duncan in order to become the King of Scotland.

Lady Macbeth

This 1969 musical focuses on the drafting and signing of the Declaration of Independence features such songs as"But, Mr. Adams", "The Lees of Old Virginia" and "The Egg". It shares its title with a David McCullough book.


1968 film, based on Arthur C. Clarke's short story The Sentinel, won the Oscar for Visual Effects,Kubrick'sfirst Academy Award. featured Douglas Rain as the haywire HAL 9000.

2001: A Space Odyssey

The protagonist of this film rapidly ages in a Louis XVI-style room before he is transformed into a fetus, and tries to open the pod bay doors by commanding HAL 9000. For 10 points, name this science fiction film directed by Stanley Kubrick.

2001: A Space Odyssey

How many chromosomes does a person with down syndrome have


Famous slogan that expressed the desire of Americans to go to war with Great Britain over the Oregon region

54 40 or fight

After the defeat of Jugurtha and the end of the Punic Wars, Numidia and Carthage were absorbed into thisRoman province, which lies on the coast of modern Libya and Algeria.


This grandson of Babur became deeply involved in Sufi mysticism in his 30's and was succeeded by Jahangir.


Lone pairs are quite useful in analyzing chemical compounds and situations. For 10 points each:[10] This compound's single lone pair allows it to form a coordinate covalent bond with hydrogen, creating the NH4+ ion. It is also formed by the Haber-Bosch process.


The area over this river, which flows into the Yellow Sea, was known as "MiG Alley" during the Korean War.Chinese soldiers preemptively crossed it to face UN forces.


Derived from Greek meaning "both" a substance that can react as either a base or an acid


This successor of Hadrian is little remembered because not much violent happened during his reign. Like Hadrian, he built a namesake wall in modern Scotland.

Antoninus Pius

"Blame Game", a track on the Best Rap Album-winning My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, features a sample of"Avril 14th" by this British producer. His latest album is 2014's Syro.

Aphex Twins

A statue of this goddess made for Cnidus is also known as "[this goddess] pudica." Name this Greco-Roman goddess. The Louvre is home to a statue of her from Milos or "de Milo."


official term for beekeeping


Praxiteles also created a famous sculpture of this figure slaying a lizard, or [This Figure] Sauroktonos. Another Greek statue of this figure is usually named for Mantua


space mission in which Lovell, Anders, and Borman were the first to see the far side of the Moon as they orbited 10 timesfirst human space mission to leave Earth's orbit

Apollo 8


April 15

What brand of water is Pepsi-Cola's best-selling brand


Because Sadat signed the Camp David accords with Israel, this organization suspended Egypt from its ranks. This multinational organization counts 22 members, including the independent state of Palestine.

Arab League

Layer within the mantle that behaves elastically and allows the crustal plates to move


The Islamic Golden Age was a time of great cultural, economic and scientific flourishing. For 10 points each:[10] Name this current Iraqi capital, the epicenter of the Islamic Golden Age. It was infamous for its numerous libraries, which included the Bayt-al Hikma, the House of Wisdom.


This Cuban President led The Revolt of the Sergeants and had created a 1940 constitution, but lost the Battle of Santa Clara, leading to his government's overthrow in 1959.


Wrote the soundtrack for the 1954 movie On the Waterfront West Side Story


Which book, written by German philosopher Nietzsche expands the ideas he presented in a previous work titled Thus Spake Zarathustra In this book, he criticizes past philosophers for blindly accepting Judeo-Christian premises and morality

Beyond Good and Evil

Canadian WWI flying ace who shot down Richthofenalso knows as the Red Baron


This quantity refers to the amount of moving charge in a system and has units of amperes.


Play that includes a dashing soldier-poet hero with a very large nose It opened in Paris in 1897 and written by Rostand

Cyrano de Bergerac

taken from latin word for "stone"name for an artist who cuts, polishes, and engraves precious stones


Novel where Uncas and Cora are killed, while Hawkeye shoots Magus, who then falls from a precipice to his death

Last of the Mohicans

This man wrote Elementary Treatise of Chemistry, often considered the first modern chemistry textbook. Name this French chemist, known for the discovery of oxygen often called the father of modern chemistry.


Lady Chatterley's Lover was written by this English author who described Paul Morel's relationships with his mother Gertrude Morel and the suffragette Clara Dawes in Sons and Lovers.


He described the universe as being composed of irreducibly simple units called monads. In his work Theodicy he argued that this world is "optimal among all possible worlds," Name this German philosopher and mathematician who is believed to have developed integral and differential calculus independently from Isaac Newton.


In 1930, this man was the first American to win the Nobel Prize for LiteratureWrote Babbit, Arrowsmith, and Elmer Gantry


Jesus took a path known as the Via Dolorosa through this city. Modern pilgrims visit this city to follow the 9 Stationsof the Cross.


The Hay Wain is a painting by this English romantic artist. He included a rainbow in one of his many depictions of Salisbury Cathedral.

John Constable

musician that was a son of a former slavelived in Missouri in 1890s, he played piano at the Maple Leaf Clubinfluential in development of ragtime music


Enemies in this novel include the Bull Demon King and the White Bone Demon. For 10 points each:[10] Name this work which follows the monk Xuanzang and his disciples on their quest to fetch some Buddhist scriptures. It is one of China's Four Great Novels.

Journey to the West

The protagonist of this story was once called the "Golden Cicada", and is reunited with his mother after shepromises to donate one hundred pairs of shoes. Buddha on Vulture PeakGreat Classical Novel of China whereXuanzang and Sun Wukong travel to India.

Journey to the West

adjective that come from the Latin that means "Jupiter"Used to describe the four gas giants in our solar system


A funeral oration beginning "Friends, Romans, countrymen" is delivered in a play about this man. Name this character, who denounces a Soothsayer who predicts his downfall as merely "a dreamer".

Julius Caesar

In this Robin Williams feature, Alan Parrish has been trapped inside the title board game for 26 years. Zathura isloosely considered a sequel.


Medal of Honor in 1996 Shot during the Reagan assassination attempt

James Brady

This character accepts a proposal from Adele Varens' guardian under a "great horse-chestnut tree" in the Thornfield Hall orchard, only to discover, the next day, that the tree has been split by lightning.

Jane Eyre

mountain named by Penobscot Indiansmeans "the Greatest Mountain"centerpiece of Baxter State Park in the hundred mile wildernesshighest mountain in Maine


This character later dies from shock when he discovers that his son is still alive. For 10 points, name this Shakespearean tragedy in which a kingdom must be divided amongst Goneril, Regan, and Cordelia.

King Lear

This actor used large amounts of prosthetics to portray the family's patriarch, Don Vito. He also starred as dockworker Terry Malloy in On the Waterfront and Stanley Kowalski in the 1951 film adaptation of A Streetcar Named Desire.

Marlon Brando

Fanon drew heavily on the thought of this German philosopher, who discussed the degrading influence of capitalism on workers in books like Das Kapital. With Friedrich Engels, he wrote The Communist Manifesto.


Lies 500 miles east of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean Capital is Port LouisOnce home to the dodo bird


Defeated for presidency in 1972 by NixonFormer Democratic senator from South Dakota


Franz Boas was her doctoral advisor at Columbia University. author of Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies.


Located on Aquidneck IslandHome to Salve Regina UniversityHome to U.S. Naval War College International Tennis Hall of Fame is here


This painting was possibly inspired by the ground level of Lower Manhattan's flatiron building. Name this painting centering on a cafe and its lonely patrons. A sign for Phillies cigars can be seen overhead.


Synthetic element made by bombarding curium with carbon nucleiAtomic mass of 259 and atomic symbol No


Identify the period and group number for Chlorine

Period 3Group Number 17

This empire used administrative subdivisions like guberniyas and zemstvos through its violent history. For 10 points each:[10] Name this Eurasian empire which was ruled by the Romanov Dynasty until Nicholas II's overthrow in March of 1917.

Russian Empire

Discovered alpha and beta particles, and gamma radiationElement number 104 was named after this New Zealand Scientist


During Pentecost, this saint delivered an open-air sermon. The acts of this first Pope, who was originally a fisherman before becoming one of Jesus' first apostles, are featured in the first half of the Acts of Apostles.

Saint Peter

This composer of Samson and Delilah quoted a slow-down version of Offenbach's "Can-Can" in another one of his pieces. A C major chord opens the Maestoso portion of his Organ Symphony, and he used a xylophone to depict rattling bones in various works. For 10 points, name this French Composer of Danse Macabre, who included "The Swan" in his Carnival of the Animals.

Saint Saens

In an opera by this composer, the priests of Dagon dance a Bacchanale just before their temple is pulled downby one of the title characters"Samson and Delilah"French composer whocreated Danse macabre and The Carnival of the Animals.


Virgil's Aeneid has certainly generated much buzz in the modern-day academic community. This work by anthropologist James George Frazer traces the development of magic and religion throughout ancient texts. Its name is derived from a certain object that Aeneas uses to gain passage into the underworld.

The Golden Bough

Okonkwo appears in this novel set in a Nigerian village during British rule. A line from the W.B. Yeats poem "TheSecond Coming" lends its name to this novel's title.

Things Fall Apart

Fitzgerald's debut novel is this work in which Amory Blaine falls in love with Rosalind, based on Fitzgerald's wife Zelda Sayre. It concludes "I know myself, but that is all."

This Side of Paradise

From 1479 to 1425 B.C. Egypt reached its zenithIdentify the king of Egypt during this period

Thutmose the Third

Holst was a composer from this nation home of other composers such as Ralph Vaughan Williams.

United Kingdom

This ancient Sumerian city was the largest city in the world at the beginning of the third millennium BCE, and was ruled by the legendary king Gilgamesh.


During Constantine reign, these invaders came to sack Rome. Germanic tribe led by Alaric the First


This method is sometimes illustrated as performing the chain rule backwards. For 10 points each:[10] Name this method of finding an integral for an expression consisting of a term and that term's derivative times some constant. One usually defines a variable "u" to take the place of the term in the integral.


Bologna is home to Europe's oldest one of these institutions. The Sorbonne was one of these institutions.


This term applies to substances which can both gain and lose a proton. Water exemplifies this characteristic because it can dissociate into both acidic hydronium and basic hydroxide ions.


Heracles' fourth labor was to subdue one of these animals dwelling on Mount Erymanthos. Another of theseanimals was the subject of a famous hunt in Calydonia in which Meleager awarded the skin to Atalanta


-Another staple of Turner's paintings were these objects-often shown battling great waves on the open ocean, or inthe case of Calais Pier, docking. -He also painted the sick and dying being thrown from a "slave" one of these vehicles.


-James often told his stories through these characters whose descriptions cannot be trusted by the reader. -examples of these characters include Humbert Humbert and Holden Caulfield.

unreliable narrators

Kant was also highly influential in this field of philosophy, writing a section in the Critique about its Transcendentalproperties.a priori knowledge of geometry derives from everyday experience.


You're growing bacteria—name some equipment you might useYou might use this popular growth medium, a jelly-like substance made from boiled algae. In this medium, onecan use streaking to make pure colonies.


type of chalcedonyforms in igneous and sedimentary rock cavitiesofficial gemstone of Minnesota


two word term for the force also known as drag that is equal and opposite the force of gravity when an object reaches terminal velocity

air resistance

primary type can beoxidized to aldehydes and then to carboxylic acidsaccording to the Pasteur effect, their production increases in the absence of oxygen in fermentationclass of compounds containing a hydroxyl or -OH group, examples of which include its grain type,ethanol.


This mathematical branch shares a name with a type of structure that satisfies the Jacobi identity Its fundamental theorem states that every non-constant complexpolynomial has at least one rootmay be summarized by "find x".


weather station instrument that uses cups, windmills, or even lasers to measure wind speed


what is the term for the change in the central angle with respect to time as an object moves along a circular path

angular velocity

comes from the Greek word for "garland"symbol of a flower that represent a poet's works beautysimply means a collection of writings


Boas is most famous for his work in this discipline. He is called the father of its American tradition and conducted revolutionizing research in this discipline about cranial shape and size.


These structures are comprised of two heavy chains and one light chain. Name these structures that tag foreign objects such as bacteria and viruses. Each one of these objects binds to a specific antigen.


Psyche was aided in one of her tasks by these creatures, who separated a mixture of grains into distinct piles. Inanother tale, these insects were transformed into men to repopulate the island Aegina and became the Myrmidons


It is hypothesized that a quintuple bond exists in the diatomic form of this element, which is more commonly found either as a hexafluoride for storage and enrichment, or as a dioxide in the fuel rods of nuclear reactors.


surgical procedure advanced by fiber optics in 1970streats interior joints with an endoscopeuseful in athletic knee injuries


Water spontaneously undergoes this process, in which two copies of itself form two ions, one positive and onenegative.


These disorders are combated with drugs that reduce the response of T cells and other responders to viruses.class of diseases and disorders wherein the body attacks its own organs and structures. Examples includemultiple sclerosis and lupus.

autoimmune diseases

Answer some questions about logic and math. These statements are self-evident and can be accepted as true. Euclid used five of these for the basis of his geometry, which David Hilbert later refined.


The prince asks the narrator if sheep eat these plants.He advises removing them from the ground as soon as they canbe distinguished from rose bushes.


In a mass spectrometry output, this peak is the highest. The molecular ion usually produces this peak, since it is the most abundant object that is analyzed.

base peak

B.F. Skinner helped to develop this type of psychology which limited itself to the study of observable events. It was heavily influenced by the work of Ivan Pavlov.


The energy of these particles is displayed on a Kurie-Fermi plot.When one of these particles is released from a nucleus, the atomic number changes, but not the atomic mass. Name these particles that consist of high energy electrons or positrons.


genre developed by Goethecoming of age novels, from the German "formation novel"Catcher in the Rye and A Separate Peace are examples

bildungsroman (BIL DOONGZ ROH MAHN)

This legislature expressly states that no person or group is able to pass laws that establish guilt and punish people without the benefit of a trial

bill of attainder

This value, symbolized i, is a measure of the effects of a solute on the colligative properties of a solution. Glucose has a value of 1 for this quantity, because it does not dissolve in water.

van't Hoff factor

This rule is used to calculate the derivative of a composition of functions, and is generalized by Faà di Bruno's formula. By this rule, the derivative of "f-of-g-of-x" is "f-prime-of-g-of-x, times g-prime-of-x."

chain rule

Famous studies in this activity include the Excelsior and SaavedraMagnus Carlsen is the current world championwhat game whose best players included Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov?


Caravaggio used this artistic technique in The Calling of Saint Matthew and many other paintings. Its name comesfrom the Italian for "light-dark" and it is characterized by high contrast between the two.




Mass spectrometry is often preceded by the vapor phase form of this technique. Another form of this technique uses a sheet of an absorbent like silica gel or cellulose to separate out a mixture




Patients with celiac often experience the dulling and flattening of these small intestinal structures. Their presenceincreases surface area of the small intestines, enabling more nutrients to be absorbed.


Costa Rica's economy was once dominated by the production of bananas and this other cash crop. Like chocolate, the Costa Rican variety of this crop is known for being especially high in caffeine.



complete protein

In White Teeth, Marcus Chalfen experiments with giving these animals cancer. Lennie and George dream of "living off the fatta' the land" in a Steinbeck novella titled Of [these animals] and Men.


Shaka's most notable strategic invention was this military formation.three parts, two of which were thechest and loins, and focuses on pinning enemy troops and preventing their escape.


with the focus, this line helps to define the shape of a conic sectionhelps shape a parabolafixed line that is perpendicular to the axis of symmetry


This quantity can be measured in torrs, atmospheres, and pascals. the measure of force per unit area. Gases exert this on the containers in which they are held.


name of the parasitic disease that is caused by food infected with the larvae of a species of roundworm


"Euler's Formula"De Moivre's Theorem connects imaginary numbers, multiplication, and these functions.functions that relate the sides and angles of triangles,examples of which include sine, cosine and tangent.


Otto Skorzeny led a daring rescue of him in the Gran Sasso Raid. Victor Emmanuel III handed power to him after he marched on Rome. For 10 points, name this fascist Italian leader who allied with Hitler during World War II.


A woman's brightly-colored and patterned loose-fitting dress worn in Hawaii


"Pinkville incident." William Calley was the only participant convicted.Vietnam War event which saw United States soldiers massacre inhabitants of a namesake hamlet.

My Lai Massacre

This kingdom located on the Deccan Plateau was led by Tippu Sultan, who managed to defeat the British in two of four namesake wars fought after the Black Hole of Calcutta.


16th Century Scotsman that came up with a precursor of the tank, a ship that could travel under waterInvented logarithms


Antonio Canova created a statue of this figure, who holds a golden orb with the goddess Nike perched on it. For 10 points, name this French ruler who points toward the sky while riding a horse in a painting depicting him "Crossing the Alps."

Napoleon Bonaparte

1938 novel details the experiences of 30-year old Antoine RoquentinWork written by Jean-Paul Satre


This set of partial differential equations used to describe the behavior of a viscous fluid was introduced by twoscientists in 1822. Solving them is one of the Clay Institute Millennium Prize Problems.


Australian bushranger that was hanged in 1880He has a steak establishment named after him

Ned Kelly

One can use a cylindrical Gaussian surface to find that a straight line of charge creates an electric field that varies with this power of the distance from the wire.

Negative one

This man gave the "Tryst With Destiny" speech on August 14th, 1947. For 10 points each:[10] Name this co-founder of the Non-Aligned Movement who tried to make Maulana Azad the leader of Indian Muslims instead of Mohammad Ali Jinnah.


A modification of this law, called the GHK equation, accounts for all ionsequation in chemistry that states that RT over nF times the natural log of the reaction quotientsubtracted from a reference value gives a cell's voltagenamed for a German scientist.


The Heights of Macchu Picchu is by this poet who included the line "tonight I can write the saddest lines" in his Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair.


This centaur was shot by Heracles after he attempted to kidnap Deianeira As he lay dying, hetricked her into giving Heracles poison from the Hydra.


Those comments in support of this principle were sent to the FCC, led by ex-cable lobbyist Tom Wheeler. For 10 points, name this policy which states that Internet service providers should treat all Internet data equally.

Net Neutrality

Janszoon also gave a part of Australia this name, which comes from a Dutch province. Abel Tasman later used thisname for a nearby country made up of North and South islands, with a capital at Wellington.

New Zealand

Aristotle's attempts to answer the question of how humans should live include Eudemian Ethics, as well as this text, which posited the idea of moral virtues. It's named after his son, who might have edited it.

Nichomachean Ethics

Latin phrase used in court "I don't want to fight"Equivalent to an admission of guilt, but allows legal options of denying charges later

No lo contendere

1901 published "The Octopus"Trilogy called "The Empire of the Wheat"


This law states that American Indians need schools to learn "religion, morality, and knowledge."Name this law that established the procedure for expanding the territory of the U.S.

Northwest Ordinance

This leader of Tanganyika and then Tanzania founded the Party of the Revolution, Chama Cha Mapinduzi, and presented socialist plans in the Arusha Declaration. His social and economic development policy, Ujamma, means "socialism" in Swahili.


One of this man's few comedies derived its title from the Rubaiyat and was called Ah, Wilderness!American realist playwright of Mourning Becomes Electradescribed Edmund Tyrone's family in Long Day's Journey Into Night.

O' Neill

20th century writer who wrote 30 short stories set in the South and featured morally flawed characterswrote "A Good Man is Hard to Find" and "The Life You Save May Be Your Own"


Another Fairey work features a stylized black-and-white depiction of Andre the Giant above this four-letter word. This word is most often depicted with italicised white font over a red rectangle.


1784 painting of a Roman Scene that was influential to French revolutionBy Jacques Louis David that depicts the sons of Horatius declaring they will return from battle victorious or dead

Oath of the Horatii

During which month did Wall Street crash in 1929 and 1987


leads the poet to assert his claim that "Beauty is truth, truth beauty." For 10 points, name this poem by John Keats about the title piece of ancient pottery.

Ode on A Grecian Urn

This poem begins by addressing the title object as "thou unravish'd bride of quietness." Name this John Keats poem to the title ancient vessel that ends "beauty is truth, truth beauty"

Ode on a Grecian Urn

Lawrence wrote about Elizabeth Bates when she learns about her husband's death during a cave-in in this short story. Lawrence later adapted it into a play called The Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd.

Odour of Chrysanthemums

After the death of Achilles, his armor was offered as a prize to the next best warriorInstead of going to Ajax, the armor went to who?


A cucumber also features in the suicide tableau of Mitsusaburo's friend in The Silent Cry, a novel by this Japanese author.


In a play by Aeschylus, this man's sons Eteocles and Polynices agree to rule in alternate yearsWhen this character finds out the severity of his crimes, he blinds himself. Name this father of Antigone, the protagonist of a Sophocles play who murders his father and marries his mother.


This experiment's results were challenged by Felix Ehrenhaftsetup of the experiment involved two charged parallel metal plates whose force was meantto counteract gravityexperiment in physics that determined the elementary charge of theelectron, conducted by Robert Millikan.

Oil Drop Experiment

During Ezeudu's funeral, this man's gun accidentally discharges, and he accidentally kills Ezeudu's son. Name this man who chooses to hang himself rather than be tried in a British colonial court. He is considered his village's greatest wrestler.


This character kills his adopted son Ikemefuna. Name this Igbo clan leader and local wrestling champion, the son Unoka and father of Nwoye.


Name this ancient civilization, which built settlements at La Venta and San Lorenzo, known for its sculptures of largestone heads.


Three sadists in this novel, Warren, Washington and William, are connected to the primary antagonist by aperceived telephone linethe Combine purportedly placed Chief Bromden and the other patientsin a facility run by a woman who rations cigarettes, Nurse Ratchedwhat Ken Kesey novel tells of RandallP. McMurphy's time at an Oregon mental asylum?

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

When originally performed, it was followed by the performance of Proteus, a satyr play, which has not survived to modern society. Name this set of Greek plays in which the title character sets out to avenge his father's death. In the first of these plays, Clytemnestra awaits the arrival of her husband so that she can murder him.


Type of scientist that studies the mating habits, nesting habits, migration, and the food gathering habits of birds


Philip Pirrip identifies himself as one of these people when looking at a pair of tombstones in the opening of Great Expectations. Heathcliff is one of these people, so he is taken into custody by the Earnshaws. Exemplified by Oliver Twist.


Any acid that contains hydrogen, oxygen, and a third element, which is usually a nonmetalSulfuric acid and nitric acid are examples


primary antagonist of this work is found "squat like a toad" whispering words of discontent in a woman'sear before being dispersed by a spear of Ithuriel.Pandemonium1667 epic by John Milton about Adam and Eve's expulsion from the Garden of Eden

Paradise Lost

One exhibit in the British Museum is the Elgin Marbles, a set of statues taken from the metopes ofwhat Athenian building atop the Acropolis?


Which grammatical voice is present in the following sentence John was chosen class president this year by his peers

Passive voice

It has a "squashed milk carton" design which represents the strength of the United States before and after the attack. Name this memorial built in memory of an attack that took place on December 7, the day before Congress voted to declare war on a country that had long been in conflict with China.

Pearl Harbor Memorial

John Dickinson, who led the anti-independence group in Congress, was from this colony. In 1777, John Conway tried to have General Washington replaced during a campaign here that forced the second Continental Congress to relocate to York in this province.


Two geologic time periods that combine to form the Carboniferous Period in Europe

Pennsylvania and Mississippian

He helpedoverthrow Ramón CastilloHis aguinaldopolicy helped support the lower class of his country President of Argentina who was succeeded by his wife, Isabel.


Latin term that refers to an unwelcome personUsually refers to one who is considered unwelcome by a host country in which he is residing in a diplomatic capacity

Persona non grata

its annexation was called for by Henry Cabot Lodge following the Spanish-American War.nation was the site of the Moro Rebellion,nation where Emilio Aguinaldo led guerilla forces and Admiral George Dewey was victorious atthe Battle of Manila Bay.


Satie's Gnossiennes and Gymnopédies were written for this keyboard instrument, which also names a dynamic marking that Satie frequently used in his works for it.


after his term in office as president, this man took sides with the Confederacy14th pres from New Hampshire


Many countries have had notable "cleaning" campaigns in European history. The general Jozef Pilsudski led the sancja "cleaning" in this nation following independence, a bloodless coup. This nation had previously been invaded during the Deluge and, later, partitioned by Austria, Prussia, and Russia.


This country is known for its strikingly intense film posters, and it was the partial setting of The Double Life ofVéronique. Name this country that produced Knife In the Water, the TV series Decalogue, and the Three Colors trilogy.


The Cyclopes of Greek mythology each have one eye, although this Cyclops lost his after trying to hold Odysseus captive.


Since Virgil is a pagan, Dante's guide through Paradiso is this woman the "glorious lady of his mind".


Athena's olive tree was declared superior to this god's salt, so she was declared the patron god of Athens instead of him. For 10 points each: [10] Name this Greek god of the sea and earthquakes. He sought revenge on Odysseus for killing his son, the cyclops Polyphemus.


In Hippolytus, Theseus calls on this god, his father, to strike Hippolytus dead. This god caused a bull to charge out of the sea, scattering Hippolytus' horses and destroying his chariot on the rocks.


This international meeting following Germany's unconditional surrender in 1945 was attended by Truman, Churchill,Attlee, and Stalin, saw the punishment and division of Germany into four parts

Potsdam Conference

This other peer of Frost and T. S. Eliot gave A Boy's Will its first positive review. He pioneered the Imagistmovement authored The Cantos.


Which verb tense is used in the following sentence We have been thinking for months about Ted a surprise party

Present perfect progressive

The longest holder of this position signed the Andorran constitution and fell under controversy for laying flowers on the grave of Philippe Pétain. Name this head of state role filled by such men as Jacques Chirac.

President of France

An event at Meryton opens this novel, wherein the protagonist is described as "tolerable, but not handsomeenough to tempt".Mr. Bingley purchases Netherfield and meets the Bennetsisters at a ball in this novelJane Austen novel of manners wherein Elizabeth Bennet marries thehaughty Mr. Darcy.

Pride and Prejudice

A way of visualizing Mendelian genetics is through these diagrams which list allele combinations from both parentson opposite sides of the title shape.

Punnett square

Baroque English composer born in 1631 and died in 1700"The Fairy Queen" and "Dido and Aeneas"


This woman passed Cerberus by feeding him a cake. Although she successfully acquired a box of Proserpina'sbeauty, per Venus's instructions, this woman is thrown into a dark sleep after she opens the box.


German word for "lateral" that is used to represent waves that shake the ground enough to bring down tall buildings


Updike's most famous series of novels are all titled for this protagonist, a basketball player who shares a nicknamewith a small mammal.


In the foreground of this work, a corpse's leg is wrapped around a beam of wood, and in the background, a tiny ship can be seen. The central figures in this work form a pyramid-like structure, which culminates in a shirtless man waving an orange cloth.name this work which depicts the survivors of a shipwreck, a painting by Theodore Gericault.

Raft of The Medusa

Fahrenheit 451 was written by this author of The Martian Chronicles who wrote about Douglas Spaulding in Dandelion Wine.

Ray Bradbury

Wyclif's radical attacks on Catholic dogma are usually seen as presaging this event, in which Martin Luther andother theologians broke from the Catholic Church.


Served as chief justice for 19 yrsSworn in by Bill ClintonNominated by Reagan to succeed Warren Burger


One of Gershwin's classical works is this one with a jazz influence. Its clarinet glissando opens the Woody Allenfilm Manhattan.

Rhapsody in Blue

When Amulius seized the throne of Alba Longa from Numitor, this woman was forced to become a Vestal Virgin. ame this woman, who gave birth to two boys while serving as priestess but claimed Mars was their father.

Rhea Silvia

In its Alpine course, this river forms the border between Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Austria. For 10 points, name this river that flows through Western Germany.

Rhine River

Another piece in the Museum's collection is an Albrecht Durer etching of one of these armored animals. That etchingis captioned with a German translation of an excerpt from an account by Pliny.


Feld Entertainment declared that this company would no longer use elephants after new light was shed on the abuse of tamed elephants. One objectionable method of keeping elephants in line used by this company was the use of the bullhook, a hooked steel rod which latches onto the trunk of an elephant.

Ringling Bros

Coetzee himself retold this Daniel Defoe novel from a female perspective in his novel Foe. In its original form,this novel's title castaway rescues and "civilizes" the cannibal Friday while living on an island.

Robinson Crusoe

This book was the subject of a lengthy commentary by Karl Barth. Name this first and longest Epistle in the Bible.


-One of those boys went on to found this city on seven hills adjacent to the Tiber -after killing his brother Remus.


Many of Shakespeare's leading men are desperate romantics. For 10 points each:[10] Name this man, who leaves Rosaline for a girl he meets at a ball. His death is the penultimate in his play, and his name appears in the title.


An overture by this composer involves a tutti march in E minor. This composer of The Thieving Magpie.Italian composer of The Barber of Seville.


William's son William II, the second king of England, was succeeded by Henry I after being shot with an arrowwhile hunting. Give his epithet, which came from his flushed appearance.


This opera's music features a system of leitmotifs, or short symbolic musical phrases to represent characters. For 10 points each:[10] Name this opera that takes place in King Herod's court, the ending of which sees the title character kiss the severed head of John the Baptist.


Chemisty term refers to any compoubd that is formed by replacing one or more hydrogen ions of an acid with a cationExamples include KF and NaNO3


The southernmost lake in CaliforniaLocated southeast of Palm Springs and northeast of San Diego

Salton Sea

What is the name of the small mountain range in which the towns Ouray, Silverton, and Durango are located

San Juan

The Bhagavad Gita, like the rest of the Mahabharata and other Hindu scriptures was written in this ancientIndian language.


Like later composer Franz Waxman, this Spanish violinist and composer wrote a famous virtuoso CarmenFantasy. He also used "gypsy airs" in his Zigeunerweisen (" tsee-GOY-nuh-vye-zun ").


President of France who lost the Presidential election in May 2012 to Francois Hollande


A march of 5,000 military veterans chanted a demand to "Shoot [this philosopher]!" Being and Nothingness. Name this man who incorporated his existentialist philosophy into his play "No Exit."


This French playwright wrote No Exit, which later inspired many existentialist works.


Like sushi but omits the rice and only uses raw seafood


The Ryukyu Kingdom became a vassal state of this Domain during the Edo Period. A rebellion of discontent samuraiduring the Meiji Era was named after it.


Wahhabism was adopted by the kings of this largest country on the Arabian Peninsula. Because of itsfundamentalism, this country only allowed women to vote last year, and women in it still cannot drive.

Saudi Arabia

Since the release of the documentary, Blackfish, which describes the abuse of killer whale Tilikum, this marine-life theme park has faced intense public backlash. This theme park franchise's CEO, Jim Atchison, resigned in January after a string of disappointing financial losses.


A swarm of Mormon crickets threatened to ruin the crops of Mormon settlers in Utah in 1848However, the flock of which type of bird suddenly appeared and ate the insects


One character in this novel is given Delaford Parsonage after being disinherited in favor of his brother. Another character in this novel impregnates Eliza Williams and later returns a lock of hair and love letters after discovering that the recipient is poor. Lucy Steele marries Robert at the end of this novel, though she is previously engaged to his brother, Edward. name this Jane Austen novel centering on Elinor and Marianne Dashwood.

Sense and Sensibility

1866 war that Otto Van Bismarck provoked Austria into with PrussiaOver pretty quickly

Seven Weeks War

namesake "folly" pertained to a purchase of land from Russia. member of the Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson cabinets who was almost assassinated on the sameday as Lincoln.


This man placed the ornate Koh-i-noor diamond in his Peacock Throne. Name this Mughal emperor who built the Red Fort. The death of his wife Mumtaz Mahal sent him into a periodof deep grief.

Shah Jahan

This Zulu king, the first of the Zulu Royal Family, introduced the iklwaHis revolutions in military strategy wereperhaps best displayed at Isandlwanathe commander at that battle was his half-nephew Cetshwayo.

Shaka Zulu

The aforementioned play was written by this "Bard of Avon", whose more fictional title characters include Othello,the Moor of Venice, and Antonio, The Merchant of Venice.


"Festival of Weeks"Jewish Holidaycommemorates the day God gave the Torah to the Israelite nation


In one of this man's plays, Lee smashes his typewriter and the vagabond Austin pitches his screenplay idea to Saul.Name this contemporary playwright who wrote True West and the postmodern play Buried Child.


These structures house spirit-containing items known as shintai, which include comma-shaped megatama stones and gohei wands. Name these Japanese religious structures. They are centered around honden, which contain mirrors or statues representing kami.

Shinto temples

Parvati is the consort as well as the feminine energy of this blue-skinned Hindu god of destruction, last in theTrimurti.


This god is associated with five mantras. As Nataraja, this consort of Parvati balances on the dwarf Apasmara while he dances to end the universe and start the cycle of creation. Able to incinerate his enemies with his third eye. Name this destroyer god in Hindu mythology.


American performer known as "Bubbles"dubbed as "America's Queen of Opera" by Time magazine in 1971


When these objects are "damped," a frictional force opposes the velocity of those objects, and Hooke's law is an equation for this type of system because the restoring elastic force F is directly proportional to displacement.name this type of system exemplified by springs and pendulums

Simple harmonic oscillator

This adventurer has drawn comparisons to Odysseus, and his travels were eventually recorded in One Thousand andOne Nights.Name this sailor from Baghdad who went on seven voyages in the Indian Ocean. He tells his stories to a porter of thesame name.


Negative reinforcement is part of the theory of operant conditioning formulated by this psychologist. He also wrote the utopian novel Walden Two.


James Wood introduced the term "hysterical realism" in an essay about this author. Name this contemporary half-Jamaican British novelist. Her novels include NW and White Teeth.


This man appointedthe Three Witnesses to corroborate a revelation he received in the Sacred GroveHe and his followers were attackedin Nauvoo, Illinois, where he was fatally shot in prisontranslator of the Book of Mormon andfounder of the LDS Church.


When this man hears his daughter's voice singing in the village choir, it sounds to him like her deceased mother"singing in paradise."Name this man who sits "under a spreading chestnut tree." His hair is "crisp, and black, and long," and he "owes not any man."


This leader reformed Athens in the early 600's BC by outlawing debt slavery. He replaced Draco's law code with a more humane one and created a constitution which based citizens' political eligibility on productive land held.


This man's service during World War II inspired his novel Love the Revolution! and the poem "PrussianNights" Another of his works is the semi-autobiographicalallegorical novel Cancer Wardauthor of One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and The GulagArchipelago.


Cather also penned this novel in which Thea Kronborg dreams of being an opera star.

Song of the Lark

"Philoctetes" character couldn't participate in Trojan War due to injuryOedipus Rex kills Lauis and gouges out his own eyes after Jocasta's suicide"Antigone" "Oedipus at Colonus"


State originally settled in the 1670s by British pioneers from Barbados and named for the King of EnglandConfederate state that was the first to secede from the Union

South Carolina

This sea, which contains the Paracels Islands, is encompassed by the Nine-Dotted Lineconnected by the Luzon Strait to the Philippine Seadisputed sea of the Pacific Oceannamed after a large Asian country to its north.

South China Sea

European nation, home to cities such as Balboa and Pamplona in the separatist Basque Country


Iturbide and Guerrero supported independence from this country. This country ruled virtually all of SouthAmerica until the nineteenth century, with the exceptions of Brazil, Suriname, and Guyana.


General Villars won the battle of Denain in this war, which was ended by the Treaty of Utrecht.Name this war, which was fought over who would rule after the death of a childless king, Charles II. Louis XIV wanted his grandson Philip, Duke of Anjou, to control Charles' vast empire.

Spanish Succession

Born Giovanni BernadoneLived a simple life based on the GospelPatron of animals, environment, and Italy

St. Francis of Assisi

"The Bottle Imp", was first published in the collection South Sea Tales,which was inspired by this author's travels to New Zealand and SamoaAnother novel by this authorfeatures Jim Hawkins and Long John SilverScottish author of Treasure Island and Dr. Jekylland Mr. Hyde.


-Africa and Europe are separated by lessthan 9 miles across this strait-which are marked by the Pillars of Hercules.

Strait of Gibraltar

These negotiations between Carter and Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev to reduce the production of nuclear missiles produced a treaty that was never actually signed by the United States.

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks 2

Composer studied under Rimsky-Korsakov"Petrushka" and "The Firebird"Russian moved to Hollywood in 1940


The poet Rumi founded the Mevlevi order of this religious sect, which practices "whirling" during the Sema ceremony. Name this mystical sect of Islam that maintains awareness of God by performing dhikr and whose adherents are known as dervishes.


This much more serious Billy Wilder movie stars William Holden as the out-of-work screenwriter Joe Gillis,and Gloria Swanson as the former movie star Norma Desmond.

Sunset Boulevard

Magritte was the foremost artist of the Belgian branch of this art movement that featured strange juxtapositionsand "dream logic." Other artists from this movement include Max Ernst and Salvador Dalí.


Xerxes and his father, Darius I, built a palace and hypostyle hall at this site. city where Esther marriesKing Ahasuerus in the story of Purim.


This woman describes her experiences on the island with Cruso and Friday to the author Daniel Foe inCoetzee's Foe. She comes to the island as a castaway while searching for her abducted daughter.

Susan Barton

The thrower of the flayed horse was this brother of Amaterasu. He possesses a sword whose name means "grass-cutter," which he won from killing the serpent Orochi.


On whose farm did carpenter James Marshall discover gold on in Sacramento, California in 1845


Rivet that is referred to in a Stephen Foster classic folk song

Swanee River

In this musical, Nellie Lovett gives the title character a set of sterling silver razors, and sings "Worst Pies in London." Name this musical in which the murder victims of Benjamin Barker are baked into meat pies.

Sweeney Todd

City in Washington that became infamous as a result of the bridge it built that began rocking back and forth until it collapsed in 1948


Shah Jahan built this mausoleum in Agra for his wife, Mumtaz. This complex includes a mosque made of whitemarble, with a reflecting pool and garden in front of it

Taj Mahal

built for the wife of Mughal emperor Shah JahanName this UNESCO World Heritage Site in Agra, India, whose famous white dome is visited by millions of touristseach year.

Taj Mahal

At one of those battles, Dai Viet gained independence from China, which had dominated it under this dynasty.This Chinese dynasty was the last to have its capital at Chang'an and was targeted by An Lushan's rebellion

Tang Dynasty

Two African countries that formed a federation in 1964 known as Tanzania

Tanganyika and Zanzibar

Formerly German East Africa, this country merged with an adjacent one after the Zanzibar Revolution. Name this nation which moved its capital from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma in 1996 and is home to the Serengeti.


This ethnic group, which speaks Kipchak, was part of the Mongol armies and peoples, and the Golden Horde split into four of their khanates in and near Russia. The Ottomans initially controlled the Crimean Khanate of these people.


Parker and Stone also made this 2004 film entirely with puppets, which parodied Kim Jong-Il and featured theeponymous group's headquarters, located inside Mount Rushmore.

Team America: World Police

Kieslowski's Decalogue was inspired by these entities. Ben Hur-star Charlton Heston starred in Cecil B.DeMille's last movie, which was named for them.

Ten Commandments

American author know for oral historiesdid a 45 year radio show"The Good War: An Oral History of WWII"


In honor of the fall of Maurice Bishop's government, Grenadians celebrate a holiday bearing this name everyOctober 25th.


This Conservative Prime Minister of the 1980s reformed the NHS and encouraged Brits to buy health insurance privately. She was known as the "Iron Lady."


Between the writing of the first and second parts of this literary work, Thomas Paine spent eleven months in prison because of his activities during the French Revolution

The Age of Reason

This painting features an anamorphic skull that can only be viewed in its proper proportions when looking at the painting from the top right or bottom left corners. For 10 points each:[10] Name this painting featuring two men standing next to a shelf featuring still-life objects such as a globe, an astrolabe, and a lute.

The Ambassadors

These men, both with brothers named Dromio, are repeatedly confused for each other in A Comedy of Errors. In one instance of this confusion, the one from Syracuse is flirting with the Ephesian one's sister-in-law.

The Antipholuses

Wilde also wrote this poem after his release from prison in 1897. Much more somber in tone than his earlier work, it includes the line, "Each man kills the thing he loves."

The Ballad of Reading Gaol

This long 1930 poem was written by Hart CraneLiving near the Brooklyn Bridge for ten years provided inspiration

The Bridge

This is Avicenna's most famous work, a medical encyclopedia in five volumes completed in 1025.

The Canon of Medicine

A seated man places his hand on the thigh of the central figure of this work, who is oddly muscular for his age. That figure points at the ceiling, and reaches for a goblet. For 10 points, name this work by Jacques-Louis David depicting the suicide of a certain Greek philosopher.

The Death of Socrates

Influenced by John Locke, this document starts, "When in the course of human events..." For 10 points each:[10] Name this document written by Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Robert Livingston, and Roger Sherman that was ratified by 12 of the 13 colonies, with one abstention.

The Declaration of Independence

Poem written by John Keats that relate a tale that resembles Romeo and Juliet

The Eve of St. Agnes

Built from 1406 until 1420 by Emperor Zhu DiImperial palace located in Beijing. China

The Forbidden City

In this triptych by Hieronymus Bosch, only the hand and legs of a man are visible, as he is being swallowed by a giant mussel. Masses of nude humans enjoy themselves in the title locale.

The Garden of Earthly Delights

This work shows a giant ear getting impaled in its right section. Bosch triptych nude bathers and a bunch of peoplesitting under an enormous strawberry

The Garden of Earthy Delights

In this play, Amanda is unsuccessful in finding a "gentleman caller" for her daughter, who was given the nickname "Blue Roses" after a bout of pleurosis. 1945 play about Tom and Laura Wingfield, written by Tennessee Williams.

The Glass Menagerie

Algernon's consumption of cucumber sandwiches begins this Oscar Wilde play, in which Jack Worthing and Algernon both pretend to have a different name to woo Gwendolyn and Cecily.

The Importance of Being Earnest

This later Fitzgerald novel details the film producer Monroe Stahr's rise to power in Hollywood. Left unfinished after Fitzgerald's death, it was published posthumously in 1941.

The Last Tycoon

In this novel, a drawing of a snake digesting an elephant is mistaken for a hat, and it begins with the crash of an airplane pilot, the narrator, in the Sahara Desert. The protagonist of this novel loves a rose which he has left on his home planet, Asteroid 325. For 10 points, name this novel by Antoine de Saint-Exupeéry.

The Little Prince

Poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson "Branches they bore of that enchanted stems Laden with flowers and fruit"

The Lotus Eaters

This subtitle is featured on a novel that was published when the author was 21 years old

The Modern Prometheus

In this novel, a monk commits suicide just before the arrival of two important characters, who come to investigate a missing horse. For 10 points each:[10] Name this novel which features a head drowned in pig's blood in which William of Baskerville investigates the murder of a monk named Malachi.

The Name of the Rose

Protestant Huldrych Zwingli used the Ten Commandments' injunction against idolatry to support the Iconoclastic Riots. Name this modern nation in which the Iconoclastic riots began as part of its Beeldenstorm, which Huguenots, Germans, Danes, and others in other countries participated in throughout the 16th century.

The Netherlands

The central figure in this poem cries "Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" and is described having "mild eyes." Name this 1883 poem which states "Give me your tired, your poor, / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

The New Colossus

This work is based on an E.T.A. Hoffmann story about the young girl Marie Stahlbaum and her favorite toy. For 10 points each:[10] Name this Christmas-themed ballet which includes sections such as "Arabian Dance," "Waltz of the Flowers," and "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy."

The Nutcracker

Gogol short story where Akaky visits a "Very Important Person" to discuss the theft of his title prized possession

The Overcoat

92 metopes. The most famous sculpture in this structure was created by Phidias, and was a tremendous statue of gold and ivory that clutched a small figure of Nike. Name this ruined temple located on the Athenian Acropolis.

The Parthenon

This short novel by Wilde was heavily criticized upon its publication for decadence and homosexual themes. It begins with the artist Basil Hallward creating the title object and includes the aphorism, "All art is quite useless."

The Picture of Dorian Gray

In this work, a villain disguised as a beggar kills the vulture Jatayu as he attempts to protect a woman from abduction in the Panchavati forest. In this work, a character convinces a kingdom of monkeys to help him search for his wife; however, due to laziness only the strongest monkey hero, Hanuman, arrives to help. Name this famous Indian epic in which Rama journeys to Lanka to slay the demon king Ravana and rescue his wifeWritten by Valmiki

The Ramayana

This poem takes place "Once upon a midnight dreary" while the speaker "pondered weak and weary"speaker of this poem calls the title bird "a thing of evil". That bird repeats the word "Nevermore"

The Raven

In the early Bronze age, Poseidon was a chief deity of this city, which was allegedly founded when dragon's teeth were sown at a place where a cow had sat down.


completed in 1911, it was the largest dam in the worldbuilt across the Salt River near Phoenix

Theodore Roosevelt Dam

Roman Emperor that established catholicism as the state religionNicene Creed in AD 380Last to rule over unified Rome

Theodosius I (or the Great)

Column of warm air that has a lower density than its surroundingsContains rising currents of warm air that are used by many birds to soar effortlessly


Element discovered in 1791 by William Gregor9th most abundant in the Earth's crust Very strong and resistant to corrosion, so it is used in building high speed aircraft


Communist dictator who ruled Yugoslavia from 1945 until his death in 1980Organized Yugoslavia into six socialist republic to balance its religious and ethnic groups


artist who depicted the first draft of the Dec of Independence in a famous portraitalso painted many of the founding fathers


the last son of Gaia and Tartarus He ripped all the tendons out of Zeus before being buried under Mount Etna"Father of All Monsters"


While living with his family in this nation, Frost published A Boy's Will and North of Boston, . He subsequently befriended poets from this nation such as Edward Thomas and T. E. Hulme.

United Kingdom

Normandy invasion on June 6, 1944, had five assault beachesGold and Sword Beaches were led by the BritishJuno Beach was led by Canadians Which two beaches were led by Americans

Utah and Omaha

He also painted a woman lying on a bed with her back turned to the viewer in another work, where the woman's face is only visible in a mirror held by Cupid. This artist painted himself standing in the doorway of a painting that features the attendants of the Infanta Margarita. For 10 points, name this artist of the Rokeby Venus and Las Meninas.


This artist painted a portrait of a man in a brown coat and white collar, Juan de Pareja Cupid holds a mirror in front of the nude title goddess in this painter's "RokebyVenus" In his most famous painting, a nun and a man on a stairwell appear in the background, while a large dog and twodwarves stand beside the title ladies-in-waiting


It claims half of its neighboring nation of Guyana, and it is the location of the mouth of the Orinoco river. Home to lake Maracaibo, this country is the location of the highest interrupted waterfall in the world, Angel Falls. For 10 points, name this South American country bordering on the Caribbean Sea with its capital at Caracas.


corresponded with his publisher Pierre-Jules Hetzel on the manuscript that would later becomeFive Weeks in a Balloon. Characters created by thisman include Otto Lidenbrock, Passepartout, and Phileas FoggFrench author ofAround the World in 80 Days.


Leopold was able to take most of Hungary back from the Ottomans after their defeat in battle near this city.Ottoman expansion under Suleiman the Magnificent had earlier been checked at a 1529 siege of this city.


They defeated Ethelred the Unready at the Battle of Maldon in 991, and forced him to pay the Danegeld, but were defeated at the battle of Stamford Bridge by Harold Godwinson. This group included Ragnar Lodbrok, and settled Vinland beginning in the 11th century, reaching their peak of influence under Olaf II.


Alexander Hamilton agreed to allow the capital of the United States be established near the Potomac, so long as Madison allowed representatives from this state to vote to centralize some aspects of government.


American folk dance where dancer form two linesHead couple dances up and down between lines and then to the end, allowing the next couple to become the head

Virginia Reel

full of antioxidants, produces collagen, keeps gums healthyhelps system stay high functioning so that we can fight viruses and bacteria

Vitamin C

Many famous composers throughout history were also noted for their work in other professions.Name this Italian composer whose work as a cleric gave him the nickname the "Red Priest." He may be best known for writing the violin concerti The Four Seasons.


Practitioners of this syncretic religion are known as "sèvitè" or servants of the spirits. Haiti and Louisiana hold many of the practitioners of this religion, well known for its eponymous dolls.


unit of energy = to one joule of energy per coulombmeasure of electromotive forcenamed after an Italian physicist who invent the first battery


Candide was written by this prominent philosopher and writer of the French Enlightenment


This movement grew out of Hanbalism. Name this fundamentalist movement in Islam. Its namesake helped build the Emirate of Diriyah in the eighteenth century.


This conflict was largely decided following the battle of Riachuelo, and one side's leader in this conflict was killed at Cerro Cora. Solano Lopez. For 10 points, identify this conflict which pitted Paraguay and the namesake group of nations, leading to the deaths of over one third of the Paraguayan army.

War of The Triple Alliance

has control over tariffs and Social Securitytax writing committee of the House or Representatives

Ways and Means Committee

Radioactive beta decay is mediated by this fundamental force, which is carried by W and Z bosons.

Weak Nuclear Force

Ohio Artist most famous for "Yankee Doodle" paintingThis painting came to be called "The Spirit of '76"


This second-oldest American college is located in Williamsburg, Virginia. Its alumni include Jon Stewart andThomas Jefferson and it is named for the victorious couple of Glorious Revolution.

William and Mary

Name this ruler who defeated Harold Godwinson at the Battle of Hastings in 1066, and who appears in the Bayeux Tapestry depicting that victory.

William the Conqueror or William the First

This philosopher was accused of striking a student in the Haidbauer incident and during an argument with Karl Popper, this man allegedly waved a fireplace poker in Popper's face. name this Austrian philosopher and author of Philosophical Investigations and Tractatus Logico-Politicus.


In the Gospels of Mark and Matthew, this man asks God "Why have you forsaken me?"son of Mary and Joseph who was crucified at Golgoth.

Yeezus Christ

During the siege of Kaifeng, this river's dikes were disastrously broken and allowed for that city's immediate capture. An 1887 flood of this river immediately preceded the Taiping Rebellion. The Grand Canal built by the Sui dynasty connected the Yangtze River with this one. name this dangerous and colorful Chinese river that accumulates soil called loess as it flows east.

Yellow River

Hits from this 1968 album include All You Need is Love, All Together Now, When I'm 64 and the title single. adapted into a movie that featured the Blue Meanies and the title vessel.

Yellow Submarine

What color dominates the painting "Nude Descending a Staircase"It was painted by Duchamp

Yellow or gold

The caldera under this national park was the site of eruptions that formed the Snake River Plain. Today, heat from thecaldera fuels geysers in this national park such as Old Faithful.


Ratatoskr is a squirrel that relays messages up and down this structure that connects the nine worlds of Norsemythology. One of its three roots extends into Asgard and Midgard.


Vows are annulled and participants fast for twenty-five hours during this Jewish day of atonement and repentance that follows Rosh Hashanah.

Yom Kippur

This author wrote about a young boy who considers himself a "genius" and spies on his mother through a peephole. After a failed coup against the Japanese government, this man committed seppuku on television. For 10 points, name this author of Confessions of a Mask and the Sea of Fertility tetralogy.

Yukio Mishima

Leader of Mexican Revolution that led the struggle for land reform beginning in 1910In 1911, he issued the land reform known as the "Plan de Ayala"


Salome was written by this German composer of Der Rosenkavalier. Nietzsche inspired his tone poem Thus Spoke Zarathustra, which features the famous "Sunrise" fanfare.


Bodhidharma is regarded as the first patriarch of this branch of Buddhism, which is popular in East Asia.Japanese rock gardens are emblematics of this branch's emphasis on meditation and enigmatic simplicity.


Adherents of this religion, which was practiced by Bodhidharma, attempt to reach satori, and it uses paradoxical koans for self-inquiry. For 10 points, name this sect of Buddhism that focuses on seeking enlightenment through meditation.

Zen Buddhism

This Law of Thermodynamics states that two temperatures at equilibrium with a different, third system are atequilibrium with each other."all heat is of the same kind."


He is known for his loud orchestral soundtracks, including The Lion King and Gladiator. Name this Grammy- and Oscar-winning film composer for The Dark Knight and Inception who is known for his useof synthesizers.


This African empire fought the British in a namesake war.won the Battle of Isandlwana and was located primarily in South Africaused suchweapons as the iklwa, a special type of spear.

Zulu Empire

The speaker in this poem talks about being made a "living soul" who "sees into the life of things."Name this 1798 poem in which the speaker never actually visits the title location. It begins with the line, "Five years have past; five summers, with the length / of five long winter."

a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey

This kind of knowledge has been described as that which "you can see is true just lying on your couch." Name this term used in epistemology to define a type of knowledge is independent of experience and can be derived from reason alone.

a Priori

spell the verb that means to agree without objection or to comply with the demands of another


spell the noun that means something out of place because it is from a different time period


The Third Law of Thermodynamics states that a perfect crystal with zero entropy has what temperature?

absolute zero

Pollock's style of "action painting" was closely associated with this other artistic movement, characterized by rapid, broad strokes and expressive gestures. Other practitioners of it included Wassily Kandinsky and Mark Rothko.

abstract expressionism

Its time derivatives include jounce, snap, crackle and pop, though its first time derivative is calledjerkVelocity squared divided by radius gives its centripetal form rate of change of velocity


Low levels of this neurotransmitter have been found in patients with Alzheimer's. For 10 points each:[10] Name this neurotransmitter that activates skeletal muscles by activating sodium ion channels at the neuromuscular junction.


The original title of Mahfouz's allegory Children of Gebelawi refers to one of these places. One of Mahfouz'smost famous early novels depicts one of these places named Midaq and its many inhabitants



alpha particle

Mercury alloys with other metals go by this name. These mixtures were once often used as cheap dental fillings butaren't any longer, due to mercury's toxicity.


inhibited during late stages of herpes simplex virus infections. its failure in the human body causes webbed fingers andtoes.the mitochondrial release of cytochrome c can trigger what process of programmed cell death?


To determine drug half-lives or exposure, this technique can be used on a drug concentration vs. time graph. This quantity is inversely proportional to the clearance, or elimination of the drug from the human body.

area under the curce

Spell the noun that mean deception or trickery, especially by cleverness


spell the literary term for an expression that is used in everyday speech, especially in certain geographic regions


Spell the world that means to confirm or give evidence of truth


Answer the following about a certain field of mathematics, for 10 points each:[10] This mathematical field involves procedures such examining the convergence of series, differentiating, and integrating. It was developed in the 17th century.


Name these geological features that are formed by collapsed land after a volcanic eruption. Their name comes fromthe Spanish word for "boiler".


Aztec society was organized into these clan-like units, a level below the Altepetl "City-state." Their namemeans "Big House" and they were headed by hereditary chieftains.


Water travels through xylem during transpiration because of this process, which allows water to move upwards against gravity due to a combination of cohesion, surface tension, and adhesion.

capillary action

You're a geologist trying to figure out how old something is. Organic samples that are less than 60,000 years old can be dated by measuring the abundance of this radioactiveisotope of carbon. It decays into nitrogen with a half-life of five thousand-seven hundred years.


Sometimes, a reaction needs one of these in order to proceed. This necessity is often denoted by a symbol or symbolsover the "yields" arrow, such as a Pt for platinum or a triangle for heat.


This concept, introduced in Kant's Metaphysics of Morals, is the basis for his deontological system of moralsit is astronger maxim than the hypothetical form.

categorical imperative

A "radical" one of these entities must be formed prior to mass spec. These positively charged particles arecontrasted with anions.


This keyboard instrument features prominently in the aforementioned "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy." Gershwin included a solo for this instrument in his work An American in Paris.


This autoimmune disease is triggered by the presence of the protein gluten.can be caused by the DQ2 and DQ8portions of the HLA complexoften confused with wheat allergy.

celiac disease

Name this concept in biology that describes the path of genetic information of DNA to RNA to protein.

central dogma

The Meselson-Stahl experiment used this technique to quantify the amount of heavy and light nitrogen in thebacterial DNA. This technique produces a density gradient.


At the end of Sunset Boulevard, Norma Desmond says that she's ready for this kind of shot. Carl Theodore Dreyer's The Passion of Joan of Arc uses this kind of shot to force you to pay attention to Joan's tortured face.


This molecule is so large that its fibrils must be formed outside the celltriple-helix structuredegradation of this protein leads to scurvymost abundant protein in the human body, found in skin,connective tissue, and cartilage


type of automobile insurance that will cover car cost but not medical cost

collision insurance

Smouldering is a slow variety of the "incomplete" variety of this process, which is characterized by production of either carbon monoxide or carbon. It contrasts with the "complete" variety which yields carbon dioxide and water. For 10 points, name this type of organic reaction which occurs when hydrocarbons such as gasoline or wood are burned.


Ricardo used wool and wine to demonstrate this economic conceptin a two-country system, eachnation should specialize based on relative efficiency of production.

comparative advantage

Trisecting an arbitrary angle is an impossible challenge using these objects. two instruments are used in classical constructions,allow you to draw circles and straight lines?

compass and straightedge

The fundamental theorem of algebra asserts that a polynomial of degree n has at least one solution over thisfield of numbers. Counting multiple roots, that polynomial in fact has a complete set of n roots in this field.


This piece of glassware is used in reflux apparatuses. This object usually has cold water running through it, and it causes vapors to turn back into liquids.


If a polynomial has real coefficients and a complex root, then applying this operation to that root always givesanother root. For a complex number " a plus b-i," this operation gives the number " a minus b-i."


term for the ion that is formed when a Bronsted acid gives up a hydrogen ion

conjugate base

term used for the transfer of genetic material between bacteria through cell to cell contactin grammar, refers to verb tenses


Both the normal and friction forces belong to this class of forces, which act at the point where two bodies touch.Gravity and electromagnetism are not forces of this type, since they work via action at a distance.


gives statues more human characteristics a pose where full weight is on one legcan be seen in Michelangelo's "David"


hand tool consisting of a thin steel blade stretched between the ends of a spring steel framused to to cut intricate shapes, curves, and interior cutouts

coping saw

Term for two or more angles that share the same initial side and a ray where the measurement of the angle stops



cross-country skiing

Josephus's Testimonium Flavianum gives an early account of this event. Dressed in a purple robe and a crown of thorns. Name this event commemorated by Good Friday, that was ordered by Pontius Pilate.

crucifixion of Jesus

This structure is the outermost layer of satellites such as the Earth's moon and Io. Name this rocky natural shell of the Earth mainly comprised of oxygen and silicon. It is directly above the upper mantle.


Three Musicians exemplifies the "Synthetic" stage of this early twentieth-century style of painting developedby Pablo Picasso. In this style, subjects are broken up into geometric shapes and depicted from multiple viewpoints.


Bertolt Brecht's Mother Courage uses a Bible to wrap these plants in Altotting. Name this plant. Sandwiches named for this ingredient are prepared for Lady Bracknell in an Oscar Wilde play, but those sandwiches are devoured by Algernon Moncrieff


point on a rim of bicycle traces out this type of curve when the wheel rollsterm for this graph that represents the path a fixed point on the circumference of a circle travels as it rolls along a line


This artist strongly influenced the development of Surrealism with "metaphysical" paintings like The LoveSong.

de Chirico

The Third of May, 1808 was painted by this Spanish painter who later painted Saturn Devouring His Son as part ofhis "Black Painting" series and several reclining majas.

de Goya

Quadrilateral with two disjoint sets of congruent sidesDiagonals are perpendicular to one another, and only only diagonal bisects the other


The Slutsky equation relates changes between two types of this function, one that maximizes utility, and another that minimizes expenditure. Name this economic concept which is often paired with supply.


One type of this operation occurs when there are multiple variables, and is called partial. For a composition of functions, the chain rule can be used to find it. For 10 points, name this mathematical operation which is the inverse of the integral.


Echinoderms, like vertebrates, are members of this large superphylum of animals. During embryonicdevelopment of organisms from this clade, the blastopore becomes the anus, not the mouth.


This operation has "directional," "partial," and "total" versions in higher dimensions. Name this operation that measures the infinitesimal rate of change of a function. This operation and its inverse, integration, are the basis of calculus


The equations simplify somewhat if you assume that the flow is incompressible. In mathematical terms,incompressibility is equivalent to setting this vector operation of the fluid velocity field to zero.


Goya painted a self-portrait with one person of this profession named Arrieta,Sevenstudents watch as one man with this profession perform a dissection in a Rembrandt painting that shows his "anatomylesson"occupation, held by Paul Gachet and Nicolaes Tulp, that requires a medical degree.


A popular Yoga pose named for this animal is done by moving from your hands and knees to putting your feetback and making a "V" with your back


VSEPR theory assigns structures based on Le wis diagrams, which use these symbols to depict electrons. In a Lewis structure, two of these symbols indicates a lone pair


If two aqueous ionic solutions are mixed, one of these reactions may occur, wherein the cations may change themolecule that they are bonded to, going to the other anion instead.


Compass-and-straightedge constructions cannot solve equations of degree 3 or higher, which is why this problemcannot be solved with only the two. It is equivalent to finding the one-third power of 2.

doubling the cube

Dances involving costumes of these flying reptiles are common in Chinese New Year celebrations. Compared to theirbulky, winged Western counterparts, most Asian variants of these are serpentine


Francis Crick argued that these occurrences serve the purpose of creating new neural pathways in the brain. One famous example of these occurrences described by another theorist involved three white wolves sitting in a tree. that book was entitled The Interpretation of these (blank).


One pioneer of the bebop style who played this instrument was a member of the "Trio" and "Quintet," MaxRoach.Buddy Rich was known as "Traps" because of his "wonder"ousability to play this instrumentJo Jones, a member of the rhythm section who played this instrument, threw his cymbal atCharlie Parker's feet.


Surface tension is traditionally measured in CGS units rather than the more common SI system. Thus, values for surface tension are often reported in terms of this CGS unit of force, per centimeter.


This poet included details about his trip to the Soviet Union in his travelogue EIMI, and wrote a play where Death trades masks with Santa Claus. known for his unconventional use of grammar and capitalization.

e.e Cummings

These organisms have body walls filled with spiny ossicles. Name this phylum that includes sand dollars, sea urchins, and starfish.


Another common subject for Warhol was this object, controversial due to the ongoing debate on the death penalty inthe United States. The one pictured in his prints is thought to be from Sing-Sing prison.

electric chair

This term represents the sum of all double bonds and rings in a compound. For benzene, it is 4.

elements of unsaturation, degrees of unsaturation, index of hydrogen deficiency, unsaturation index.

The left panel also shows one of these animals drinking next to a giraffe. Gustave Moreau painted a "sacred" one oftheseSalvador Dalí painted ones with extremely long legs.


oil and vinegar experimentmixture of two or more immiscible liquids


In the 1500s the demand and economy of silver grew. For 10 points each:[10] Name this Spanish legal system, practiced before the hacienda, which entrusted authority and land to colonists who would ideally protect Indians and convert them to Roman Catholics, while extracting precious silver and gold from them.


This quantity is often described as the amount of "disorder" in a system.Name this quantity that, according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, is always strictly increasing in theuniverse.


While projectile trajectories appear to be parabolic, they actually take this shape because the earth's gravitational field varies at different distances from the surface.


tissue that can be classified as squamous, cuboidal, or pseudostratifiedcomposes the skin on the outside of the bodylines organs and cavities within the body


These states are "dynamic" when two inverse processes occur at the same rate, or when a body has balanced forces acting on it but a non-zero velocity. The transitivity of this condition is the zeroth law of thermodynamics. Balanced state, the "thermal" variety of which involves no heat exchange.


The Van't Hoff equation was the first definitive relation between it andthermodynamicsequal to the rate of the forward reaction divided by the rate of the reverse reaction. constant that is the product of reactants and products to the power of their stoichiometriccoefficients, often symbolized K [sub-EQ]

equilibrium constant

Once this border of a black hole is passed, its gravity is inescapable, even by light.

event horizon

Kierkegaard is considered to be the first philosopher of this theory that claims that philosophical thinking begins with the human acting a free agent


u-substitution can be particularly useful when dealing with integrals of derivatives of this function, which is its own derivative.

exponential function

verb that means to return a person who's been accused of a crime to a different governmental jurisdiction from the one in which they committed the crime


East and West Germany were reunited after this 1989 action demanded by Ronald Reagan

fall of the Berlin Wall

DraftKings and FanDuel provide a "daily" variety of this online activity that has been decried as gambling. In this activity, players "draft" real athletes to their fictitious teams and use statistics to compete.

fantasy sports

Answer some questions about Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex, The Second Sex was a landmark in this philosophical and social movement, which attempts to establish equalrights for women.


Bosons contrast with this other classification of particle in the Standard Model. These particles obey the Pauli Exclusion Principle and include quarks, electrons, and neutrinos.


Copland often produced an "open" sound in his harmony by using this perfect interval without thirds. Violins, violas, and cellos tune their strings this interval apart.


The solution to the Navier-Stokes equations is a vector field of this quantity, whose derivative is zero in steady flow. Bernoulli's equation relates this variable's value to the height of a liquid through conservation of energy.

flow velocity

This class is distinguishable by deformation when a shear stress is applied.


The cell membrane that surrounds cells can be thought of using this model created by Nicholson and Sanger thatdescribes the non-rigidity of the structure and the floating molecules embedded within.

fluid mosaic

The Bauhaus also revolutionized typography by emphasizing the sans serif variety of these letter designs. Theirsize is measured in "points."


This value for an atom is defined as the valence electrons minus the sum of bonds and lone pair electrons. For oxygen bonded to one other thing, its value for this is -1.

formal Charge

Shinto shrines are often guarded by stone kitsune statues, which depict these animals. Inari is the kami of these animals, and they may be represented with up to nine tails in Japanese mythology.


One of the more famous quotes attributed to Sartre asserts that "man is condemned to be" this"once throwninto the world, he is responsible for everything he does."


This other force is proportionally related to the normal force by a namesake constant. Since this force acts tooppose the relative motion of two surfaces, idealized mechanics problems often assume that this force does not exist


Caravaggio also painted one of these objects being held by a young boyCézanne also painted several iterations of this still-life subject

fruit basket

Beethoven wrote a work of this type for string quartet, known as his Grosse one. For 10 points each:[10] Name this type of composition in which multiple voices build upon a single theme introduced in the beginning. J.S. Bach notably paired a Toccata with one of these pieces for organ.


Handel wrote six pieces in this genre for solo keyboard. In this kind of counterpoint, which is similar to a canon, a subject is introduced successively in several voices, and then freely developed in imitation.


form symbiotic mycorrhizal relationships with plants bodies composedof hyphae and have cell walls composed of chitin. kingdom that includes yeasts, molds, andmushrooms.


DraftKings and FanDuel argue that, rather than being gambling, daily fantasy is instead described by thisthree-word phrase,meaning that, just like quizbowl, players use their keen talents and discerning judgment to win.

game of skill

The "frost" variety of these figures frequently war with the gods. For 10 points, name this large mythological race also known as Jotunn in Norse.


term for the group of eye diseases that gradually take away sight with out warning due to internal eye pressure


Name some things associated with mythological horns,In Greek mythology, the mythical horn of plenty was created when a horn was snapped off the head of Amalthea, who was one of these animals. The bottom half of a satyr was derived from these animals


One branch of these people sacked Rome under Alaric. Name these Germanic peoples, divided into "Visi-" and "Ostro-" branches. Under Theodoric, the "Ostro-"branch of these peoples ruled Italy during the first half of the sixth century.


The viscous term in the Navier-Stokes equation scales with this operation on the flow velocity. Represented by the del operator, it is the generalization of the derivative to a many-dimensional scalar field.


Answer the following about the weakest fundamental force. This attractive force between masses downwardly accelerates objects on earth at approximately 9.8 meters per second squared.


Classes of these objects include symmetric, alternating, and dihedral. type of set in mathematics, governed by a single associative operation. Abelian ones have a commutativeoperation, and Burnside's Lemma acts on them.


spell the plural name for the egyptian system of picture writing


This reading may follow the Torah reading. chanted selections from the Tanachcorrespond to thealiyot read in the service.


Many of the best-known works of Chinese painting were produced on these objects, which often depictpanoramas. Examples of these objects include Along the River During the Qingming (" ching-ming ") Festival


This organ contains Purkinje fibers that assist in transmitting electrical impulses at a steady beat. Name this valve-containing organ that is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body.


Epicureanism is part of this larger school of thought, objective is to maximize net pleasure believes that people have the right to attempt to maximize their own pleasure so long as others' rights remain intact.


Another companion on the journey is Yulong, an exiled son of the Dragon King of the West Sea. Throughout the journey, he takes the form of a white one of these animals.


Incitatus was this type of animal. Other ancient ones include Bucephalus and the winged Pegasus.


polyhedron with 20 faces


The 1943 Supreme Court case West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette questioned the pledge as inviolation of religious law forbidding this practicesuch as that against making up graven images in Exodus that was alsoprotested in iconoclastic movements.


This movement's "forgotten" painter, Alfred Sisley, created primarily landscapes.name derived from Louis Leroy'sreview of a painting of a sunrise created by the most prominent practitioner of this stylemid-19th century art movement that included EdgarDegas and Claude Monet.


Principles in calculus like the Law of Continuity supported the use of these in developing calculus. They are too small to see or measure and were first rigidly defined by Archimedes.


The Revolt of the Brotherhoods in the early 16th century protested this practice, as well as King Charles I A key leader of a particular incarnation was Tomás de Torquemada series of national purges featuring mass forced conversions, famously initiated by Isabella of Spain.


When asked by the Emperor Wu who he was, Bodhidharma replied "I don't know," an example of thesetraditional riddles of Zen Buddhism. These sayings are collected in the Gateless Gate and the Blue Clif Record.


In a defense of this political position, Robert Nozick advocated the minimalist state that comes directly fromanarchy. This philosophy emphasizes freedom of choice above all else, and thus advocates a small government.


Famous early pieces in this genre include "The Erl-King" and "Gretchen at the Spinning-Wheel." Name this small-scale genre popular throughout the nineteenth century. Pieces in this genre were sometimes integrated into "cycles" like Winterreise.


Another negative form of hydrogen is the hydride ion. A hydride of this metal and aluminum forms afrequently-used strong reducing agent


The crust and a part of the upper mantle make up this section of the Earth, which lies between the troposphere and the asthenosphere.


Kupffer cells are found in the sinusoidsof this organ and break down erythrocytes in this organ This organ may undergo scarringknown as cirrhosis in alcoholics and is inflamed in all types of hepatitis.largest digestive organ,responsible for producing bile.


Not to be confused with the Calendar RoundMayans used this to measure lengths of time longer than 52 yearsone misinterpretation of it said that the world would end on December 21, 2012.

long count

Neruda's most famous collection is a set of twenty poems about this emotion, and a "Song of Despair." Earlier poems about this emotion include Shakespeare's sonnet "Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day?"


In a highly practical colligative property, increasing solute concentration makes this change to the freezing point of the solution.

lowers it

The Golgi apparatus tags recently synthesized proteins with sugars or other molecules, one of which might be this tagthat sends the protein to the lysosome.


This quantity is often expressed as "delta-C over delta-Q." Name this quantity from economics. It represents the cost of producing one more unit of a good

marginal cost

For a large object on a spring, the oscillation frequency is given by: "the square root of: the spring constant overthis property of the object." This value for the spring itself is usually ignored.


The Higgs boson helps explain what gives rise to this property of matter, the amount of stuff something contains. Photons and gluons lack this property.


The Navier-Stokes equations are essentially conservation laws that guarantee the conservation of momentum,energy, and this other property of the fluid.


This technique is often performed with a QUISTOR. Name this technique usually preceded by electrospray ionization or MALDI. It is frequently enhanced by being performed in tandem with capillary electrophoresis.

mass spectrometry

The Strassen and Coppersmith-Winograd algorithms are used to multiply these array-like mathematicalstructures. The study of these objects forms the basis of linear algebra.


Three layers: Dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia meterenvelops and protects the central nervous systemsusceptible to heomrrhages

meninges (men in jeez)

Economic system where a country seeks to amass large sums of currency and encourages exports while discouraging importsUsed by Great Britain during the age of exploration


Mexican miners developed a new method of silver extraction using this element, which was mixed with silver ore. Its main source was a mine at the city of Huancavelica, and its use caused many natives to die from poisoning.


This element is the source of another unit of pressure. A torr is equal to one millimeter of this element in a barometer.


common chemistry demonstration shows surface tension holding together a "beating heart" of this element.This element is liquid at room temperature and exhibits an unusual, convex meniscus.


term artificial substances whose physical properties derive from their structure rather than from materials they are made of


The Mullërian form of this phenomenon occurs when one species, although not poisonous itself, develops similarcoloring to a poisonous species to deter predators. It is a general term for any sort of similarities between two species thatconfer advantages to one or both.


This was increased in Oakland effective March 2, 2015, as over 80% of voters wanted. Identify this value which some argue improves quality of life and reduces class disparity, while others say it threatens small businesses. Nationally, it is $7.25.

minimum wage

The equation of image formation for these devices differs from a similar "thin" device in swapping the one over focal length and one over image distance terms. For 10 points, name these optical devices that reflect light instead of refracting light like lenses do.


According to the formula for freezing point depression, the temperature difference is given by: a constant times the Van 't Hoff factor, times this quantity.


A wind blows through the café and you smell a hint of this substance, probably left over from a 1919 disasterwhen a tank of this substance burst in Boston, killing 21 people.


Wyclif advocated the dissolution of these institutions, which was carried out by Henry VIII in the 1530s


The magnetic analogue of Gauss's Law forbids the existence of these entities. Dirac theorized about themthefirst one was recently synthesized at Amherst College.


Wahhabi Muslims emphasize this belief, which is called tawheed in Arabic. The Jewish shema and the opening words of the Nicene Creed also declare this belief.


Adam Smith wrote a Theory of [these] Sentiments. For 10 points each:[10] Name this term that describes the principles on which people base their judgements. A system of ethics may be based on this concept.


Answer some questions about cystic fibrosis,The primary symptom of CF is a buildup of this substance in the lungs. This substance is also produced frommembranes in the nose.


The base of this logarithm is e. It's often used as an intermediate when converting between logarithms

natural logarithm

This functional unit of the kidney regulates the concentration of water. Each of these tube-like structures is made up of a renal corpuscle and renal tubule.


element "discovered" independtly by Rutherford, Scheele, Priestly, and Cavendish"burnt air'"phlogisticated air"


Chopin's other works include a collection of 21 of these short pieces for solo piano. This musical form was originated by Irish composer John Field.


For an object on a ramp sloped at an angle "theta," t he magnitude of this force is " m- g cosine-theta." This force, usually denoted N. It pushes perpendicularly to the surface between a pair of objects


Genes are sequenced by determining the order of these entities. They consist of a nitrogenous base, afive-carbon sugar, and one or more phosphates.


Yukawa also further developed Gian-Carlo Wick's theory of L-capture, in which this part of an atom absorbs anelectron. This central part of the atom is made of protons and neutrons.


Answer some questions about Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, Neruda wrote a large number of these poems about everyday things like artichokes, his socks, and a large tunafish in the market. In 1819, Keats wrote a set of six of these poems, including one "To Psyche."


identify the adjectival phrase-"A barrage of good wishes met Aunt Sue when she returned form the hospital"

of good wishes

According to the Riemann hypothesis, the real part of any non-trivial zero of the Riemann zeta function is this constant value smaller than one.

one half

The subtitle of Candide refers to this philosophical position, which is espoused throughout the book byPangloss. This position is rebutted by Candide when he ends the novel by saying "we must cultivate our garden."


-Give the name of these areas where electrons are likely to reside. -They can have designations like "p" and "s".




Handel's fugues may have been written for this keyboard wind instrument, since they were published as "voluntaries." These are the largest instruments, and they are most often played in churches.


These structures can be oriented along the x-, y-, or z-axes and they have a characteristic dumbbell shape. For 10 points each:[10] Name these structures which can hold up to two electrons and whose namesake subshell can hold up to six. They correspond to an azimuthal quantum number of 1.


spell the world that means to speak falsely


Chopin's piano sound innovatively relied on using these mechanical devices to alter the sound and resonance ofthe piano. The modern piano has three of these devices, which are manipulated by the pianist's feet


This specific type of harmonic oscillator has the same period regardless of the mass of the object and the amplitude.


derived from the Greek meaning "to digest"first extracted by Schwann in 1836enzyme that helps break down proteins in the stomach


"restructuring.Its objective was to make the command economy more efficient for Sovietconsumers.


primitive art that uses carving instead of drawing


They occur at critical points, when several forms of a substance can coexist. For 10 points, name these transformations which include melting and boiling.

phase transitions

CF is caused by a mutation in the gene CFTR at position 508, which results in a loss of this amino acid. This aromatic amino acid's namesake hydroxylase converts it into tyrosine.


Lavoisier's discovery of oxygen demonstrated the mechanism of combustion, thereby disproving the existence of thishypothetical "fire-like element" previously believed to be necessary for burning.


An early form of this medium was the daguerreotypeName this artistic medium created in the 19th century. Matthew Brady and Alexander Gardner used it to portray theaftermath at Civil War battlefields.


These structures involve the overlap of parallel, planar p-orbitals. They characterize alkenes and are represented by two lines drawn between atoms.

pi bond

Bill Evans played this instrument on Kind of Blue. Other jazz players of this instrument include Thelonius Monk andHerbie Hancock.


Candide includes elements of this novelistic genre. Late works in this genre included Simplicius Simplicissimus,Gil Blas, and The Expedition of Humphry Clinker.


secretes the hormone melatoninname the gland which coordinates daily and seasonal body activities such as sleep/wake cycles

pineal gland

Invented by James Devonshire, John Jaques III trademarked one commonly used name for this game.One notable doubles pairing is Timo Boll andMa Long, both of whom are ranked in the top 10 in the world by the ITTFname this game played with apaddle, small plastic ball and a net on a flat surface.

ping pong

Yukawa predicted the existence of these particles, which are composed of up and down quarks and theirantiquarks. The first "true" meson to be discovered wa s a charged example of this lightest meson.


Answer some questions about Chopin's piano technique, Chopin's first and last études both focus on this skill. The much easier first prelude in The Well-Tempered Clavier is played entirely with this technique, and was almost certainly the inspiration for Chopin's first étude

playing arpeggios

instrument consisting of a string with a heavy weight that is used by a brick layer to ensure the wall is perfectly vertical

plumb line

The last two stages of Kohlberg's theory are given this term. This level of morality includes social contract- and universal principle-based morality.


Term for which a generalization is accepted as true without proof and is used to prove mathematical theorems


Collectively, The Song of the Lark, O Pioneers! and My Ántonia are known as Cather's "This trilogy", named afterthe Midwestern frontiers where they are set. Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote of a "Little House on" this place.


what is designated by an arrow pointing down in a chemical equation


To oversimplify things, companies will produce more of a good when marginal cost is lower than this quantity,which is how much a good sells for. In other words, this quantity is how much a good costs a consumer to buy.


The first story in Dubliners, "The Sisters," centers on one of these men named Flynn. In A Portrait of the Artistas a Young Man, Stephen Dedalus goes to school with the help of one of these people named Conmee.


Weber coined this term, which proposes that the influence of Calvinism and similar religious movements explain the economic development of Western Europe. He paired this term with the "Spirit of Capitalism."

protestant ethic

. pH is related to the negative logarithm of the concentration of these in a solution. For 10 points each:[10] Name this particle which is an ionized hydrogen atom. According to the Brønsted-Lowry definition, it is donated by acids and accepted by bases.


astronomy term that refers to a collection of interstellar material that is massing together to form a star but hasnt undergone nuclear fusion


Thales was also a noted geometer, and he used his knowledge of similar triangles to measure the height of thesetombs of the Menkaure and Khafre

pyramids of Giza

When a giraffe was brought to the Ming court, it was thought to be one of these mythical creatures, depicted withantlers or horns. The modern Korean and Japanese words for the giraffe are derived from this animal.


An early demonstration of their theoretical capacitycame in 2001 with a possible demonstration of Shor's algorithm,The bits of this theoretical device, instead of being binary, would take on anyvalue between zero and one type of theoretical machine that operates using qubits.

quantam computer

Identify the following facts that might be useful when working with the spin of a particle, Spin exists in discrete values and can thus only be understood in the framework of this twentieth-centurybranch of physics. This field is best-known for its probabilistic predictions about reality, "exemplified" bySchrödinger's cat


These particles cannot be in isolation as a result of quantum confinementTheir interactions are mediated by theweak forcesubatomic particles come in six varieties, including up and charm, and are the constituents ofprotons


Fruit that comes from a small deciduous tree and is related to apples and pearsGolden yellow color that is native to southwest Asia


This quantity influences the units of the pre-exponential factor. In a rate equation, it is represented by the variables x and y.

reaction order

The Arrhenius equation relates the temperature of a reaction to this quantity. By lowering the activation energy, catalysts increase this quantity.

reaction rate

-Some viruses, including the retrovirus family, use this protein to go backwards - from RNA to DNA. -This proteinthus allows them to have an RNA genome.

reverse transcriptase

spell the term for the graduating student who is second highest in rank


Glengarry Glen Ross features people with this general profession. A 1949 Arthur Miller play is titled for the"Death" of one of these people.


Although press restrictions had lifted by his time, many of Solzhenitsyn's works were first read through thisform of dissident self-publication in the Soviet Union.


-Prions are pathogens that don't even use nucleic acids at all.-Instead, they cause debilitating diseases by causingsurrounding proteins to misfold -including this affliction that causes sheep to itch so hard they break their skin.


Also in his fifth voyage, Sinbad fights this type of deity. Greek examples include Proteus as well as Nereus, thefather of Thetis.

sea god



Baldur's funeral pyre was built on one of these objects named Hringhorn, which was intended to be cast out tosea. Objects of this kind also include one made of finger and toenails and one that could be folded up, Skidbladnir.


ecclesiastical crime word that derives its name from a character who appears in the Bible in the Acts of ApostlesRefers to the practice of providing payment to take positions in the church


Plate tectonics on the lithosphere is driven by mantle convection, "ridge push", and the "pull" of these objects. They become cool and dense as they move away from mid-ocean ridges, and when their weight exceeds shear, they fall below the continental crust.


A king with legs made out of these animals judged Poseidon's saltwater spring to be useless. The bottom half of Typhon and the tail of the Chimera were also this type of animal.


One early image in The Little Prince is a drawing of an elephant in the stomach of one of these animalswhichpresumably unhinged its jaw in order to eat the elephant.


After Arthur's affair with Morgause, the Questing Beast, which has the head and neck of this animal, appears tohim. Isis gained power over Ra after she paralyzed him with one of these venomous animals.


This instrument can produce a rim shot, which involves striking both its rim and its head at the same time. Name this percussion instrument that plays a constant ostinato in Boléro.

snare drum

Along with Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim, Weber is considered one of the founders of this social science that studies human behavior and institutions.


The Epistle to the Romans was used as a major justification for this article of Lutheran faith. This doctrinestates that good works are necessary, but not sufficient to be saved.

sola fide

This phenomenon can create corotating interaction regions. The northern lights, also known as Aurora Borealis, are seen close to the pole because of this phenomenon. For 10 points, name this phenomenon, a stream of plasma emitted from the Sun, which maintains its heliosphere.

solar wind

Colligative properties of a solution depend only on the number of molecules of this substance in a solution.This is the name for the substance that is dissolved in the solvent.


Acetylcholine is the only neurotransmitter used in this part of the peripheral nervous system. It is responsible for the voluntary control of body movements.

somatic nervous system

division of the peripheral nervous system that includes all the neurons connected with sense organskeeps body in touch with its surroundings and controls voluntary body movements

somatic nervous system

The New Colossus" is written in this poetic form which often features 14 lines and iambic pentameter. One by Shelley begins "I met a traveller from an antique land."


One desirable trait for these is stabilityThe 'bubble' type repeatedly swaps adjacent elements, and the inefficient'bogo' type randomly permutes the elementsclass ofalgorithms whose goal is to order the elements of a list.


These molecules are ions that appear in replacement reactions, but appear on both the reactant and product sidesdo not affect the overall reaction.

spectator ions

This quantity is the fourth of the quantum numbers describing an electron.Name this intrinsic quantum property of particles, analogous to angular momentum. Bosons have integer values forthis quantity, while fermions have half-integer values.


These devices are the canonical examples of elastic objects, which are described by Hooke's law. Name these objects that store mechanical energy in the compression of their metal coils. They are used toprovide elastic restoring forces in mattresses, watches, and vehicular suspensions.


To the Lighthouse is written in using this technique, coined by William James, which utilizes characters' thoughts asthe text, often switching perspectives.


Schubert often used his lieder as the basis for instrumental pieces; for instance, he used part of his song "Deathand the Maiden" in a piece in this genre. Beethoven dedicated a set of pieces in this genre to Count Razumovsky.

string quartets

The Yukawa interaction described this force as mediated by pions. As it turns out, this force between quarks is mediated by gluons.

strong force

Sicily is a hotspot of mining this elementcritical inrubber production due to its role in vulcanizationcalled brimstone in the Bible known for its distinctive yellow color and for smelling like rotten eggs.


A white dwarf may experience this event when itexceeds the Chandrasekhar limitThey can be caused by thecore collapse of an especially sizable star, and are grouped either as Type I or Type II.name these stellarexplosions


An enormous burst of neutrinos was observed from one of these events in the Large Magellanic Cloud in 1987.Identify these tremendously bright events, which sometimes occur in conjunction with a core collapse.Colloquially speaking, they are the "explosions" at the end of the lives of large stars


If the critical temperature of a liquid is known, this value for that liquid can be predicted by the Eötvös(" URT-vursh ") rule. Name this cohesive property exhibited at the boundary of many liquids. This property causes the formation of droplets and allows water striders to walk on water

surface tension

In a Yeats poem, one of these creatures "engenders...the broken wall, the burning roof and tower and Agamemnon dead" with Leda. He also wrote about "nine-and-fifty" of these creatures at Coole.


Deuterostomes are among the animals that exhibit the "bilateral" version of this property. Since humans alsohave the bilateral form of this property, our right sides look like a mirror image of our left sides


Hydrogen bonds between nitrogenous basesin this non-DNA molecule create its variable loops and 3-dimensional structure.A three-nucleotide sequence calledan anticodon is found on these molecules opposite molecules like methionine and alanineclassof "clover-leaf" shaped molecules that move amino acids to the ribosome in translation.


along with iron was the source of"Discourses" during the Han dynasty.The British tax on this substance inspired Mahatma Gandhi to lead a march to the sea andproduce some of this mineral.seasoning used to preserve meats that can be procured from theocean and primarily contains sodium chloride.

table salt

Like most operatic heroes, Pelléas is played by a singer with this high male voice type. It lies above the baritonerange but below altos and countertenors.


Fragonard is perhaps better-known for this work, which features a woman in pink kicking off her shoe. A man in the lower right corner appears to be looking up her dress.

the Swing

Winkler test. A solution is slowly dripped from a buret to an analyte until the endpoint is reached, which often involves a color change. Name this analytical chemistry technique that measures the concentration of an unknown solution.


During the French revolution, Lavoisier was accused of selling this substance and was guillotined as a result. It waspopularly cultivated at Jamestown for use in pipe smoking and is a major constituent of modern day cigarettes


Means the same thing as keynoteIn another context could mean a carbonated beverage flavored with quinine


Carmen leaves José for the flamboyant Escamillo, who has this profession. In Act Two, Escamillo sings an ariaoften called "[This profession] song."


These gates that mark the transition into sacred territory can also be found near shinto shrines. They usually consist of a black horizontal lintel across two vermillion poles.




Retroviruses can use the reverse form of this process to produce viral DNA from their RNA genomes. For 10 points each:[10] Name this process where messenger RNA pairs with DNA before being exported from the nucleus.


Answer some questions about higher-order bonds, Quadruple bonds are actually fairly common in compounds containing these elements, which have partiallyfilled d-subshells and therefore form colorful compounds.


Dendrochronology is the science of observing these patterns to infer geological history. They give informationabout both the age of a sample and climatic conditions, which can change their size.

tree rings

The only food item in Jahannam is a product of one of these items known as Zaqqum.Daphne turned into one of these objects to escape Apollo's love arrow-induced obsession. Name these objects that are possessed by dryads, a type of plant exhibited by Yggdrasil and other world-varieties of them.


Sextuple bonds exist in the diatomic gaseous forms of molybdenum and this metal, which has the highest melting point of any element.


The Navier-Stokes equations of fluid dynamics are famously difficult to solve, so we'll give you thecomparatively easier task of identifying some facts about them, The behavior of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations can be characterized by the Reynolds number, whichis low for smooth, laminar flow and high for this type of chaotic flow that often makes airplane rides uncomfortable.


According to Vietnamese lore, one of these animals called Than Quy was presented to Emperor Yao. All of historywas recorded on its carapace.


This type of pair of primes differs only by two. Their namesake conjecture states that there is an infinite number ofpairs of this type.

twin primes

Gauss' law form. The final velocity of an object dropped from a height h is equal to the square root of g h times this number, the reciprocal of which is multiplied by m v squared to give kinetic energy. acceleration is what derivative of position with respect to time?

two or second

In The Garden of Earthly Delights, one of these equine creatures is seen drinking from a pond in the upper left. Oneof these creatures is also shown captured in a round pen in a famous medieval tapestry.


A method called felicific calculus in this philosophical theory was first described in An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation. For 10 points, name this hedonistic theory founded by Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, striving for the greatest happiness for the most people.


In yeast, these structures may produce black particles made of crystallized sodium phosphates named "dancingbodies"pump out excesswater are called contractile ones while those used in digestion are called 'food' ones.Organelles that may represent 90% of a cell's volume and that play a role in thestorage of water, food and other materials.


-This theory uses orbital conformation to determine the three-dimensional shape of molecules. -often combinedwith molecular orbital theory.

valence shell electron pair repulsion ( Vesper)

Secondary xylem originates from this meristematic tissue, which is located between the xylem and phloem in vascular stems. It consists of undifferentiated, parallel rows of totipotent cells.

vascular cambium

The difference in how syrup and ethanol flow is due to this property shared by most fluid relates to theimpact of fluid particles moving at different speeds on overall flow.


The solution to the Navier-Stokes equations proposed this summer was wrong, but you can still get these bonus questions right. When this quantity is zero, the Navier-Stokes equations simplify to the more tractable Euler equations. It measures a fluid's resistance to flow.


type of horticulturist that works primarily in vineyards studying and producing grapes


This Hungarian-born member of the Institute for Advanced Study coined the term Mutually Assured Destruction developed many subfields of quantum mechanics, economics and computer science.

von Neumann

Johann Strauss the Younger is often considered the "king" of this musical genre. For 10 points each: [10] Name this style of composition in three-four time, often written to accompany a Viennese dance.


Best yields in the Fischer esterification are obtained when a Dean-Stark apparatus is used to remove thissubstance.Name this substance whose K-a at STP is "1-over-55, times 10-to-the-negative-fourteenth power." This substance is considered the "universal solvent," and its chemical formula is "H2O."


Thales believed the universe was made up of this substance one of Empedocles' four roots and a classicalelement along with fire, earth and air.


Japanese artist Hokusai created an iconic depiction of a "Great" one of these phenomena "off Kanagawa."


These compounds do not dissociate as much in solution as their stronger counterparts. Examples of these compounds include formic, hydrofluoric, and acetic.

weak acids

While holding this object, its owner worries about her piano playing and describes a conversation with MotherElizabeth. Name this item that the morphine-addicted Mary Tyrone holds during a long monologue at the end of the play.

wedding dress

This weapon is used by the Sycorax from Doctor Who. An action where one dances beside a moving vehicle is known as "ghost riding" this word Willow Smith song urges the listener to do this with one's hair. Signature weapon of Indiana Jones.


This substance is blessed with a prayer ending " borei p'ree ha-gafen."Name this alcoholic beverage central to Jewish rituals


The Great Wave off Kanagawa and other ukiyo-e artworks were made using this technique. It was used toproduce books in China for over a thousand years.


spell the word for an intense dislike or fear of people from other countries


This other British indie band included a song about "watch[ing] things on VCRs" on their 2009 self-titled debut. That album by this group also includes tracks like "Crystalised," "Basic Space," "Islands," and "Intro."


. This type of tissue contains elongated tracheids and shorter vessel elements that contain perforation plates. For 10 points each:[10] Name this type of plant tissue that transports water and dissolved solutes throughout plants. It contrasts with phloem.


The Dalai Lama is a monk of this school of Tibetan Buddhism. It is the youngest of the four major Tibetan schools

yellow hat

One might do the Sun Salutation in a studio dedicated to this activity. Poses in this Indian form of spiritualexercise include "Warrior," "Child," and "Boat."


Answer the following about finding the roots of a polynomial equation,The roots are the values of x at which the polynomial "f of x" evaluates to this number.


Although these molecules contain atoms with nonzero formal charges, they have a neutral net charge. Examples of these compounds include amino acids.


The only thing moving in this Wallace Stevens poem was the eye of the title bird. The speaker observes that thiscoal-colored avian "sat / In the cedar-limbs"

"13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird

short story published in Collier's magazine in 1952Most re-published science fiction storyset in 2055, time travel involving a Trexorigin of "The Butterfly Effect"

"A Sound of Thunder"

First played in the U.S. in 1815 to honor G. Washington at the end of War of 1812.march played by the US Marine Corps used to announce the entrance of president

"Hail to the Chief"

was the national anthem before "The Star Spangled Banner"Written by Hopkinson and inspired by the XYZ Affair in France

"Hail, Columbia"

written in 1847 with music taken from Offenbacholdest official US military song"From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli"

"Marines' Hymn"

This final, "mystic" movement of The Planets features female choruses singing from an adjacent room.


took one day to paint, 8 mins to sell in 2010 for $106 millionname of the Picasso painting that depicts the artist looking down at his mistress

"Nude, Green Leaves and Bust"

short story featuring a main character suffering from depression who is give the "rest cure" and ordered not to write, which he secret continues to doby Charlotte Perkins Gilman

"The Yellow Wallpaper"

The speaker of this poem states that he "was of three minds," and asks, "O thin men of Haddam / Why do you imagine golden birds?" For 10 points each:[10] Name this poem set "among twenty snowy mountains," in which the speaker describes the title creature as "a small part of the pantomime."

"Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird"

autobiography novel that famously said "Nothing ever comes to one, that worth having, except as a result of hard work"tells the story of a man from his beginnings as a slave child during the Civil War to his work at the Tuskegee Institute name the title of this autobiography by Booker T Washington

"Up From Slavery"

short story of a young man from New England who goes to the woods and meets the devilLearns that other people also have met himShort story by Nathanial Hawthorne

"Young Goodman Brown"

It's not retail, but workers in this sector have protested nationally in hopes of raising the minimum wage to $15.00. An employer in this sector insisted that 90% of its American locations were franchises that could face losses upon paying employees $15.00.


Goldsmith wrote She Stoops to Conquer during this century. Literary classics of this century include SamuelJohnson's Dictionary of the English Language and the Declaration of Independence.

18th Century

The rise of atonality occurred at the beginning of this century; it has thus sometimes been linked tocontemporaneous innovations like the Einstein's relativity, Planck's quantum physics, and Freud's psychoanalysis

1900s or twentieth century

The Locarno Treaties and the Kellogg-Briand pact were signed in this decade. In Europe, this decade wasmostly spent dealing with the aftermath of World War I.


In this novel by Murakami, Aomame is transported to an alternate dimension with two moons after killing a hotel guest, fulfilling the Dowager's assignment.


Assuming a Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium of two alleles with frequencies p and q, what is the expectedgenotype frequency for heterozygotes?


How many member are appointed to serve a grand jury


this amendment has been invoked six times since its ratification causing Ford to have been both VP and Pres without being electedwhich amendment gives Pres power to appoint a new VP if the current one dies or leaves during a term


How many minimal electoral votes would be required to become president if Guam and American Samoa were accepted as new states


The skull is composed of 22 bonesHow many bones are in the head


This conflict was stalled for 12 years until the outbreak of the Thirty Years' War. Name this war in which William of Orange was successful in overthrowing Habsburg rule over the Netherlands

80 Years' War

The protagonist of this novel attacks a writer and tears up a manuscript that shares a title with the novel itself.Ludovico Technique.Nadsat is spoken by teens, like Alex and his droogs, in this novel. Name this novel by Anthony Burgess.

A Clockwork Orange

This book was published posthumously, and won the 1980 Pulitzer Prize in Fiction. Name this novel telling of Ignatius J. Reilly's misadventures, partly inspired by his obsession with the writings ofBoethius.

A Confederacy of Dunces


A Midsummer Night's Dream

William Shakespeare play that includes the line, "Oh, what fools these mortals be"

A Midsummer Night's Dream

book by Walter Lord written in 1956book about the Titanic shipbest historical account of the ships last night

A Night to Remember

Dickens wrote this book about the French revolution in three parts. It begins with a sentence of contradictions that includes, "It was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity."

A Tale of Two Cities

Like Gadsby, this novel by Georges Perec conspicuously lacks the letter 'e'. It tells of the friends of Anton Vowlsearching to fill the emptiness that they inexplicably feel.

A Void

Give a few examples of a coordinating conjunction

ANY OF THESE ACCEPTABLE:afteralthoughasbecausebeforeeven ifeven thoughifin order that onceprovided thatrather thansinceso thatthanthatthoughunless untilwhenwheneverwherewhereaswhereverwhetherwhilewhy

This Beatles album's cover features the four band members crossing a London street. Come Together and Maxwell'sSilver Hammer are songs released on this album that remain popular.

Abbey Road

The failure of a lens or mirror to produce an image that is sharply focused and has the same proportion as the object being viewed


One form of this technique involves using Fourier transforms to analyze graphs plotting frequency versus absorbance. For 10 points each: Name this laboratory technique used to identify functional groups and concentrations in a sl based on how well they absorb light.

Absorption Spectropy

Common name for the organic compound named "ethyne"The main hydrocarbon used in cutting torches


Okonkwo was created by this Nigerian author. He is also famous for launching a critique on Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness and calling him "a thoroughgoing racist."


Okonkwo was created by this author Things Fall Apart and its sequel, No Longer at Ease.


he became the reason why people deny, forget, and make mistakes.He and his wife Hawwa are instructed to avoida certain tree, but Iblis convinces them to eat its fruit, causing their expulsion from Paradisefirstprophet of Islam, who in the Abrahamic religions is the first man created by God.


created a movement opposed to Pictorialism thatwas centered on sharp-focused images"Rose and Driftwood"f-stop 64"Monolith", "Face of Half" "Dome",and "El Capitan"


AKA "African lethargy" and "Congo trypanosomiasis"Caused by a protozoa that is transmitted by seet seet flies

African Sleeping Sickness

Class of fish that was probably the first vertebrate to appearNo jaws and attaches itself to other fishThe lamprey is an example


located 110 miles southeast of Delhi, Indiachosen by Emperor Akbar as the Mogul capital in 1560home to Taj Mahal


Egyptian pharaoh that named sun as only true god, moved capital from Thebes, and encouraged artists to make statues of himself


The second poem of Spleen and Ideal is titled for one of these birds, which the poem calls "kings of the sky." The title character kills one of these birds in Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner."


Stars name translates literally as "the follower"Giant red star that is the brightest star in the constellation Taurus, representing the bull's eye


One of Microsoft's co-founders Identify the partner of Bill Gates


In Copland's "popular" middle period, he tried to write music that "sounded like" this home country of his. The result was pieces like Appalachian Spring and Rodeo


Shepard and Hansberry are both from this country, also home to August Wilson and Arthur Miller.


Americans may begin receiving mailing and solicitations from this organization during their late fortiesWhat is the name of this organization that advocates for people ages 50 and over

American Association of Retired Persons

Created in 1967 by Bill ShearerNominated Gov George Wallace as a presidential candidate in 1968.

American Independent Party

Answer some questions about the Gordon Riots,The anti-Catholic Gordon Riots occurred during this war, in which General Cornwallis was defeated atYorktown. This war began in 1776.

American Revolutionary War

1996 memoir in which a young boy struggles with hunger, an abusive father and inadequacy. protagonist begged for food and eventually became a writerwritten by Frank McCourt

Angela's Ashes

This classic novel begins with the famous sentence: "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own wayFeatures Levin, Kitty and Vronsky

Anna Karenina

This title character of a novel by Leo Tolstoy falls in love with Count Vronsky to the dismay of her husband, AlexeiAlexandrovich.

Anna Karenina

Henry's fourth wife was this Flemish woman, who, according to legend, either looked or smelled like a horsehismarriage to her lasted only six months.

Anne of Cleves

phylum composed of invertebrates that have segmented bodies with bilateral symmetryincluded leeches and earthworms


point on a stationary wave on which component waves arrive in phase with each other causing max amplitude


Also known as the Battle of SharpsburgSeptember 17, 1862 in MarylandBloodiest battle in the Civil War


Several kings of Persia trace their lineage to the grandfather of Cyrus I gives his name to this alternate name for thePersian empire.


This Greek mathematician and physicist appears on the obverse of the Fields Medal. He once remarked that "Giveme a place to stand and with a lever I will move the whole world".


This figure killed Halirrhothius, who was the rapist of his daughter AlcippeDuring the Trojan War, he was stabbed by Diomedes, and his scream stopped battles from both sides.Greek god of war.


Hera is associated with peacocks because their eye-like designs commemorate the hundred-eyes of this man, her henchman. After Hermes put all of this watchman's eyes to sleep, he slew him with a stone.

Argus Panpotes

Daughter of King Minis who fell in love with Theseus Helped Theseus defeat the Minotaur by giving him a ball of thread that he could use to mark his way back through the Labyrinth


This ancient Greek comic playwright wrote The Frogs. In this author's play Lysistrata, the wives of soldiers swear abstinence until the Peloponnesian War is over.


The Lyceum was a school located outside the walls of Athens along the Illissus River Which Greek philosopher founded this school in 335 B.C.


Thomas Aquinas equated God with the "unmoved mover" from this man's Metaphysics. Name this Greek philosopher who established the Peripatetic School in his Lyceum. His works include On Interpretation and Poetics.


Red-colored home uniform with a hyphenated team logoSame division with Dodgers and Giants

Arizona Diamondbacks

Also known as The International Exhibition of Modern ArtShow that introduced Duchamp, Cezanne, van Gogh, Matisse, and Picasso in 1913 to NYC

Armory Show

This man's unintentionally incestuous relationship with his sister Morgause led to the birth of Mordred, whowould cause his downfall. Name this legendary king of Britain, who ruled in Camelot and presided over the Round Table. Legend saysthat he will one day return to lead the Britons to victory over their enemies.


In the Prose Edda, Snorri Sturluson claims that this mythical location was based on the city of Troy. Name this place home to Thor, whom Snorri portrays as a grandson of Priam. Odin rules this realm of the gods,which contains Valhalla and is destroyed during Ragnarök.


group of early 20th century American artists"New York Realists" or "The Eight"group of artists who depicted scenes of alleys, tenements and slums

Ashcan School

This city became a complete democracy in 508 BC due to Cleisthenes. For 10 points,[10] Socrates and Hippocrates were of this city during its Golden Age, in which Pericles built the Parthenon on the Acropolis. Name this city, whose great navy later defeated the Persians at Salamis.


Washington advocated for, while fellow civil rights leader du Bois strongly opposed this 1895agreement with Caucasian leaders in the South, which provided for education and justice for African-Americans.

Atlanta Compromise

-The pulley is a central part of the design of this apparatus-designed in 1784 by an English physicist who sought todemonstrate the laws of classical mechanics -It can be used to model string tension.

Atwood machine

Shah Jahan was succeeded by this emperor, who pushed the Mughal Empire to its greatest extent. He abandoned the Mughal policy of religious toleration and executed his brother Murad Baksh


New Holland was a historical name for this countryThe Dutch explorer Willem Janszoon first found this large Southern Hemisphere island, Abel Tasman wasthe first to apply it to this island country.


Prussian naturalist and explorer Ludwig Leichhardt disappeared in this country.The first British colony in what would become this country was located at Van Diemen's Land.Discovered by James Cook. Name this country with capital at Canberra.


This Persian philosopher and physician of the Islamic Golden Age is famous for translating the works of Plato and Aristotle along with Ibn-Rushd.


In 1309, Pope Clement V moved the papacy to this city located on the border of France Remained there for 67 years until it returned to rome


Answer some questions about everybody's favorite human sacrificers. This empire in present-day Mexico practiced human sacrifice and was founded in 1428 by Itzcoatl. It had itscapital at Tenochtitlan until it was conquered by Hernán Cortés in 1521.


This civilization also played the Mesoamerican ballgame, using it to determine sacrifices to their god of war,Huitzilopochtli


Antibodies are secreted by these white blood cells. When an antigen binds to the surface of them, they divide and mature into plasma cells.

B cells

Students and researchers often use this algorithm to search known genomes for a given sequence. It wasdeveloped by the NCBI


Shah Jahan was a descendant of this first Mughal emperor. His ancestors included Tamerlane and Genghis Khan.


This man descended from the Mongol conqueror Tamerlane and founded the Mughal Empire, which he ruled from 1526 to 1530In 1504, he seized Kabul in Afghanistan


Mesopotamia, meaning between two rivers in Greek, is located in the eastern portion of the Fertile Crescent. Name this city in Mesopotamia which was the capital of Hammurabi's empire. Sargon of Akkad claimed to have built this city, which included the Hanging Gardens.


Religion in which the Universe is separated into five realmsmodern Persian religion that considersMuhammad, Moses, and Jesus to be among its prophetsfounded by Bahá'u'lláh


The first European to see the eastern shores of the Pacific OceanHe accomplished this feat in 1513 after crossing the Panama


His mother Frigga extracted an oath from all things in the world, except for mistletoe, to never harm him. Name this Norse god of light, the son of Odin and Frigga and father of Forseti.


remainder of the mixture of fertilizer that is not needed for plant growth.often made of limestone or slag


This event typically occurs around age 12 or 13 in Jewish youthsyouth reads from the Torah aslo dons a tallit for the first time

Bar Mitzah

Turning point in the first of these wars was William Eaton's capture of DerneStephen Decatur led a daring raid on the enemy-controlled USS Philadelphia and burned it. Name these wars sparked by the US's refusal to pay tribute to Berber pirates sponsored by some namesake North African states.

Barbary Wars

Most of Gaudi's works, including the Sagrada Familia, can be found in this city. This second-largest city in Spain is the capital of the Catalonia region.


This man, who spent much of his career at the University of Illinois, is the only person to win two Nobel Prizes in Physics. He won the first of those prizes for work with Shockley and Brattain to invent the transistor.


-he worked to preserve the folk music of Serbia and Croatia. -Name this musician who wrote the ballet The Wooden Prince.


This other emperor expanded the Byzantine empire from southern Italy to the Euphrates River. He became known as the Bulgar Slayer after battles at Thessalonica and Kleidion, or Belasica.

Basil II



Charles D'Albret commanded one side.It took place on St. Crispin's Day,centerpiece of William Shakespeare's play Henry V.1415 victory for the British in the 100 Years War.

Battle of Agincourt

Les Fleurs Du Mal is a collection of poems by this man, also known for his French translations of Edgar Allan Poe.


Eco also wrote this novel in which a knight sets off on a journey to find the kingdom of Prester John and falls in love with a satyr-like female creature.


Marcel Breuer designed those chairs for this German art school of the early twentieth century. Its directorsincluded Walter Gropius and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.


French existentialist author/philosopher who wrote "She Came to Stay" and "Ethics of Ambiguity"feminist, marxist, and friend of Jean Paul Sartre


appointed by King Henry II as Lord Chancellor in 1155also later appointed archbishop of canterburycried "will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?!"


Running spectroscopy on solutions of varying concentrations will show that absorbance and concentration are linearly proportional, therefore affirming this law. It is commonly written as A = e L c.

Beer's Law

This Conservative Canadian Prime Minister politician served for five years between Mackenzie King's second and third tenures, issued hisown "New Deal" in 1935 to counter the Great Depression.


a character's head is described as being so heavy that it takes four men to carry it.One warrior in this work is WiglafGrendel, his mother, and a dragon arefought by the eponymous warrior


-Cape Prince of Wales, Alaska, is 51 miles away from Cape Dezhnev, Russia across this strait -connecting the Pacificand Arctic Oceans.

Bering Strait

This philosopher attacked the use of infinitesimals in The Analyst. He was mainly known for the development of what came to be called "subjective idealism," the belief that only mental things and minds themselves exist.


A famous English translation of and commentary on this text was titled [this text] as It Is. Name this section of an epic poem, a dialogue in which a charioteer counsels an archer during the KurukshetraWar.

Bhagavad Gita

The Bhagavad Gita is found in a section of the Mahabharata named for this first commander of the Kauravaforces. This warrior unwillingly vowed an oath of celibacy, and was allowed to choose when he wanted to die.


Deposed prime minister of Pakistan hanged on April 4, 1979Founder of the Pakistan People's Party


Media furor over this president's "Travelgate" scandal led his Deputy White House Counsel, Vince Foster, to resign and commit suicide.This president's administration instituted the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy. He became president after serving as Governor of Arkansas and once claimed in a press conference that he "did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky."

Bill Clinton

2009 Peter Darling took home award for best choreography for this musicalstory about a young English boy who gives up boxing for balletmade into a musical by Hall and Elton John

Bill Elliot

This former editor-in-chief of Grantland.com was suspended by ESPN for three weeks because of his combativecomments on Roger Goodell's handling of the Ray Rice scandal. He is now employed by HBO.

Bill Simmons

This novel features Joseph Faehmel's girlfriend, Marianne, who tells of how her brother had been killed by her mother under the orders of her Nazi father. For 10 points each:[10]Name this novel in which an architect adopts the bellhop Hugo and gives him the first slice of a cake shaped like the Westminster Abbey.

Billiards At Half-Past Nine.



One of these things made from the toenails and fingernails of the dead will arrive during Ragnarok. Freyr owned one of these things that was of such fine craftsmanship it could be folded up into a pocket when not in use called Skidbladnir. The supposed greatest of these things was Hringhorni, which was used as Baldr's funeral pyre after his death. Ra traveled through the sky on a morning and an evening one of these things. Horus beat Set in a competition involving these things by constructing one from wood painted to look like stone this type of vessel on which Charon transports the dead across the River Styx


First golfer to achieve a Grand Slam in 1930

Bobby Jones

According to legend, this man silently meditated in a cave for nine years, until Huike got hisattention by cutting off his arm and offering it to him. Name this monk, usually depicted with a beard and blue eyes. This twenty-eighth patriarch of Buddhism taughtproto-kung fu at Shaolin monastery




Another of Theodoric's scholars was this man, who "wrote" important treatises on the liberal arts of arithmetic and music. He's most famous for his book The Consolation of Philosophy, written while he was awaiting execution.


responsible for a hostage situation involving 10 Chinese workers in 2014Its founder, Yusuf, was killed in 2009extremist group based in Nigeria

Boko Haram

Henry used his adviser Thomas Wolsey and his influence in Rome to have his marriage to Catherine annulled infavor of this other woman who was beheaded three years after their marriage.


This modern-day country, initially called "Upper Peru" by the Spanish, contained vast silver mines like the one at Potosi and Huancavelica, and was ruled from what is now Sucre.


This author of Billiards at Half-past nine also wrote The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum, The Safety Net, and The Bread of Those Early Years.


A law relating a blackbody's radiative power to the fourth power of temperature is co-named for this man and Stefan. Name this Austrian physicist whose namesake constant is equal to the ideal gas constant over Avogadro's constant.


Parker and Stone, along with Robert Lopez, created this Tony-winning musical about proselytizers of the title textwho travel to Uganda. It includes songs like "Hasa Diga Eebowai" and "Sal Tlay Ka Siti".

Book of Mormon

Due to the fact that this element only wants six electrons in its valence shell, it is a frequent violator of the octet rule. For 10 points, name this metalloid element with atomic number 5 and symbol B.


A later explorer, James Cook also went to the eastern part of New Hollandlanding the HMS Endeavor for the firsttime in this bay, 13 kilometers south of modern day Sydney.

Botany Bay

Wrote a funeral mass that used the text of the Luther Bible.First symphony was nicknamed "Beethoven's Tenth." Composer of the German Requiem, Academic Festival Overture, and a namesake lullaby.


During the American Revolution, General Howe and his troops crossed this Pennsylvania river north of the Americanposition. The British victory at the battle named for this river allowed them to occupy Philadelphia


This other painter co-developed cubism with Picasso. His own paintings include several views of L'Estaque,Violin and Candlestick, and Man With a Guitar.


In this novel, the mantra is "everyone belongs to everyone else"is set in the year 632 "After Ford".

Brave New World

The Manifesto was supported by this man, who was then Minister to Great Britain. During his presidency, theUtah War was fought, the Lecompton Constitution was drafted, and the Dred Scott case was decided.


Type of funnel used for rapid filtration of solids and precipitates from solutionsMade from porcelain and use filter paper


This painting created an enormous stir at the Salon of 1850.Name this enormous painting that depicts ordinary bourgeois life as if it were a scene from ancient history. It puts religious figures side-by-side with townsfolk and peasants

Burial At Ornans

The alternative minimum tax was indexed to inflation in an attempt to avoid budget sequestration and the fiscal cliff in the second extension of this set of acts. Name those revenue-lowering acts, whose namesake signed the first of them into law just months after his defeat of Al Gore.

Bush Tax Cuts

when playing a chord on a piano, what note serves as the diminished seventh of the D diminished seventh chord

C-flat (or B)

Cleopatra bore this son to Julius Caesar. He co-ruled with his mother but was strangled after her death—on Octavian's orders, according to some sources


Chemical compound present in limestone, marble, chalk, and calciteFormula is CaCO3

Calcium Carbonate

This large city was the headquarters of the English East India Company after 1773. Situated on the Ganges delta, this city saw Britishers imprisoned by the Nawab of Bengal in its namesake "Black Hole", and the battle of Plassey was fought north of it.


Volcanic feature found at the top where the original peak collapsed into an empty chamberCrater Lake is an example


The Rancheria Act was specifically established for this state, which was the origin of the case US v. Kagama. Along with Texies, Arkies, and Missies, Okies were the majority of Depression-era migrant farm workers in this state.The first Republican candidate for President was a Senator from this state, and that man was John C. Fremont. For 10 points, name this state where the Bear Flag Republic was suppressed.


told that he would sooner ride across the Bay of Naples then become emperorRoman emperor and successor to Tiberius who was known for his decadence and possible insanity


"Dark Reaction"Named after Berkley scientist who won 1961 Nobel Prize in Chemistryseries of reactions that take place within a chloroplast to produce carbs and other compounds from CO2

Calvin Cycle

Carter led negotiations in 1978 which led to this agreement. The next year, it led to the first peace treaty between Israel and Egypt.

Camp David Accords

This artist painted a tax collector being inspired to join Christ and Judith Beheading HolofernesBaroque artist of The Calling of Saint Matthew and Amor Vincit Omnia.


In this opera, the title character compares love to a rebellious bird and a gypsy's child in an aria usually called "Habañera." Name this opera by Georges Bizet, in which Don José is seduced by the title gypsy.


This opera begins outside a cigarette factory. Name this opera in which the title character sings "Habanera", which makes heavy use of the chromatic scale, whilstwooing the soldier Don José.


Which mountain chain separates the Czech Republic from Slovakia, its neighbor to the southeast

Carpathian Mountains

He won the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize for his work to resolve international conflict and promote human rights. For 10 points each:[10] Name this president inaugurated in 1977, who was succeeded by Ronald Reagan. His Presidency saw the Soviets invade Afghanistan and Iran kidnap 52 Americans.


Her brothers included Hector and ParisHer parents were Priam and HecabeThis woman could correctly foretell the future, but nobody would believe her



Cat Stevens

character waits for a "click"after he drinks alcohol to cope with death of his friend SkipperGooper and Mae attempt to steal their father'sestate from that characterTennessee Williams play aboutthe Pollitt family's feud over inheritance.

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

"Let the buyer beware"

Caveat emptor

18th century scientist that measured the force of gravityDiscovered hydrogen, which he called "inflammable air"


Lumpy, dimpled fat deposits beneath the skin


Generations of Greek and Roman heroes who sought entrance to the Underworld had to deal with this creature ifthey were still alive.Name this three-headed dog, which Heracles carried off to Argos in his last labor.


The protagonist of this novel steals a barber's basin that he believes is the mythic Mambrino's helmet and continuously professes his love for Dulcinea of Toboso. Featuring the squire Sancho Panza, Name this novel written by Miguel de Cervantes in which a man becomes a knight after reading chivalric romances.


Most widespread ore of copperNicknamed "peacock ore" due to its many colors


One ruler of this name was successful in the Scanian War, while another gained the throne following a victory at Benevento. Nicknamed "the Bald" That king had gained his inheritance via the Treaty of Verdun from another king of this name, who based his kingdom at Aix-la-Chapelle.Give this name shared by the last Hapsburg monarch of Spain and the first Holy Roman Emperor.


First English king who faced a public trial and then was executed in 1649Cromwell's forces captured him in 1648

Charles the First

came from work by Gay-Lussacstate the volume of gas at constant pressure is directly proportional to abs temperature

Charles's Law

How High the Moon," and he collaborated with Dizzy Gillespie to write "Anthropology." The titles of a number of his works, such as "Ornithology," derive from this musician's nickname. For 10 points, name this jazz saxophonist nicknamed Yardbird.

Charlie Parker Jr

Like Lucy Snowe, a teacher at a French boarding school in Villette, Jane Eyre is the protagonist and narrator of a novel by this author.

Charlotte Bronte

Leader of Venezuela that is popular with the lower economic class since he redistributed the country's oil wealth


In one of his short stories, a shepherd warns Meliton of the impending demise of nature. A principle named for him states that a gun "hanging on the wall...must go off"Russian author of The Seagull and The Cherry Orchard.


Cooley sought out ways to cause factions to form in this groupmember of the "Five GoodTribes" were the plaintiffs in Worcester v. Georgia, Native American tribe whose writing system was invented bySequoia.


This effect allows the spin of a particle to be isolated from the particle itself. It was first observed in 2014 withneutrons and their magnetic moment, and is named after a literary feline.

Cheshire Cat

One mayor of this city was killed in Miami, Florida during an assassination attempt on Franklin D. Roosevelt. famous Hull House, and this city was home to the first skyscraper.


Pablo Neruda was a poet from this nation, which is also home to the writer Gabriela Mistral.


This 1999 NL MVP spent his entire 19 year career as a member of the Atlanta Braves. He was the number one overall pick in the 1990 MLB Draft.

Chipper Jones

He formulated the concept of the "poverty of the stimulus" regarding child language acquisition. For 10 points, name this linguist and MIT professor who argued that the ability to learn language is hard-wired into the brain, a theory typically known as "universal grammar."


This composer of a Revolutionary etude was apocryphally inspired by a dog chasing its tail to write his "minute" waltz.


Priscilla and Aquila helped spreadthis group's messagethese people were heldresponsible by Nero for the Great Fire of Romegroup of religious adherents to Jesus whose ranks included Constantine.


This author's The Mousetrap is the longest-running play in world history.created Jane Marple. and Hercule Poirot "And Then They Were None"


This Colonial Secretary was a British representatives at the Treaty. He would later suppress the Mau-Mau rebellion and the Malayan Emergency as Prime Minister, and, of course, never surrender to the Nazis.


Traveled to rome in 460 BC and was a dictator for the next 19 yearsroman ruler whose name is lent to 3rd largest city in Ohio


Dryden translated the Aeneid from this language. Other works in this language include Horace's Satires and Ovid's Metamorphoses.

Classical Latin

one of the "Big Five" orchestras that plays its concerts at Severance Hall and conducted by Franz Welser-Most

Cleveland Orchestra

Francisco Duran shot at who he believed to be this President.


One character created by this author wrote The House on Eccles Street, a retelling of Ulysses from Molly Bloom's perspectiveIdentify this South African author of Elizabeth Costello. He also wrote of the Magistrate's torture at the hands of Colonel Joll in Waiting for the Barbarians.


"Kubla Khan" and "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" were written by what author of "Christabel" a friend ofWilliam Wordsworth


Years at this institution are called "promotions." Name this Bruges-based postgraduate institution that specializes in international law and political science

College of Europe

This Sinn Fein leader was a prominent figure of the First Dail and participated in negotiating the Anglo-Irish Treaty. For this he was assassinated in 1922 by his fellow Irish Republican Army members.


This massacre occurred on April 20, 1999.Name this high school shooting carried out by two Colorado students, which resulted in increased scrutiny ofantidepressants and violence in video games.


Mead's most famous work comes from studies done on the island of Ta'u in this location.

Coming of Age in Samoa

CSVsimple type of text file used for dataused in moving data from one base to another

Comma Separated Values

What term should you be looking for in the "Money" section of the U.S Today newspaper if you wanted to know the current price of coffee, silver, corn, or gold


Copland scored only brass and percussion instruments in a "Fanfare for" this subject. He was inspired by a Henry Wallace speech announcing the "century of" this.

Common Man

1859 Discovery of a rich silver deposit near Virginia City

Comstock Lode

The Housatonic was sunk by the H. L. Hunley, a ship from this nation during the Civil War. This nation's ironcladVirginia also fought the Monitor.


This unfinished novel serves as Mann's parody on Goethe's autobiography "Poetry and Truth." Its protagonist is a "confidence man" who says, "I cannot conceal from myself that I am made of superior stuff or, as people say, of finer clay."

Confessions of Felix Krull

The Articles of Confederation were replaced in 1788 by this current supreme law of the U.S. According to itspreamble, it was established in order to "form a more perfect union."


Won the Tour de France in 2010 but title came into jeopardy after two failed drug testsSpanish cyclist referred to as the best climbing specialist and stage racer in the world


Rodeo is a ballet by this American composer of Billy the Kid. Martha Graham choreographed his ballet Appalachian Spring.


This man's friendship with Carlos Chávez formed a deep influence on his understanding of musical tone,inspiring his first ever international success "El Salon Mexico"He composed suites like Billy the Kid and Rodeo before composing a work choreographed byMartha GrahamAmerican composer of the ballet Appalachian Spring, which has a movement inspired by the Shaker hymn "SimpleGifts"


Ricardo feuded with Thomas Malthus regarding these pieces of British legislation.Enacted in 1815intended tosupport domestic grain manufacturingRobert Peel repealed them in 1846.

Corn Laws

What type of conjunction is used in the following sentencesNot only Julia, but also Wendy were sent to the office by Ms. Jones


This country has often been cited as the "greenest in the world," since it produces all of its electricity fromrenewable sources. Name this small Central American country. It abolished its standing army, like its southern neighbor, Panama.

Costa Rica

The Burial At Ornans was the first major success for this nineteenth-century French artist, who also painted TheOrigin of the World.


He suffered after a god caught his tail, turning its tip whitethis figure had been following the Navajo since the beginning of time. Southwestern trickster god who occasionally takes the form of a canine


-Haring painted this mural on a wall visible from the Harlem River Drive -inspired by an assistant who was strugglingwith cocaine addiction.

Crack is Wack

author that traveled to Cuba to cover Spanish American Warboat sank and was strandedwrote "The Open Boat" about these events


This construction company, founded by Thomas Durant, charged the Union Pacific Company twice the amount of necessary funds during the building of the Railroad. It caused a namesake scandal.

Credit Mobilier

Many practitioners of Vodou speak dialects of this languagea combination of various languages and French.


One character in this novel says he is "going to America" and shoots himself on a bridge. For 10 points, name this novel by Fyodor Dostoyevsky featuring the murderer Raskolnikov.

Crime and Punishment

This work by Immanuel Kant differentiated between a priori and a posteriori and contains the Transcendental Doctrine of Elements and the Transcendental Doctrine of Method. It was followed two years later by the Critique of Judgment.

Critique of Pure Reason

A man in this novel is tasked with finding Sibeko's daughter.Absalom Kumalo is sentenced to be executed for the murder of Arthur Jarvis. The priest Stephen Kumalo travels to Johannesburg, a novel by Alan Paton.

Cry, the Beloved Country

Eisenhower authorized the CIA to overthrow the government in this country, which had earlier fought the Ten Years' War against Spain, and saw the explosion of La Coubre in its' capital's harbor soon after.


George Gershwin created this orchestral work, originally titled Rumba, after spending a vacation in Havana.

Cuban Overture

The synchro- variety of this device guides particles along a path with a constant radius. Name this type of particle accelerator which uses applied electric fields to accelerate particles in an outward spiral. The largest one, TRIUMF, is located in the University of British Columbia.


Byzantine missionary that worked to invent a namesake alphabet in the 9th century for the Slavs to read the Bible


In Tibetan Mahayana Buddhism, the person with this title is an incarnation of Avalokiteshvara. The 14th and currentone is Tenzin Gyatso.

Dalai Lama

Chemist that formulated The Law of Partial Pressures and developed the Atomic Theory


This poet wrote about trees that bleed and wrote the line, In another work he describes a journey through heaven guided by his beloved, Beatrice. Name the Italian author of Vita Nuova and The Divine Comedy.


One branch of this tradition believes that there are three cloud-souls and seven white-souls that together formthe human soul.Lao Tzu wrote the central text of this religionChinese school ofphilosophy that means "the way"?


1924 defense attorney who represented to Chicago teens who thought they could get away with murder


Wheelan describes one form of this concept by comparing theabilities of Bill Gates and Bubba the Meth Addict term for economic goods thatmay be used in production titles a book by Karl Marx and Frederich Engels.

Das Kapital

The discovery of a rubber hose indicates that the protagonist of this play is contemplating suicide. Willy Loman.Title character crashes his car so that his family members Linda, Biff, and Happy can collect his life insurance money.

Death of a Salesman

Act Parliament passed on the same day it removed the Stamp ActSaid that Parliament had the right to pass any law it wanted

Declaratory Act

Noun refers to "act of throwing someone out of a window"This word is closely associated with an incident in 1618 in Prague


In order to safely enter the Underworld for his final labor, Heracles was initiated into the cult of this goddess.She lived in Eleusis under the name Doso and tried to make Demophon immortal.


This character from A Midsummer Night's Dream loses the girl he loves to Lysander. He says to her in the woods, "Relent, sweet Hermia."


This man frequently wrote about Christmas, churning out five novels about the holiday. For 10 points each:[10] Name this author who created Oliver Twist, Ebenezer Scrooge, and David Copperfield during his 33 year writing career.


Her workswere not originally titled and many were published posthumously by her familysolitary "Belle of Amherst" wrote the poem "Because Icould not stop for death".


Carbohydrates are on of the three main classes of food Sucrose, which consists of two simple sugar molecules connected by one oxygen atom is classified as which type of carbohydrates


In this work, Zerlina sings "Batti, batti" to her fianceé, after her wedding is ruined with the"Champagne Aria".The finale of this operashows the title character being dragged to hell by a statue of the CommendatoreOpera about a Spanish womanizer who refuses to repent, by Wolfgang AmadeusMozart.

Don Giovanni

Published in 1886Identify the title of this gothic work by Robert Louis Stevenson

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

1964 film featured Major T.J. "King" Kong riding a bomb. Peter Sellers had three roles in this film, includingthe title characterGeorge C. Scott's performance as Buck Turgidson was widely praised.

Dr. Strangeglove

An employee of this company inadvertently released insider data in the same week as he won three-hundred fiftythousand dollars from its main rival.Name this Boston-based startup. In 2015, this company announced advertising deals with MLB, ESPN, and theNFL, While its main rival, FanDuel, entered into a similar agreement with the NBA.


A notable translation of the Aeneid was performed by this 17th century English poet. He declared "all humans are subject to decay, and when fate summons, monarchs must obey" in his Mac Flecknoe, and also wrote the satire Absalom and Achitophel.


Marx was also a major influence on this earlier black thinker's book Black Reconstruction In America. He discussed the "double-consciousness" forced on black Americans in The Souls of Black Folk.

Du Bois

collection of short stories with the following lines by James Joyce:"she sat at the window watching the evening invade the avenue. She was tired"


-Bartók's only opera was this one-based on a Hungarian folk tale-which tells of an aristocrat shunned because of hisdistinctive facial hair.

Duke Bluebeard's Castle

The Belgians surrendered in the battle preceding this action, during which over 400 tanks wereleft behindThe Halt Order given by Hitler gave time for this event to happen1940 action, codenamed "OperationDynamo" which took place on the beaches and harbors of northern France

Dunkirk evacuations

The song "Goin' Home" is based on an iconic English horn solo in this composer's most famous work, which African-American spirituals inspired him to write during a trip to the United States. For 10 points, name this Czech composer of Slavonic Dances and the "New World" symphony.


This man served as both President of Columbia University and President of the United States. Name this man who was the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe during World War II and whose vice president was Richard Nixon. He was succeeded by John F. Kennedy.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

this strain of bacteria was the culprit of a recent food poisoningoutbreak at Chipotle restauarnts.sometimes-infamous bacteria and model organism. Its lac-operon is highly studied in regulatory genetics

E. coli

This machine is regarded as the first electronic digital computer.completed in 1946 at the University ofPennsylvania, and was operational until 1955.


subsidiary of ABC and Disney was founded in 1978 in Bristol, Connecticutsports news channel whose programs include SportsCenter.


This Basque separatist organization is known for its violent tacticsassassinated Prime Minister LuisCarrero Blanco with a car bomb in 1973


This centrally-planned nation was occupied by Soviet forces until 1949, saw less impressive economic growththan its western neighbor did.

East Germany

before this agreement, Christians in Rome were persecuted by property seizure and executionsin AD 313, Constantine (Rome's first Christian emperor) created this letter that was signed by he and Licinius

Edict of Milan

Herodotus claimed that Helen never arrived in Troy, and was in fact hidden away in this location. Name this location, the furthest extent of Menelaus' voyage home according to the Odyssey


woman that played huge role in development of anarchist political philosophy in early 20th centurydeported to russia in 1917followers include Czologsz, the assassin of McKinley

Emma Goldman

This organelle, which is connected to the nuclear envelope, is the site of steroid synthesis, as well as the conversion of toxins into water-soluble toxins. It is comprised by flat disks called cisternae, and the outsides of this organelle are studded in ribosomes, where protein synthesis occurs. For 10 points each, name this cellular organelle coming in "smooth" and "rough"

Endoplasmic Reticulum

This country used administrative divisions called Presidencies and Princely States in ruling India. For 10 points each:[10] This country's later-corrupt East India Company used indirect rule to gain territory, but it was forced to implement direct rule after the Sepoy Mutiny. Name this country whose Queen Victoria became the "Empress of India".


This school of thought advocated for a simple life that minimizes pain.Lucretius, author of On the Nature of Things, and Horace, who quipped "Carpe Diem," subscribed to whatphilosophy?


Gouverneur Morris proposed to build this canal off of the Mohawk Riverconnected to Lake Oneida and theFinger Lakes on the way to its terminus at its namesake body of water.


Hugo also created this Romani girl, who is switched at birth with the "creation of the devil", QuasimodoThe corpsesof the two are later found intertwined in the Gibbet of Montfaucon.


literary character whose name means "Hope"main character from "The House on Mango Street"


The 1896 battle of Adwa was this country's last major victory against its future colonizer. This country was independent until occupied before World War II, though Menelik II had previously ceded control of Eritrea to Italy. For 10 points, name this Christian nation in East Africa with a capital at Addis Ababa.


What is the second largest city in OregonLocated in a timber rich area in the Willamette River Valleu


Alexander Pushkin wrote about this character who kills Lensky in a duel and is rejected by his earlier love Tatiana ina novel in verse. The character came to title the "stanza" of rhyme scheme and meter used in the novel.

Eugene Onegin

Two promotions at the College of Europe were named after Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman, founders of thisorganization. This organization was a common market in Western Europe for its namesake two commodities

European Coal and Steel Community

Tiny tube that links the nasopharynx to the middle earhelps keep the pressure inside the ear equal to pressure outside the ear

Eustachian tube

Latin term that refers to a refractive law, or a law that makes a past act illegal that wasn't before

Ex post facto

Person responsible for disbursement of property for a dead personResponsible for carrying out the provisions of another's will


-If a Duelist has all five in his hand, then heautomatically wins the Duel.


While in Midian, Moses also encountered the burning bush, a major plot element of this book of the Bible whichtakes its English name from the mass movement of the Hebrews from Egypt.


-Egyptian symbol of protection -emblem of a falcon-headed Egyptian god.

Eye of Horus

In 2015, this organization's Ethics Committee banned Jack Warner for lifesuspension of President Sepp Blatter for 90 daysA concurrent investigation concerns thisorganization's role in awarding events to Russia in 2018 and Qatar in 2022


Polish born, Dutch physicist that invented the first accurate thermometer in 1724


Let's see how much you know about everyone's favorite place—the Arctic. First name this eighteen-island archipelago, which is known for its salmon fishing. It has been a self-governing country within Denmark since 1948, with capital at Tórshavn.


Father of movement were Gauguin and RousseauCentral figures included Matisse, Derain, and VlaminckArt movement characterized by raw, vibrant colors


Kierkegaard wrote this work, which examines Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac, under the alias Johannes de Silentio.

Fear and Trembling

Lagrange's Theorem can be used to prove an important result in number theory, this man's "Little Theorem." Thisman's "Last Theorem" was proved by Andrew Wiles in the 1990s.


This secondary circulation appears between the polar cells and Hadley cells, those circulations causing the existence of it. It thus appears approximately between 30 and 60 degrees latitude.

Ferrell Cells

Consecutive ones are the slowestinput for Euclid's algorithm naturally-occurring recursive sequence of integers that begins with either 0,1 or 1,1,2sum of any two consecutive ones yieldsthe next.


Both "The Library of Babel" and "The Garden of Forking Paths" are featured in this collection by Borges. Many of the works in this collection were translated into English by James E. Irby in the book Labyrinths.


Jones received this highest achievement in mathematics for his work in knot theory. Awarded every four years,notable recipients of this prize have included Terence Tao and Maryam Mirzakhani.

Fields Medal

Iguanas and tortoises were two of the main animals studied by Charles Darwin What type of birds were also part of his theory of evolution


musical featuring leprechaun named Ogtakes places in Rainbow Valley in Missitucky

Finian's Rainbow

This structure was funded by Western Pacific, Central Pacific, and Union Pacific Railway Companies. Name this 1869 railroad that succeeded in connecting much of the Eastern and Western United States.

First Transcontinetal Railroad

This author penned a novel in which a man wears cufflinks made of teeth and wrote about Anthony Patch in The Beautiful and the Damned. Name this Jazz Age author of The Great Gatsby.


This man's story "The Ice Palace" tells of the Southern belle Sally Carroll visiting her fiancée, Harry Bellamy, at thetitle location. Name this author of short stories like "Bernice Bobs Her Hair" found in the collection Flappers and Philosophers.


How many novels are in the Leather-Stocking Tales by James Fenimore Cooper


Objective complement in the following sentenceWe did not agree with the harsh critic when he declared the movie a colossal flop


Buildings in this city include the Palazzo Pitti and the Uffizi Gallery. For 10 points each:[10] Name this city, the capital of Tuscany, and at one point, Italy. It was once ruled by the Medici family for nearly 200 years.


author of The History of Madness described the use of the "medical gaze" by doctors to subtractpatients' humanities from their bodies Another work of his described the Great Confinement while criticizinginsanityauthor of Madness and Civilization and Discipline and Punish.




This other work by Bernini is located in the Piazza Navona and features a large Egyptian obelisk surrounded by four gods. One of these men appear to be so awed by it that he almost falls off his perch.

Fountain of the Four Rivers

This artist painted a series of works depicting couples engaging in various romantic activities, as well as a man attempting to seduce a blindfolded woman. Name this artist of the Progress of Love series and Blind Man's Bluff.


He was James M. Cox's running mate in 1920, and eight years later he wouldsucceed Al Smith as Governor of New Yorkproposed adding up to six Justices as part of his court-packingschemeissued Executive Order 9066 to enforce Japanese internment

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

His geographical trip in Canada kick-started his most famous career path, and he also worked at the Smithsonian and Columbia University. For 10 points each:[10] Name this man whose works include Tsimshian Texts, Primitive Art, and The Mind of Primitive Man. He also argued against scientific racism and stage-based organization.

Franz Boas

Kieslowski's Three Colors trilogy is based on this object. Like its American counterpart, this object is red, white, and blue, symbolizing the principles liberté, égalité, and fraternité

French Flag

A conservative advisor to Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, he formulated his theory of monetarism. Name this economist who wrote the texts Capitalism and Freedom and A Monetary History of the United States.


This film series includes the installments The Rise of Cobra and Retaliation. It is based on the Hasbro action figures,who were marketed as "Real American Heroes".

G.I. Joe

Officially titled "Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944"replays veterans college education and helps purchase homes

G.i. Bill

Igneous rock that has a coarse texture and is composed mainly of pyroxene and calcium-rich plagioclaseIts extrusive equivalent is basalt


Harvard economics professor that said America was becoming weahtly in private sector, but poor in the public sector He also wrote The Affluent Society


Mineral mined in large quantities in Oklahoma, Kansas, and MissouriThis gray-colored mineral has the chemical formula PbS


This area of mathematics was used to show that trisection and cube-doubling are impossible. also used to showthat there is no generic formula for the roots of a fifth-degree polynomial.

Galois theory

cousin of Charles Darwingave statistical concepts to study human differences and inheritance of intelligence pioneer of eugenics who coined "nature vs nurture"


-Shiva and Parvati are popularly thought to be the parents of this deity of art and wisdom. -In one version of his origin,he gained his elephant head after Shiva beheaded him in anger.


Guiteau assassinated this president, who served only seven months in office. This man's Secretary of State was James Blaine, and he was succeeded by Chester A. Arthur.


This "Hero of Two Worlds" fought for the Riograndese Republic led a campaign against Neapolitan troops at the Battle of Calatafimi. Name this Italian military leader of the Redshirts during the Risorgimento.


This architect of the Sagrada Familia knew that he would not live to see its completion. He also designed the Park Guell, which features buildings and benches with serpent-like coils.


Complex numbers with integral real and imaginary parts are known as this man's integers. name this German mathematician, whose namesake law states that the total electric flux of a closed surface is equal to charge divided by permittivity.


mathematician who was one of several people who predicted return of Ceres around the sundeveloped "method of least squares"


This statement's magnetic version has a right-hand side of zero, implying that magnetic monopoles do not exist.Identify this law commonly used to compute electric fields. Its integral form states that the electric flux througha closed surface equals the charge enclosed by that surface, divided by electric permittivity.

Gauss's law

named for physicists who overturned JJ Thompson's "Plum Pudding" model of the Atomalso known as Gold foil experimentconducted by two men under direction of Rutherford

Geiger-Marsden experiment

In 1219, his army conquered theKhwarezmid Empirehe fought his former blood brother Jamukha, and afterwards he enacted the Yassa code.grandfather of Kublai andfounder of the Mongolian Empire.

Genghis Khan (Temujin)

William IV was king during the passing of the Great Reform Bill; he was preceded as king by the fourth rulerof this name. The third king of this name was mentally ill due to his porphyria and ruled from 1760 to 1820.


In the 1988 election, Dukakis lost against this vice president of Ronald Reagan. Military actions under his presidency include Operation Desert Storm and Operation Just Cause.

George H.W Bush

Large portable radio, carried on the shoulder, that also contains a cassette player

Ghetto blaster

Rigoletto's daughter is this soprano role, who is seduced by the Duke of Mantua despite Rigoletto's best efforts toconceal her.


Hesse stopped writing novels after this book about the "Magister Ludi" Joseph Knecht. In this novel, manystudents at Waldzell try to master the title activity, which involves synthesizing practically all of human scholarship

Glass Bead Game

The first act of this play is set in a Chinese Restaurant, and in Scene Three, a monologue is delivered to JamesLingk.Name this play in which Shelly Levene is arrested by Baylen and a purchase by the Nyborgs falls through.

Glengary Glen Ross

Foliated metamorphic rock formed by regional metamorphism Higher degree of metamorphism than schist, and resembles granite in its appearance


This German mathematician and logician's incompleteness theorem showed that it is impossible to find a set of axioms for all of mathematics.


Historical drama written by PushkinAbout a czar who was tortured by guilt after he murdered one of his rivals


Russian tsar killed by a pretender to the throne in 1604became tsar after Ivan the Terribletsar during the Time of Troubles in Russia


One author who uses the Faust myth, in which Mephistopheles offers a scholar all his heart desires, is this manGermanmaster, a prominent member of the Sturm und Drang literary movement.


This Russian author created the character Akaky Akakievich. author of the novels "Dead Souls" and "Taras Bulba"in short story "The Nose" the titlecharacter develops a life of its own.


This statement says that any positive even integer may be written as the sum of two primes. A recent developmenttowards a proof was that any positive even integer may be written as the sum of no more than 300,000 primes.


This later dynasty had inlaid celadon pottery modified from Song and Tang pottery and compiled a Tripitaka of Buddhist scripture. It was conquered by the Mongols in 1259.


a holder of this position appointed the first openly gay judge in opposition to the Briggs InitiativeBrown and Warren elected 3 timesPreviously held by Stanford and Schwarzenegger

Governor of California

-chronicles the Joad family's journey from Oklahoma to California in searchof work during the Dust Bowl

Grapes of Wrath

Handprints and signature of actress Doris Day can be found hereFamous Chinese theater in Los Angeles, California


Isles of the Blessed.A goddess fell in love with a stream of fire in this place.Contains the river Phlegethon and the dungeon known as Tartarus.

Greek Underworld

This other Arctic territory may gain independence in 2021, the three-hundredth anniversary of Danish rule. Kim Kielsen governs this largest island in the world from its capital of Nuuk.


His Lyric Pieces include "Arietta" and "Wedding Day at Troldhaugen".Norwegian composer of thePeer Gynt suiteincludes the peaceful song "Morning Mood" and "In the Hall of the Mountain King".


Which island in the Solomon Islands was the site of a major battle during 1942


Name for a writ that requires that a person being detained by the law be brought before a judge

Habeas corpus

This third of the Five Good Emperors quashed the Bar Kokhba Revolt. He deified his lover Antinoüs by placing statues of him throughout the empire, including a famous one at a namesake villa in Tivoli.


One character in this work decides to revert to her natural hair after Joseph Asagai accuses her of being an "assimilationist." Name this 1959 drama in which the Younger family buys a house in an all-white Chicago neighborhood.


Shepard was fifty-three before appearing on Broadway, where this author got her very first play, which is aboutthe Younger family, staged at the age of twenty-nine. She inspired the song "To Be Young, Gifted, and Black."


Referred to in the following lines "Was this the face that launched a thousand ships, and burnt the top less towers of Ilium?"


This author depicted the spiritual awakening of Emil Sinclair in the novel D emian. Name this twentieth-century German-language author of Steppenwolf, whose interest in Eastern thought led him to write about Buddhism in Siddhartha


The original Mexican revolt against Spain was sparked by the Cry of Dolores made by this man, a creole priest. He was defeated at Calderón bridge and shot on July 30th, 1811


every year, the Mexican president recites a famous speech called "Cry of Dolores" from this Mexican Roman Catholic priest commemorating the rebellion against spain


In July 2012, CERN announced that it detected this elusive particle with a mass of 125 giga-electronvolts. For 10 points each:[10] Name this elementary particle of the Standard Model whose existence was theoretical for many decades. It and its associated field are named after a British physicist.

Higgs boson

Interactions with thisparticle could explain the weak and strong nuclear forces and fill the hole in the Standard Modelnickname, the "God particle"particle that explains mass generation, named for a British physicist.

Higgs boson

Subatomic particle that is thought to be the source of mass for all other particles that have massIts mass should be from 400 to 1000 times the mass of a proton

Higgs boson

East-west interstate highway that passes through Denver and Kansas City

Highway 70

Ford Prefect, who took his name from a car model, Marvin the Paranoid Android, and Arthur Dent travel toBetelgeuse in this Douglas Adams series.

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Baldur was killed by this twin of his, who was in turn killed by Vali. This blind god was tricked by Loki into shooting a mistletoe-tipped spear at Baldur.


This section of a larger musical work is based on the American folk tune "Bonaparte's Retreat." For 10 points each:[10] Name this piece, which can be heard performed with "Buckaroo Holiday" and "Corral Nocturne" in the ballet Rodeo. It was popularized by its use in beef commercials.


This actor starred alongside Robert Redford as journalist Carl Bernstein in All the President's Men. Name this actor, whose character Benjamin Braddock asks "Mrs. Robinson, are you trying to seduce me?"


The Ambassadors is a painting by this Northern Renaissance German artist. He also produced numerous iconic portraits of Henry VIII.

Holbein the Younger

This Socialist Party member is the current President of France. His attempt to deleverage over ten billion euros in pension debt without raising the retirement age led to major unrest in Paris in late 2013.


Sir Percival was sent on a quest to find this sacred cup in Arthurian legend. It was supposedly used by Jesus during the Last Supper, and can therefore grant eternal life.

Holy Grail

Artist that spent 20 years working for Harpers Weekly magazine sketching Civil War scenesspecialized in maritime art creating seascapesPainted "Snap the Whip" and "Sailing the Catboat"


Said to carry a curse, this beautiful stone was donated to the Smithsonian 45 carat gemstone whose deep color results from trace amounts of boron found within its crystal matrix

Hope Diamond

In order to take revenge on film producer Jack Woltz, Vito orders Tom Hagen to place this object on Woltz's bed. In response to animal rights activists, Coppola assured audiences that it was not created specifically for the film.

Horse head

Term first used by James WattUsed to measure the power of an engineOne of these is equal to 745.7 watts


Under Dukakis's governorship, this convicted felon escaped from custody after he was given a furlough. When Dukakis declined to mention the incident, Bush launched a series of advertisements raising awareness about this man.


The wadjet eye, which Egyptian sailors painted on their ships for safe passage, is also known as the "Eye of" this falcon-headed Egyptian god.


Answer some questions about gene sequencing, This sequencing project, which ran from 1990 to 2003, was the largest single biological research project of all time. It completely sequenced the DNA of Homo sapiens, i.e. people.

Human Genome Project

One of Boas' anthropological students was this woman who researched in the Caribbean and American South, prompting her to write the book Mules and Men.


co-founder of The Hilltop, a newspaper at Howard Univ.Moved to NYC during the Harlem RenaissanceMost famous novel (There Eyes were Watching God) about Janie Crawford and her 3 marriages


named after 17th century astronomerreturned images from Saturn's moon Titan were beamed back from the Euro space probe

Huygens probe

Name for orbitals of equal energy that form by the combination of two or more orbital in the same molecules


This company's logo was famously designed by Paul RandA computer built by this company that currently operates at two healthcare facilitiesis named for this company's first CEO, Thomas Watson, and beat Ken Jennings at Jeopardy!.multinational computer company once known as "Big Blue."

IBM (International Business Machines)

Dominique Strauss-Kahn headed this organization until his 2011 resignation. Name this international financial organization that works to ensure global economic security. It should not beconfused with the World Bank, whose goals are more humanitarian.

IMF (International Monetary Fund)

The Wild Duck was written by this Norwegian playwright, who also wrote Hedda Gabler and A Doll's House.


this book is about the Jewish-Italian author's experiences at AuschwitzWritten by Primo Levi

If This Is a Man

There are five isotypes of antibodies that are classified based on functional location and compatibility with different antigens. Name this most abundant type of these isotypes, which can be found in blood and extracellular fluid.


Kalimantan, which covers a majority of Borneo, is part of this nation elected Joko Widodo as its president in 2014other islands include Sumatra and Java.


Spectroscopy frequently uses this type of light, which has wavelengths from 700 nanometers to 1 millimeter. This type of light with relatively low frequency lies between red visible light and microwaves on the electromagnetic spectrum.


This recent Zimmer soundtrack was for yet another Christopher Nolan film, which starred Matthew McConaughey,Anne Hathaway and Matt Damon featured the gargantuan black hole cleverly named Gargantua.


home to Faisal Mosquemeans "abode of peace"


Answer some questions about the Army of the Three Guarantees,The Army was led by this man, the first emperor of Mexico and creator of the Mexican Flag. He was originally supposed to attack Vicente Guerrero, but instead switched sides and issued the plan of Iguala with him.


The Tatars were defeated at the fortress of Kazan in 1552 by this Tsar, who dug tunnels underneath it and blew it up. His later conquest of Astrakhan gave Russia control of trade routes to the Caspian Sea.

Ivan the Terrible

title character disguises himself after returning from the Third Crusade as "Desdichado"title knight, the son of Cedric theSaxon, marries Rowenaby Sir Walter Scott.


-This author wrote of Basil Miller and Olive Chancellor in The Bostonians. -Name this American-British author who used his heritage to contrast the two sides of the Atlantic -works such asThe Portrait of A Lady.


The 2014 closure of an area in this city nicknamed the "Noble Sanctuary" caused widespread protests. The recent expansion of settlements like Gilo and Ramat Shlomo in this city has been criticized by Barack Obama. For 10 points, name this city which both Israel and the State of Palestine claim as their capital.


Another Hans Holbein work features a horizontal cross-section of this man lying in a coffin. In this grotesque depiction, this man's eyes roll upward, and his bluish hand is frozen in a claw like position.

Jesus Christ

Among the 1990's Braves rotation was this hall of famer, the second pitcher to ever record both a season with twenty wins and a season with fifty saves after an injury moved him to the bullpen.

John Smoltz

This man succeeded Harrison as President. His vetoing of any bills to reestablish the National Bank resulted in his expulsion from the Whig Party, but he also annexed Texas and passed the Webster-Ashburton Treaty.

John Tyler

"Wizard of Westwood"Basketball hall of fame as coach and playerWon 10 Nat'l Championships with UCLA

John Wooden

Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man were both written by this twentieth-century novelist. He included lengthy stream-of-consciousness passages in his novel Ulysses.


collection of fifteen short stories titled for this author's home city.Another story in thatcollection tells of Ignatius Gallaher and Thomas Chandler and is titled "A Little Cloud".Irish author of the short story collection Dubliners and the long novelUlysses.


The Golden Age in New Spain was represented by this nun and poet, who is generally regarded as the firstmajor literary figure of Mexico. Her mystical poems include "First Dream."


This man's government negotiated the McLane-Ocampo Treaty.He Was interrupted by the Second French Intervention in support of Emperor Maximilian. Name this Mexican reformist president who led La Reforma and succeeded Santa Anna.


In the Bar Kokhba Revolt, Hadrian sent his general Julius Severus to this Roman province. It was the birthplace ofthe historian Josephus.


Russian artist known as the inventor of abstract art"Improvisation 31", also called "Sea Bottle"?


Russian artist that painted "Improvisation with Green Center" in 1913Showed off his abstract expressionism with its bright colors in a spontaneous style


This 18th century German philosopher argued that math and science contain synthetic a priori knowledge and that reason is the source of morality


author of the 1843 manuscript "Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right"German political philosopher who described religion as the "opiate of the people"

Karl Marx

In one of this author's short stories, the protagonist writes a letter asking for permission to kill a pair of canaries and bury them with his wife. Another one of his works centers on Old Eguchi's visits to the title location, where he sleeps with narcotized virgins.This author of The House of the Sleeping Beauties also wrote a novel Hideo mixes up Chieko and Naeko. name this author of The Old Capital and Snow Country.


wrote "The Economic Consequences of the Peace"during Great Depression he proposed nations spend their way back to prosperityeconomist nicknamed "prophet of deficit spending"


Edward FitzGerald attributed to this a collection of poetry known as the Rubaiyat to this Persian mathematician astronomer from the middle-ages


This philosopher often employed pseudonyms such as "Anti-Climacus," which he used in his work The Sickness Unto Death. For 10 points each:[10] Identify this philosopher who wrote that "subjectivity is truth" and who encouraged an irrational "leap" to Christian faith. Much of his work criticized the practice of Christianity as a state religion.


Davis' most notable album was this 1959 one included "So What" and "Freddie Freeloader." Personnelincluded John Coltrane and Paul "Mr. P.C." Chambers

Kind of Blue

A Natural Woman is a memoir about this popular 1970s singerAlbum titled "Tapestry" includeds the songs "I Feel the Earth Move" and "It's Too Late"


temples were built in Kawa and Faras to celebrate this ruler after his death.George Herbert financed a mission in theValley of the Kings that stumbled upon the resting place of this Pharaoh, son of Akhenaten"boy king" of Egypt, whose tomb was uncovered byHoward Carter.

King Tut

One critic praised this author's work by saying, "Even when I was bored I was interested." For ten points each:[10] Name this author of the six-part memoir My Struggle, known for its slow pace and accumulation of detail. Only two of the six parts have been translated into English so far.


Funding for the Pearl Harbor Memorial was initially denied to maintain the budget of this war which started in 1950, when 75,000 soldiers crossed the 38th parallel. However, a 1953 armistice technically ended this conflict.


Dustin Hoffman has won the Oscar for Best Actor twice, including for Rain Man. The other award was for thismovie, in which he and Meryl Streep star as a couple undergoing a difficult divorce.

Kramer vs. Kramer

abusive directing techniques were infamousdirector of A Clockwork Orange, made Shelley Duvall and Jack Nicholson repeat a scene from TheShining 127 times


Another important group theorem is this one, which states that the order of any subgroup divides the order of theentire group. Its proof combines an integer number of disjoint cosets.

Lagrange's theorem

Body of water connected to Lake Erie by the Niagra River and the Welland CanalThe most eastern of the Great Lakes

Lake Ontario

This second largest and second deepest lake in the world lies mostly between Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It's known for its large concentration of heavy water, and flows into the Congo River system.

Lake Tanganyika

This largest lake in Indonesia sits on top of a caldera. It was the site of the largest eruption in the past 25 millionyears, which registered at a volcanic explosivity index of 8.

Lake Toba

The Great Rift Valley has lots of large lakes. This lake is the largest in Africa and ninth-largest in the world. Parts of it are within the countries of Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda, and it is the source of the White Nile River.

Lake Victoria

French NaturalistEvolutionCharacteristics are inherited by offspringUrge to evolve


A popular children's adaptation of Tales From Shakespeare was written by two siblings with this surname,Charles and Mary. Charles is more famous for his prose collection Essays of Elia.


Actress who starred in "Murder, She Wrote"


Northern land mass that formed 200 million years ago by splitting Pangea Southern land mass was Gondwanaland


This continent contained what is now China, as well as Canada. which contained the Laurentia and Eurasia cratons. Most of its land is now in the NorthernHemisphere, compared to the southern Gondwana.


This painting by Pollock features black, white, and salmon paint drips. On display at the National Gallery, it features Pollock's handprints at the top of the canvas, and is alternately titled Number 1, 1950.

Lavender Mist

"The New Colossus" is written by this poet, the author of The Dance to Death and Songs of a Semite, inspired by her Jewish heritage.


This man designed the Assembly Building and the Palace of Justice.Designed a white building that features a roof doubling as a garden and a terrace. Name this Swiss-French architect of the Villa Savoye and author of Towards a New Architecture.

Le Corbusier

The Locarno Treaties were entered into this organization's "Treaty Series." This organization was establishedby the Treaty of Versailles.

Leagues of Nations

Identify the indirect object in the following sentenceThe football team gave Leonard an autographed football as a sign of its appreciation for his work


First cosmonaut to conduct a spacewalk in 1965


Any member of a class of particles not affected by the strong nuclear forceThey include the electron, muon, and tau


Which group of elementary particles are neutrinos and electrons classifiedUnlike quarks, these particles are not subject to the strong force


One character in this novel, working in a bookstore, nicknames the girl he becomes fond of "Lanoire" for her black clothing and her father "Leblanc" for his white hair. Name this 19th century French novel in which a bishop allows an ex-convict to keep the silverware he has stolen from him in exchange for his promise to become a "honest man."

Les Miserables

John Peter Zenger was accused of this crimethis word designates written material that attacks a person with false for malicious statements


The Black Tom munitions explosion occurred on an island named for this conceptA Utilitarian essay was written by JohnStuart Mill.Rand and Ron Paul are proponents of a political ideology named for this concept


Rigoletto was composed by Giuseppe Verdi, but the aria "Bella figlia dell'amore" was adapted and transcribed forpiano by this composer of the New German School.


These agreements were negotiated by Gustav Stresemann. Name these treaties that attempted to strengthen political ties between Western European countries. At the sametime, they opened the Polish Corridor and the city of Danzig up to German claims.

Locarno Treaties

american lawyer turned writer that used recollections of his missionary sister as a basis for short stories


Mary Tyrone appears in this play, in which the actor James Tyrone argues with his son Edmund, who isafflicted with tuberculosis. This play was written in 1941, but was only published posthumously, in 1956.

Long Day's Journey Into Night

The Village Blacksmith is the title character of a short poem by this once-wildly popular member of the Fireside Poets. This American poet also wrote Paul Revere's Ride.


This man wrote a poem "to the tender heart and brave", titled for his close friend Charles Sumner.Thesubject of one of his poems did not actually make it "to the bridge in Concord town" but was captured with his horse inLexington.coined the phrase "one if by land,two if by sea" in his poem "Paul Revere's Ride".


This part of the nephron leads to the proximal to the distal convoluted tubules. It is a U-shaped tube that uses a countercurrent multiplier system and electrolyte pumps to create an area of high urea concentration.

Loop of Henle

English historian, Confederate"power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely"

Lord Acton

The Gordon Riots occurred during the ministry of this man. This Prime Minister from 1770 to 1782 angeredmany American colonists.

Lord North

Answer some questions about the reign of Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I, Leopold fought many wars with this other European monarch, including the Nine Years' War and the War of the Spanish Succession. This Absolutist Frenchman was known as the "Sun King."

Louis 14

Competing views of this concept are the "union view" and "robust concern" view. , Empedocles wrote that this and Strife were responsible for attracting and separating the four elements.


Hitchcock used this term for an item that serves merely to advance a plot. In Hitchcock's North by Northwest, one of these is simply called "government secrets." The title object of The Maltese Falcon is another example.


This Liberal Canadian Prime Minister served in the role for 22 years over three disjoint lengths of timehe was Prime Minister throughout theentirety of World War II.

Mackenzie King

George Washington and this founding father were the only delegates to the Constitutional Convention who later became PresidentsWho was this man who became our fourth president


This person was painted with a rabbit, a symbol of purity, and a fruit basket by Titianname this Biblical woman painted "of the Rocks" by Leonardo da Vinci,Italian term for the VirginMary


Depicts the Virgin Mary sitting with baby Jesus and infant John the BaptistPainting by Raphael

Madonna of the Goldfinch

One of this artist's works depicts an illuminated lamp at the center of an otherwise dark painting of a tree and ahouse. Name this creator of The Empire of Light. In The Human Condition, he depicted a painting of a landscape in front of the exact same landscape as seen through a window.


This artist parodied a Édouard Manet painting by replacing the three subjects with coffins in Manet's Balcony. He painted a red-roofed building behind many identical men fallingfrom the sky like raindrops in GolcondaBelgian surrealist who, in :The Treachery of Images", stated that apicture of a pipe was in fact, not a pipe.


performer born in New Orleans and was first gospel singer to perform at Carnegie Hall in 1950"First Queen of Gospel Music"sang at MLK's funeral

Mahalia Jackson

This branch of Buddhism has a name meaning "Great Vehicle".Name this branch of Buddhism prevalent in Eastern Asia. Unlike the Theravada branch, it does not revere the PaliCanon


Glengarry Glen Ross was written by this American playwright. He also wrote Race, Oleanna, and AmericanBuffalo.


This novel's writer began his writing career with the short story Little Mr. Friedemann and later wrote Buddenbrooks and The Magic Mountain.


This man's first work, "A Study of Physical Culture," was published in La Jeunesse under the pseudonym "Mr.Twenty-Eight Strokes."His Red Army evacuated through the Long March before eventually drivingthe Kuomintang out of mainland Chinainitiated the Cultural Revolution andthe Great Leap Forward

Mao Zedong

Often written in 2/4 time, these compositions' namesake bands are heavy in brass instruments and percussion. For 10 points, name this type of work exemplified by "The Stars and Stripes Forever" by John Philip Sousa.


This ruler was the last of the Five Good Emperors.Name this Stoic philosopher who wrote the Meditations Was succeeded by his psychotic son Commodus.

Marcus Aurelius

16th century poet who along with Francis Bacon supposedly wrote most of Shakespeare's playsMost famous for "The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus"


In his 1604 version of Faust, this author calls him Faustus instead, possibly as a result of writing in English. He alsowrote the history plays Tamburlaine and Edward II.


This movement is the first in a suite for which Colin Matthews wrote a supplement. Name this march in five-four time. Strings playing col legno introduce the ostinato in this work.


The Treaty of Greenwich was broken when Cardinal Beaton angered the English king by favoring a Catholic and French alliance instead of her marriage to the next king of England. She was beheaded after being implicated in the Babington Plot. Claimed to be the rightful heir to the English throne, rivaling her cousin Elizabeth.

Mary Stuart

Wrote The Psychology of Science.pyramid-shaped structure of motivations that culminates in "self-actualization" in A Theory of Human Motivation. American psychologist who formulated a namesake hierarchy of needs.


The creation of this entity was stalled in 1767 when Iroquois guides refused to pass the border of Lenape territory, well short of their goal of the Ohio River.This entity was created to resolve a conflict known as Cresap's War, and to remedy a mistake made by Charles II in the charter granted to Pennsylvania in 1681. The western border of Delaware was formed by, for 10 points, what line drawn by a pair of namesake surveyors to form the official border of Pennsylvania and Maryland?

Mason- Dixon Line

Popol Vuh also tells of these figures, who are considered to be the ancestors of Mayan rulers. TheseMesoamerican ballgame players defeated Vucub-Caquix and his spawn.

Maya Hero Twins

This larger sea contains the Alboran, Algerian, and Levantine basins. For 10 points each:[10] Name this sea including the Adriatic Sea, which connects the Black Sea to the Atlantic Ocean.

Mediterraneanen Sea

The Australian gold rushes were at first suppressed by the government of New South Wales, and only reallystarted after Victoria became a separate colony. Thus, they created a boom in this city, the capital of Victoria.


After a 19th-century yellow fever outbreak, this city lost its city status for 25 years.Musicians who began their careers in this city include B. B. King, Johnny Cash,and Elvis Presleywhat Tennessee city is named after an ancientEgyptian capital?


He sent a copy of his paper to Charles Darwin, who never read it. Name this Czech monk and father of genetics who experimented on 7 different traits in pea plants including seedtexture and flower color.


The surfacetemperature of this planet can reach 700 KelvinOrbiting the Sun in 88 daysThe Mariner 10 flyby of this body made it the last terrestrial planet to be visited,


This experiment used E. coli to demonstrate that DNA follows a semiconservative pattern. It is often called the mostbeautiful experiment in biology


-In August 1943, American General George S. Patton captured this Northeastern Sicilian city-This city served as a key entry point to the Italian mainland


Works by this band include "My Apocalypse" and "Death Magnetic"Credited with causing the downfall of Napster, this band has been consistentlyoutspoken against P2P file sharingmetal band with drummer Lars Ulrich, fronted by JamesHetfield.


Organic compound with the following formulaCH3-CH2-CH2-O-CH3

Methyl-propyl ether

Official Latin motto "Ars Gratia Arts" meaning "Art for art' sake"


One play set in this country sees Nonno write his last poem and the Reverend Shannon give tours to Americanvisitors in "The Night of the Iguana" by Tennessee Williams.One novelist from this country told of thetitle business man in The Death of Artemio Cruz.home to Carlos Fuentes and OctavioPaz.


Paricutin is the name of the newest volcano in the Western HemisphereIt began as a crack in a farmer's cornfield in 1943 in what country


Lost Letter Experiment6 degrees of separation in "Small World Experiment"asked people to shockstrangers in namesake obedience experiment


This child progidy economist, learning Greek by the age of three, mastering Plato at the age of seven, and doing calculus by age twelveName this economist who wrote "Principles of Political Economy"


Although they were brutal conquerors, they unified much of Asia and enabled the Silk Road to flourish. Name this nomadic group which controlled the Yuan dynasty. Their empire was the largest contiguous land empire in history.


At another Battle of Bach Dang River, a Tran-dynasty general defeated an invasion from this group of people,who were at the time led by Genghis Khan's grandson, Kublai.


innovative composer and pianaist who helped popularize jazz with songs "Epistrophy" "I Mean You" and "Straight, No Chaser"


French baron that became famous for "Persian Letters"political commentator who first articulated the theory of separation of powers




A series of skyscrapers built during the mid-twentieth century in this city are known as the Seven Sisters, which stand in contrast to the famous "onion domes" found on Saint Basil's church. This city is home to Gorky Park and the Bolshoi Ballet and its country's head of government resides in the Kremlin.


This man's first son was named Gershom, meaning "a stranger there".Name this Biblical figure who married Zipporah while in exile in Midian after his murder of an Egyptian overseer.


Identify the superlative form of the adjective "flagrant"

Most Flagrant

character in the musical Cats who, along with his partner Rumpleteazer, specializes in petty theft and mischief


Dutch independence was formally recognized by Philip IV at this city in northwestern Germany. An earlier rebellionin this city led to Anabaptists being left in cages to die.


One of this author's works centers on Toru Okada, who finds solace in a dried up well after meeting the psychic Malta Kano. Name this Japanese author who released The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle in three parts. He also wrote about a fifteen-year-old Kafka Tamura in Kafka on the Shore.


Edgar Allan Poe short story tells of C. Auguste Dupin's investigation of the death of a mother and daughter onthe title street. may be the first story of the "detective" genre.

Murders in the Rue Morgue

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.