#NeedforStede - Chapter 6 - WellSussed (SaltyRecommendation3) (2024)

Chapter Text

Ed still can’t believe everything that’s happened in the space of a couple of days. The overnight change from agonized-yet-hopeful to the certainty that he’s deeply loved is hard to process.

“Is this real?” Ed asks Stede the next morning, laying on his side with his head pillowed on Stede’s chest. “Pinch me.”

Stede reaches down and pinches his ass, then cups it in his hand. “Mmm, feels very real to me,” he says.

Ed throws his leg across Stede and grinds his hardening dick into Stede’s thigh. “You know what else would feel very real? Your co*ck in my ass.”

The rest of the morning passes in a blur of hands and tongues and Stede f*cking him till he screams.

They carve out the day after the GLAAD Media awards to themselves, putting their phones on Do Not Disturb and ordering more supplies for a sex marathon, though this time it’s a bit more short-lived than the one they had that first weekend together.

And this time, they spend more time talking about things, too: what went wrong, how they can prevent that in the future, and what they want their relationship to look like moving forward. They both reaffirm their willingness to try couples therapy. Stede’s got some names for therapists for himself, and Ed thinks he should probably book into his therapist as well. It’s been far too long.

Unsurprisingly, they both shed some tears of sadness over their time apart. There’s some anger, too. Ed’s been directing most of his anger at Izzy, but Stede is not as angry at Izzy as Ed would have expected. “I’m not a big fan of his, but I’m to blame. I’m the one who let him get to me. I shouldn’t have run off,” Stede explains. “I need to have a thicker skin, especially if we’re going to navigate this public relationship thing successfully.”

“He still shouldn’t have interfered like that—”

“No, he shouldn’t have,” Stede says. “He wasn’t listening to you about what you wanted out of your career.”

“He keeps asking Zheng if she’ll talk to me, get me to agree to meet with him,” Ed tells him. “Wants to apologize or some sh*t.”

“I see. I wonder, would you ever rehire him?”

“I dunno,” Ed says. “We were together a long f*cking time. Too long, probably.” He sighs. “I should probably at least hear his apology, shouldn’t I?”

“It might be good for both of you,” Stede replies, “but only when and if you’re ready for it.”

Ed says he’ll think about it. It would be good to clear the air, but he needs some time first. In the meantime, Evelyn, Stede’s manager, would likely take him on so he’s considering meeting with her soon.

One thing they can’t put off: a Monday morning meeting with both Zheng and Frenchie to figure out next steps now that Ed and Stede are an official, public thing. They decide to drive down to Frenchie’s office instead of doing Zoom so they can get lunch after.

Stede frets during the drive over to Frenchie’s office. “I don’t think I want to know what the internet is saying about us. That’s how I got all into my head to begin with.”

Ed is dying to know what they’re saying—he thinks most people will be very happy for them!—but Stede had begged him not to look yet, so he’s held off. Whenever he got the urge to load up Twitter on Sunday, he let his incredibly sexy boyfriend distract him carnally instead, so Ed ended up the winner anyway.

When they get to the office, Zheng is already there with Frenchie, tapping away on her laptop. “Morning! We’ve already been hard at work. How do you guys feel about a feature in Out?”

“They’ve already been in touch,” Frenchie adds. “They want to do a full cover feature on both of you.”

Ed’s been worried about how Stede would handle this meeting, but to his relief, he looks excited about this. “That’s amazing! I’d be happy to do it if Ed will.”

Why yes, Ed would be f*cking delighted to be on the cover of Out with his boyfriend.

And they’re off, discussing a media plan for their first few weeks as a couple. There are plans to do a few interviews as time goes on, but they want to give Out an exclusive so they’re not going to embark on a full media blitz right away. Zheng also mentions that there are already feelers out for them to co-host the GLAADs next year.

“How can they know that they will want us a year from now?” Stede wonders. “Surely we’ll be old news by then.”

“I don’t think so,” Frenchie replies. “You’re already becoming a super couple. Let me see, you’ve got #LoveofMyLife trending, but people can’t decide if your couple hashtag should be #STeach or #CaptainBeard….”

“f*ck, yes!” Ed pumps his fist. “Did you hear that babe? We have couple names!”

“Wow, that’s…. “ Stede still looks a little uncertain, so Ed reaches over to squeeze his hand. “And people are liking us together?” Stede asks Zheng and Frenchie.

“You can always find a few naysayers online, but the reaction has been overwhelmingly positive,” Zheng replies. “I know you’re together for real and in love, blah blah blah.” Frenchie gives her a look—he must be more of a romantic—and she course corrects. “I mean, it’s great! Love that for you both. I love love. But from a publicity point of view, you guys couldn’t have chosen any better.” She grabs her phone and taps at it. “Here, take a look,” she says, holding it out to Stede.

She hands Stede her phone, and he takes it from her gingerly, as if he’s afraid it will sprout teeth. Ed scoots close to him and reads with him.

#NeedforStede - Chapter 6 - WellSussed (SaltyRecommendation3) (1)

#NeedforStede - Chapter 6 - WellSussed (SaltyRecommendation3) (2)

#NeedforStede - Chapter 6 - WellSussed (SaltyRecommendation3) (3)

#NeedforStede - Chapter 6 - WellSussed (SaltyRecommendation3) (4)

#NeedforStede - Chapter 6 - WellSussed (SaltyRecommendation3) (5)

#NeedforStede - Chapter 6 - WellSussed (SaltyRecommendation3) (6)

#NeedforStede - Chapter 6 - WellSussed (SaltyRecommendation3) (7)

#NeedforStede - Chapter 6 - WellSussed (SaltyRecommendation3) (8)

#NeedforStede - Chapter 6 - WellSussed (SaltyRecommendation3) (9)

Tweet by Seth loves this crew (emojis: pirate flag, rainbow flag and transgender flag) @sethsownstar

OMGGGG #CaptainBeard is real!!!! Stede really said #LoveofMyLife anddipped his boyfriend like a romance novel hero! Me and who when?!

(Three loudly crying face emojis)

Tweet by Gytha #saveofmd @mucfhiain

I need someone to look at me the way Ed Teach looks at Stede Bonnet.Failing that, I need someone to look at me the way Stede Bonnet looksat EdTeach. In every story, in every universe, they were meant to be.


#NeedforStede #STeach #CaptainBeard

(Picture shows Ed with his arm wrapped around Stede’s shoulders. Theyare looking into each other’s eyes. Ed has a soft look on his face. Stede looks happy.)

Tweet by CK Festival of Gayness Era @LightFlantastic

LOVE! OF! MY! LIFE!!?!?!?

I will never recover. I am forever changed.

#LoveofMyLife #CaptainBeard

(Screenshot of a gif of a little girl in a blue and white striped shirt leaning forward and screaming)

Tweet by Scarlett (emojis: pirate flag, orange heart, white heart, pink heart) #SaveOFMD @marmaladesilk

ME AND WHO???!??!

inventors of public love declarations (face loudly crying emoji) i’m soobsessed w/ them (speaking head and two hearts emojis)


(Screenshot of a gif of Patrick Star from Spongebob. He’s lying on hisstomach with his hands on his cheeks and smiling. There are animatedpink hearts around him.)

Tweet by Bannanie(pirate flag emoji) #SAVEOFMD (emojis: sparkle heart, purple heart, blue heart)



#NeedforStede #LoveofMyLife

Tweet by Ro (emojis: skull and crossbones, rainbow flag) SAVE OFMD (emojis: transgender flag, sparkling heart) @ramsay_b_OFMD

Oh my GOD aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm so happy and jealous andhappy and they're so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute (seven smiling face with heart eyesemojis)

Tweet by Lindie LOVED READING YOUR LOVELY LETTERS @knijaknitter

(smiling face with heart-eyes emoji)finally!!!! (smiling face with heart-eyesemoji) you two look so good together (smiling face with heart-eyes emoji)


Tweet by Hellcat Science #SaveOFMD @theMrsScience


Tweet by Deniz Bevan @DenizBevan

Ohhhh, did everyone see THEM?


#NeedforStede #STeach #CaptainBeard

Tweet by Deniz Bevan @DenizBevan

Faith in humanity: Restored!

#LoveofMyLife (smiling face with hearts emoji)

#NeedforStede #STeach #CaptainBeard

Tweet by Deniz Bevan @DenizBevan

Sometimes Hollywood magic is real (smiling face with hearts emoji)

...and what's next? Honeymoon Needs (eyes emoji)


#NeedforStede #STeach #CaptainBeard

Reply by Seth loves this crew (emojis: pirate flag, rainbow flag and transgender flag) @sethsownstar

#NeedforStede to be my husband?! (Two eyes emojis)

Tweet by Tweet by OurArtMeansZepp @ourartmeanszepp

I thought I believed in true love, but I never actually saw it with my own eyesuntil today (three smiling face with heart-eyes emojis) #LoveofMyLife #STeach #NeedforStede

Tweet by (sparkle emoji) Julian (sparkle emoji) @jmb_reverie (red heart emoji) @risquemenace


Tweet by Tweet by Writer? Hardly Know Her (Sam) @Writer_Hardly

OMG DOES THIS MEAN #CaptainBeard ARE BOYFRIENDS??? (nine face holding back tears emojis)


Tweet by by deanbird (emojis: pirate flag, sparkles) @deanbirdonAO3

WHAT!?!? STEDE. (Face holding back tears and two purple heartemojis) Omg they're so freaking gorgeous together!! And IN LOVEEEEE (Face holding back tears emoji)

(...but also can I please be the pbj between those two sexy pieces ofbread?? Bc (three fire emojis))


By the time they’re done scrolling a bit, Stede is red-faced. “Gosh, it seems like some of them wouldn’t mind f*cking both of us, Ed!”

Ed’s feeling pretty smug right now. He knew it. “Can’t blame ‘em—a couple of smokeshows like us, of course, they want to f*ck us. But look, some of them are saying they believe in romance again because of us!” Stede can’t help but smile at that.

Ed can’t help but smile at the one who suggests that Stede should be his husband.

One thing at a time, though.

The rest of the meeting flies by, and Stede is feeling enthusiastic again by the end of it.

They head to a nearby Mexican place for lunch—it’s a favorite of Stede’s. This is LA, so people are trying to play it cool, but Ed can tell the other diners are looking at them and whispering to each other. Zheng had said it’s been a light news weekend—their red carpet kiss and declaration are the biggest celebrity story right now.

Stede notices the looks, too, and he’s fidgeting a bit. “You okay?” Ed asks.

Stede nods automatically as he picks at his food.

“No, babe. Look at me. Are you okay?” Ed repeats. “You don’t need to talk about it right now, but please be honest.”

Stede’s shoulders slump. “Sorry. I’m so used to downplaying my negative feelings. Something to get into with my therapist, I suppose.” Ed knows Stede’s made an appointment for later this week. “It’s just a lot to take in. I’m glad people are happy for us, but it’s all a little overwhelming.”

Ed remembers that feeling, too, from when Blackbeard first took off. Getting more famous all of a sudden had been a mindf*ck. And Stede’s level of fame has ramped up even faster than Ed’s did, just over the course of the last three months or so.

Maybe what they need is a bit of a break from it all. “What if we get away for a bit? Reset?” Ed suggests.

“We could do that,” Stede muses. “I have some time before the Jenkins thing starts. Where did you have in mind?”

“Pete told me about this little place he and Lu went to. Costa Rica, I think it was….”

Two weeks later….

Ed is in paradise, and it’s not just because he’s sitting on the beach staring at impossibly blue water with a fruity drink in hand. He and Stede are on their first vacation as a couple, staying in a fantastic, secluded spot on the Gulf of Papagayo.

There’s going to be a lot of sh*t to do when they get home in a couple of weeks, especially since Stede will be filming soon. He will have to go on location for a couple of weeks of filming, but Ed’s going to go with him. Ed plans to work on his pirate screenplay while Stede’s on set.

Working on that is supposedly what he’s doing right now, but instead, he’s watching Stede splash around in the water.

He emerges a few moments later holding two clumps of seaweed. “Look at all this stuff!” Stede calls to Ed.

Laughing fondly, Ed gets up and snaps a picture of Stede because he’s hot and adorable and dripping wet. Ed can’t have enough pictures of him on his phone, really.

At least Stede’s wearing normal swim trunks today, or else Ed would be getting no writing done at all. Stede had brought along a pair of white Speedos on this trip. The first time Ed saw Stede in those, he’d nearly passed out as all the blood in his body went right to his dick. He’d bent Stede over the railing of their private patio and f*cked him before they even made it out to the beach that day.

The pirate script is chugging along decently today, though, even with Stede as a distraction.

Stede had surprised him the other night at dinner by casually mentioning that they could produce it themselves.

“I don’t have that kind of money,” Ed said. “I’m living just fine on my residuals, but….”

“Oh, no worries, I have money,” Stede replied brightly.

Turns out his asshole father had left Stede a ton of money when he dropped dead, and then he made even more money from the sale of his shares in the family business. “We can produce all kinds of stuff if we want to,” Stede told him, grinning widely. “The queerer the better, too. Let the old man roll over in his grave.”

Ed is incredibly on board with all of this, especially the freedom it will bring them both in choosing roles.

But first, he needs to finish this script.

Stede towels off, flops down in the beach chair next to Ed’s, and leans over for a kiss before picking up his book. Ed types some more over the next few minutes, but he keeps shooting sidelong glances at his boyfriend. He still can’t believe that Stede is his and that the whole world knows it now.

That gives Ed an idea. Stede might kill him for this, but Ed suspects that he’ll forget about it once Ed sucks his soul out through his co*ck, as he fully intends to do as soon as possible.

Ed opens the Twitter app, composes a post, and hits send before silencing his phone.

Soon after, Stede’s phone starts blowing up with alerts. Scowling, he picks it up. “Thought I had this thing on silent…. What the hell?” He frowns at the screen for a bit, then his eyes go wide. “Edward, what the hell did you do?”

Ed throws his head back and laughs.

#NeedforStede - Chapter 6 - WellSussed (SaltyRecommendation3) (10)

Tweet by Ed Teach @Bornonabeach

You all may have the #NeedforStede, but he’s all mine #LoveofMyLife

(Picture shows Stede wearing swimming trunks, chest bare. He’s smiling widely and wearing sunglasses as he emerges from the ocean, holding seaweed in each hand.)

#NeedforStede - Chapter 6 - WellSussed (SaltyRecommendation3) (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.