Howdy Folks aka directions to the gathering (2024)

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2024 Annual Rainbow Family Gathering of the Tribes End of June to July 7, 2024 The 2024 Rainbow Gathering is taking place on the homelands of the Maidu people of the land currently called California. Learn more about the Maidu Summit Consortium here. Learn how you can help them. RAP 107 - Gathering Consciousness Directions & Site Specific Information Misc. Information Weed is not legal in Plumas National Forest (or any national forest). DO NOT USE GOOGLE MAPS OR GPS COORDINATES TO GET TO THE SITE! DO NOT DRIVE ON GOLD RUN ROAD UNLESS YOU HAVE AN OFF-ROAD VEHICLE. Directions from Reno, Nevada to Janesville, California Directions from Susanville, California to Janesville, California Directions from Janesville, California Janesville has a Chevron gas station and a Dollar General Store. Begin at the Chevron station on the corner of Highway 395 and Janesville Grade in Janesville, California. Set your trip odometer to zero at the Chevron station. From there travel south (uphill) on Janesville Grade Rd. At 4.6 miles take a right turn immediately after the first cattle guard - onto FR 28N02 YOU WILL STAY ON 28N02 THROUGHOUT THE FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS - if an offshoot is a dirt road, and the other option is gravel, stay on the gravel road. At 5 miles in you will veer right on a fork in the road. At 5.8 miles you will follow signs to the right towards Thompson Peak. Continue on 28N02 and at 11.1 miles from the Chevron station you will follow the sign to the right towards Red Rock Lookout. At 13.1 miles you will cross a cattle guard. At 14.3 miles you will come to a Y in the road with a wooden corral right in front of you. Go right at this Y. At this point, the road will start to change from gravel to dirt. At 17 miles from Janesville, you will arrive at parking.

Updated information will be available here for the next week or two. Check back frequently.

Updated June 18 @ 9:45 am California time.

2024 Annual Rainbow Family Gathering of the Tribes

End of June to July 7, 2024

We invite all to the 2024 Annual Rainbow Gathering to participate in a silent meditation for peace, love, and harmony amongst all beings. We call for intentional action to experience the peace that is present within each and every one of us, guiding us toward a regenerative path for the future generations.

Our dream is for personal and collective healing so that we might honor our symbiotic relationship with our most beloved and beautiful world. We aspire to build together cultures of peace, justice, and love for our children and the unborn generations yet to come.

The Rainbow Gathering is a non-commercial back country camping experience where we practice how to live in peace with people from many cultures, beliefs, traditions, and backgrounds. All people are welcome to fully participate in all Rainbow council circles and activities. This Gathering will take place on undeveloped land currently under the jurisdiction of the United States Forest Service.

Rainbow Gatherings are non-aligned politically and spiritually. This is a totally free peace and healing gathering open to all peaceful people. The more you contribute, the more you will experience the magic that is the Rainbow Gathering.

The 2024 Rainbow Gathering is taking place on the homelands of the Maidu people of the land currently called California. Learn more about the Maidu Summit Consortium here. Learn how you can help them.

Feel free to arrive a few weeks early to create the gathering and/or stay a few weeks late to clean it all up. Please be respectful of the Maidu's land, culture, and spirituality. Please walk lightly on the land, avoid places that are roped off, and do not camp along creeks or ponds.

We will be at approximately 6,700 foot elevation. The site does not have as much firewood as we are used to having. Please be prepared to cook on propane either due to limited firewood or due to fire danger.

DO NOT USE GOOGLE MAPS OR GPS COORDINATES TO GET TO THE SITE -- many roads in and out of the area have not been driven and many roads in these mountains are only accessible for high-clearance vehicles.

RAP 107 - Gathering Consciousness

Please protect this Beautiful Land. Walk softly. Harm no living thing. Harmonize - Blend in. Use only down, dead wood. Cut no living trees. Preserve the in the Woods. We are caretakers of this land. Everyone sharing makes a strong Human Tribe!

Please Protect the Water Sources by staying out of DELICATE spring areas and the Upper Meadow. Avoid camping, peeing, washing above spring areas. Keep ALL soap out of streams, springs or the creek (even biodegradable soap)! Use a bucket to take your bath 60 feet away from the water source. To be certain of drinking water: boil it! Use the slit trenches or covered latrines - cover your paper & waste with ashes or lime, wash hands. Break the fly/illness connection: sh*t-fly-food-you! Dig no sh*tters near water areas or kitchens.

Protect our Health! Use your own cup, bowl & spoon! Wash them after eating and rinse in bleach-water. Visit C.A.L.M./M.A.S.H. if you feel ill - especially if you have a contagious disease - or are injured. Camp Together - Establish neighborhoods. Community Fires only! ~ Each with 5 gallon water bucket and shovel for Fire Protection. If you are the last to leave a fire PUT IT OUT! Watch your gear: Be Responsible ~ "Tempt Not Lest Ye Be Lifted From." Pets are discouraged but if you must bring them keep them fed, on a leash and out of the kitchens, springs & fights. Clean up their poop. Love them.


Cleanup begins when you arrive. Bring in only what is necessary. There is no janitor are the cleanup crew. Separate garbage for recycling. Don't litter - find collection point. Compost in pits only. Take your trash out of the gathering and drive at least 100 miles before depositing it in an appropriate trash can. Do not burden the local community with our trash.

You are the Gathering! Participate in Shanti Sena, the peace keepers council, and all activities, councils, work crews, workshops. Volunteer wherever needed: kitchens, welcome home, firewatch, parking lot, sh*tter digging, supply, front gate, etc. R-E-S-P-E-C-T your siblings’ different energies. Keep the Balance: Earth, Sky, Trees, Water & People! Look out for those who are struggling physically or emotional and offer your assistance.

Alcohol is Discouraged, Guns are Inappropriate, Violence is contrary to the Spirit. Please take no photographs or videos of people without permission. Discourage Drug Abuse.
Buying and selling endangers our legal right to be here. The Magic Hat is our Bank, donate early to fund our Needs. The Magic Hat goes around at mealtime circles and with the Magic Hat Parade.

This is a 100% free event. Food is free, medical care is free, parking is free. No admission fee ever!

Directions & Site Specific Information

Consensus was reached on 6/17/24 in the morning that "We the Rainbow Family of Living Light at the 2024 Rainbow Gathering Spring Council consent to gather at the "middle way site" in Plumas National Forest." Also known as the upper stretches of Indian Creek.

This gathering is taking place on the ancestral lands of the Maidu people. Please treat it with respect.

Please note: It will take 1-2 hours to drive from Janesville, CA to the site due to inclines, road conditions, and speed of travel. There is a rest area at Honey Lake. Plan accordingly.

Learn it, live it, teach it -- how to get into the gathering without getting a mandatory court appearance ticket.

Misc. Information

Weed is not legal in Plumas National Forest (or any national forest).

DRINKING WATER: Bring at least a 2 gallons of drinking water per person. Save your jugs for reuse and refill.

Be prepared for nights into the 30s for the time being. Days will be sunny and warm!

Be prepared to cook on propane. YES EVEN PROPANE REQUIRES A CALFIRE PERMIT. Get a CalFire Permit at any USFS office or online at

We need more metal buckets and large metal coffee cans as well as hydrated lime for the sh*tters. Bring them to Main Supply when you come in. Ask the parking crew where to drop off.

Be your best self. Spiral Up and Unify - plug into existing camps to lighten the load. Meet new people, make new friends!



Directions from Reno, Nevada to Janesville, California

From Reno, Nevada take Highway 395 north approximately 75 miles to Janesville, California (just north of Honey Lake).

Directions from Susanville, California to Janesville, California

From Susanville, California, take Highway 395 south approximately 13 miles to Janesville.

Directions from Janesville, California

Janesville has a Chevron gas station and a Dollar General Store.

Begin at the Chevron station on the corner of Highway 395 and Janesville Grade in Janesville, California.

Set your trip odometer to zero at the Chevron station.

From there travel south (uphill) on Janesville Grade Rd.

At 4.6 miles take a right turn immediately after the first cattle guard - onto FR 28N02

YOU WILL STAY ON 28N02 THROUGHOUT THE FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS - if an offshoot is a dirt road, and the other option is gravel, stay on the gravel road.

At 5 miles in you will veer right on a fork in the road.

At 5.8 miles you will follow signs to the right towards Thompson Peak.

Continue on 28N02 and at 11.1 miles from the Chevron station you will follow the sign to the right towards Red Rock Lookout.

At 13.1 miles you will cross a cattle guard.

At 14.3 miles you will come to a Y in the road with a wooden corral right in front of you.

Go right at this Y.

At this point, the road will start to change from gravel to dirt.

At 17 miles from Janesville, you will arrive at parking.

Howdy Folks aka directions to the gathering (1)

Please copy and share this information freely.

Ignore all rumors of cancellation or organization.

Howdy Folks aka directions to the gathering (2024)
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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.