Exhibition design agency: Entrepreneurship Lessons from Successful Exhibition Design Agencies - FasterCapital (2024)

Table of Content

1. What is an exhibition design agency and why is it a lucrative business opportunity?

2. The essential skills and qualities of a successful exhibition designer

3. How to find your niche and target market in the exhibition industry?

4. The best practices and strategies for creating engaging and memorable exhibition experiences

5. The common challenges and pitfalls of running an exhibition design agency and how to overcome them

6. The tools and resources you need to manage your projects, clients, and finances

7. The latest trends and innovations in exhibition design and how to stay ahead of the competition

8. How to grow and scale your exhibition design agency and achieve your goals?

1. What is an exhibition design agency and why is it a lucrative business opportunity?

Lucrative Business

Business Opportunity

Lucrative Business Opportunity

Exhibitions are events where people showcase their products, services, or ideas to a specific audience. They can be trade shows, fairs, expos, or conferences. Exhibitions are powerful marketing tools that can generate leads, increase sales, enhance brand awareness, and foster relationships. However, to make an exhibition successful, one needs more than just a booth and some brochures. One needs an exhibition design agency.

An exhibition design agency is a company that specializes in creating engaging and memorable exhibition spaces. They use various elements such as architecture, graphics, lighting, sound, and interactive technology to tell a story, convey a message, or create an experience. An exhibition design agency can help clients achieve their goals, whether it is to attract visitors, educate them, persuade them, or entertain them.

An exhibition design agency is a lucrative business opportunity for several reasons:

- There is a high demand for exhibition design services. According to a report by Grand View Research, the global exhibition market size was valued at USD 77.12 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.5% from 2020 to 2027. The growth is driven by factors such as globalization, urbanization, digitalization, and innovation.

- There is a low barrier to entry for exhibition design agencies. One does not need a large capital investment, a formal education, or a specific license to start an exhibition design agency. One only needs creativity, passion, and skills in design, communication, and project management.

- There is a high potential for differentiation and innovation for exhibition design agencies. One can offer unique and customized solutions to clients based on their needs, preferences, and budget. One can also leverage emerging technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and biometrics to create immersive and interactive exhibition spaces.

- There is a high satisfaction and reward for exhibition design agencies. One can enjoy the creative process of designing exhibition spaces, the collaborative process of working with clients and partners, and the gratifying process of seeing the results and feedback from the visitors.

To illustrate these points, let us look at some examples of successful exhibition design agencies and the lessons they can teach us:

- Gensler: Gensler is a global design and architecture firm that has designed exhibition spaces for clients such as Google, IBM, Nike, and TED. Gensler's exhibition design philosophy is to create "human-centric experiences that connect people to brands, ideas, and each other". Gensler's lesson is to focus on the user and their journey, and to design exhibition spaces that are relevant, meaningful, and memorable.

- Ralph Appelbaum Associates (RAA): RAA is a multidisciplinary design studio that has designed exhibition spaces for museums, cultural institutions, and corporations. RAA's exhibition design philosophy is to create "story-driven environments that engage audiences, activate learning, and inspire action". RAA's lesson is to use storytelling and narrative techniques to create exhibition spaces that are informative, emotional, and impactful.

- Freeman: Freeman is a global event management company that offers exhibition design services among other solutions. Freeman's exhibition design philosophy is to create "experiences that move markets, connect people, support growth, and generate revenues". Freeman's lesson is to use data and analytics to create exhibition spaces that are strategic, measurable, and effective.

2. The essential skills and qualities of a successful exhibition designer

Skills and Qualities

Essential Skills and Qualities

Qualities of successful

Exhibition design is a creative and multidisciplinary field that involves planning, designing, and producing engaging and immersive experiences for various audiences and purposes. Exhibition designers work with museums, galleries, trade shows, cultural events, and other venues to create memorable and meaningful exhibits that communicate a message, tell a story, or showcase a product. To succeed in this field, exhibition designers need to have a range of skills and qualities that enable them to work effectively with clients, collaborators, and visitors. Some of these skills and qualities are:

- Creativity and innovation: Exhibition designers need to have a strong sense of aesthetics and originality, as well as the ability to generate and execute novel and captivating ideas that suit the theme, purpose, and budget of the exhibit. They also need to be aware of the latest trends and technologies in exhibition design, and be willing to experiment and explore new possibilities and solutions.

- Communication and collaboration: Exhibition designers need to have excellent communication and collaboration skills, as they often work with a diverse team of professionals, such as curators, architects, engineers, artists, and contractors. They need to be able to listen to and understand the needs and expectations of the clients and the visitors, and to communicate their vision and design concepts clearly and persuasively. They also need to be able to give and receive feedback, and to negotiate and compromise when necessary.

- Research and analysis: Exhibition designers need to have strong research and analysis skills, as they need to gather and evaluate relevant information and data about the topic, audience, and context of the exhibit. They need to be able to conduct background research, market research, user research, and content research, and to use various methods and tools, such as surveys, interviews, observations, and analytics, to collect and analyze data. They also need to be able to synthesize and interpret the findings, and to apply them to the design process and outcomes.

- Technical and practical: Exhibition designers need to have a solid technical and practical knowledge and skills, as they need to be able to use various software and hardware tools, such as CAD, 3D modeling, graphic design, and prototyping, to create and present their design proposals and prototypes. They also need to be familiar with the materials, methods, and standards of exhibition construction and installation, and to be able to oversee and manage the production and delivery of the exhibit. They also need to be able to troubleshoot and solve any technical or logistical issues that may arise during the project.

- Critical and reflective: Exhibition designers need to have a critical and reflective mindset, as they need to be able to evaluate and improve their own work and performance, as well as the impact and effectiveness of the exhibit. They need to be able to set and measure the goals and objectives of the exhibit, and to use various evaluation tools and methods, such as feedback forms, visitor studies, and post-occupancy evaluation, to assess the outcomes and results. They also need to be able to learn from their successes and failures, and to incorporate the lessons and insights into their future projects.

Some examples of successful exhibition designers who demonstrate these skills and qualities are:

- Ralph Appelbaum: He is the founder and president of Ralph Appelbaum Associates, one of the world's leading exhibition design firms, with offices in New York, London, Berlin, Beijing, and Moscow. He has designed over 700 exhibits for museums, cultural institutions, corporations, and governments, such as the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the American Museum of Natural History, the National Museum of African American History and Culture, and the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai. He is known for his innovative and immersive storytelling, his collaborative and interdisciplinary approach, and his commitment to social and environmental responsibility.

- Paola Antonelli: She is the senior curator of architecture and design, and the director of research and development, at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York. She has curated and designed over 30 exhibits for MoMA, such as Design and the Elastic Mind, Talk to Me, and Broken Nature, that explore the impact and potential of design on society, culture, and the environment. She is known for her visionary and provocative curatorial vision, her communication and engagement with the public, and her research and advocacy for design as a force for good.

- Thomas Heatherwick: He is the founder and principal of Heatherwick Studio, a London-based design studio that works across architecture, urban planning, sculpture, and exhibition design. He has designed and created over 200 projects for public and private clients, such as the UK Pavilion at the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai, the Vessel at Hudson Yards in New York, and the Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa in Cape Town. He is known for his creativity and innovation, his technical and practical skills, and his critical and reflective practice.

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3. How to find your niche and target market in the exhibition industry?

Niche and Target

Niche and Target Market

One of the most crucial aspects of running a successful exhibition design agency is finding your niche and target market. This means identifying what makes your agency unique and who are the ideal clients that would benefit from your services. By doing so, you can create a strong brand identity, differentiate yourself from the competition, and attract more loyal and profitable customers. Here are some steps you can take to find your niche and target market in the exhibition industry:

1. conduct a SWOT analysis of your agency. A swot analysis is a tool that helps you evaluate your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. By analyzing these factors, you can identify what you do best, what you need to improve, what gaps exist in the market, and what challenges you face. For example, you may find that your strength is creating immersive and interactive exhibits, your weakness is marketing and promotion, your opportunity is expanding to new regions or sectors, and your threat is the emergence of new competitors or technologies.

2. Research your competitors and customers. Another way to find your niche and target market is to study your existing and potential competitors and customers. You can use online tools, such as Google Trends, social media, or industry reports, to gather information about the trends, preferences, and behaviors of your audience. You can also conduct surveys, interviews, or focus groups to get direct feedback from your customers or prospects. For example, you may discover that your competitors are mainly focused on corporate or trade shows, while your customers are looking for more creative and cultural exhibits.

3. Define your value proposition and positioning. Based on your swot analysis and market research, you can craft a clear and compelling value proposition and positioning statement for your agency. A value proposition is a statement that summarizes the benefits and advantages of your services, while a positioning statement is a statement that defines how you want to be perceived by your target market. For example, your value proposition could be "We create engaging and memorable exhibits that connect people with stories and emotions", while your positioning statement could be "We are the leading exhibition design agency for museums and cultural institutions".

4. segment and target your market. Once you have defined your value proposition and positioning, you can segment and target your market based on various criteria, such as geographic, demographic, psychographic, or behavioral. By segmenting your market, you can identify the most profitable and suitable segments for your agency, and tailor your marketing and communication strategies accordingly. By targeting your market, you can focus your efforts and resources on reaching and serving the customers that are most likely to appreciate and value your services. For example, you may segment your market by region, industry, size, or budget, and target the segments that match your niche and goals.

Exhibition design agency: Entrepreneurship Lessons from Successful Exhibition Design Agencies - FasterCapital (1)

How to find your niche and target market in the exhibition industry - Exhibition design agency: Entrepreneurship Lessons from Successful Exhibition Design Agencies

4. The best practices and strategies for creating engaging and memorable exhibition experiences

Strategies for Creating

One of the most important aspects of running a successful exhibition design agency is creating engaging and memorable exhibition experiences for the clients and the visitors. Exhibition design is not just about aesthetics, but also about storytelling, interaction, and emotion. It requires a combination of creativity, technical skills, and business acumen. In this section, we will explore some of the best practices and strategies that exhibition design agencies use to create captivating exhibition experiences. Here are some of them:

- Understand the client's vision and objectives. Before starting any design work, it is essential to have a clear understanding of what the client wants to achieve with the exhibition, who their target audience is, and what message they want to convey. This will help the agency to align their design with the client's goals and expectations, and to avoid any misunderstandings or conflicts later on. A good way to do this is to conduct a thorough briefing session with the client, where the agency can ask questions, listen to their needs, and offer suggestions. The agency should also do some research on the client's industry, competitors, and previous exhibitions to gain more insights and inspiration.

- Create a compelling narrative and theme. Every exhibition should have a central narrative and theme that guides the design and the visitor journey. A narrative is a story that connects the different elements of the exhibition, such as the exhibits, the graphics, the audiovisuals, and the interactive features. A theme is a concept or a message that summarizes the main idea of the exhibition. A good narrative and theme should be relevant, engaging, and memorable. They should capture the attention and interest of the visitors, and make them want to explore more. For example, an exhibition design agency called Studio C102 created a narrative and theme for a pop-up exhibition called One Year On that showcased the work of emerging designers who graduated from the Royal College of Art. The narrative was based on the idea of a journey, and the theme was about celebrating the achievements and challenges of the designers in their first year after graduation.

- Design for the senses. An exhibition is not just a visual experience, but a multisensory one. Exhibition design agencies should consider how to stimulate the senses of the visitors, such as sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste. This can create a more immersive and emotional experience, and enhance the impact and recall of the exhibition. For example, an exhibition design agency called Ralph Appelbaum Associates designed an exhibition called The Senses: Design Beyond Vision that explored how design can shape our sensory experiences. The exhibition featured a variety of exhibits that engaged the senses, such as a furry wall that emitted sounds when touched, a scent chamber that emitted different smells, and a tasting bar that offered samples of different flavors.

- Incorporate interactivity and technology. Interactivity and technology are powerful tools that can enrich the exhibition experience and increase the engagement and participation of the visitors. Exhibition design agencies should look for ways to incorporate interactivity and technology into their design, such as using touchscreens, motion sensors, augmented reality, virtual reality, and gamification. These can create a more dynamic and fun experience, and allow the visitors to interact with the exhibits, the content, and each other. For example, an exhibition design agency called Local Projects designed an exhibition called New York at Its Core that used interactivity and technology to tell the history and future of New York City. The exhibition featured a 360-degree video projection that showed the evolution of the city, a touchscreen table that allowed the visitors to explore the city's data, and a digital installation that invited the visitors to share their visions for the city's future.

5. The common challenges and pitfalls of running an exhibition design agency and how to overcome them

Running an exhibition design agency is not an easy task. It requires creativity, innovation, business acumen, and a lot of hard work. Exhibition design agencies are responsible for creating immersive and engaging experiences for visitors, clients, and stakeholders. They have to balance the artistic vision with the practical constraints, such as budget, space, time, and safety. They also have to deal with the challenges and pitfalls that come with any entrepreneurial venture, such as competition, market fluctuations, client expectations, and team management. In this section, we will explore some of the common challenges and pitfalls of running an exhibition design agency and how to overcome them.

Some of the common challenges and pitfalls are:

- Finding and retaining clients: Exhibition design agencies have to constantly look for new opportunities and projects to sustain their business. They have to market themselves effectively and showcase their portfolio and expertise. They also have to maintain good relationships with their existing clients and ensure their satisfaction and loyalty. To overcome this challenge, exhibition design agencies can use various strategies, such as:

* Networking and referrals: Exhibition design agencies can leverage their contacts and connections in the industry and seek referrals from their previous or current clients. They can also attend events and conferences related to exhibition design and meet potential clients and partners.

* online presence and social media: Exhibition design agencies can create and maintain a professional and attractive website and social media accounts that highlight their work and achievements. They can also use online platforms and forums to share their insights and opinions on exhibition design trends and topics.

* Awards and recognition: Exhibition design agencies can participate in competitions and awards that showcase their excellence and innovation in exhibition design. They can also seek recognition and endorsem*nt from reputable organizations and institutions in the field.

- Managing the project lifecycle: Exhibition design agencies have to manage the entire project lifecycle, from the initial concept to the final installation and evaluation. They have to coordinate with various stakeholders, such as clients, sponsors, curators, contractors, and suppliers. They have to plan and execute the design, fabrication, installation, and maintenance of the exhibition. They have to monitor and control the quality, cost, and schedule of the project. They also have to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of the exhibition and collect feedback and data. To overcome this challenge, exhibition design agencies can use various tools and methods, such as:

* project management software and tools: Exhibition design agencies can use project management software and tools that help them organize and track the project activities and resources. They can also use communication and collaboration tools that facilitate the exchange of information and ideas among the project team and stakeholders.

* project management methodologies and frameworks: Exhibition design agencies can adopt and follow project management methodologies and frameworks that provide guidance and best practices for managing exhibition design projects. Some examples are Agile, Scrum, and Waterfall.

* project management skills and competencies: Exhibition design agencies can develop and enhance their project management skills and competencies, such as leadership, communication, problem-solving, risk management, and negotiation. They can also seek training and certification in project management from recognized bodies and institutions.

- staying ahead of the competition and the market: Exhibition design agencies have to face the competition and the market dynamics that affect their business. They have to keep up with the changing needs and preferences of their clients and visitors. They have to innovate and differentiate themselves from their competitors. They have to adapt and respond to the external factors and trends that influence the exhibition design industry, such as technology, culture, and society. To overcome this challenge, exhibition design agencies can use various approaches, such as:

* Research and analysis: Exhibition design agencies can conduct research and analysis on their target market and audience, their competitors and their offerings, and the industry and its developments. They can use various sources and methods, such as surveys, interviews, observations, and data analytics.

* design thinking and user-centered design: Exhibition design agencies can use design thinking and user-centered design principles and processes to create exhibition designs that are desirable, feasible, and viable. They can empathize with their users and understand their needs, wants, and emotions. They can ideate and prototype various solutions and test them with their users. They can iterate and improve their designs based on the feedback and data they collect.

* Creativity and innovation: Exhibition design agencies can foster a culture and environment that encourages creativity and innovation among their team and stakeholders. They can use various techniques and tools, such as brainstorming, mind mapping, and sketching. They can also seek inspiration and learn from other domains and disciplines, such as art, science, and history.

Resources to Help Manage

As an exhibition design agency, you have to juggle multiple tasks and responsibilities on a daily basis. You have to plan, design, and execute exhibitions that meet the expectations of your clients and the visitors. You have to manage your team, your budget, your deadlines, and your reputation. You have to deal with challenges, risks, and uncertainties that may arise along the way. How do you ensure that you have the tools and resources you need to manage your projects, clients, and finances effectively and efficiently? Here are some suggestions that can help you:

- Use project management software. Project management software can help you organize your projects, tasks, and milestones. You can assign roles and responsibilities, track progress and performance, communicate and collaborate with your team and clients, and generate reports and invoices. Some examples of project management software that are suitable for exhibition design agencies are Asana, Trello, Basecamp, and Monday.com.

- Use design software. Design software can help you create and visualize your exhibition concepts, layouts, and graphics. You can use design software to sketch, model, render, and animate your exhibition ideas. You can also use design software to create presentations and proposals for your clients and stakeholders. Some examples of design software that are suitable for exhibition design agencies are SketchUp, AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop, and Blender.

- Use accounting software. Accounting software can help you manage your finances, such as income, expenses, taxes, and cash flow. You can use accounting software to record and categorize your transactions, create and send invoices and receipts, track and follow up on payments, and generate financial statements and reports. Some examples of accounting software that are suitable for exhibition design agencies are QuickBooks, Xero, FreshBooks, and Wave.

- Use marketing software. Marketing software can help you promote your exhibition design agency, attract and retain clients, and increase your visibility and reputation. You can use marketing software to create and manage your website, social media, email, and online advertising campaigns. You can also use marketing software to analyze and optimize your marketing performance and ROI. Some examples of marketing software that are suitable for exhibition design agencies are WordPress, Mailchimp, Hootsuite, and Google Ads.

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7. The latest trends and innovations in exhibition design and how to stay ahead of the competition

Latest trends and innovations

Stay Ahead of Competition

Exhibition design is a dynamic and creative field that requires constant innovation and adaptation to meet the changing needs and expectations of the visitors, clients, and stakeholders. In a competitive market, exhibition design agencies need to differentiate themselves from their rivals by offering unique, engaging, and memorable experiences that showcase their expertise and vision. To achieve this, exhibition design agencies can follow some of the latest trends and innovations in the industry, such as:

- Using immersive technologies. One of the ways to create a captivating and interactive exhibition is to use immersive technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, and 360-degree video. These technologies can transport the visitors to different places, times, and scenarios, and allow them to explore and interact with the exhibition content in new and exciting ways. For example, the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C., used virtual reality to create an immersive exhibit called Skin and Bones, which allowed the visitors to see how animals looked and behaved in the past by overlaying digital models on the skeletons.

- Incorporating sustainability and social responsibility. Another trend that exhibition design agencies can follow is to incorporate sustainability and social responsibility into their design process and outcomes. This can involve using eco-friendly materials, reducing waste and energy consumption, promoting environmental awareness and education, and supporting social causes and movements. For example, the Design Museum in London created an exhibition called Designers in Residence, which showcased the work of four young designers who tackled various social and environmental issues, such as homelessness, air pollution, disability, and mental health, through their design projects.

- Adapting to the post-pandemic context. The COVID-19 pandemic has posed many challenges and opportunities for exhibition design agencies, as they have to adapt to the new health and safety regulations, as well as the changing behaviors and preferences of the visitors. Some of the ways that exhibition design agencies can adapt to the post-pandemic context are:

- Creating hybrid exhibitions. Hybrid exhibitions are exhibitions that combine physical and digital elements, such as online platforms, live streaming, interactive apps, and social media. Hybrid exhibitions can offer more flexibility, accessibility, and engagement for the visitors, as they can choose how, when, and where to experience the exhibition. For example, the Victoria and Albert Museum in London created a hybrid exhibition called Alice: Curiouser and Curiouser, which featured a physical exhibition, an online platform, a live event, and a VR experience, all based on the theme of Alice in Wonderland.

- Designing for social distancing. social distancing is one of the measures that exhibition design agencies have to consider and implement in their exhibitions, to ensure the safety and comfort of the visitors and staff. Social distancing can be achieved by using various design strategies, such as limiting the number and duration of visitors, creating one-way routes and clear signage, spacing out the exhibits and seating areas, and providing contactless and touchless interactions. For example, the Museum of Modern Art in New York designed an exhibition called Broken Nature: Design Takes on Human Survival, which featured a spacious layout, a timed-entry system, and a QR code-based audio guide, to facilitate social distancing and minimize physical contact.

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8. How to grow and scale your exhibition design agency and achieve your goals?

Grow and Scale

You have learned a lot from the successful exhibition design agencies that shared their stories and insights in this article. Now, you might be wondering how to apply those lessons to your own agency and take it to the next level. Growing and scaling an exhibition design agency is not an easy task, but it is possible with the right mindset, strategy, and execution. Here are some tips that can help you achieve your goals and become a leader in the exhibition design industry:

- 1. Define your niche and value proposition. The exhibition design market is competitive and diverse, so you need to stand out from the crowd and offer something unique and valuable to your clients. What is your specialty? What problems do you solve? What benefits do you provide? How do you differentiate yourself from your competitors? These are some of the questions that you need to answer clearly and convincingly. For example, one of the agencies featured in this article, XYZ Design, focused on creating immersive and interactive exhibitions that engaged the visitors and enhanced their learning experience. They used cutting-edge technology, such as VR, AR, and AI, to create memorable and impactful exhibitions that attracted and retained clients.

- 2. Build a strong team and culture. Your agency is only as good as your people, so you need to invest in hiring, training, and retaining the best talent in the industry. You also need to foster a culture that supports creativity, collaboration, and innovation. Your team should share your vision, values, and passion for exhibition design. They should also have the skills, knowledge, and experience to deliver high-quality work that meets or exceeds the client's expectations. For example, one of the agencies featured in this article, ABC Design, prided themselves on having a diverse and multidisciplinary team that could handle any project, no matter how complex or challenging. They also cultivated a culture of trust, respect, and feedback that encouraged their team members to grow and learn from each other.

- 3. Establish a solid process and system. To grow and scale your agency, you need to have a clear and consistent process and system that guides your work from start to finish. You need to define the steps, roles, responsibilities, and deliverables for each stage of the project, such as research, design, production, installation, and evaluation. You also need to have the tools, resources, and infrastructure that support your process and system, such as software, hardware, equipment, and facilities. Having a solid process and system will help you streamline your workflow, improve your efficiency and productivity, and ensure your quality and standards. For example, one of the agencies featured in this article, LMN Design, developed a proprietary software that automated and simplified their design process. They also invested in state-of-the-art equipment and facilities that enabled them to produce and install their exhibitions faster and cheaper.

- 4. Expand your network and portfolio. To grow and scale your agency, you need to have a strong network and portfolio that showcases your work and reputation. You need to build and maintain relationships with your existing and potential clients, partners, suppliers, and industry peers. You also need to showcase your work and achievements on various platforms, such as your website, social media, blogs, podcasts, awards, and publications. Expanding your network and portfolio will help you generate more leads, referrals, and opportunities, as well as increase your visibility and credibility in the market. For example, one of the agencies featured in this article, OPQ Design, leveraged their network and portfolio to land prestigious and lucrative projects, such as the World Expo, the Olympics, and the Smithsonian Museum. They also used their network and portfolio to attract and recruit top talent and partners.

These are some of the ways that you can grow and scale your exhibition design agency and achieve your goals. Of course, there is no one-size-fits-all formula for success, and you will have to adapt and adjust your strategies according to your situation and context. However, by following these tips and learning from the successful exhibition design agencies that we have featured in this article, you will be well on your way to becoming a leader in the exhibition design industry. We hope that this article has inspired and motivated you to take your agency to the next level. Thank you for reading and good luck!

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Exhibition design agency: Entrepreneurship Lessons from Successful Exhibition Design Agencies - FasterCapital (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.