Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (2024)

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Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (1)[...]Didn’t know about it.
1) f*ck no. 2) Overpriced and not that good + Sandwiches and

coffee are good.
3) Possibly + I can’t stand still long enough.
4) Eat, “study”, and listen to Radio Control.
5) Homemade and unsliced + French stick.

2) Not vegan enough.

3[...]unge, or outside the CHAFF office, by
Wed 5pm — and go in the draw to win a $20 book voucher

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (2)[...]LM-FESTIVAL RUN-DOWN _

~ foinema'tic. Highlights and Steveo’s Film-A-Day
' "3221Musi[...]Aunty'

‘ S rition & Stuff. & Things and The Wellness Corner

ulitical' Paulep‘e 've~& G[...]l'rfouse of What: I HEART FACEBOOK


To find[...]e been looking for, visit us at the
University of Otago’s Postgraduate Information Evening.

Wednesday[...]to 7.30pm Please RSVP to Susan Craig

Room 4.0l To get a postgraduate information pack andOtago offers postgraduate programmes in
Dunedin, Christchurch,Wellington and by distance.

. 1


Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (3)[...]dame Xylophone i

, ,

The views and opinions

. expressed within CHAFF
- are-not nece[...]s.
. CHAFF Is printed at APN

' Prmt In Wanganui, and.

- Volume 76 . ‘

. H Trying few weeks for MUSA and
the‘ otherstadent associations around the
count[...]box each year to
stay a part of the Association. And since-that
Bill is almost certainly going to spri[...]voluntarily when/if the choice Is put to you
and so we’re all doing our best right now to

The m[...]as yet
another wallet suckling monster of excess and
waste..." and surely that perception has to be the
greatest indictment; a very clear demonstration
of our past and present failure to communicate
with our student m[...]ny students think
MUSA is simply the paper, radio and events,
and that you’re paying your levy each year in
order[...]r taste, like any consumer, you’re
disappointed and annoyed.) But here’s the
source of the disconne[...]- information, to decide for you what you want

and then expect you to go do it; it’s here to


work out a) why and b) how to fix it. | worth keeping around, and it’s the stuff behind
I[...]r interests
to the University; the community

and to each other..lf you’re not
taking that opport[...]iting to or,

_ for the paper, making your issues
and interests known), then MUSA “I
can’t be doing[...]nough or in the right ways to keep you
connected, and now it’s getting serious we're
in a mutual death grip. Everyone means well
and everyone wants to do better — and if we
don’t know really what you want, it’s also true
you don’t entirely know what we do. And so the
upside Of Roy’s Bill is that it might fo[...]ion’s
most important functions - representation and
protection — and it's also the stuff you’d really
miss if it wer[...]e of MUSA Exec on
Massey Council, Academic Boards and the like
hold University Management accountable t[...]tangible affect on the quality of your education
and the cost of it — it’s a valuable function, and
one you’d miss if it were gone. (Waikato Uni went

’ voluntary, and within two years compulsory

membership was reins[...]from the an organization it is supposed to own

I and guide; and from one that works tirelessly

1 i. Matt' 5[...]es, some diverting

I entertainments on concourse and a hundy or
: so lower fees each year — just by[...]ENTE

It is Thursday afternoon as | write this and there
is a few good reasons for my tardinessIMost[...]e document that I have been
working on with NZUSA and the rest Of the
MaSsey Presidents (we have lots o[...]ents
over 700 students surveyed On their opinions
and beliefs around fee increases. It’s been a
hell of a report to try and sort out in a relatively
small period of time and it has been taking up
the lion’s share of my ti[...]quorum last week. It will be on again this
week and this time with an added emergency

' item from th[...]’ve talked to a lot of students in my time here
and mostly I don’t think students think MUSA is
a w[...]e
benefits of advocacy, representation to council
and the Services we provide are seen as Old hat
- and I will agree with the students I talked to,
there[...]real key- I’m just not sure how
to achieve it

And there is a responsibility from the students
to show an interest in things that do affect you,
some do and many don’t know it is those two
groups who must[...]oth know about issues that

., Willimpact on them and take no interest we

4 cannot take responsibility[...]y realise that these Issues are worth their

time and manag, teemri‘ea’élong Wm to get

involved.[...]that’s wide open this year— 40 hours
+ a week and all the sausages you can eat

and more than a little bit Of a headache) but to
any[...]paid (not much, but
enough to live in some cases) and experience
in organizational management that cann[...]tudent union should be
talking about for you guys and again you will
have the chance to make the[...]

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (4)[...]ptain Cook rte-w CHUNKS


De[...]eased from 84 to 104
dollars in the past 3 years. And even worse than
that is the insurance price. From[...]e positive
side MUSA rocks! I paid $170 in ’07, and it has
since come down to $140 and stayed there!
Understandably, the price will prob[...]0 difference
between them. Make the sandwiches $2 and
make up the money by charging $3.90 for pies
poss[...]yone. '

Second, Rantimus Prime hit- the Security and
Traffic nail on the head. They’re amazingly ine[...]eansto be forgiven for our
sins as we becbme more and more imperfect as
the passage of time pushes on f[...]asked myself why i bother to write
these letters. And i realised because i don’t care
enough to bothe[...]tood up after-
about half an hour of.conversation and told me
“i’m sorry, you’re hot, but you’r[...]S"


and proclaimed “women: you can’t live
with/them, and you can’t kill them”.

The really funny part[...]mmary, i have absolutely nothing
of worth to say. and i love every minute
of it. Funnily enough, i guess this makes
Tobias and I more alike than i first
thought. I ‘

GET US[...]M
GREAT FOR MIND ANDand Bounty bars, and due to my metabolism I’m
thin as a rake.

Fight the oppressors!
- Seth Winn :)




To the perso[...]se

From the girl who sawyou while it was raining
and smiled creepily as your yellow shows
brightened u[...]true

I do not like you

I am seeing another boy

And his shoes are blue

You ignored me for too long

And our love was all wrong

Your green didn’t match my eyes
Because the colour was too strong


And even though it breaks my heart

We will have to live apart

I saw your flirting with the Red shoed girl
And she is a bit of a tart

A limerick!


Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (5)[...]_for- hlS work _on
bro’Town, Stone’s Wedding,
and Spotzah, as well has
his theatre work With The
Naked Samoans. Because
Oscar was such a cool .
dude. and we 3 oke for _so
long, Tea and cones wrth
Oscar Kr ,htley has been
splltjnto wo[...]lt’s going to be amix of live action,
sketches, and animation, and we’re Sort of
expanding the team to include som[...]s up;
people, like ‘Reeoe Darby, Taika Waititi, and
Jemaine (Clement). So it’s a bit of an ensemble[...], it’s just you end meeting » ‘


people and making friends because it’s a small

_ ‘ enoughindUStry for that to happen, and that’s
' cool because there {are'opportunitles to work .‘

together and expand your own funniness or your
own work by tea[...]some
of the stuff that we’d developed together and
putting it out there. We were excited, and we
thought people might appreciate an adult
prime[...]od reaction. Then we
hadexpectations to deal with and it became
harder. The first time, it was quite exciting and
we were sort of'ignorant, and quite blissful

4 in that ignorance because it wa[...]good." i

to lt‘“ e

‘ having a cool time, and then if you stay too long

obabl at
s thlsa o, -[...]at
too, that we had a cartoon that was irreverent
and made about stuff that we could understand,

and not just stuff that we could understand but 4

th[...]ink a
couple of keys there would be its funniness and
its New Zealandness.

hatb bu ht_ _
GCISIOI‘I[...]ll. You know
how it is when you are at cool party and you’re

it’s not suchga cool party?

.[...]aving fun, when you don’t really want to leave,
and then you can look back and say you’ve had
a good night... whereas if you end up staying till
nine in the morning and having to Help clean up,
that’s not so good. So[...]leaving the party while we were still enjoying
it and the chance to. explore other things. But
we’ve got a bro’Town movie in the works and a
couple of TV specials, so bro’Town’s still around,

'and by then we might feel like bringing the

series b[...]d yne Ian.
pow o eope
from at er

co entries res and
to them? p

Really good. when'Sione’s Wedding o[...]t opened. in Hawaii; it was
a box—office winner and there wereheaps of
other movies on at the time. b[...]s
in South America, Portugal, around the Pacific,
and around the States on Cable, and people like
it. In New‘Zealand we tend to think[...]ve an
overseas accent for other people to get

us and where we’re coming. from. But that‘s
wrong. JusLlike we can watch The Simpsons
and South Park, Coronation Streetand Slumdog
Millionaire and not be associated with the
cultures they come fro[...]or America. _,

It’s the same with bro’To_wn and stuff from New
Zealand that goes overseas. People get the
characters and the story even if they don’t

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (6)[...]locaust, the
invasion of East Timor by Indonesia, and
several others are all places in which I think
th[...]justified intervention
was not usually the case ~ and that New
Zealand and many other countries often
waged war for less tha[...]an joining .
in with Israel alongside the British and French.
It was, as far as I can see, an act of un[...]g .in was on
the basis of justified intervention, and I would
still support that move. Why rehash the a[...]ary presence.

The International Non—Aggression and the
Lawful Use of Force Bill is one hell of a mouthful
but it is the content of the bill andand the

I Lawful Use at Force BIII

geesf thmugh the[...]ct
difference between holding a state responsible
and holding an individual (or set of the same)
respon[...]o the other.

If the International Non-Aggression and the
Lawful Use of Force Bill goes through then[...]sponsible for their actions.
I'm not going to try and hold an impartial stance
on this; I think it's an[...]iticians being
careful about their own backsides) and if you’re

‘ . keen on using military force t[...]members
of cabinet responsible for fact checking and
lower level decision making. This would hold a
pa[...]n, not
condemnation. This would give us the means
and methods to refuse to go to war, even if the
gover[...]go into Iraq- despite the will of the populous)
and yet still engagein the peacekeeping and
defence activities that the Armed forces are .
us[...]ibility, the idea that we all decide to go
to war and should therefore be punished as ‘
a country, however dispersed and ineffectual
that punishment may be. In leaving th[...]y; of
demonstrating the nature of corrupt leaders and
the measures by which they may force us to go
to[...]the leaders of the country who determine
policy, and It is always a simple matter to drag
the people a[...]e to

do is to tell them they are being attacked, and
denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism
and exposing the country to danger. It works

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (7)[...]bility to strain
methylated spirits through bread and drink
the non-poisonous remainder a veritable -
b[...]flighty people who don’t take kindly '
to airs and graces. A man; with access to a
toilet is attract[...]e full-bodied co*ke
Classic is a better match).

' And yet,.it’s equally embarrassing for him/ her
it[...]No; it’s better to
dodge the matter altogether and instead
snuggle up together for a romantic discar[...]nking Club or somesuch, in which
case going there and not drinking pee is just
plain rude. No wonder pe[...].* When you’re millions of
miles from the Earth and even more millions of
miles from the Opera Houses and Debutante
Balls that litter Venus, why not satisfy your
curiosity andand refreshing and its bouquet
a veritable spray of Old Spice for th[...]you’re not hearing me rap at
you, Helen Keller and Stevie Wonder. I know
all deaf people have evolve[...]rt. . .. g Ho’dem’ "me“ was "legal in space and, ironically, Texas u til 19
'- » , , n 75.

I[...]erry, give you five bucks to drink some
meths!” and not, I don’t know, “Double dare
you to jump o[...]because
one is a valid incitement to drink moths and
the other one just a foolhardy threat to your
leg[...]nkirfg meths in good old

’ Why?

Well, intematibnally, met[...]ive! We

need to replace it with something cheap,
and delicious.

Scientist 2: What aboutice cream, or[...]y

Scientist 2: Perfect!

Scientist 1: And let’s make it bright purple
so it appeals to th[...]king meths, is it? You're just drinking
champagne and trying to sound hard.



PO[...]that meths was the secret source
of laser vision and faster-than-light flight.

The information has t[...]perpowers in question are the ability
to be blind and the gift of convulsive vomiting.
2. The duck was a drug addict. f '

3. Your girlfriend has just been killed and you
need to turn time backwards by spinning the
e[...]ly quickly. . _ >
.4. You already-have superpower and more
would just be greedy. ‘ '

5. You’re alr[...]lf youanswered yes to one or all of these, go
on and drink the meths.



Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (8)[...]; money which could have been
donated to the SPCA andand decide whether MUSA should support the .
decrimin[...]hat kind of social issues MUSA
should campaign on and what ppsitions the
Association should take.

Thes[...]d to a few students afterwards who
hadn’t gone, and so did [Vice President
Administration] Cassie [Rowe],'and a lot of
them thought that it‘was either us saying that
marijuana is good andand the fact that a number of classes were on,
which[...]bs; that in the past has got us over the 50
mark, and I think a stronger showing from the '
Executive w[...]whether to keep the
Women’s Officer, Recreation and Leisure Officer,
and Environmental Officer positions on the
MUSA Execu[...]s up to $3,862 a year for costs
such as transport and course fees.

Those who had already been (getting[...]s.
Applications for the TIA are done through Work
and Income New Zealand (WINZ), with part

of the appl[...]changed
the rules, because they didn’t
tell us, and we continued to
process applications as we
had in[...]t those who
are motivated to improve their
lives, and will greatly impact
study areas such as midwifery,
teaching and nursing.


“This group of students ha[...]e on
their ability to continue with their studies and
eventually get off the DPB. Labour has laid a
com[...]that the privacy issue is just a “sideshow”,
and that the real issue was the need for the TIA.

“In a time of great economic uncertainty and
with unemployment on the rise, the TIA was
even more valid and necessary and represented
a clear commitment from Govern[...]

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (9)[...]one who hires

a bike with a bike look, a helmet, and
bike maintenance (excluding puncture

MUSA Environmental Officer and
Palmerston North Green Bike Trust
Chairperson sai[...]ly I
sustainable. In spite of the social
benefits and the environmental
benefits of doing recycled bik[...]n someone’s back shed
that’s low-key mangled, and the
amount of time and labour that’s
spent on it, trying to get it back up to i
a rideable standard, and maintaining .
that standard is really challenging[...]he new
bikes for week, but had already sold
three and hired out four.

They are now selling the recycle[...]e «seesaw

prison, drop off a whole lot of bikes
and parts. They could have a little
workshop and fix them up.”


"‘l’m not talk[...], Geary had not done so for

a couple of meetings and therefore had his
voting rights suspended until h[...]e
honest it is not that hard to make a phone
call and say that you can’t make'the meeting
(unless you[...]e, with
Poucher playing the rote of Donald Trump,
and applicants be chosen based on their
ability to pu[...]as rejected, which has cost MUSA potential
income and TV ratings.[...]ident. Anywayz,that’s that thing

Robyn Malcolm and abmwhof people from
Shortland Street have beenadv[...]2020.
Poucher sought approval from the Executive,
and because none of them openly hate the
environment,[...]uffet lunch, three free drinks
(two at the event, and onset Malbas), bus
ridesto the racecourse and back to Malbas for

If A the after party, as well[...], but

this yearnwe have got way more sponsors,

\and way more prizes; So as soon as people

are buying[...]into the day.

"Leave” had a fashioncompetition and a
. Jew other things butwe wanflobuild on that

[ She is considering having karaoke, and holding

I a dance competition, while the band Do[...]e. We’ve also got beauty
vouchers for the girls and Daytona vouchers
for the guys to encourage them t[...]rg. ‘ f;

“It’s been a reaI quick response, and. given
me an idea on how it is going to do,” sa[...]ensue new for $30

' from MUSA reception, Vault, and

, on concou'reeeech Wednesday .
I lunchti[...]

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (10)[...]tephen Donald, Mils
_ uliaina, Sitivini Sivivatu, and Brendan
eonard, but With Liam Messam, Sione
‘au[...]score tries at


The return of Steve Price and Kevin Locke
was hardly noticed as they had their[...]~eighth Aaron
Cruden. With the Turbos dewn 16-38, and
starting first-five Matty James off injured,
Crud[...]d of the game. Late tries
to wings Lote Raikabula and Andre Taylor
(the latter set up by Cruden) led to[...]ill need to replicate last year’s .
performance and then some (remember
Waikato had a shocking start[...]momentum didn’t last as
long as it should have and Kia Toa first five, Black
managed to retrieve the[...]tres to score;
' to outrun players like Mike Rowe and Paul Tietjens
says it all about his pace.

game o[...]luential in the play. Locke missed
the conversion and at the seventh minute of
the game the Warriors wo[...]proud after defeating Te Kawau 11-6 in the final, and
after such an emphatic win over Old Boys Marist last
week, they would try and replicate the same success
this year against Varsity.

A decent crowd lined the grandstand and terraces
in full support, and after only 60 seconds found
themselves being trea[...]'
down, leading to Isaac Thompson scooping it up and
scoring instantly. ’

Moments later, the Turbos[...]dden
' drop goal that had the terraces screaming, and the
grandstand silenced.

’ Following the converted try and droppie, Varsity

, were riding high on confidence and held the majority
I of possession. Most of the paly Was in were playing

. in Kia’s 22 and wuth Varsity looking lively on attack.
Defence too was superb with the likes of Whitiaua

; Black and Tevita Tafui being shut down and not

a given the space they needed to respond to being

I, 10-0 down.

A conversion and well deserved tries to captain,
Bertus Mulder and Kurt Baker meant Kias would
" . conclude the firs[...]oy Aug or

of Turbos captain, Josh Bradnock and brought him
on shortly after the half began, repl[...]oose forwards, Ma’ake
Tu’ipulotu, Tonga Falou and Mulder. Had Bradnock
not been injured this year,[...]n
after ssuch a long time off the field was great and a
timely return for the Turbos; playing over 50 g[...]nch in place of
Tafui, he couldn’t be contained and defenders simply
fell of him. Again, lethargic de[...]e of errors were being made, lineouts
were stolen and the ball was dropped cold on a
number of occasion[...]s such as prop, Grant Poison, hooker, Rob
Foreman and, lock, James Goode have been training
pre-season[...]led to the likes of Viljoen,
Raikabula, Tietjens, and Baker producing slick moves
that were just too mu[...]lf ensured
they would pull away with a 29-23 win, and retain club
rugby’s-prized, possession, the Hankins Shield. Kia
Toa obviously did well and showed a lot of character
to bounce back from'bei[...]arriors in the 75th minute.
If that stung, a chip and chase from Soward
which set up Darius Boyd to sco[...]ve picked up some more wins. Losses
to the Sharks and Raiders, who are also out of
the running,[...]

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (11)[...]Two: . .
. Go up to the Musa Office" 7
this week and grab a
form Read thejob

' '[...]ternational
Students Officer
is3,ooo p. a.

Unity and Diversity festival,

nternatIonai issues, Food Fe[...]g '_ officer, get the rules 7 ' '
_ for the race and pian ' g

_ your campaigni

September 18th<,_‘-[...]s3,ooo p. a.
Approx ’10 hours a week

. Unity and Diversity Festival, f .,
Pacific Student i[...]

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (12)EM.

The: recent trails of. .
Clayton WeatherstOn 1;,
and Ferdinand Ambach _
have put the partial ‘
Bryson looks at the ‘
provocation defence
and why it has
continued to be a part
of ourlegal system.

Many of the newspaper articles and televised
stories on the case made note of Clayto[...]o killing his ex—
girlfriend Sophie Elliott — and his rejection of
a murder charge because he was p[...]as provoked by his rocky relationship
with Elliot and her coming at him with a pair of
scissors moments[...]as far as rape.
These two horrific homicide cases and their
two different verdicts have raised the ques[...]d .


What is the
defence and why
is it 'part of law?

Provocation is a partial[...]urder (formally
life imprisonment in New Zealand, and

capital punishment before that*) in cases
with m[...]t in the New Zealand legal system are
infanticide and “killing pursuant to a suicide
pact") The parti[...]zed in criminal law for at least
three centuries. and has been used to reduce

>fa,'.‘.,\ M. A. (3.7,[...]cs of the
offender, of the power of self-control; and

(b) it did in fact deprive the offender of the
power of self—control and thereby induced him
to commit the act of homicide[...]include England, Ireland,
Scotland, Wales, Canada and Australia, with
debate around the relevance of th[...]the Privy Council on
five occasions between 1978 and 2005,

and numerous times by the English Court of

C[...]account both the characteristics of
the defendant and the power of self-control
exercised by a normal p[...]re
was actually a loss of self-control.

Finally, and with more relevance to the
Weatherston case, the[...]e because
it partially excuses domestic violence, and
while Weatherston was found guilty of murder
and was not at the time of the murder in

a relations[...]- the provocation
defence effectively allowed him and his
lawyers to put the victim on trial, making th[...]d on in it

the past would be convicted of murder and
any evidence of alleged provocation would
be cons[...]tencing convicted murderers who claim
provocation and or other mitigating factors be
written up.

The 2[...]e

is in fact a phenomenon of “losing-control",
and the assumption that an ordinary person
would reso[...]er (particularly for the mentally ill
or impaired and battered women). Secondly,
other countries with w[...]ontinue to have
some form of provocation defence; and finally
that there could be practical prob[...]

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (13)profile nature where the defendant and his
legal team used it to try and portray the
victim as responsible for her own death,
resulting in great public interest and disgust.
Despite this high-profile outing for the[...]it wasn’t
just shelved. The previous Government and
the current Government just haven’t taken
the s[...]ith the establishment
of a Sentencing Council — and the current
Government has scrapped plans for the[...]delines around
finite sentences where provocation and other
mitigating factors exist.”

Fina, . ,[...]he had been
looking into the issue for some time, and

that his preference was for such issues to

be t[...]people plead not guilty, they raise the defence
[and] it then becomes a trial issue and an
issue for the jury to determine. That really i[...]s of the provocation defence,
such as Simon Power and Sophie Elliiot’s
family, have objected to is the way in which
Weatherston and his team used the defence
to besmirch the dead gi[...]or murder in New Zealand was
abolished in 2002, and replaced,

much less prominent issue whe[...]Weatherston
case, is that you have a whole trial and issues
of guilt in relation to murder revolving a[...]le.”

Organizations such as Women's Refuge and
Sensible Sentencing Trust have expressed
their su[...]voice of dissent has
been that of Wanganui Mayor and media
personality Michael Laws (go on, wipe that[...]hejrzston * §
Wasfoundguilty ; g *
of murder - and
was not'at the time’ ‘
of the murder in a
dle‘iience effectively r
allllwedl [him and) , » - .

_ . his lawyers to putt


Laws: “The argument of the Law Commission
and others is that there is never any
justification f[...]justified. Clearly violence in self—defence
is, and we have always said that in some

“We have not[...]lf, it is about lashing out,

generally in anger, and that is quite a different


Removing t[...]of homicidal violence being a kind of
unavoidable and finally uncontrollable human
instinct. We need to[...]olence as an
unavoidable part of human nature — and in
doing so diminishes and demeans those
qualities of self-control, reason and mercy
unique to us as a species, whereas all animals
bark, bite and claw - does little to show that
we have progressed a species in the last few
hundred years, and paints a grim picture of
how far we have t[...]

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (14)[...]be '
destroying his voting paper but ticking'yes
and sending it back, which I agree with, and

then MrMuirhead with his full, technical, and I

well informed article with a wonderful use of[...]at

A'- the question is less about the actual law and
‘more about our perception of.what the law

too[...]he new law actually gives four extra

reasons why and when a parent can hit a

child, however it did ta[...]‘a‘a'l"

[I was change public perception and opinion, it

’ Ione conviction since,

the law[...]hit? It' Is
during discussion that our perception and
accordingly our actions change. Also a law
change[...]eir parents never had, mostly

government funded, and studies show

more parents want to know other met[...]referendum will use the
, s to justify their ovim and goals. The

' anger around this law Is predominan[...]ed this ' ' ,
referendum havevused scaremongering and
misinformation as a tool for power over the
hearts and minds of middle New Zealand.

A group which has been used and blamed
in the past for the dissemination of fear

' and misinformation forcing politicians into

making racist and foolhardy laws with dire
consequences to the dise[...]gree
with them. It will de legitimise their point and

legitimises mine. At the end of the day isn’t[...]we vote? Until next time, be cool to
one another and Ka Kite Ano.

Karl Pearce.



It’s Library Week, and the theme is ‘Escape,
Explore, Discover...’ So take a bit of time

interest and discover something different
at the Library. We h[...]rary
for ideas, or try some of these-..

0 Movies and CDs in the AV

, room, Level 2

0 . Novels in the[...]505, photography

0 Music 7805

0 .Sports and games 7903

Make sure you look in both the New Zealand
collection (Level 2) and general books
(Level 3). Or search in the Library[...]ampuses

— Wellington Library has loads of arty and
creative books you might like.

Massey Uni[...]

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (15)[...]hla La_Beouf,
Megan ox, Optimus
Prime, Bumblebee, and a
bunch .of.other robots you
can’t tell apart.

It seems, like Michael Bay and friends really just
‘made the story up as they went along in order
to incorporate more giant robots and explosions
into the film. What’s worse, giant robots and
explosions are the selling point of this film,

and even they aren’t even done that well. You
can’t help but get confused and 'diSorientated
during the fight scenes; there is just too much
sh*t blowing up, and just bad framing of these
giant hunks of crap tha[...]rately designed to really be pleasing
to the eye, and when they brawl, it just looks like
a giant pile[...]n dealing with
Decepticons who are justhiding out and 'not
causing any trouble). '

Anyway, Revenge of[...]ents of the first Transformers
film.Optimus Prime and the Autobots (good
robots) are working with the U[...]le, Sam
(Shia LaBeouf) is heading off to college, and
leaving behind his ’one true love, Autobot
Bumblebee, and‘his girlfriend Mikaela (Megan .
Fox). But when[...]it, causing him to see all sorts of
crazy symbols and suffer a series of mental
breakdowns. It turns ou[...]jets,
helicopters, submarines, aircraft
carriers, and American flags give
Michael Bay a boner.

Speakin[...]dling a motorcycle with her
ass in the foreground and poking out
the shortest of shorts. Later she gets[...]t.

Much has beenmade of the racist
robots; Skids and Mudflap. If you I
haven’t heard, these two “c[...]tage
threatening to bust a cap in someone's ass),
and can’t read. One even has a gold tooth (I'm
surp[...]have seen my

The sad thing is that people have, and will , .
wmky In the horse play.

continue to eat[...]t 2 hours 45 minutes, this film is way too long,

and I actually left with about 20 minutes to g[...]

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (16)[...]f. Each explores
the subject of still photography and all
resonate together in fascinating Ways.
The first, newest and oddest film

is Ydessa, the Bears and Etc., an _ ’ ,
exploration of the spooky, obses[...]bears, along : 30 years earlier, Of a man, a boy and a dead
with many of the actual bears so depicted.[...]olocaust . a random children what they make of It and sums
survivors, isn’t irrelevant, and neither is the ‘ up the major news events Of th[...]ith the staggering array of
subjects they take on and the

inventiveness of their attack”,
Festival d[...]ie ever made Red Cliff is 140 I
minutes of heroes and villains, thrilling battle
sequences and John Woo turning epic in to
entertainment. It’s[...]m this year that appeared at the Sundance,
Berlin and Sydney Festivals. Set in early 19603
London it is a celebration of intellectual curiosity
and personal adventure through a portrait of a
16-yea[...]of critical acclaim since
it was released in 2008 and has been described
as the major German film of th[...]ist group that
called itself the Red Army Faction and from
1968 Into the 903 repeatedly attacked the

Embraces was at Cannes this year in
competition and switches between two time
periods, the present and 1994. It concerns

a director who lost his sight and now writes
screenplays. His film making memories are
triggered with an obituary and he recalls the
lead in his last film played by Pe[...]Original Screenplay, Photography,
Score, Costumes and Production Design. French
na ve painter Seraphine[...]er highlights are: Ponyo (sold out in
Wellington) and Coco avant Chanel. The former
is another animated[...]e latter stars Audrey
Tautou as ‘Coco’ Chanel and covers how a

gruff peasant girl was transformed[...]ntona tells Eric to take a few more
risks in life and live a little, it seems strange
advice coming fro[...]’s a tender
comedy about modern male alienation and

The largest section of the festival is described
as Worlds of Difference and encompasses 25
films. This includes Disgrace, an[...]in 1963, Varda

.‘ animated the 1,800

' black-and—white photos

_ she took in Cuba during

a visi[...]d a non-
motordrive Leica to shoot

her subjects, and then rephotographed the stills

on an animation stand.) Varda and actor Michel

: Piccoli trade voiceover commentar[...]theme: Every photo is a potential time capsule

and every human life is a sequence of photos

whether[...]tegy in Bolivia.

New Directions highlights first and second time
feature directors along with the New[...]entaries have become a staple of recent
Festivals and the six in the Framing Reality
section are all wo[...]dolphins to
populate the world’s dolphinariums and what
happens to those not chosen. A gripping

‘[...]quest to'
examine art, photography in particular and her
relationship to the artistic process in a mos[...]uick Fact

Agnes Varda is a lifelong photographer and
photography enthusiast.

Screenings at 5.30pm and 8pm at
Downtown Cinemas. Members only.
Palmerston[...]p is. available at the door
before each screening and lasts for
one full year. ‘

espionage[...]ofile of Youssou N’Dour in the
self titled film and coverage of the ‘Zaire 74’
music festival tha[...]et Loud
when a supergroup of Jimmy Page, The Edge
and Jack White get together toplay and discuss
the defining musical moments that[...]

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (17)[...]he Cove (94) . ‘

With a spy-thriller intellect and activist spirit, The cove is an
utterly compelling exploration of the dolphin trade, andand historical reconstruction,
the film traces the li[...]ist group that
called itself the Red Army'Faction and from 1968 into the 905
repeatedly attacked the Ge[...]ey saw the US actions in
Vietnam, the Middle East and the Third World as a new fascism.

Their targets were big business and the pro-government media,~

- and their/spectacular tactics established a large fan[...]Seven lines, as

. combative Zhou Yu (Tony Leung) and thoughtful‘Hongming

(Takeshi Kaneshiro) rally[...]battle sequences have both

T military precision and tremendous invention about them: shields

form im[...]irst IS a torrid expression of predatory instinct and insatiable,

all-consuming love, embodied through[...]lding his day job as a priest-cum-miracle healer, and his

night shift as an accidental vampire and fornicating murderer.

Park takes his famed eroticlzation of violence, pain and cruelty

to new, feverish heights, and garnishes it with deliciously sad*stic

gallows h[...], justifies

his way of obtaining blood supplies, and

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (18)[...]The Flying Fish. 8pm until late. Free.

and much more.

Swell @The Royal. 9pm. $10.
Featuring Royal Wolf, The
Neckstretchrs, and The Kleptics.

THE ONE 6 ONLY OFFIC[...]The Red Bull Hummer on concourse from

Come down and check out a DJ spinning

2 Minute Brothers Presen[...]the other Kriday afternoon. Laying down
the vibes and re- distributing the wealth

. at an outdoor mid-[...]atic
Centre. Good fun was had by all.

Mr Mixwell and A Token Whitey spinning hip-
hop, reggae funk, so[...]timulation.

5'"!- E:

vibrations nine hundred and ninety nine

Control 99dot4 FM - sending out cosm[...]or
to bring you the goodness, promote the
unique, and‘give YOU the choice,

Your correspondent,

It’s a difficult time for the music
industry and lesser bands would
have followed the ‘ifrit ain[...]al. it's one of the
punchiest songs entire record and Kasabian
make it very clear that a change' In sou[...]rent in the Kasabian
camp. It’s an instrumental and ’tome to one of
the weirdest guitar lines tc so[...]unatic
Asylum where things begin to get a bit odd and
very exciting. Take Aim has a very eastern feel
and lead singer Torn M'eigha’n’s vocal melody I
is just fantastic. The next two tracks, Thick as :
Thieves andAnd
then, ladies and gentlemen, we have Vlad the
Impaler. It’s all crunchy guitars and drums like
the apocalypse. Add a synth line and vocals that
could incite a riot and you have one of the most
exciting songs of 2009.[...]the

' musical risks they have with this record. Andand balls. Take Aim manages to put an acoustic
tracks here also, with opening tracks Underdog
and Where Did All The Love Go?solid songs
with a fami[...]n sounding
cymbals, far too many acoustic guitars and
.-an inability to capture the tracks intended
psy[...]weak Oasis riproff with a choir
in the background and Secret Alphabets is just
plain boring.


Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (19)[...]road that
people drive over? I enjoy a bit of up and down
action as much as the next man, but there’s a
time and ‘a place, and the journey to Pak it Save
is not it! > '

they tried to scan their retinas with the Shop and
Goescanners and managed to fry their brains?
How else could they[...]? Do they not realise
that I hate the supermarket and want to get the
hell out, rather than spending al[...]who have jobs are the most likely to have money
: and hence need a bank! I know you can go in

I during[...]s queuewhen | just want to buy

my bottle of milk and leave? And why do people
insist on writing endless series of[...]your staff between 12 and 1; you can’t continue
to do both. ‘

This is[...]nd like I have formed the
Anti-Pak it Save Front (and I do hate that stick-
man bastard from the advert[...]ot then you could charge
whatever amount you want and they would
still buy it.

Companies have t[...]

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (20)[...]ure you can improvise. The
woman lies on her back and crosses her legs
in the lotus position. The woman[...]er legs as far back as she can towards her
chest, and holds the position while having
sex. One woman wr[...]osition a try as soon as | feel better!

The Milk and Water Embrace also promises
a great org*sm, and includes foreplay to
spice up the sex. This position requires a

chair with no arms. The man takes a seat,
and the woman climbs on top facing away
from him. This provides an easy angle for him
to touch the woman, and when both people
are suitable aroused, he raises the woman
up, and sets her down upon him. The couple
then rocks back and forth for “an explosive
org*sm." Another advant[...]s one takes some strength
on the part of the man, and probably some
practice. The man leans back against the
wall, and lifts the woman up, and holds her up
under her butt while she braces hers[...]nd
you is free of objects in
case you fall over, and
\_ place something soft on
the ground in case th[...]ed. if you can get

' it right, this can be a fun and spontaneous

sexual position.

When I saw the pic[...]w dropped. This appears to be

quite complicated, and definitely requires
strength in the arms of the woman. The
position is called The Pair of Tongs, and

is recommended for the “slightly more
bed on her side, with just her calves, ankles,
and feet still on the mattress. The woman
supports herself with her left arm, and the
man holds her up from the waist. The man
then[...]the woman’s left leg, holding
up the right leg, and enters her while she
dangles off the edge of the bed. If you want
to know what this looks like, and it’s quite a
sight, it’s worth a search on th[...]u are looking for a simple position

that is easy and fun to do, try The Tigress.

The man lies on his back on the bed, and the

woman sits on top of him with her back to

t[...]sex life. It is always
fun to try new positions, and you
might find one that you add to your

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (21)Revie wed by Seth Winn

Combining guns, swordplay and plenty of
laughs, “Enter the Phoenix” is a ki[...]son
Georgie Hung (played

by Chinese heartthrob

and L’Or al model Daniel
Wu), and instate him as

the new boss. When they
mistake G[...]that Sam

can fulfill his dreams of
gangsterhood and Georgie
can revisit the world of

the father he b[...]lls
increasingly in love with
rival-gang princess and
inept insurance—agent Julie,
and bad-boy—with-a-score-
to-settle Chow tries to
by Jackie Chan, (who also
has a small cameo), and
marked the directorial
debut of Stephen Fung,
who co-wrote it and

plays villain Chow with
sultry minimalism. Easil[...]f the classic mistaken-
identity comedy formulas,
and a delightful cast

keeps the tempo up as it
spins between slapstick,
romance and action. The
beautiful Julie (played by Fung’s e[...]but loveable Sam, who's only
wish is to break in, and cling to power despite
the increasing mayhem of b[...]iend is left back in Thailand for the Whole
film, and all the romance is reserved for Sam
and Julie), it's still impressively un-Hollywood

to have the ass-kicking hero be a gay guy.
Handsome leads Wu and Fung are all badass
cool until their climactic showdown. The kung
fu, while impressive and authentic, doesn't
quite reach the ferociousness[...]u one

in my pants. The music works well, and often

seems to be yoinked directly from Tarantin[...]cs

(although since everything QT does is

homage and re-appropriation anyway it’s hard

to tell if t[...]xpectedly endearing

;. treat with humour, action and a warm gooey
center worthy of a TV-set near you!


g Break out the popcorn and see it now,
before Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston

H tag-team rape it.

m[...]ts well what is essentially a screw-
ball comedy, and is not without it’s moments

of furniture-demol[...]y. Dare I

say it; “Phoenix” is a solid three-and-
a—half-star film_with the style of a
five-star blockbuster. Quirky graphic
touches litter the film, and the
opening shot (which film-students
would recog[...]To ensurethat you get to see this gem of
a film (and that it receives enough interest
to encourage fut[...]ylibrary.pncc.

Click on: “MY CARD”

And fill in the required fields with: (A) The
digits after the zeroes on the back of your
library card

And (B) your pin number (usually the last

,- four di[...]).

' Now simply search for the films title, and
click the box marked “REQUEST ITEM"


Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (22)[...]ersity
Medical Centre
shines a light on
nutrition and some
quick easy facts and
tips to improve your

in England! '- So did‘the

wellness and energyfg; obesityratesllll
levels . .0 Chicken nu[...]s (600ml) bottle =

10 teaspoons of sugar!!


0 It’s ok to have a burger
now and again but it should not be
if you order
a burger don’t get fries or a drink. Try
it, andand hummus,

popcorn, fruit.

0 DON’ T UPSIZE YOUR[...]es your size.


0 Sit, eat slowly and savour
yoUr fOOd, laugh and enjoy the
company of those around you.

O Portion[...]should be carbs
— potatoes, kumara, corn, rice and
pastas, couscous.

of your plate should be proteins

— Meat, eggs, fish, nuts and seeds.
V: of your plate should be
VEGETABLES!!![...]ood to combat stress
CUT DOWN — sugar, caffeine and
alcohol. _
ADD IN — water, fruit, vegetables, o[...]igh cholesterol

0 Increase in anxiety,

cravings and nervousness.

IRON- why should I eat it?

Iron carries oxygen to your brain
and your mu'sclesll If we don’t
have enough iron we feel tired, lack
concentration and less able to fight
off infections.

Where do I find some iron?
Beef and lamb

Pork and poultry

Vegas and fruit
Lentils -


Nuts ,

Cereals and breads.

Molasses everyday

IMPORTANT - Vit[...]Most green,
yellow, orange, red or purple fruits

and vegetables are high In vitamin C. '

Vitamin B12[...]e aware
what foods contain Vitamin B12:
Red meats and poultry
Tuna and salmon


Milk and yoghurt


Superfoods — What are they?


Green, yellow and orange vegetables




Bananas ,


Nuts — esp walnuts, Brazil nuts and
almonds. , . ‘



' — come along and have some time


When: Tuesdays and Thursdays just
after midday

Where: Meet at the t[...]Strategies to improve the quality of
your sleep and address common
sleep problems

13‘" August —[...]on can
help you to become more focused,

. rested and let go of worries about the

future and the past.

. Have an awesome week.

Karilyn Andre[...]dinator

ight side) and just had a bone density test.
My doctor called and stated that l have the

)eginning phases of osteo[...]er you may want to discuss this with

Iour doctor and a dietitian. I say this because I,
)elieve that w[...]maintain your bones getplenty of


docs/2109_20[...]like [eat a lot. leaf about three cookies
a day, and apieces of fruit. I am about 5’6”

and weight 130 lbs. Someone mentioned that
cancer fee[...]o your diet. Good sources of calcium
nclude: milk and milk products, tofu, wholemeal
ireads, peanuts, broccoli, sardines, baked
Jeans, and spinach Also make Sure you get
;ome sun exposure,[...]b calc rn
iISO get vitamin D from ' gg' 'yok
ish, and liver.

sugar per 100 grams of product.

See http[...]DABBCC256DDBOOGD9AB4I

first thing in the morning and don’t usually drink
coffee for about a half hou[...]Please see the following links: I

Higdon, J. V. and Frei, B. (2006).Coffee and
Health: A Review of

Recent Human Research. Critical reviews in food
science and nutrition, 46,101 — 123. Retrieved
July 12 2009[...]uming vitamin C (found in brOccoli, citrus
fruits and potatoes) with your meals toenhance
iron uptake, and avoiding calcium and bran with

I III/as just wond[...]

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (23)[...]decided to immerse
myself' In their local culture and~watch a
spot of television. Strange, it was Their[...]speeches

to warrant his title as Prime Minister, and
permanent updates about the banal lives of
the great stars on Home and Away.

One such instance of Home and Away
trivia did manage to capture my attention.
U[...]UES! She’d
accomplished what few Australians do and
broken out of her role on evening national
television and cracked the American box
office! For Australians,[...]tralia she' Is being hailed as
the second Christ, andand seeking
out fashionable and untaken world issues
to promote. This incident wi[...]s
trying to show— how global issues are
adopted and discarded by the media
and more specifically, celebrities, as

part of creat[...]e Body Shop
used to promote "no animal testing” and
campaign fer animal rights, but now that

that’[...]bit old hat they've moved
onto “sustainability" and “fair trade" products.
The problem with discard[...]" to promote is that it gives a
sense of finality and conclusion — that it’ s no
longer a problem.[...]nimals
are still being used for cosmetics testing and
AIDS? Yeah, still happening you’ll be shocked
-[...]1994 with 23 countries
' supporting the agreement and only Japan
opposing it. This means all whaling wa[...]ed
in accordance withwhere whales largely
migrate and breed. Perhaps it was this
supposed triumph that[...]gely acknowledged that Japan has
crossed the line and they are not really
abiding by the MOS decree. In[...]ling boats still
catch hundreds of whales a year, and avoid

outright condemnation because they claim
t[...]“Japanese I mean the Japanese
whaling industry- andand have gone to
great lengths to—protest and plead to their
government to stop whaling.

I gue[...]; forgotten, tossed out our old
tattered sneakers and‘bought a pair of
chucks. Whaling? We sorted tha[...]op becoming problems
when Bono gets bored of them and moves

onto something else more fashionable.

Hob[...]waxes paulitical on paultics,
paulitical figures and paulitical

National will haVe its Work CUT OU[...]t in Key‘s cabinet

Of their own With voters. i and little more than a couple of Minister/

I Associa[...]uld have played a much stronger hand

I than that and, at the time, thought they were

I mad. Looking a[...]nally well into ACT’s

I lap the last few weeks and! wont be surprised if

I there' Is more to come.

I be locked up and the key throIIVn away. There
is widespread concer[...]ats a mafiiyely

complicated issue really simply and perhaps

I than simply roll back t[...]current law which
I cla‘ifiies things further (and allows for a light

I smack). As l'wrote a couple[...]go,

I I personally think the current law is fine and I

I evidence from'police etc backs that up. But[...]75% '
I response to the referendum Is inadequate, and .. I are in favour of this “tough oncrime" appr[...]dI BC Ion. Keys ShOl’ " e m Successhas been hIS and “g I t w l
r t tt r , ~
leXtI eIIler CleaI IeIa[...]s how worried we I if theywill take the high road and stick to
themselves Secondly, with Key tiptoein‘g down I and backIng It up With a prIvate member’s bill :rea[...]about giving “power" to the I I research debate and facts or sell out and
. I . . . . I ‘ 9°
I with the populous and claim ACT's idea as their

the middle of the poli[...]I'SI aII‘EI' they I I“TI'IJ'99 SWISS" 0110 I

and surged ahead In the 2008 election to- I claim, la[...]the party I parents want which IS cIarify what Is and Isn t ' :National when they signed up as a parther to 'V Ijgame and ACT are show‘ls agehtsapito 99 a
vote and seats' In parliament than most people I appropdat'e correction, and yes, a' smack would I the government. National ar[...]here National are I Isceptical about such an idea and- -__oniy agreed to I :partner, buty la n 9 am :II[...]ld I. result' In god; yiiig 9| 93 Sr: necessariiy
and held ACT at arm’S length in post-election :law to lt’=s current version and really don’t want ‘: go to select committee.[...]tivieiy gives National can III-If": I): Vhf99 air and

. negotiationfs to form his. QOvernment Amongst[...]ome people’s pdint of I criminals threetchanCes and if they commit a I their place sodii. U '0 W 0 put them baCK m

: .
~ view the cigrent law' Is ambiguous and rather Ia third serious W offence then they will[...]efore him with pressure from within his
own party and external supporters. Two things
led me to think t[...]tion campaign with a fairlyright-
wing manifesto (and most importantly financial
. backing of those exc[...].—_-..I—.——....._

I National know this and haven’t, beyond making
I a few minor cha[...]

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (24)There’s no better value than truth. Before we try and find any
other kind of value we need meaning, spe[...]se. The Bible says that God is the
way, the truth and thelight. So even if you believe in a supreme
bei[...]supreme is to identify it with
fact, with reason and sense. We still say other things about God,
like[...]ut that’s just because we want it to be like us and
We don’t know what things about us are importan[...]s other than truth like .


leve,;free- -will and maybe the immortal soul if we feel especially[...]hat we can

tell existence from non— -existence and left from right means

We hold In us .the capacity to appreciate truth. That' 3 why we
matter, and why we don’-.t The only good thing about us is[...]o the most specific. We first analysed the stars and the
seasons, developed astronomy and mathematics, some of the
most general sciences ar[...]matics up through


physics, chemistry, biology and then everything just turns to
f*cking nonsense.[...]it dreams in terms of scientific sounding words I
and missing the entire f*cking point. The‘human bra[...]y then can
we begin to understand human behaviour and the true meaning
behind all those mystical feelings we get from paintings and
chocolate and ass-to—mouth. Until then everybody needs to stop ~
whatever the f*ck else they’re doing and-become a scientist, or
organise a committee of all the people who accept their own
stupidity and unsuitabilityh for a scientific career to do all the other
sh*t like cleaning the toilets, giving blowj*bs and generally just
making the whole enterprise run sm[...]d it, we’ll have so many designer f*cking drugs and,
probably,'genetic modifications available that t[...]Somebody’ll assume they’ve figured it all out
and find some way of adding some dolphin gene to our make- -up
so our brain stays awake for twice as long and it ’ll all be over. _
We’ll find that people[...]enic inserts
perform better on some bullsh*t test and everbody’ll want it before

'there’s even tim[...]re efficiently than ever before, on a
wider scale and at a more fundamental level. We didn’t even

fu[...]hen we created nuclear
weapons, but we went ahead and deployed them. f*cking
monkeys, all of us. Even t[...]nwe need is availability. If we can do something, and:
nobody has yet, then there’ll always be a numb[...]an apocalypse,
but really we ’ll keep expanding and deepening our inflLience

and f*cking and fighting' In a self-reinforcing feedback loop of
population explosions and crashes. l’m f*cking leaving, as soon
as some n[...]of the universe I can reach in a human
life-time, and then I'll just sit there being pissed off in peace and
f*cking quiet, hopefully dying of old age before any Mormons
catch Up with their interplanetary",pedaLships and come knocking.


YOU'RE "tun; W5 one 00[...]

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (25)[...]y, after my
house got broken into way back in May
and my laptop and Vodem were stolen,
what crossed my mind was “Oh[...], pages, blogs, photos,
message boards, games etc and more
being added on a regular basis. There is
som[...]at some people aren’t more aware of
MUSA policy and how much it affects them
as opposed to Facebook p[...]ut whether or not
facebook stimulates interaction and
communication, or whether it stunts
communication and we’ve become lazy

in how we interact. I can un[...].> a 45 .«x ain‘t} t A »- a

“hm—e3 um}


_.WAS ALL LIKE[...]rough the grapevine? Creedence
Clearwater Revival and Marvin Gaye would
be totally upset to hear their[...]lleyway with a trench
coat with a giant newspaper and a camera
but in cyber land. It is that creepy. Stop it.

And if you don’t want to be stalked back,
create a[...]eneration

Y’ers lacking in

censorship skills

and privacy...

that allows a

computer program to t[...]! Cassie thinks
we’re friends!

- William**

** And you’ll
never find me

on Facebook!

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (26)[...]suggest just using a Maggi Nacho
packet next time and nixing the lima
bean completely.

Octob[...]f the tension
that has been rife between yourself
and some of your close friends. This
release of tensi[...]te something weird is going to
happen with flour, and it’s not a baking
related kind of weird.

Cance[...]us little
buggers so beware of strange goings
on, and try not to take anything they do
to heart — the[...]Vanilla Ice

“Alright, stop, collaborate,
and listen. ice is back and
he’s down with Twitterin’.

i used to Facebook
impolitely, but now | Twitter y
daily and nightly. Will

it ever stop? Yo, i don’t
ith Twitter? I mean,
ou just send out
weets, and you

et others people’s
weets. AndAnd why do some people call

. it pizza pie? I[...]


Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (27)[...]2) Overpriced and not that good + Sandwiches and
2) Not vegan enough.[...]4) Eat, "study", and listen to Radio Control.
5) Freya's; it's go[...]5) Homemade and unsliced + French stick.[...]Wed 5pm - and go in the draw to win a $20 book voucher[...]
Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (28) ~:'Editorial and Presidential Meme
:$/~rite Us Your Brain[...]EDITOR
1·tea and Scones with ... OMFG! Naked Samoan Oscar Kightley[...]0 FILM FESTIVAL RUN-DOWN
Cinematic Highlights and Steveo's Film-A-Day
21 Ninja?
22Music[...]25 Deviant
26 Nutrition & Stuff & Things and The Wellness Corner
?1 A Paulitical Paulspet([...]e of What: I HEART FACEBOOK
31 The CHAFF Fun (and) Activity Page[...]king for, visit us at the
University of Otago's Postgraduate Information Evening.

We[...]Please RSVP to Susan Craig
Room 4.01[...]To get a postgraduate information pack and
University of Otago House[...]or visit[...]Otago offers postgraduate programmes in[...]Dunedin, Christchurch, Wellington and by distance.[...]

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (29)[...]It's been a worrying few weeks for MUSA - and[...]to represent and protect it. As

CHAFF[...]- and to each other. If you're not[...]and interests known), then MUSA[...]stay a part of the Association. And since that I blaming the student bod[...]going to have to find real I cqnnected, and now it's getting serious we're[...]- and everyone wants to do better - and if we might be just the boot[...]I you don't entirely know what we do. And so the got no problem with stu[...]- and S0 we're all doing our best righ~ now to[...]work out a) why and b) how to fix it. worth keeping around, and it's the stuff behind doesn't[...]1 most important functions - representation and of quiets at after lectures,[...]fectly understandable one - can be : protection - and it's also the stuff you'd really entertainments on concourse and a hundy or[...]another wallet suckling monster of excess and Massey Council, Academic Boards an[...]waste ..." and surely that perception has to be the[...]of our past and present failure to communicate inst[...]and the cost of it - it's a valuable function, and[...]voluntary, and within two years compulsory[...]MUSA is simply the paper, radio and events, membership was reinstate[...]P and that you're paying your levy each year in[...]disappointed and annoyed.) But here's the[...]and then expect you to go do it; it's here to[...]and guide; and from one that works tirelessly[...]It is Thursday afternoon as I write this and there working for students - often at t[...]working on with NZUSA and the rest of the[...]idents (we have lots 0f campuses) and mostly I don't think students think MUSA is[...]and beliefs around fee increases. It's beeri a[...]o work for them- that + a week and all the sausages you can eat[...]hell of a report to try and sort out in a relatively is the problem. I often think that it might take a and more than a little bit of a headache) but to[...]small period of time and it has been taking up disaster to g[...]enough to live in some cases) and experience[...]and the services we provide are seen as old hat[...]esentative news the SGM failed - and I will agree with the students I talked to,[...]week and this time with an added emergency[...]SGM - again in
The views and opinions i[...]AgHort 2, agai(I at 12pm~and again there will
expressed within CH[...]that we discuss a CPI (Cost Price , And there is a responsibility from the students[...]you, talking about for you guys and again you will
· t 'Massey Universi[...]2 all ~p but we will need at some do and many don't know it is those tw.o[...]1
'l>rihl .iiii' W~nganui, and.. 1agree with man~[...]s cll,mpus that a • wiii\ml?act on them and take no interest, we :[...]

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (30)[...]wt?01lfu

and tne CHAFF letters page!!
Letter of the Week wi[...]TASTY cHuNKs
POTATO TOPPED WITH CHEESE.[...]! and proclaimed "women: you can't live[...]with them, and you can't kill them".
t his is a bit of a rant, but have you looked at[...]of worth to say. and i love every minute[...]akes GREAT FOR MIND AND[...]Tobias and I more alike than i first
$occer fields large en0[...]ots of luggage. Race
9ollars in the past 3 years. And even ~orse than[...]Second, Rantimus Prime hi-t· the Security and[...]and Bounty bars, and due to my metabolism I'm[...]And his shoes are blue
sins as we become more and more imperfect as[...]And our love was all wrong
side MUSA rocks! I paid $170 in '07, and it has[...]reen didn't match my eyes
since come down to $140 and stayed there![...]AND NOW... THE·.
MUSA does for me! Btw, an army of p[...]RECURRING (AND And even though it breaks my heart

soccer provides a[...]And she is a bit of a tart[...]c difference
between them. Make the sandwiches $2 and upon which the reply from[...]these letters. And i realised because i don't care[...]about half an hour of.conversation and told me[...]arrogant, and smiled creepily as your yellow shows[...]

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (31)[...]en9~n'.industry for that to happen, and that's, ksc this a10,,
best known for- hi[...]s Wedding, together and expand your own funniness or your[...]having fun, when you don't really want to leave,
and Spotzah; as well has[...]show's and then you can look back and say you've had
his theatre work with The[...]nine in the morning and having to help clean up,
Oscar was such a cool .[...]not so good. So yeah, it was just a matter'
dude. and we s_poke for so ·[...]the party whi_le we were still enjoying
long, Tea and Scones with unlik[...]it and the chance t9.explore other things. But[...]we've got a bro'Town movie in the works and a[...]1t start and were _[...]·and by then we ~ight feel like bringing the[...]and made about stuff that we could understand,[...]and not just stuff that we could understand but[...]n't nervous, because we didn't have any
sketches,:and animation, an_Gl we're sort of[...]couple of keys there would be its funniness and It's got to work i9r people who have[...]of the stuff that we'd developed tog~ther and
other funny New Zealanders .t hat crack us up;[...]putting it out there. We were excited, and we
people likEfReece Darby, Taika Waititi, and[...]had'.expectations to deal with and it became year~[...]arder. The first time, it was quite exciting and[...]we were sort of ignorant, and quite blissful[...].the year just to make a series of six. and:Pi 1yn-es1an.
tig tc~m~unity?[...]how it is when you are at cool party and you're[...]having a cool time, and then if you stay too long counir1e?s re[...]a box-office winner and there -were-heaps of[...]and around the States on Cable, and people like[...]us and where we're coming from. But 'that's[...]and South Park, Coronation _S treet and S/umdog[...]Millionaire and not be associated with the[...]· 1{s the same "!'.ith bro'To~wn and stuff from New[...]characters and the story even if they don't[...]
Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (32)[...]Whatis The International Non-Aggression and the Lawful Use-of Force Bill?[...]sion will be seen as a crime within and yet still engage in the peacekeeping and[...]against humanity. 1 I'm not going to try and hold an impartial stance The final argum[...]locaust, the
invasion of East Timor by lndQnesia, and[...]is less likely (politicians being to war and should therefore be punished as[...]careful about their own backsides) and if you're r a country, however dispersed and ineffectual
several others are all places in which I think Aggression and the keen on u[...]justified intervention
was not usually the case - and that New
......[...]demonstrating the nature of corrupt leaders and[...]measures by which they may force us to go
Zealand and many other countries often
waged war for less tha[...]of cabinet responsible for fact checking and norln Germany. That is understood.[...]ho determine
in with Israel alongside the British and French.
It was, as far as I ~n see, an act of unj[...]st the decision-making portion of policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag[...]o voice, the
the basis of justified intervention, and I would[...]and holding an individual (or set of the same)[...]do is to tell them they are being attacked, and
pushed for by Kennedy Graham of the Green[...]hat the onus is on justification, not and exposing the country to danger. It works
issue of[...]and methods to refuse to go to war, even if the
The International Non-Aggression and the
Lawful Use of Force Bill is one hell of a mouthful ; If the International Non-Aggression and the government wanted to (like the case[...]I required.
but it is the content of the bill and not the title Lawful Use of Fo[...]
Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (33)[...]case going there and not drinking pee is just[...]champagne and trying to sound hard. ·

YOU'RE A[...]meths!" and not, I don't know, "Double dare METHS
H[...]one is a valid incitement to drink meths and WILL GIVE
If you're either a hobo, hobo-as[...]miles from the Earth and even more millions of
miles from the Opera Houses and Debutante[...]YOU SUPER
methylated spirits through bread_and drink
the non-poisonous remainder a veritable[...]curiosity and tastebuds with a purple squirt[...]Kiwiland is TOTALLY COOL and UTTERLY HIP.[...]of la.ser vision and fast~r-than-light flight.[...]ights or you've been told by a duck, you

to airs and graces. A man with access to a ALREADY[...]to be blind and the gitt of convulsive vomiting.[...]meths is light and refreshing and its bouquet 3. Your girlfriend has just been killed and you
sweetheart is going to know which variety of[...]and delicious.[...]4. You already have superpowers and more
is th_e correct choice of beverage, whereas[...]y.ou, Helen Keller and Stevie Wonder. I know[...]all deaf people have evolved superhuman
And yet,.it's equally embarrassing for him/her[...]on and drink the meths.
kind of urine-stained child. 1':[...]Scientist t And let's make it bright purple
dodge the matter altogether and instead
snuggle up together for a romantic discar[...]Playing Texas Holdem, which was illegal In space and, Ironically, Texas, until 1975.

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (34)[...]on what kind of social issues MUSA and the fact that a number of classes were on,[...]ubway Sandwiches should campaign on and what PfSitions the whic,h shoul[...]break. .
donated to the SPCA and saved the lives of These i~sues[...]mark, and I thir:,k a stronger showing from the m[...]hadn't gone,.and so did·[Vice President[...]udents Administration] Cassie [Rowe];and a lot of The last time a MUSA Sp[...]marijuana is good and they disagreed with that students we[...]they didn't Women's Officer, Reqreation and Leisure Officer,[...]at they were making the decision." and Environmental Officer positions on the[...]and Income New Zealand (WINZ), with part[...]their ability to continue with their studies and[...]tell us, and we continued to[...]and that the real issue was the need for the TIA.
sol[...]"In a time of great economic uncertainty and
courses such as diplomas or university degrees
ar[...]even more valid and necessary and represented[...]s up to $3,862 a year for costs
such as transport and course fees.[...]lives, and will greatly impact[...]teaching and nursing.[...]
Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (35)[...]bike can be hired that's low-key mangled, and the
for $10 week, $75 a semester, or $95 amount of time and labour that's "Prisoners sho~ld be[...]ire-to-own options a rideable standard, and maintaining to be repaired. You could g[...]and parts. They could have a little
The also prov[...]HAFF spoke to Mr. Geary, the workshop and fix them up."
a bike with a bike look, a helmet, and Green Bike Trust had only had the new
bi[...]repairs). three and hired out four. They wouldn'[...]" added Mr. Geary.
MUSA Environmental Officer and They are-now sellfng the recycled[...]Day at The Races
benefits and the environmental
benefits of doing recycled[...]es will be r She is considering having karaoke, and holding
Green Bike Trust purchased the bikes[...]to gain experience vouchers for the girls and Daytona vouchers
Officer Kent Geary, who[...](two at the event, and on·e at Malbas), bus
signal. However, G[...]rides to the racecourse and back to Malbas for
a couple of meetings and therefore had his even know that MUSA wa[...]aying the role of Donald Trump, ,and way more prizes. So as soon as people
letter, he has indeed been busy, but to be and applicants be chosen based on their[...]ie bag, so it's something they have
call and say that you can't make the meeting (after[...]ation). income and TV ratings.[...]name}in hi$ role as the ev81lt9 and activities into the day. Races ar[...]from MUSA reception, Vault, and
that he was willing to stand down early[...]"Last year had a fashion-competition and a , on concourse each Wednesday[...]ost confidence in him, but Robyn Malcolm and a bunch of people from few othe[...]n't. Short/and Street have ooen advertising[...]and because none of them openly hate the[...]
Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (36)[...]this week and grab a[...],. for the race and plan[...]:Association's affairs and finances:[...]1 f [£ Unity and Diversity festival,[...]Unity and Diversity Festival,[...]
Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (37)[...]This was just one part of Weatherston's
and Ferdinand Ambach pr[...]it partially excuses domestic violence, and[...]h Particular Reference to Battered - and was not at the time of'the murder in
the defe[...]nce of defence effectively allowed him and his[...]nment agencies
Many of the newspaper articles and televised[...]ld have otherwise
girlfriend Sophie Elliott - and his rejection of[...]the past would be convicted of murder and
found guilt of murder, Ambach was found[...]trol of an ordinary person, the defendant and the power of self-control provocation and or other mitigating factors be
with Elliot and her coming at him with a pair of but otherwise[...]ile offender, of the power of self-control; and
Ambach's defence argued that he lost control[...]going as far as rape. power of self-control and thereby induced him women who kill their p[...]that there
These two horrific homicide cases and their[...]hose cases because battered women were and the assumption that an ordinary person
of why[...]intained that lashing out in the or impaired and battered women). Secondly,[...]. some form of provocation defence; and finally
provocation .[...]here could be practical problems when
defence and why murder. Finally, and with more relevance to the[...]defence used in Scotland, Wales, Canada and Australia, with their wives -[...]drafting of
life imprisonment in New Zealand, and five occasions between 1978 and 2005, b) or were found in a[...]apital punishment before that*) in cases and numerous times by the English Court of[...]ement for ordinary self-control."
infanticide and "killing pursuant to a suicide Calls for repe[...]hich the provocation defence
three centuries, and has been used to reduce[...]
Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (38),-,

profile nature where the defendant and his much less prominent issue when it's simply
legal team used it to try and portray the being assessed by the judg[...]when you
resulting in great public interest and disgust. are doing it at trial, as in the We[...]case, is that you have a whole trial and issues
defense, though, Law Commission Depu[...]asn't
just shelved. The previous Government and Organizations such as Women's Refuge and
the current G0vernment just haven't taken[...]been that of Wanganui Mayor and media[...]~as. fo~nd.guilty
of a Sentencing Council - and the ·current
Government has scrapped plans[...]of·murder··. _ and ·
Sentencing Council. "Instead," says Dr.[...]he time'
finite sentences where provocation and other
mitigating factors exist."[...]and others is that there is never any[...]s otherwise), claiming he had been is, and we have always said that in some[...](1!]~
looking into the issue for some time, and
that his preference was for such issues to[...]generally in anger, and that is quite a different[...]unavoidable and finally uncontrollable human
"With provocat[...]•·'
[and] it then becomes a trial issue and an of thinking. At the time of its ince[...]elies on violence as an
such as Simon Power and Sophie Elliiot's unavoidable part of human nature - and in
family, have objected to is the way in which doing so diminishes and demeans those
Weatherston and his team used the defence qualities of self-control, reason and mercy
to besmirch the dead girl's character[...]ened very much in the public bark, bite and claw - does little to show that
eye. Dr. Yo[...]g issue would place such hundred years, and paints a grim picture of
character assassin[...]conduct in some abolished in 2002, and replaced ,
circ*mstances would be re[...]

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (39)[...]the referendum wijl use the interest, and discover something different
~ARES'[...]ange having : referendu~ have used scaremongering and for ideas, or try some of these[...]the abuse, which bring I hearts ·and minds of middle New Zealand. • Movies and CDs in the AV
Referendu·m-[...]A group which has been used and blamed room,·Level 2
PERS[...]and misinformation forcing politicians into[...]was change public p~rceptiQn and opinion, it making racist and foolhardy laws with dire[...]with them. It will de legitimise their point and • Food, drink & cooking 641.5
the que[...]tting children for hitting others a one another and Ka Kite Ano.
and sending it back, which I agree with, and viable way to te_ach them not to hit'.7 I[...]thep Mr Ml!)rhead with his full, technical, and during discussion that our perception and Karl Pearce.[...]• Sports and games 790s
.. of what coul<:I be said on the[...]collection (.Level 2) and general books
more about our perception of.[...]w law actually gives four extra
. reasons why and when a parent can hit a[...]government funded, and studies show[...]- Wellington Library has loads of arty and[...]than spanking. All agree It's Library Week, and the theme is 'Escape,
force for the p[...]
Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (40)[...]ARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-[...]: It seems. like Michael Bay and friends really just he also did in the cartoon) in favour of Hugo
Prime, Bumblebee, and a 1 · made the st[...]1 into the film. What's worse, giant robots and in space as some ugly satellite thing[...]1 and even they aren't even done that well. You[...]. : can't help ~ut get confused and 'd isorientated
l ·cedainly drew the short straw[...]: sh*t blowing up, and just bad frami ng of these
screening had already'[...]tly, if Voltron took a dump, robots; Skids and Mudflap. If you
to review something different it[...]comes to the final battle, you can't and can't read. One e~€ln has a gold tooth (I'm[...]recently) the second richest
film. Optimus Prime and the Autobots (good[...]se The sad thing is that people have, and will
hiding all around the. glob.a. Meanwhile, Sa[...]off
to college, and[...]goes ahead. If it was up to me, there
Bumblebee, and his girlfriend Mikaela (Megan •[...]·: Decepticons who are just hidin~ out and hot At 2 hours 4:5 minutes, this fil[...]any trouble). and I actually left \Vith about 20 minutes to go
crazy symbols and suffer a series of mental I[...]Think you know the identity of the
carriers, and American flags give[...]ling a motorcycle with her
ass in the foreg round and poking out
the shortest of shorts. Later s[...]
Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (41)[...]examine art,--photography in particu_lar and her
These three short films by the French[...]films backwards
the subject of still photography and all[...]black-and-white photos chronologically speaking[...]films in question are shown in
The first, n-ewest and oddest film[...]oldest to the more.r:ecent.
is Ydessa, the Bears and Etc., an[...]that : her subjects, and then rephotographed the stills[...]Agnes Varda is a life_long photographer and
~ccumulated the world's largest collection of[...]1 on an animation stand.) Varda and actor Michel[...]ong : 30 years earlier, of a man, a boy and a dead : Piccoli trade voiceover c[...]Screenings at 5.30pm and 8pm at[...]: random children what they make of it and s,ums : theme: Every photo is a pot[...]vailable at the door
survivors, isn't irrelevant, and neither is the 1 up the major news events of that month in 1954. 1 and ~very human life is a sequence of photos before each screening and lasts for[...]exponent of dolphin rights.
subjects they take on and the 1[...]: minutes of heroes and villains, thrilling battle[...]th's chance to thrill to the 47 ,· seque_nces and John Woo turning epic in to[...]umble ·in ttie Jungle' in Soul Power. The
Berlin and Sydney Festivals. Set in early 1960s I[...]1 it was released in 2008 and has been described[...]New Directions highlights first and second time
;md personal adventure through a por[...]and Jack White get together to·J,>lay. and discuss[...]ce called itself the Red Army Faction and from[...]'Incredibly Strange'.
competition and switches between two time Film,[...]s to turn up somewhere else.
periods, the present and 1994. It concerns Score, Costumes and Production Design. French[...]s being "one of the
a director who lost his sight and now writes nave painter Seraphine[...]n & Delilah features a
triggered with an obituary and he recalls the had told her to pain[...]FESTIVAL FILMS
Wellington) and Coco avant Chanel. The former for E[...]ut he comes to the aid of
Tautou as 'Coco' Chanel and covers how a[...]Festivals and the six in the Framing Reality Camin[...]: risks in life and live a little, it seems strange[...]Samson & Delilah
as Worlds of Difference and encompasses 25 1 comedy about modern male alienation and[...]populate the world's dolphinariums and what The Cove
films. This in[...]
Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (42)[...]rly compelling exploration of the dolphin .trade, and the ·
efforts of one passionate individuarto te[...]irst is a torrid expression of predatory instinct and insatiable,
Complex .( 150)[...]s difficulty
A, bold mixture of action thriller and historical reconstruction,[...]lding his day job as a priest-cum-miracle healer, and his[...]combatiye Zhou Yu (Tony Leung) and thoughtful Hongming
the f\lm traces the lifespa[...]night shift as an accidental vamp'ire and fornicating murderer.[...]le resources
called itself the Red Army Faction and from 1968 into the 90s[...]takes his famed eroticization of viol ance, pain and cruelty[...]to new, feverish heights, and garnishes it with deliciously sad*stic[...]· military precision and tremendous invention about them: shields
Ttieir t_
argets were big business and the pro-government media,.[...]his way of obtaining blood supplies, and covets his childhood[...]porcupines.
. and their spectacular tactics established a la[...]
Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (43)[...]the vibes and re- distributing the wealth
12pm.[...]mid-winter immersive ritual
Come down and check out a DJ spinning A[...]r humble crew will endeavor
Mr Mixwell and A Token Whitey spinning hip- Lo[...]tburst of vibrations nine hundred and ninety nine[...]unique, and give YOU the choice,
and much more.[...]ess that is ordini:lrY
Neckstretchrs, and The Kleptics.[...]stabbing people with a massive pole. and balls. Take Aim manages to put an _acoustic
A[...]less forgettable, especially compared and WHere Did All The Love Go? solid songs
Q.on't[...]musical risks they have with this record. And Yes, it sounds like the lads have gone[...]Asylum is something very different and not just minutes worth of album space, w[...]Impaler is plain tragic. Its chants
industry and lesser bands would[...]cymbals, far too many acoustic guitars and
diverged off onto a wild!Y different, but inf[...]Asylum where things begin to get a bit odd and[...]lbum opens witn Underdog. This song is and lead singer Tom Meighan's vocal melody[...]wo tracks, Thick as poor.
establishment and-lit& in-general It's one of the Thieves and West Ryder Silver Bullet are the[...]rock ·or plod,
punchiest songs on the record and Kasabian slower tracks on the album,[...]it themselves into an : in the background and Secret Alphabets is ju,st
a change in aggress[...]se Rosario Dawson (that lady off Sin City). And
title sums up the sentime_nt, but not the sound then, ladies and gentlemen, we have Vlad the It is commo[...]angry Impaler. It's all crunchy guitars and drums like health problems often make piece[...]the next the apocalypse. Add a synth line and vocals that genius. For Kasabian, this albu[...]1e first indication that could incite a riot and you have one of the most some of their most[...]ments of dullness.
camp. It's an instrumental and 'lorne to one of Noel Fielding (fro[...]
Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (44)[...]and hence need a bank! I know you can go in[...]: my bottle of milk and leave? And why do people[...]: Anti-Pak n Save Front (and I do hate that stick-[...]extra
people drive over? I enjoy a bit of up and down , noticed ,what a con[...]their staff-~ bit more. Sunday is even
time and a place; ar:id the journey to Pak n Save[...]they.tried to scan their r~tinas with the Shop and : thinking 'h~oray, I may be nearly bankrupt,[...]longer see it as the 'Lord's
Go scanners and managed t~ fry their brains? 1 but at least[...]he wee·k end is
that I hate the supermarket and want to get the· when even Sc coi[...]fron:i whatever amount you want and they would[...]
Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (45)[...]n this column because they are a and the woman climbs on top facing away : it right, this can be a fun and spontaneous
campus. As I write this, I am[...]to touch the woman, and when both people
this article sucks, blame[...]he Lotus. Based on the picture, I : up, and sets her down upon him. The couple my jaw dr[...]exible to get into this I then rocks back and forth for "an explosive quite complicated, and definitely requires
am so tired of being s[...]ld write about some I woman lies on her back and crosses her legs I is that it can be d[...]have a position is called The Pair of Tongs, and
interesting: sexual positions found in the[...]chest, and holds the position while having your "[...]and feet still on the mattress. The woman
Sutr[...]d supports herself with her left arm, and the
men how to have a happy marriage. The[...]soon as I feel better! on the part of the man, and probably some then steps over the woman's[...]leans back against the up the right leg, and enters her while she
of seven sections, but only section two, called The Milk and Water Embrace also promises wall, and lifts the woman up, and holds her up dangles off the edge of the bed.[...]tails sexual positions. a great org*sm, and includes foreplay to under her butt[...]s herself with to know what this looks like, and it's quite a
Section two also includes det[...]case you fall over, and Finally, if you are looking for a simple[...]place something soft on that is easy and fun to do, try The Tigress.[...]the The man lies on his back on the bed, and the[...]fun to try new positions, and you[...]
Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (46)[...]. 1 in my pants. The music works well, and often
Handsome leads Wu and Fung are all badass : seems to be yoinked directly from Tarantino
Combining guns, swordplay and plenty of 1 cool until their clima[...]is a kitschy gem 1 fu, while impressive and authentic, doesn't : (although since everythi[...]• homage and re-appropriation anyway it's hard[...]treat with humour, action and a warm gooey
and l.'.Or al model Daniel[...]center worthy of a TV-set near you!
Wu), and instate him as
the new boss. When they[...]Break out the popcorn and see it now,
mistake Georgie's straight[...]before Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston
gangster-wannabe flat-[...]SUPPORT
gangsterhood and Georgie[...]h
increasingly in love with
rival-gang princess and[...]hom*ophobic capitalism, there's only one
and bad-boy-with-a-score-[...]a film (and that it receives enough interest
in its first 16[...]online catalogue.
has a small cameo), and
marked the directorial[...]
who co-wrote it and
plays villain Chow with[...]And fill in the required fields with: (A) The
gets g[...]And (B) your pin number (usually the last
and a delightful cast[...]Now simply search for the films title, and
romance and action. The[...]t~dly undermined by her ball comedy, and is not without it's moments I
jriad-boss[...]t loveable Sa~. who's only
wish is to break in, and cling to power despite One ofthe things t[...]ng say it; "Phoenix" is a solid three-and-
to be straight.[...]: touches litter the film, and the
hidden when not being played for laughs (his[...]whole : would recognize as the reversal of
film, and all the romance is reserved for Sam I a technique made famous in "The
and Julie), it's still impressively un-Hollywo[...]
Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (47)[...]. ~~ .) . .

nutrition and some
- quick easy facts and
tips to improve your[...]- Me5lt, eggs, fish, nuts and seeds.[...]itamin C can aid in - come along and have some time
wellness and energy obesity rates![...]red or purple fruits . _ When: Tuesdays and Thursdays just
levels.[...]and vegetables are high in vitamin ·C. . af[...]CUT DOWN - sugar, caffeine and • Red meats and poultry[...]Tuna and salmon[...]ILL affect you in the future. TIPS and HINTS[...]•• Milk and yoghurt WOW (Ways of Wellnes~[...]-iow ~oes what. I eat affect me? now and again but it should not be[...]ollowing: it, and see how you feel.[...]Green, yellow and orange vegetables
nuts, yogurt, crackers and hummus,[...]your sleep and address common
-Jemands of universit[...]cravings and nervousness.[...]and your muscles!! If we don't[...]Nuts - esp walnuts, Brazil nuts and[...]ation • . Sit, eat slowly and savour concentration and less able to fight[...]your food, laugh and enjoy the[...]rested and let go of worries about the
>o I hav[...]future and the past.
I eat fast food[...]• Beef and lamb[...]• Pork and poultry[...]• Veges and fruit[...]- potatoes, kumara, corn, rice and[...]• Cereals and breads.[...]BCC256DPB006D9AB4/ . ·/
ight side) and just had a bone density test. : asp#Pr[...]., .
Wy doctor called and stated that I have the 1 and http:/ /[...]first thing in the morning and don't usually drink
Jeginning phases[...]the medication provided by : a day, and 3 pieces of fruit. I am about 5'6"[...]fruits and potatoes) with your meals to.enhance
tour doctor as well as working on your diet, 1 and weight 130 lbs. Someone mentioned that[...]Higdon, J. V. and Frei, B. (2006).Coffee and iron uptake, and avoiding calcium and bran with
1owever you may want to di[...]meals.
tour doctor and a dietitian. I say this because I;[...]science and nutrition, 46,101 - 123. Re.trieve.d[...]inhefght.
nclude: milk and milk products, tofu, wholemeal[...]Thank yov.
)eans, and spinach. Also make sure you get ,[...]se 0.5 kg to 1 kg per week you
'is~, and liver.[...]vith whc;,le foods), drinking less alcQhol and
iarticipating ht weight be.aring ex[...]factor t>etween drinking,co'ffee and when iron[...]'
. ?9ging, w~ight trait}ing and y6ga}. The reason I ask is because I '1nemic and' am[...]

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (48)[...]here's no better valu~ than trut!J,'Before we try and find,iioy . , , r w1th physical theories. It's a[...]th.e.inea:n1ng of : ptiysic_s, chemistry,.biology and then ev~rything just turns to[...]ing words wider scale and at a more fundamental level. We didn't even
being[...]freaks, you know that tr(!th is paramount. The I and missing the entire f*cking point. The'human brain[...]weapons, but we went ahead and deployed them. f*cking
fact, with reason _and sense. We still say other things about ~od,[...].we need is availability. If we can do something, and-
~ar:i- saying it; btlt that's just because we want it to be like us and we begin to un~erstand human behaviour and the true meaning nobody has yet,[...]l those mystical feelings we get from pair;itings and Since at every point in our developm[...]th, We wanna value chocolate and ass-to-mouth. Until then everybody needs to stoi:[...]will be the ones which win out.
19''@,: free-will and maybe the immortal souf if we fe.el especially[...]-s tupidity and unsuitability" for a scientific career to do all[...]-sh*t like cleaning the toilets, giving blowj*bs and generally just[...]Drugs but really we'll keep expanding and deepening our inflLienGe[...]up. By the time anybody's got the and'f*cking and figh!ing in a self~reinforci~g feedback loop 9f
&[...]an incidental L . Underst'and it, we'll have SO many designer f*cking drugs and, as some nerd invents cheap spa?e[...]they've figured.•it all out life-time, and then I'll just sit there being pissed off in peace and
r:iot valu~ aut'slllves. we ·must.value the -tru[...]s no other truth. Art is sh*t. 1 and find some way of adding some dolphin gene to our[...]: so our brain stays awake for twice as long and it'll all be over. . catch up with their interpla~etarypedal-s_hips and come knocking.
general to 'the most specific.. We·. fif~t analysed the stars,and the. 1. We'll find that people wit[...]1 perform better on.some -~ullsh*t test and everbody'II want it before
11easons, developed astronomy and mathematics, some of the[...]
Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (49) AND· YET~ WHEN ·1 ASKED CASSlE
NOT TO t'OST[...]with quintuplets ...) it seems
and my laptop and Vodem were stolen, Facebook, which[...]every single one of those people, having and privacy...
message boards, games etc and more What happened to the days o[...]t is bound to suck Clearwater Revival and Marvin Gaye would share the same name (I'[...]ebody us/might be gay.
MUSA policy and how much it affects them[...]nd (yeah, you know coat with a giant newspaper and a camera[...]comes to the pranks that often occurs on And if you don't want to be stalked back, - William**
facebook stimulates interaction and Facebook I'm amazed at how many ti[...]eate a profile that is private, so that only ** And you'll
communication, or whether it stunts[...]verything you never find me
communication and we've become lazy read. Cas[...]
Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (50)[...]1 packet next time and nixing the lima[...]I'm not sure if you're the
happen with flour, and it's not a baking recipient or the orches[...]and listen. Ice is back and[...]tweets, and you[...]y crystal ball is showing weird misty daily and nightly. Will tweets. And why
due to your recent work-you-please-[...]pizza? And why do some people call[...]January 21 - February 19
-• on, and try not to take anything they do A sponta[...]and some of your close friends. This k[...]


<p><em>Chaff</em> existed from 1934 to 2012 and&nbsp;was the student newspaper of the Massey Agricultural College Students&#39; Association&nbsp;and, after university status was attained in 1[...]

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03. Massey University Library, accessed 07/06/2024,

Chaff, 76(17), 2009-08-03 (2024)
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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.