21 Canva Fonts for Posters That Instantly Capture Attention (2024)

Summary: In today’s article, I've selected 21 of my favorite Canva fonts for posters. The 3 that I loke the most are:

  • Garamond: Elegant and timeless, perfect for classic themes.
  • Impact: Bold and condensed, ideal for making strong statements.
  • Sego: Sleek and modern, great for clean designs.

Finding the best poster font in Canva can be a fun and easy process. In this guide I'll help you explore Canva's collection of fonts perfect for any type of poster. Whether you're working on a professional presentation or a personal project, the right font makes all the difference. We'll look at options that are bold, modern, or classic, ensuring your poster stands out and communicates clearly. Let's dive in and find the font that'll make your poster pop!

TOP 21 best Canva fonts for posters

  1. Garamond – Free
  2. Impact – Free
  3. Sego – Free
  4. Gotham – Free
  5. Futura – Free
  6. Giaza – Free
  7. Calgary – Canva Premium
  8. Nectarine – Free
  9. Kare – Canva Premium
  10. Vangeda – Free
  11. Shrikhand – Free
  12. Amatic SC – Free
  13. Brasika – Free
  14. Gliker – Free
  15. Cinzel – Free
  16. Lucky Bones – Free
  17. Railey – Free
  18. Gulfs Display – Free
  19. Dream Avenue – Free
  20. Avatar – Canva Premium
  21. Komorebi – Free

1. Garamond

21 Canva Fonts for Posters That Instantly Capture Attention (1)

  • Free or paid:Free
  • About: Ideal for sophisticated and classic designs, offering a timeless elegance with its serif style.

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2. Impact

21 Canva Fonts for Posters That Instantly Capture Attention (2)

  • Free or paid:Free
  • About: Perfect for impactful, attention-grabbing messages, with its strong, condensed letterforms.

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3. Sego

21 Canva Fonts for Posters That Instantly Capture Attention (3)

  • Free or paid:Free
  • About: Great for modern, minimalist posters, providing a sleek, contemporary look with its clean lines.

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4. Gotham

21 Canva Fonts for Posters That Instantly Capture Attention (4)

  • Free or paid:Free
  • About: Versatile and clean, suitable for a wide range of poster themes with its geometric sans-serif style.

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5. Futura

21 Canva Fonts for Posters That Instantly Capture Attention (5)

  • Free or paid:Free
  • About: Excellent for futuristic or minimalist designs, characterized by its geometric shapes and clean appearance.

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6. Giaza

21 Canva Fonts for Posters That Instantly Capture Attention (6)

  • Free or paid:Free
  • About: Giaza is stylish and elegant font, ideal for adding a sophisticated touch to any poster.

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7. Calgary

21 Canva Fonts for Posters That Instantly Capture Attention (7)

  • Free or paid: Free with Canva Premium
  • About: Casual and friendly, perfect for posters with a more informal, approachable vibe.

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8. Nectarine

21 Canva Fonts for Posters That Instantly Capture Attention (8)

  • Free or paid:Free
  • About: Nectarine is beautiful, playful and quirky font, that is great for lively and fun poster designs.

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9. Kare

21 Canva Fonts for Posters That Instantly Capture Attention (9)

  • Free or paid: Free with Canva Premium
  • About: This font is perfect for posters needing a bold, attention-grabbing, and contemporary look.

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10. Vangeda

21 Canva Fonts for Posters That Instantly Capture Attention (10)

  • Free or paid:Free
  • About: Vangeda font is suitable for designs that require a modern, sleek, and clean typeface.

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11. Shrikhand

21 Canva Fonts for Posters That Instantly Capture Attention (11)

  • Free or paid:Free
  • About: With its vibrant and energetic style, Shrikhand is perfect for posters that need to exude boldness, liveliness, and a zest for life.

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12. Amatic SC

21 Canva Fonts for Posters That Instantly Capture Attention (12)

  • Free or paid:Free
  • About: Informal, hand-drawn, and charming, Amatic SC is great for whimsical, artistic, or casual poster designs, adding a personal, human touch to messages and themes.

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13. Brasika

21 Canva Fonts for Posters That Instantly Capture Attention (13)

  • Free or paid:Free
  • About: Brasika is suitable for modern, artistic posters, offering a unique flair that is ideal for exhibitions, art shows, or fashion events.

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14. Gliker

21 Canva Fonts for Posters That Instantly Capture Attention (14)

  • Free or paid:Free
  • About: Gliker is ideal for designs that aim to be fun, energetic, and youthful, making it a perfect choice for children’s events or any casual gatherings.

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15. Cinzel

21 Canva Fonts for Posters That Instantly Capture Attention (15)

  • Free or paid:Free
  • About: Rooted in history, Cinzel is perfect for traditional themes, offering a sense of heritage and timelessness ideal for cultural, educational, or historical posters.

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16. Lucky Bones

21 Canva Fonts for Posters That Instantly Capture Attention (16)

  • Free or paid:Free
  • About: Great for creating a playful, personalized look, ideal for boutique stores, artisanal products, or any poster seeking a hand-made, artisanal feel.

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17. Railey

21 Canva Fonts for Posters That Instantly Capture Attention (17)

  • Free or paid:Free
  • About: Ideal for whimsical, sentimental, or romantic themes, adding a touch of elegance and personal emotion to wedding posters, poetry events, or boutique advertisem*nts.

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18. Gulfs Display

21 Canva Fonts for Posters That Instantly Capture Attention (18)

  • Free or paid:Free
  • About: Bold and impactful, Gulfs Display is perfect for making a strong impact in a sophisticated manner, suitable for high-end product launches or corporate events.

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19. Dream Avenue

21 Canva Fonts for Posters That Instantly Capture Attention (19)

  • Free or paid:Free
  • About: Well-suited for creative and whimsical designs, perfect for art galleries, creative workshops, or any poster that aims to evoke imagination and wonder.

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20. Avatar

21 Canva Fonts for Posters That Instantly Capture Attention (20)

  • Free or paid: Free with Canva Premium
  • About: Avatar offres a contemporary, digital feel that is perfect for tech startups, app launches, or any poster that aims to convey innovation and modernity.

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21. Komorebi

21 Canva Fonts for Posters That Instantly Capture Attention (21)

  • Free or paid:Free
  • About: Ideal for designs that require a sophisticated touch, perfect for spa advertisem*nts, wellness retreats, or any poster that seeks to convey tranquility and elegance.

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Want more poster fonts for Canva?

Check Out More Fonts »

If you want to find more fonts and get access to milions of elements for Canva, browse my favorite site: Envato Elements.

They have all kinds of assets such as:

  • Fonts (40,000+)
  • Stock photos (9,3M+)
  • Graphic templates (270,000+)
  • Presentation templates (110,000+)
  • Stock videos (5,1M+)
  • Video templates (96,000+)
  • 3D elements (210,000+)
  • WordPress assets (6,500+)
  • Royalty-free music (140,000+)

So go ahead and check it out, I’m sure you will find the perfect font there.

How to choose the best Canva fonts for posters?

  • Consider the Poster's Theme: The font should align with the overall theme of your poster. For instance, use elegant serif fonts like Garamond for formal events or sleek sans-serif fonts like Gotham for modern designs.
  • Legibility is Key: Ensure the font is easy to read from a distance. Fonts like Futura or Sego, with clear and distinct lettering, are great for readability.
  • Contrast and Hierarchy: Use contrasting fonts to create a visual hierarchy. Combine a bold font like Impact for headings with a simpler font for body text to draw attention to key areas.
  • Audience Appropriateness: Consider who the poster is for. Fonts like Amatic SC might be great for a children’s event, while something like Cinzel may be more suited for a corporate conference.
  • Test for Scalability: Some fonts look great at a larger scale but lose clarity when scaled down. Check how your chosen font performs at different sizes, especially if your poster will be printed in various dimensions.

What are Canva fonts for posters usually used for?

  • Event Promotion: Eye-catching fonts like Impact are often used to grab attention and promote concerts, festivals, and other events.
  • Brand Awareness Campaigns: Fonts like Gotham can be used to maintain brand consistency and professionalism in posters for marketing and advertising campaigns.
  • Educational Materials: Clear and readable fonts like Sego are commonly used in educational posters, where information delivery is crucial.
  • Artistic and Cultural Exhibitions: Stylish and unique fonts like Giaza or Shrikhand are typically used to add an artistic touch to posters for art shows, gallery openings, and cultural events.
  • Personal Use and Decor: People use various Canva fonts to create posters for personal spaces or events like weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries, choosing fonts that add a personal touch like Railey or Lucky Bones.


Diving into Canva's collection to find the best fonts for posters is exciting. It's all about choosing fonts that look good and work well for what you need. Picking the right font can really make your design stand out.

Garamond, Impact, and Sego are my top choices. Garamond is great for a classic look, Impact is perfect for making bold statements, and Sego is ideal for a modern feel. These fonts aren't just about style; they help your poster send the right message. Remember, the best font depends on what you're trying to show. Have fun trying out different fonts, and let them bring your ideas to life. Happy designing – let your posters shine with your personal touch!

21 Canva Fonts for Posters That Instantly Capture Attention (2024)


What is the attention grabbing font in Canva? ›

Open Sans Extra Bold grabs the attention of your audience, much like that of a headline. These typefaces are tough and straight to the point. The light Cooper Hewitt applied in uppercase is a great contrasting subhead or chapter marker, as is the easy-to-read PT Sans for body copy.

What is the best font for a poster in Canva? ›

Best fonts for posters

Sans-serif fonts are the best option for headlines because they're minimal and bold. As for which specific fonts are best for your poster, it really depends on the aesthetic(opens in a new tab or window) and message of your poster.

What is the most readable font for posters? ›

Because they are simple to see from a distance, serif fonts are a suitable choice for posters. Arial, Helvetica, and Verdana are examples of popular sans serif fonts. Script typefaces can be used for posters as well, but they should be utilized with caution because they are difficult to read.

What font gets peoples attention? ›

Using a Sans-serif font gives you the best readability and flexibility when choosing a font for body text. Most typography experts readily recommend sans-serif fonts for online content. Sans-serif fonts evoke an informality that works well for blogs, personal websites, and casual business cultures.

How do I make my Canva poster look good? ›

Don't overcrowd your poster with too many graphics or too much text. The most memorable posters are simple and clear with white space, visually pleasing information and a call-to-action.

What font should I use for graphic poster? ›

Sans Serif Fonts

For this reason, san serif fonts are the best kind of typeface for poster copy. What is “Sans Serif”? This term refers to fonts that do not have a small “brushstroke” (known as a serif) at the edge of each letter.

What is a readable font for posters? ›

Keep the fonts simple and limit them to no more than two font types. Arial and Verdana are pleasing to the reader's eye. Drop shadow font is not recommended. When choosing colors for your poster, using 2-3 colors will give the best look.

What is the easiest font to read on a poster? ›

Helvetica. Along with Georgia, Helvetica is considered to be one of the most easy to read fonts according to The Next Web. This is a sans-serif font and one of the world's most popular typefaces—a modern classic.

What is the best font for flyers and posters? ›

Fonts which provide maximum readability in printing flyers include commonly used types such as Century Gothic, Verdana, and Helvetica. These sans serif fonts are simple and clean. Sans-serif fonts, unlike serif fonts, don't have little lines underlining the ends of the letters.

What is the most digital looking font? ›

Best Fonts for Digital Media
  • Arial.
  • Lato.
  • Montserrat.
  • Novecento.
  • Merriweather.
  • Nexa.
  • Helvetica Neue.
  • Open Sans.
Nov 28, 2022

What font looks more professional? ›

Recommended serif fonts include Cambria, Georgia, and Times New Roman. Sans serif fonts don't have small strokes attached to their letters, giving them a cleaner and more modern style. Some recommended sans serif fonts include Arial, Calibri, and Verdana.

What is an eye catching font? ›

That's where eye-catching fonts come in—these are fonts that have alluring shapes, bold looks, or playful styles that can help you create unique and memorable designs.

What is wanted poster font called? ›

There are a handful of free slab serif fonts that work especially well for WANTED poster text. Other fonts you may already have installed that work well for a western look include Wanted, Playbill, Rockwell, Mesquite, and Ponderosa.

How do I get textured text in Canva? ›

Head into the “ELEMENTS” tab in Canva. Type in the type of texture you want in the search bar. Browse through elements in both the “GRAPHICS” and “PHOTOS” section. Find one you like, and add it into your design.

How do I make text attractive in Canva? ›

Click on your text and then in the top menu, click on 'effects'. Effects are a great way to make a headline really stand out or to highlight a particular piece of text. Next, let's take a look at animations. To preview, click on the different photo animations(opens in a new tab or window) in the Canva editor.

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.